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Molecular paleontology: Some current advances and problems


Abstract and Figures

Molecular paleontology is the application of molecular analytical techniques to fossil or subfossil material in order to test for the presence of original biomolecules. These molecules may be proteins, DNA, carbohydrates or lipids, or their diagenetic products. Molecular investigations of fossil specimens seek to assess if any original chemical/molecular material persists, whether or not this material retains systematic significance, if molecular preservation can be or is linked to morphological preservation, and to understand degradation patterns for biomolecules that may enter the geologic record.
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Original article
Molecular paleontology:
some current advances and problems
La paléontologie moléculaire :
quelques progrès et problèmes actuels
Mary Higby Schweitzer
Department of Marine, Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, USA
Received 20 November 2003; accepted 15 February 2004
Molecular paleontology is the application of molecular analytical techniques to fossil or subfossil
material in order to test for the presence of original biomolecules. These molecules may be proteins,
DNA, carbohydrates or lipids, or their diagenetic products. Molecular investigations of fossil
specimens seek to assess if any original chemical/molecular material persists, whether or not this
material retains systematic significance, if molecular preservation can be or is linked to morphologi-
cal preservation, and to understand degradation patterns for biomolecules that may enter the geologic
© 2004 Published by Elsevier SAS.
La paléontologie moléculaire est l’application des techniques d’analyse moléculaire à des matéri-
aux fossiles ou subfossiles de façon à y tester la présence de biomolécules originelles. Ces molécules
peuvent être des protéines, de l’ADN, des hydrates de carbone ou des lipides, ou les produits de leur
diagenèse. Les analyses moléculaires de matériels fossiles cherchent à vérifier si quelques structures
chimiques ou moléculaires originelles persistent, si elles conservent ou non une valeur systématique,
et si la conservation moléculaire peut être ou est effectivement liée à la conservation de la morpholo-
gie. Enfin elles permettent de comprendre les voies de dégradation de biomolécules susceptibles de
s’intégrer au registre géologique. Bien qu’il soit exact que les biomolécules riches en information
soient en général dégradées au cours de la diagenèse et de la fossilisation des tissus, bien des facteurs
E-mail address: (M. Higby Schweitzer).
Annales de Paléontologie 90 (2004) 81–102
© 2004 Published by Elsevier SAS.
modulent ces processus de telle sorte que, dans des circonstances très rares, il est possible que des
fragments identifiables des biomolécules originelles soient conservés dans les tissus fossilisés.
Beaucoup d’informations sur les organismes éteints peuvent être révélées par l’étude de ces restes
moléculaires, particulièrement dans la mesure les techniques continuent à gagner en spécificité et
en sensibilité. Grâce au potentiel que ces fragments moléculaires ont conservé pour nous permettre de
mieux comprendre les organismes éteints, les recherches futures devraient porter non seulement sur
l’amélioration des techniques que nous employons pour étudier le matériel fossile, mais aussi sur
l’élucidation des paramètres environnementaux qui contribuent à une bonne conservation, et sur la
compréhension des modifications chimiques potentielles, de façon à mieux lier les produits de
dégradation à leurs molécules d’origine. Ce type d’investigations nécessite clairement d’accroître les
interactions transdisciplinaires et la communication entre divers domaines de recherche.
© 2004 Published by Elsevier SAS.
Keywords: Diagenesis; Fossil molecules; Methodology; Taphonomy
Mots clés : Diagenèse ; Méthodologies ; Molécules fossiles ; Taphonomie
1. Introduction
Molecular information recovered from extinct organisms has the potential to address
many questions about evolutionary history and the fossil record, including the following: If
molecules are preserved across geological time, does the preservation potential vary
between molecular classes? If molecules persist in fossil material, how are they modified
from the living state? What techniques can be employed to optimize our chances for
recovery? Can we distinguish endogenous molecules from exogenous contaminants? What
kind of information can be obtained from these molecules? What depositional environ-
ments favor preservation?What broader implications can be derived from studies of ancient
molecules? And finally, do endogenous molecules persist across geological time?
This review will address these issues in turn, but the primary focus will be on the
survivability and analyses of proteins or their degradation products in fossils, as well as
validating their presence through multiple analytical procedures.
2. If molecules are preserved across geological time, does the preservation
potential vary between molecular classes?
All living organisms consist of four classes of biomolecules; lipids, carbohydrates,
nucleic acids, and proteins. Of these, lipids and carbohydrates or their diagenetic products
have been shown to persist in fossil material for millions of years (e.g. Evershed et al.,
1995; Logan et al., 1995; Stankiewicz et al., 1997a,b). While in general, these two
molecular classes hold the least amount of information with respect to the characterization,
evolutionary relationships, and properties of the organisms that produced them, in some
cases their diagenetic products can be used to indicate the presence of organisms at
higher-level taxonomic divisions. For example, microbial cell walls consist in part of
steroid (lipid)-based compounds (Tritz et al., 1999). The geochemical family of hopane
82 M. Higby Schweitzer / Annales de Paléontologie 90 (2004) 81–102
compounds are the diagenetic products or “fossil” remnants of degradation of these
microbe-specific compounds (Simoneit, 1995,2002), and have been identified in Protero-
zoic sediments as old as 2.9 billion years (Summons et al., 1996,1999; Summons and
Walters, 1990), thus verifying the presence of microbial life at this early stage of earth
evolution. Additionally, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) have been identified as
diagenetic products of lipid-containing compounds produced by living organisms (McKay
et al., 1996), but because they are also produced abiotically (Zolotov and Shock, 2000),
their usefulness is limited.
The majority of carbohydrate-based compounds are relatively simple sugars that are
water soluble and easily degraded. However, carbohydrates can form complex branched
structures that are insoluble and resistant to degradation (Eglinton and Logan, 1991).
Lignins, though not well characterized chemically, are plant structural molecules derived
from carbohydrates (Lehninger, 1975). They are extremely resistant to degradation (Van
Bergen et al., 1994,1995, and references therein). Lignins or lignin-like macromolecules
have been identified in fossil plant tissues dating to the carboniferous or older (Niklas and
Pratt, 1980; Mycke and Michaelis, 1985,1986; Boyce et al., 2002). Chitins are structural
amino-sugars that comprise insect and arthropod exoskeletons and the cell walls of fungi.
Therefore, chitins are an abundant biomarker in soils and sediments, and a likely target for
molecular paleontology. Chitins have survived sufficiently intact as to be identified unam-
biguously in fossil specimens that are millions of years old (Stankiewicz et al., 1997a,b).
Algaenans and sporellins are also extremely resistant carbohydrate-derived molecules that
form cell walls of algae and the resistant coats of spores, respectively, and are recognizable
organic components of the fossil record (DeLeeuw and Largeau, 1993).
All the genetic information needed to specify an organism, whether bacteria, human or
dinosaur (Richards et al., 1995) is contained in molecules of DNA, making it the ultimate
target of most molecular paleontology investigations in the last 20 years (e.g. Higuchi et al.,
1984; Paabo, 1989,1993; Paabo et al., 1989; Jones and Lindahl, 2001; Marota and Rollo,
2002, etc.). DNA consists of a backbone of a five-carbon sugar covalently linked to a
phosphate group, and nitrogenous bases, of which there are four—adenine, guanine
(purines), cytosine and thymine (pyrimidines). The specific order in which these bases
occur determines which proteins are produced and how they function. In addition, the
sequence of bases also holds the evolutionary record of related organisms (e.g. Hedges and
Sibley, 1994; Hedges and Kumar, 2002).
Because DNA is more labile than some of the other classes of biomolecules, and
therefore more subject to degradation, reports of truly ancient (>1 Ma) have been met with
much skepticism (Sidow et al., 1991; Hedges and Schweitzer, 1995, Austin et al., 1997).
Additionally, the DNA that does survive in ancient specimens is highly likely to be
degraded or altered chemically, making analyses difficult (Paabo, 1989; Paabo et al., 1990;
DeSalle et al., 1993; Handt et al., 1994; Vasan et al., 1996; see Fig. 1). However, some
characteristics provide increased stability and resistance to the molecule. First, because
eukaryotic DNA is contained within the double-membrane of the nucleus, it is protected
from strand cleavage by enzymes within the cytoplasm. Sequestration of DNA in the
nucleus also protects eukaryotic DNA from oxidation, as oxygen-requiring reactions are
relegated to the cytoplasm. In addition, the “tertiary” structure of DNA, wrapped around
histone proteins to form nucleosomes, gives it added protection from hydrolytic and/or
83M. Higby Schweitzer / Annales de Paléontologie 90 (2004) 81–102
oxidative bond breakage. Finally, DNA has a very strong affinity for mineral, particu-
larly the apatite in bone (Lindahl, 1993
). Therefore, when DNA adsorbs to bone, it is in
essence removed from solution and greatly stabilized, thus providing resistance to degra-
Proteins are probably the most useful class of molecules likely to be recovered from
fossil specimens. Because proteins are the molecular means by which the instructions
encoded in DNA are carried out, proteins also contain genetic information that records the
evolutionary history of organisms and which can be used to test phylogenetic hypotheses.
Protein molecules consist of 20 amino acid building blocks, and their function is dependent
upon the order in which these amino acids are incorporated into the molecule. Like the
bases of DNA, the order of amino acids is also a record of evolutionary history, and a way
of tracing relationships of organisms (e.g. Gorr and Kleinschmidt, 1993). Amino acids are
organized into long polymers by peptide bonds. The molecular “backbone” links carbon
and nitrogen atoms in the pattern C–C–N–C–C–N, with the various amino acid functional
groups attached to the carbon that follows the nitrogen (alpha carbon). This primary
structure, or order of amino acids in the polymer, determines folding of the protein into a
three-dimensional shape, which in turn determines protein function. Primary structure
determines the secondary, tertiary, and quaternary levels of structure.
Proteins or their amino acid constituents have been identified in specimens dating to the
Paleozoic (e.g. Abelson, 1956; DeJong et al., 1974; Weiner et al., 1976; Stoyanova, 1980).
Immunoreactivity has been demonstrated in fossils dating to the Mesozoic (Collins et al.,
Fig. 1. Potential sites of chemical alteration in DNA. Most bond cleavage is brought about by hydrolytic damage,
although modifications can also be attributed to oxidation or UV radiation damage and pH variations.
Fig. 1. Sites potentiels de dégradation chimique de l’ADN. La plupart des clivages des liaisons sont causés par des
hydrolyses, bien que l’on puisse aussi attribuer des modifications à des oxydations ou à des dommages induits par
les radiations ultraviolettes, ainsi qu’aux variations de pH.
84 M. Higby Schweitzer / Annales de Paléontologie 90 (2004) 81–102
1991; Muyzer et al., 1992; Schweitzer et al., 1997a,b; 1999a,b), and specific amino acid
sequence data has been recovered from fossil tissues dating to ~100–300 Ka BP (Sch-
weitzer et al., 2002). Additionally, some have suggested that protein preservation can serve
as a proxy for DNA recovery (Poinar and Stankiewicz, 1999), making amino acid studies to
serve a dual function.
3. If molecules persist, how are they modified from the living state?
Modification of lipid-based compounds follows relatively straightforward pathways,
resulting in the loss of side chains or functional groups until simple, long chain hydrocar-
bons are produced. Sometimes significant functional groups or patterns are retained,
allowing the source of the hydrocarbon molecule to be identified, as is the case for hopanes,
mentioned above. The ultimate fate of many lipid-containing compounds is incorporation
into kerogens (Collins et al., 1995), ill-defined complexes of degraded organic material.
In general, carbohydrates are easily degraded, water soluble, and the preferred energy
source for many organisms, including degradative microorganisms, and therefore are not
likely to be retained in the rock record. However, structural carbohydrates are much more
durable, and may persist in the form of lignins, chitins, sporellins, or other complex forms.
These molecules are not highly informative, and because of the tendency of carbohydrate-
containing compounds to form insoluble complexes (Rafalska et al., 1991; Vasan et al.,
1996), do not yield readily to analyses.
DNA can be altered in many ways. Exposure to water causes hydrolytic cleavage of the
backbone of the molecule, breaking the long strands of DNA into shorter fragments. Water,
metal ions, or pH extremes can cause removal of the bases from the chain (depyrimidina-
tion or depurination), or removal of the nitrogen groups (deamination) which frees those
molecular regions to form new bonds with exogenous chemicals or intramolecular bonds
(Fig. 1). Additionally, once the backbone is cleaved, the free pentose sugars are susceptible
to cross-linking with other organic or geochemical substances. In other words, over time,
the molecule fragments into small random chunks, or it forms insoluble “knots” that make
the information it does contain inaccessible to analyses. However, this insolubility may
protect small fragments from further degradation and allow the persistence of DNA over
time (Poinar et al., 1998). Other damage that possibly accrues in the DNA molecule
includes conversion of bases—specifically cytosine converting to uracil via hydrolytic
removal of NH
(Lindahl, 1993), resulting in alteration of sequence data, and methylation
of bases. The addition of methyl groups at various points makes the molecule more
susceptible to chemical reactions at those regions. Oxidation of the molecule also causes
changes that interfere with analyses of DNA recovered from ancient or fossil tissues (see
Fig. 1).
Proteins are more likely to be preserved in the fossil record precisely because of their
complex, multi-level structure. The three-dimensional structure of functional proteins is
determined by complex folding patterns. Inter- and intramolecular bonds that stabilize the
molecule at each level of structure must break for the protein to “unfold” to expose
backbone sites to peptide bond cleavage (Fig. 2). Without this unfolding, internal residues
of some proteins are virtually impervious to attack (Eglinton and Logan, 1991), and this
85M. Higby Schweitzer / Annales de Paléontologie 90 (2004) 81–102
Fig. 2. Examples of diagenetic modifications that are possible to observe in protein primary structure. A,
Hydrolytic cleavage of peptide bonds linking amino acid residues together. B, Conversion of serine to alanine
through loss of labile hydroxyl groups. C, Deamination. D, Conversion of any amino acid to the simplest amino
acid, glycine, through loss of functional groups and replacement with hydrogen ion. E, Racemization, or change
in “handedness” from the L-isomer incorporated into the protein during synthesis, to the D-isomer not used in
synthesizing proteins in living organisms. A modification not illustrated here is polycondensation.
Fig. 2. Exemples de modifications diagénétiques que l’on peut observer dans la structure primaire des protéines.
A, clivage hydrolytique de la liaison peptidique liant les acides aminés. B, conversion de la sérine en alanine par
perte de groupes hydroxyl labiles. C, désamination. D, conversion de n’importe quel acide aminé en l’acide aminé
le plus simple, la glycine, par perte de groupes fonctionnels et remplacement par l’ion hydrogène. E, racémization,
ou changement de chiralité à partir de l’isomère L incorporé dans la protéine au cours de sa synthèse en isomère
D, rarement utilisé dans la synthèse protéique des êtres vivants. Une modification non illustrée ici est la
86 M. Higby Schweitzer / Annales de Paléontologie 90 (2004) 81–102
complexity gives some tightly packed or folded proteins greater preservation potential than
DNA. For degradation to occur, these levels of structure must first “unfold”, losing their
specific three-dimensional shape. Once unfolded, fragmentation of the molecule occurs
much easier. Like DNA, protein strand breakage can occur over time, primarily through
hydrolytic cleavage of the C–N bond in the backbone of the molecule, resulting in
fragmentation. Protein diagenesis can take many forms, as illustrated in Fig. 2, with
conversion of one amino acid to another, loss of functional groups, condensation reactions,
methylation or glycosylation, or a host of other enzymatically or geochemically driven
reactions. Condensation reactions, including both Amadori rearrangements and/or Mail-
lard reactions (e.g. Lederer et al., 1998), have particular significance for molecular preser-
vation, in that through the formation of intra- and intermolecular cross-links, these mol-
ecules become increasingly insoluble and inert, not easily susceptible to further
degradation (Vasan et al., 1996). However, the same interactions that act to preserve these
molecular remnants make analyses extremely difficult.
Generally, structural proteins such as collagen are much more resistant to degradation
than globular functional proteins such as hormones or enzymes, and indeed some early
studies indicated that compounds containing peptide bonds can persist in fossils for
millions of years (Florkin, 1969 and references therein; Akiyama and Wyckoff, 1970;
Torres et al., 2002). Additionally, some proteins, like DNA, have an extremely strong
affinity for mineral, and those proteins incorporated into bone, teeth, or other biomineral-
ized tissues are highly resistant to degradation (Glimcher, 1984; DeNiro and Weiner, 1988;
Walton and Curry, 1994; Sykes et al., 1995).
4. What techniques can be employed to optimize our chances for recovery
of informative molecules?
Retrieval and analyses of DNA from extinct organisms has been made feasible with the
development of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technology. PCR employs specific
enzymes designed to generate multiple copies of DNA, and is particularly useful when the
DNA used as templates for this reaction is extremely low in concentration. The generated
copies can then be either directly sequenced or cloned into cells that, when undergoing
replication, also replicate the cloned segments of DNA. Once sufficient copy numbers are
obtained, sequence data can be used to identify the gene or taxon of the source DNA.
However, the products of the PCR reaction are highly likely to be derived from contaminant
sources, because intact DNA from modern contaminants is much more apt to be amplified
by this reaction than damaged and/or modified DNA derived from fossils (Paabo et al.,
1990; DeSalle et al., 1992; Handt et al., 1994; Richards et al., 1995). Therefore, a rigid set
of criteria have been developed to ascertain that DNA is endogenous to fossil organisms,
and not contaminant. The samples selected for PCR analyses must be carefully handled to
avoid as much lab–human induced contamination as possible. External surfaces should be
removed and tissues specially cleaned to remove contaminants, and all stages of prepara-
tion and experiments should be carried out under ultra-clean controlled environments.
Additional criteria to be met include physical isolation of lab facilities, control amplifica-
tion reactions at every stage of the process from extraction to end products, direct cloning of
87M. Higby Schweitzer / Annales de Paléontologie 90 (2004) 81–102
amplification products, and reproducibility of data, both by independent laboratories and
through multiple experiments by the original lab (Cooper and Poinar, 2000). In addition,
phylogenies based upon the sequences obtained from fossil specimens must reasonably
approximate phylogenetic hypotheses obtained by other methods. By these criteria, early
claims of ancient DNA purported to have been recovered from Cretaceous specimens
(Cano et al., 1993; Woodward et al., 1994) have not been supported (e.g. Austin et al.,
1997), and the oldest DNA that is generally accepted as authentic is approximately
40 000–50 000 years BP (Krings et al., 1997).
Because chemical amplification is not required for protein analyses as it is for studies of
ancient DNA, protein studies are less subject to false positives or contamination. Antibody–
antigen interactions can be employed in multiple ways for analyses of fossil tissues.
Proteins in fossil tissues can be identified using antibodies raised against purified proteins
derived from extant sources. The antibodies will bind molecular fragments retained in
fossil material in direct relationship to how similar they are to the extant proteins that
elicited antibody formation. Antibodies can also be raised against chemically extracted
fossil bone, and then tested against a suite of purified extant proteins for relative binding
strength. Antibodies can be applied to chemically extracted fossil material for bulk analy-
ses, and if binding is visualized, the presence of immunoreactive antigen can be verified by
in situ studies on thin (0.5 µm) sections of fossil tissues. Antibodies can also be used to
purify antigenic material from bulk fossil extracts, a necessary step for further analyses that
require more homogeneous substrate, such as amino acid analyses and/or sequencing, or
mass spectroscopy. Finally, antibodies can be used as probes for heterogenous samples, and
can be used to identify and purify other compounds for analyses. For example, antibodies
against DNA can be used to both detect and purify DNA from heterogenous extracts of
fossil material, giving a purified and concentrated sample that increases the probability of
obtaining DNA sequence data from ancient samples.
Other methods can be combined with either of the above as independent verification of
molecular presence in fossils, or to analyze carbohydrate/lipid-based moieties that are not
ideal for antibody work. These include various forms of mass spectroscopy, including
pyrolysis/gas chromatography/mass spectroscopy (py–GC/MS, e.g. Stankiewicz et al.,
1997a,b), time of flight secondary ion mass spectroscopy (TOF-SIMS, e.g. Schweitzer et
al., 1999a,b) or matrix assisted laser desorption mass spectroscopy (Maldi-TOF e.g.
Ostrom et al., 2000; McNulty et al., 2002). An emerging technology that shows promise for
molecular analyses of fossils is atomic force microscopy (AFM), which can probe fossil
tissues for molecular signal either via antibody–antigen reactions (ab–ag AFM) or by force
curve analyses (Kempe et al., 2002).
These techniques and others provide a sensitive and versatile array of tools with which to
examine the fossil record for endogenous molecular signal, but they must all employ rigid
controls, and must provide reproducible data.
5. Can we distinguish endogenous molecules from exogenous contaminants?
The endogenous origin of DNA retrieved from fossil organisms is usually confirmed by
sequence data (see above). If analyses of DNA sequences recovered from fossils results in
88 M. Higby Schweitzer / Annales de Paléontologie 90 (2004) 81–102
phylogenetic hypotheses consistent with those obtained by other methods, if the control
reactions are negative, and if the same sequence data is capable of being reproduced
independently by other laboratories, it is usually judged to be authentic (e.g. Krings et al.,
1997). The chances of preferentially amplifying truly ancient DNA can be increased
through the use of ultra-clean environments. Additionally, PCR primers, small molecules
used to begin the amplification of DNA template molecules, can be designed to be specific
for the gene regions or taxa under study. Thus, preferential amplification of only the target
region, and not that of DNA produced by microbes or likely lab contaminants or human
DNA, is increased.
Endogeneity of proteins can be confirmed in part by choice of antibodies applied to
fossil tissues or extracts. One way to confirm the presence of original protein fragments is
to apply antibodies specific for antigens likely to be present in fossil tissue but not produced
by likely microbial contaminants, such as collagen, osteocalcin, or enamel proteins (for
vertebrates). Antibodies to mammalian collagen I applied to mammoth bone tissues, or
antibodies against enamel proteins applied to fossil teeth would not react at all with likely
contaminants. If binding is demonstrated, the presence of epitopes can be further confirmed
by blocking binding sites on the antibodies with purified extant proteins in excess, then
incubating again with test fossil compounds. If the binding is specific and not random or
artifact, the antibodies should not bind.
Depending upon the type of antibody used (monoclonal vs. polyclonal) and the protein
against which it was raised, these reactions virtually rule out false positives, particularly if
controls are adequately employed. However, an inherent cross-check for positive reactions
is possible by using extracts of fossil tissue to immunize host animals, thereby creating
anti-fossil antibodies. Because antibody–antigen reactions are specific, a positive reaction
of anti-fossil antibodies to purified extant proteins verifies the presence of similar antigenic
material in fossil tissues. For example, positive reactivity of dinosaur tissues to anti-avian
collagen I, and positive reactivity of anti-dinosaur antibodies to purified avian collagen I
would be strong evidence that fragments of collagen are preserved in dinosaur tissues.
Additionally, because antibody–antigen interactions do not require intact proteins, and
can bind epitopes containing as little as 3–5 amino acids (Child and Pollard, 1992),
reactivity can be demonstrated directly on sections of fossil tissues in situ. For fossil
materials that are extremely limited, this means that multiple experiments can be conducted
on sections of minute fragments of tissue. Additionally, in situ immunochemistry provides
a means for verifying results obtained by other means. If endogenous antigenic material
remains in the tissues, it may be damaged or lost after extraction, or contaminants may be
introduced during the extraction procedure. In situ analyses provide a means of testing
fossils without chemical extraction, making it highly likely that positive signal is due to
retention of endogenous molecules. The results can be made even stronger through the use
of antibody blocking experiments, or by applying degradative enzymes to tissues that yield
positive signal. If the antibody binding is destroyed through specific enzymatic degrada-
tion, it verifies the proteinaceous nature of the antigen identified by antibody binding.
Finally, if antibody binding can be demonstrated, antibodies can be used to affinity
purify extracts of fossil tissues. Because other analyses such as amino acid analyses, mass
spectroscopy, or peptide sequencing are greatly enhanced with purified sample, this
provides additional means of independent verification of the presence of endogenous
biomarkers in fossils.
89M. Higby Schweitzer / Annales de Paléontologie 90 (2004) 81–102
6. What kind of information can be obtained from preserved biomolecules in fossil
Because DNA and proteins both contain a record of the evolutionary history of an
organism, their recovery from long-extinct organisms could elucidate or clarify phyloge-
netic relationships between extinct organisms and their extant counterparts, or between
groups of extinct organisms.
Depending upon the type of molecule retained, it may be possible to gain an understand-
ing of aspects of the physiology of extinct organisms. For example, some evidence
indicates that patterns in DNA or hemoglobin (Coates and Riggs, 1980; Perutz, 1983; Zaidi
and Sultana, 1989; Riggs, 1991) may be related to an elevated metabolism. These patterns
may be unimportant for more recent fossils for which closely related extant groups still
exist, but fossils derived from the Cretaceous or earlier times, metabolic strategies are not
so obvious and are still hotly debated (e.g. Ruben et al., 1996; Seebacher, 2003), and
recovery of endogenous molecules may provide important metabolic insights.
Molecules retained in fossils may also be used to provide objective evidence for rates
and direction of evolutionary changes at the molecular level. Tentative hypotheses regard-
ing rates of evolutionary change have led to the proposal that certain genes can be used as
molecular clocks. These “clocks” have been used to project both rates and direction of
genetic change (Runnegar, 1991; Hedges et al., 1996), but not without controversy.
Molecular data from fossils would provide a standard of calibration for molecular clocks.
Finally, retrieval of endogenous molecular data from fossils derived from different ages
and depositional settings has the potential to elucidate processes of molecular diagenesis.
Currently, hypotheses of molecular degradation are based primarily upon bench-top experi-
ments using proteins or DNA in solution under artificially extreme conditions, to which
molecules in the fossil record would never be exposed.A complete and careful record of the
sedimentology, stratigraphy and taphonomy of fossils from which molecules have been
recovered will provide a means of understanding diagenetic modifications to molecules
under natural conditions. This will optimize the chances for molecular recovery in other
fossils by elucidating the environments, and types of fossils most likely to preserve
molecular information, and will confirm current hypotheses of the types and classes of
molecules most likely to persist.
7. What depositional environments favor preservation?
Because under normal conditions, most animal and plant tissues are quickly degraded,
the vast majority will never become fossils. Therefore, in order for biogenic material to
enter the fossil record, conditions must have existed perimortem to effectively suspend
normal degradative processes (Eglinton and Logan, 1991). Rapid burial in a subsiding
environment suspends scavenging, dislocation or dissociation, and may act to reduce
oxidative or UV irradiative damage. If burial is deep enough, even microbial activity is
greatly reduced as environments become more and more anoxic. Burial also restricts
movement, preventing damage and/or dislocation, and forms barriers between the fossil
and environmental factors that contribute to molecular destruction.
90 M. Higby Schweitzer / Annales de Paléontologie 90 (2004) 81–102
Environmental factors that contribute to exceptional preservation, including molecular
preservation, are more stringent than those required for hard-part preservation. Indeed,
environmental factors of all types have been shown to be more important to overall
molecular preservation than absolute age of the deposit (Eglinton and Logan, 1991;
Hagelberg et al., 1991; Tuross and Stathoplos, 1993).
Probably the best examples of conditions resulting in molecular preservation are those
existing in polymerized resins such as amber. Insects trapped in amber are subjected to
rapid dehydration, thus preserving both microstructural detail and original molecular signal
in some cases (e.g. Bada et al., 1999; Wang et al., 1995).
Like amber, tar/asphalt deposits are also naturally desiccating, and show potential for
preservation of molecules in the fossils they contain (Stankiewicz et al., 1997c,1998).
Aolean environments are also conducive to dehydration and molecular preservation
(Piepenbrink and Schutkowski, 1987; Grupe, 1995). Anoxic environments also favor
molecular preservation. The rate of decay, particularly microbially mediated decay, is
greatly retarded under anaerobic conditions. If rates of mineral precipitation outpace rates
of degradation of tissues, it is possible for barriers to be formed between fossils and external
environmental influences such that further degradation is prevented. In addition, preserva-
tion of biomolecules is enhanced in hypersaline environments (Tehei et al., 2002). If
molecules exist in hypersaline solutions in the depositional environment, and these waters
are then subsequently removed through evaporation, the association with or incorporation
into forming salt crystals gives increased stability to biomolecules, providing resistance to
degradation (Tehei et al., 2002).
Surprisingly, however, molecular information has been obtained from fossils preserved
in water-influenced environments. This may occur due to rapid cementation around fossil
tissues, forming concretionary closed systems before degradation is complete. Evidence of
early cementation can be found by examining the sediments surrounding exceptionally
preserved fossils for lack of diagenetic alteration of grains or compaction of sediments.
Low temperatures also contribute to molecular preservation, and indeed, it has been
suggested that low temperatures in and of themselves may be more of a factor in preserva-
tion than age of the fossil (Hoss et al., 1996). Other environmental factors include
protection from pH extremes, and environments that chelate and sequester degradative
metal ions.
Presence of clay in the environment contributes to molecular preservation in two ways.
First, clays in the sediments may act to protect the fossils from water infiltration. Second, it
has been shown that clays greatly limit microbial activity and decrease enzymatic degra-
dation by providing a surface that adsorbs enzymes, and microbes thus inactivating them
(Butterfield, 1990).
Essentially, environmental parameters that contribute to exceptional preservation of
fossil material—i.e. color preservation (Schaal and Ziegler, 1988), soft tissue preservation
(e.g. Kellner, 1996; Briggs et al., 1997; Chiappe et al., 1998a,etc.) mineralogic conserva-
tion (i.e. carbonates preserved as aragonite, rather than undergoing conversion to calcite,
micromorphological integrity (Hagelberg et al., 1991; Eglinton and Logan, 1991; Tuross
and Stathoplos, 1993) or lack of secondary recrystallization or overgrowth all indicate a
suspension of normally occurring degradation. For preservation of endogenous molecular
information, then, it can be stated that any environment that contributes to the sequestration
91M. Higby Schweitzer / Annales de Paléontologie 90 (2004) 81–102
of fossil materials from prolonged hydrologic and degradative influence improves the
chances that molecules may survive.
8. Do endogenous molecules persist across geological time?
Reports of preservation of biochemical or biomolecular signal from fossil tissues goes
back at least as far as the middle of last century. Abelson (1956) demonstrated that amino
acids could be recovered from fossils millions of years old, and Wykoff and colleagues
(Miller and Wyckoff, 1968; Wyckoff and Davidson, 1976,1979) speculated on the presence
of proteins in dinosaur bone based upon the recovery of “gelatin” and on various chemical
analyses of extracts of dinosaur bone. More recently, as technologies become more
sophisticated and our understanding of molecular diagenesis increases, the literature
dealing with the recovery and analyses of biomarkers preserved in fossils has exploded.
Lipids (Cobabe and Pratt, 1995; Evershed et al., 1995), carbohydrates (Van Bergen et al.,
1995; Stankiewicz et al., 1997a,b), DNA (e.g. Cano et al., 1993; Poinar et al., 1993; Cooper,
1994; Cooper et al., 1997; Hagelberg et al., 1991; Tuross and Stathoplos, 1993; Tuross,
1994, etc.) and proteins have been reported. Proteins including collagen (Tuross et al.,
1980; Jope and Jope, 1989; Tuross, 1989; Tuross and Stathoplos, 1993; Baird and Rowley,
1990; Schweitzer et al., 2002, etc.) albumin (Prager et al., 1980; Tuross, 1988,1989; Brandt
et al., 2000), keratin (Gillespie, 1970; Meng and Wyss, 1997; Schweitzer et al., 1999a,b)
osteocalcin (Muyzer et al., 1992; Collins et al., 1991; Nielsen-Marsh et al., 2002) hemo-
globin (Ascenzi et al., 1985; Loy, 1989; Loy and Wood, 1989; Cattaneo et al., 1990,1992;
Schweitzer et al., 1997b) have been identified in fossil bone. While most reports deal with
Pleistocene or recent material, some reports date to the Cretaceous (Armstrong et al., 1983;
Collins et al., 1991; Gurley et al., 1991; Muyzer et al., 1992; Schweitzer et al., 1997b, etc.),
and indeed sterane molecules of clear biogenic origin have been found in archean rocks
(Jackson et al., 1986; Summons et al., 1996,1999).
While a complete review of these reports is beyond the scope of this paper, I will briefly
review some of the results from our experiments that demonstrate molecular preservation in
Pleistocene and Cretaceous specimens.
9. Examples from current research
9.1. Mammuthus cf. M. columbi
Mammoth (MOR 604) bone tissues recovered from Pleistocene terrace glacial se-
quences of eastern Montana (USA) have been dated by uranium series to an interval of
100 000–300 000 years BP. A series of experiments demonstrated the preservation of
identifiable and specific antigenic material in these tissues both when bone was chemically
extracted, and in in situ experiments. In all cases, co-extracted sediments were non-
reactive. The immunogenic nature of the mammoth material was demonstrated by the fact
that when concentrated extracts were injected into host animals, an immune response was
elicited. Additionally, the antigenic material reacted specifically with antibodies against
92 M. Higby Schweitzer / Annales de Paléontologie 90 (2004) 81–102
mammalian bone proteins such as collagen I (Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO) and
osteocalcin (Sigma), indicating that material retaining epitopes consistent with these extant
proteins was preserved in the mammoth bone tissues, and that these proteins were the likely
source of the antigenic material. In situ studies comparing mammoth bone with extant
elephant bone showed that antigenic residues were localized and specific to the bone
tissues, and the pattern of antibody binding compared favorably to that observed in
similarly treated extant elephant bone.
The organic material preserved within mammoth bone tissues also retained some
phylogenetic information. Antibodies raised against mammoth tissues reacted differen-
tially with extant bone chemically extracted in a similar manner. Anti-mammoth antibodies
bound elephant bone extracts with the greatest avidity, and also equuid, felid, cervid,
canine, and aves in decreasing order, roughly consistent with current phylogenetic hypoth-
eses for these taxa. Finally, amino acid analyses conducted by Harvard Microchemical
Facility demonstrated amino acid levels in mammoth bone extracts an order of magnitude
greater than those found in the surrounding sediments, and the collagen specific amino
acid, hydroxyproline, while not present in sediments, was significant in the bone extracts.
When sequenced, the peptides recovered from mammoth bone aligned with data base
values consistent with collagen. These data, taken together present very strong evidence for
the presence of recognizable and relatively intact collagen in these bone tissues. For a
complete discussion, see Schweitzer et al. (2002).
We have also published data from at least three different Cretaceous specimens indicat-
ing the preservation of recognizable endogenous biomolecular fragments in these excep-
tionally preserved specimens.
9.2. Tyrannosaurus rex
An articulated and almost complete Tyrannosaurus rex recovered from Late Cretaceous
Hell Creek Formation sediments (Eastern Montana, USA) demonstrated limited alteration
of internal bone tissues at the elemental and histological levels. The bone tissues showed no
evidence of permineralization or recrystallization, with original crystal orientation intact
and element ratios consistent with that seen in extant bone (Schweitzer et al., 1997a).
Because micromorphological preservation is correlated with the presence of fragments of
endogenous molecular material (Hagelberg et al., 1991; Eglinton and Logan, 1991), we
proceeded with a variety of analytical experiments to test for the presence of biomolecules
in this minimally altered bone. Our data provided evidence for the presence of DNA, and
DNA was capable of being extracted from these dinosaur tissues by multiple investigators
in various labs. However, sequence data did not identify an origin for the source of this
DNA and we could not unambiguously assign it to dinosaurs.
Amino acids and peptide fragments were also identified in bone extracts, and collagen
specific amino acids were tentatively identified. The source of at least some of these amino
acids was verified to be ancient, and consistent with a dinosaurian origin, by chiral analyses
(see Schroeder and Bada, 1976, for a discussion). Dinosaur bone extracts were immuno-
genic, capable of eliciting an immune response in host animals (Schweitzer et al., 1997b).
The antibodies thus produced reacted with purified extant hemoglobins from various taxa.
These data were supported by multiple spectroscopic techniques that demonstrated the
93M. Higby Schweitzer / Annales de Paléontologie 90 (2004) 81–102
unambiguous presence of heme-containing compounds. A complete discussion of the
analyses and results obtained from this dinosaur specimen are presented in Schweitzer et al.
9.3. Rahonavis ostromi
Keratin proteins were the target of two other investigations we performed. A
primitive and basal bird, Rahonavis ostromi
, was discovered in Madagascar with fibrous
material adhering to the pes ungual digits of this extremely well preserved specimen.
Because this fibrous coating was not found on other bones in the quarry or on any
sediments, and because similar fibrous material is associated with keratinous claw sheath
material in extant birds, we proceeded to test this material for retention of identifiable
epitopes derived from keratin.
Extant reptiles and bird keratin differs from mammal keratin. While mammals produce
keratin from one gene family, alpha-keratin, reptiles and birds incorporate both alpha and
beta keratins into most cornified tissues, including claw sheaths. Electron microscopic
images of the fibrous material were compared with those of extant emu claw sheath and
these were similar in nature, both depicting ridged and folded structures consisting of fiber
bundles. Antibodies raised against extant avian alpha and beta keratins were applied to thin
(0.5 µm) sections of extant emu and Rahonavis claw tissues. As controls, normal serum
from rabbits that had not been immunized, and antiserum raised against non-relevant
immunogens, such as human hormones, were also applied under the same conditions
(Fig. 3). Antiserum against both alpha and beta keratins specifically bound to both extant
and fossil the tissues of, whereas all of the controls were negative for binding. In a final
experiment, we incubated the antiserum with chemical extracts of extant feathers to block
the binding sites of anti-beta keratin antibodies. When these blocked antibodies were
applied to both fossil and extant tissues, antibody signal could not be detected. This verified
that the antibody–antigen interactions were specific for these avian proteins, and supported
the hypothesis that material molecularly consistent with beta keratin is preserved in the
fossil tissues. For a complete presentation and discussion of these data, see Schweitzer et al.
9.4. Shuvuuia deserti
A mostly articulated specimen of the enigmatic alvarezsaurid, Shuvuuia deserti,was
recovered by the American Museum of Natural History in 1995 (Dashzeveg et al., 1995).
Phylogenetic analyses places this organism among the basal birds, although this assign-
ment is rather controversial (Zhou, 1995; Chiappe et al., 1997,1998b). During preparation,
small white fibers were noted in the sediments surrounding the skull and cervical regions.
Chemical tests eliminated both plants and fungi as the source of these tissues, and the state
of mineralization they exhibited provided evidence that they were not modern contami-
As above, scanning electron micrographs compared favorably with extant feathers, and
transmitted light micrographs revealed that the fibers were hollow in the center, as are
feathers. Transmission electron micrographs of both extant and fossil tissues revealed fibers
94 M. Higby Schweitzer / Annales de Paléontologie 90 (2004) 81–102
Fig. 3. In situ immunochemistry of 0.5 µm sections of Rahonavis claw material. a, Section incubated with polyclonal antiserum raised against avian alpha keratin. b,
Incubated with antibodies against avian beta keratins. c, Negative control, section incubated with serum from an unimmunized rabbit.
Fig. 3. Immunochimie in situ sur du matériel de griffes de Rahonavis de 0,5 µm d’épaisseur. a, section incubée avec un antisérum polyclonal dirigé contre l’alpha-kératine
aviaire. b, incubée avec des anticorps dirigés contre les beta-kératines aviaires. c, contrôle négatif, section incubée avec du sérum de lapin non immunisé.
95M. Higby Schweitzer / Annales de Paléontologie 90 (2004) 81–102
Fig. 4. In situ immunochemistry of 0.5 µm Shuvuuia fibers. a, Fiber exposed to avian anti-alpha keratin sera. b, Fiber exposed to avian anti-beta keratin antibodies. c,
Shuvuuia fiber incubated with normal (non-immunized) rabbit serum.
Fig. 4. Immunochimie in situ de fibres de Shuvuuia de 0,5 µm d’épaisseur. a, fibre exposée à des sérums anti alpha-kératines aviaires. b, fibre exposée à des anticorps
anti-beta-kératines aviaires. c, fibre de Shuvuuia incubée avec du sérum normal (non immunisé) de lapin.
96 M. Higby Schweitzer / Annales de Paléontologie 90 (2004) 81–102
that measured ~3–6 nm in diameter, or multiples thereof, consistent with the diameter of
extant beta keratin filaments.
In situ immunochemistry, applied as described above, demonstrated that beta-keratin
antibodies bound specifically to the fibers associated with this Shuvuuia specimen and that
controls were negative (Fig. 4). However, alpha-keratin antibodies did not bind to these
fibers or to extant feathers used as controls. Alpha-keratin proteins are not present in extant
mature feathers, and indeed feathers are the only vertebrate structure that consists almost
entirely of beta-keratin proteins alone. These results are consistent with the preservation of
beta-keratin proteins in these feather-like fibers, associated with this specimen. These data
and more are discussed in Schweitzer et al. (1999b).
10. Conclusions
While it is true that informative biomolecules are degraded during diagenesis and
“fossilization” of tissues, many factors influence these processes, and under very rare
circumstances it is possible that identifiable fragments of original biomolecules may be
preserved in fossil tissues. A great deal of information about extinct organisms may be
revealed through study of these molecular remnants, particularly as technology continues
to become more sensitive and specific. Because of the potential these molecular bits have
for increasing our understanding of extinct life, future research should be directed not only
toward improving the technology we employ in the analyses of fossil materials, but also
toward elucidating environmental parameters that contribute to such preservation, and
toward understanding potential chemical modifications so that we can better link degrada-
tive products to source molecules. This level of investigation clearly requires fostering
cross-disciplinary interactions and greater communication between fields of investigation.
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... Additionally, being a large limb bone, it possesses a greater amount of cortical tissue for analyses. These attributes imply this fossil could be a favorable candidate for molecular retention [25,38,39]. Stylopodial and zeugopodial elements of a juvenile American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) served as a modern positive control for biomolecular assays (see Supp for treatment of extant bones prior to analyses below). ...
... At this locality, and based on current information, the best predictor of histologic and soft tissue preservation appears to be bone color: bone tissues that are dark are histologically well-preserved bones and generally yield far greater soft tissue recovery upon demineralization. A correlation between morphologic quality and molecular preservation has been suggested previously [25,38,39,63,64], and our results further support this hypothesis. However, it remains unclear what is causing differential degradation among bones preserved within the same probable mass death assemblage [28,30] in the same horizon of the same geologic stratum. ...
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Endogenous biomolecules and soft tissues are known to persist in the fossil record. To date, these discoveries derive from a limited number of preservational environments, (e.g., fluvial channels and floodplains), and fossils from less common depositional environments have been largely unexplored. We conducted paleomolecular analyses of shallow marine vertebrate fossils from the Cretaceous–Paleogene Hornerstown Formation, an 80–90% glauconitic greensand from Jean and Ric Edelman Fossil Park in Mantua Township, NJ. Twelve samples were demineralized and found to yield products morphologically consistent with vertebrate osteocytes, blood vessels, and bone matrix. Specimens from these deposits that are dark in color exhibit excellent histological preservation and yielded a greater recovery of cells and soft tissues, whereas lighter-colored specimens exhibit poor histology and few to no cells/soft tissues. Additionally, a well-preserved femur of the marine crocodilian Thoracosaurus was found to have retained endogenous collagen I by immunofluorescence and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. Our results thus not only corroborate previous findings that soft tissue and biomolecular recovery from fossils preserved in marine environments are possible but also expand the range of depositional environments documented to preserve endogenous biomolecules, thus broadening the suite of geologic strata that may be fruitful to examine in future paleomolecular studies.
... We therefore now highlight these common themes in a preliminary attempt to constrain diagenetic pathways to molecular preservation. [29,30,109,110]. Black Tyrannosaurus silhouette by Scott Hartman, ...
... To date, this report constitutes only the second study to have geochemically characterized the depositional circumstances of a pre-Cenozoic locality where bones yield [29,30,109,110]. Black Tyrannosaurus silhouette by Scott Hartman, (accessed on 8 August 2021), CC BY-NC-SA-3.0. ...
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Many recent reports have demonstrated remarkable preservation of proteins in fossil bones dating back to the Permian. However, preservation mechanisms that foster the long-term stability of biomolecules and the taphonomic circumstances facilitating them remain largely unexplored. To address this, we examined the taphonomic and geochemical history of Tyrannosaurus rex specimen Museum of the Rockies (MOR) 1125, whose right femur and tibiae were previously shown to retain still-soft tissues and endogenous proteins. By combining taphonomic insights with trace element compositional data, we reconstruct the postmortem history of this famous specimen. Our data show that following prolonged, subaqueous decay in an estuarine channel, MOR 1125 was buried in a coarse sandstone wherein its bones fossilized while interacting with oxic and potentially brackish early-diagenetic groundwaters. Once its bones became stable fossils, they experienced minimal further chemical alteration. Comparisons with other recent studies reveal that oxidizing early-diagenetic microenvironments and diagenetic circumstances which restrict exposure to percolating pore fluids elevate biomolecular preservation potential by promoting molecular condensation reactions and hindering chemical alteration, respectively. Avoiding protracted interactions with late-diagenetic pore fluids is also likely crucial. Similar studies must be conducted on fossil bones preserved under diverse paleoenvironmental and diagenetic contexts to fully elucidate molecular preservation pathways.
... Molecular Paleontology is an interdisciplinary field of study dedicated to the investigation of original complex organic molecules, associated with deep-time fossils, using innovative ultrastructural detection techniques in order to provide important information for the understanding of biology and evolution of organisms and the process of fossilization at the molecular level (Schweitzer, 2003(Schweitzer, , 2004Bailleul, O'Connor & Schweitzer, 2019;Pan, 2020;Voegele et al., 2022). ...
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A lot can be at stake, depending on the choice of words used to describe an emerging science, because terminology affects the way knowledge is developed. Molecular Paleontology is one such area where a wide variety of terms and expressions are being used to refer to their research approaches and objects of study. Thus, this study sought to investigate the frequency of use of recurrent keywords in Molecular Paleontology papers, in order to provide a collection of potential terms that may be useful to guide the choice of descriptors. This is a research carried out with a qualitative-quantitative approach to data. The sample consisted of secondary data, from 4 literature review works, which previously surveyed the papers that claimed findings of paleomolecular traces in different taxonomic groups of vertebrates. Data collection took place through the individual search for keywords and the simple count of their occurrence in each of the analyzed papers. For content analysis, the Word Cloud (WC) graphic method was used from the Infogram platform. In general, 263 keywords were obtained from a total of 45 reviewed papers. Of these, 148 terms were retrieved from 24 papers on non-avian dinosaurs, 79 terms from 14 papers on Cenozoic mammals, 26 terms from 5 papers on Mesozoic birds, and 10 terms from 2 papers on the Pterosauria clade and other Mesozoic marine reptiles. It was observed that the mapping carried out with the support of the WC resource is useful for suggesting terms that can be used as keywords. Thus, this research made it possible, in a preliminary way, to identify terminological and research trends in the field of Molecular Paleontology.
... carapaces). For this reason, they were not replaced by the authigenic minerals present in the sediments during the fossil diagenesis (Schweitzer, 2003;2004;Alves & Machado, 2020Alves, 2022). ...
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The members of the Mammalia class experienced high ecological, morphological and taxonomic diversification during the Cenozoic Era. With technological advances in molecular paleontology in recent decades, many claims for the exceptional preservation of nonmineralized biomaterials have been made for this clade. However, these data are scattered in the literature and have associated such reports with unique and rare events. This study presents a review of the literature published in the last six decades, aiming to investigate the frequency with which vestigial of nonmineralized biomaterials are found in Mammalia fossils. The results identified 79 published studies describing endogenous biocomponents in Metatheria and Theria members. Of these, protein fragments were more frequent in sedimentary deposits (33.3%), and ancient DNA sequences were more frequent in depositional environments more favorable to exceptional preservation (53.1%), such as ice and cave deposits. The data on organic material for mammalian fossils are geographically and taxonomically comprehensive, with the superordinates Laurasiatheria and Afrotheria presenting the largest number of reports. With the emergence and improvement of new techniques for the recovery of organic material, it is believed that paleomolecular information for fossil mammals should increase, in addition to broadening the understanding of taphonomic factors related to exceptional preservation.
... This is evident in the low ∑REE of the tibia compared to many other bones of Cretaceous age (as discussed above), as well as its steep declines in REE concentrations from the cortical margin ( Figure 2A) and very low concentrations of elements with ionic radii similar to that of Ca 2+ (i.e., MREE) in the middle cortex (Data S1). Thus, MOR 2598 adds further support to the assertions of Schweitzer [116], Herwartz et al. [59], and Ullmann et al. [64] that: (1) early-diagenetic cementation of sediments can effectively thwart protracted decay and chemical alteration of bones after burial (presumably by minimizing exposure to percolating groundwaters and the exogenous microbes they carry with them), and; (2) this diagenetic pathway also facilitates rapid molecular stabilization (presumably via the iron free-radical-induced molecular crosslinking mechanism elucidated by Boatman et al. [53]). Fossils from the Standing Rock Hadrosaur Site (SRHS; [47,63,117]) demonstrate that rapid burial in fine-grained sediments with low-permeability and/or encasement in early-diagenetic concretion can similarly hinder the decay of endogenous cells, tissues, and their component biomolecules. ...
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Recent recoveries of peptide sequences from two Cretaceous dinosaur bones require paleontologists to rethink traditional notions about how fossilization occurs. As part of this shifting paradigm, several research groups have recently begun attempting to characterize biomolecular decay and stabilization pathways in diverse paleoenvironmental and diagenetic settings. To advance these efforts, we assessed the taphonomic and geochemical history of Brachylophosaurus canadensis specimen MOR 2598, the left femur of which was previously found to retain endogenous cells, tissues, and structural proteins. Combined stratigraphic and trace element data show that after brief fluvial transport, this articulated hind limb was buried in a sandy, likely-brackish, estuarine channel. During early diagenesis, percolating groundwaters stagnated within the bones, forming reducing internal microenvironments. Recent exposure and weathering also caused the surficial leaching of trace elements from the specimen. Despite these shifting redox regimes, proteins within the bones were able to survive through diagenesis, attesting to their remarkable resiliency over geologic time. Synthesizing our findings with other recent studies reveals that oxidizing conditions in the initial ~48 h postmortem likely promote molecular stabilization reactions and that the retention of early-diagenetic trace element signatures may be a useful proxy for molecular recovery potential.
... If 'normal' bone fossilization processes do not reduce molecular preservation potential to zero, then the pool of fossil specimens that may yield biomolecular material is drastically larger than previously thought (indeed, if this is the case, molecular preservation might not actually be 'exceptional'). Although recrystallization and permineralization have each been hypothesized to possibly promote molecular preservation in fossil bones (via mineral encapsulation [16,101,[125][126][127] and hindrance of microbial infiltration [18,19,128], respectively), it remains premature to claim that 'average' fossil bones constitute favorable paleomolecular samples because this outlook remains based on a sample size of one: Dreadnoughtus humerus MPM-PV 1156-49. All other protein-bearing, pre-Cenozoic fossil bones whose trace element inventories have been characterized to date exhibit less REE enrichment [49,100], and the REE content of all other specimens documented to yield original molecules (e.g., those analyzed by Tuross [125] and Schweitzer et al. [13]) remain unknown. ...
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Evidence that organic material preserves in deep time (>1 Ma) has been reported using a wide variety of analytical techniques. However, the comprehensive geochemical data that could aid in building robust hypotheses for how soft-tissues persist over millions of years are lacking from most paleomolecular reports. Here, we analyze the molecular preservation and taphonomic history of the Dreadnougtus schrani holotype (MPM-PV 1156) at both macroscopic and microscopic levels. We review the stratigraphy, depositional setting, and physical taphonomy of the D. schrani skeletal assemblage, and extensively characterize the preservation and taphonomic history of the humerus at a micro-scale via: (1) histological analysis (structural integrity) and X-ray diffraction (exogenous mineral content); (2) laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (analyses of rare earth element content throughout cortex); (3) demineralization and optical microscopy (soft-tissue microstructures); (4) in situ and in-solution immunological assays (presence of endogenous protein). Our data show the D. schrani holotype preserves soft-tissue microstructures and remnants of endogenous bone protein. Further, it was exposed to LREE-enriched groundwaters and weakly-oxidizing conditions after burial, but experienced negligible further chemical alteration after early-diagenetic fossilization. These findings support previous hypotheses that fossils that display low trace element uptake are favorable targets for paleomolecular analyses.
... Porém, tal termo não diferencia os diversos tipos de achados de materiais orgânicos em fósseis e, portanto, não representa bem o potencial que estes apresentam para as investigações atuais da Paleontologia. Por sua vez, a expressão biomateriais não mineralizados, foco deste estudo, diz respeito às estruturas teciduais, células, moléculas orgânicas ou seus produtos de degradação, a nível de grupos funcionais úteis para rastreamento da molécula original, que não são tecidos originalmente biomineralizados (e.g., ossos), e que de alguma forma não foram substituídos por minerais durante a fossildiagênese (Alves & Machado 2020;Schweitzer 2003;Schweitzer 2004). ...
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Thousands of primitive and diverse fossils birds from Mesozoic and Cenozoic have been discovered around the world. Among these, hundreds of studies have found exceptional preservation of mineralized biomaterials, allowing to expand the knowledge about the ecology and Evolution of birds. However, the Avialae clade presents scarce data regarding non-mineralized biomaterials, and those that have already been identified are dispersed in the scientific publications, associating the idea of the findings with isolated phenomena. This paper presents a review of the literature published in the last two decades, in order to better understand the frequency of nonmineralized biomaterials findings in fossils of the Avialae clade. 12 articles describing original biocomponents for representatives of Anchiornithinae, Confuciusornithidae, Enantiornithes and Euornithes were found. Among these, the molecules of proteins (50%) and melanins (41.7%) showed higher frequency of findings. In general, although the data for the groups were not shown to be taxonomically comprehensive, there was a wide geographic distribution across the globe regarding original biochemicals in mesozoic and cenozoic rocks. However, it is believed that the frequency is underreported and, from the emergence of new technologies, the forecast is that more organic biomaterials will be identified in the fossils.
... DNA, if present, carries the genetic information for each organism, is readily isolated from other material and is easily amplified from trace levels by PCR techniques (Tan and Yiap 2009;Cavanaugh and Bathrick 2018). However, because DNA is generally labile over long periods, and because PCR techniques cannot distinguish between contamination and the original presumed sources, fossil DNA studies are not generally favored (Handt et al. 1994;Schweitzer 2004;Schweitzer et al. 2014). In contrast, protein studies predominantly rely on techniques for extraction, quantification, isolation, identification and histological localization (Gurley et al. 1991;Schweitzer et al. 1997Schweitzer et al. , 2002Avci et al. 2005;Schweitzer et al. 2005b;Smith et al. 2005;Asara et al. 2007;Schweitzer et al. 2007aSchweitzer et al. , 2007bSchweitzer et al. , 2009Buckley et al. 2011;Lindgren et al. 2011;Cleland et al. 2015b). ...
Microstructural and biomolecular preservation is reported in fossils as old as the Triassic. Such preservation suggests unusual taphonomic conditions. We collected fragments of fossil whale bone from silty, tuffaceous, and diatomaceous rocks of the middle-upper Miocene portion of the Pisco Formation. The whale fossils within the region are generally well-preserved and mostly articulated, including some specimens with in situ baleen. Due to the depositional setting associated with the preservation of these fossils, they could be expected to be favorable candidates for the preservation of cellular microstructures and/or original biomolecules. To test this hypothesis, fossil whale bone fragments were subjected to microscopic analysis and EDTA-mediated demineralization to release extractable materials. Microscopy of partially demineralized fossil bones revealed quartz-permineralized osteocytelike and vessel-like structures. Protein assay (micro-Bicinchoninic Acid Assay) of the supernatants obtained from demineralized fossils yielded 12 to 19.5 lg of protein per gram of bone. MALDI-TOF analysis of the extracted protein demonstrated the presence of approximately 5 kD molecules in one fossil sample, consistent with the presence of highly fragmented polypeptides. An LC-MS/MS analysis of the fragmentation pattern of the tryptic digest of extracted protein was performed. However, attempted protein identification was unsuccessful. Nevertheless, this study first documents the microstructural preservation with some silicification of the fossil whale bones of the Pisco Formation, and then quantifies extractable protein from these bones. It adds to the growing body of reports of microstructural and organic preservation in fossils.
In the last 5 decades, paleontological research has exploded where fossils have enabled robust dating of rocks, improved understanding of origination/extinction rates or mass extinction events, biogeography, adaptive strategies, and many more. New molecular technologies have enabled intensive analyses of vertebrates and invertebrates, plant fossils, fossilized microbes, trace fossils, and fossil molecules, alike. Paleontological research has become interdisciplinary with inputs from geology, chemistry, biology, astronomy, and archaeology. Herein, we review the principles of promising molecular technologies and explore their applications and limitations vis-à-vis paleontological research. This review will attempt to provide a roadmap that can be used for future research directions. Advanced chemical imaging provides the ability to identify and quantify chemical characteristics to evaluate taphonomic damage, original biological structures, or fossils microbes. Molecular methods (e.g., molecular clock, DNA barcode, racemization dating, and biomarkers) offer a unique source of information and provide robust clues into the co-evolution of life in modern and past environments. Two main limitations are noted and include an exceptional preservation of the organic material, which is not always the case, and the complexity and cost of the instruments involved in the analyses. These difficulties are limiting the factual applications in paleontological analysis. Although very little research has been carried out on the aforementioned methods, they however, provide improved answers to highly debated and unsolved biological and climatic issues and a window to better understanding the origin of life. Biomarker proxies will be further developed and refined to answer emerging questions in the Quaternary Period.
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In the last few decades, several studies have found exceptional preservation of different original biomolecules in dinosaurs. However, distinct groups of reptiles that dominated airs, seas and oceans in the Mesozoic Era, such as pterosaurs, ichthyosaurs, mosasaurs, notosaurs and plesiosaurs, present scarce data regarding nonmineralized biomaterialsfindings and those that have already been identified are dispersed in the literature, associating the idea of discoveries with isolated phenomena. Thus, this article presents a review of the literature published in the last twodecades, in order to better understand the frequency of claimed non-mineralized biomaterialsfindings in fossils of reptiles from the Pterosauria clade and marine reptiles from the Lepidosauromorpha clade of the Mesozoic Era, often mistaken for dinosaurs by the popular imaginary. The results identified 3 studies describing preserved organic material for representatives of Pterosauria. For marine reptiles of the Lepidosauromorpha clade, were found 8studies, with findings distributed amongthe Ichthyosauria, Mosasauria, Nothosauroidea and Plesiosauria. In general, the data for such groups were not geographically and taxonomically comprehensive in Mesozoic rocks. However, it is believed that the frequency is underreported, and from the emergence of new technologies, the forecast is that fossil biochemistry will be more frequently characterized.
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Pairs of templates and primers were designed so that only recombination events would lead to amplification via the polymerase chain reaction. This approach reveals that lesions such as breaks, apurinic sites, and UV damage in a DNA template can cause the extending primer to jump to another template during the polymerase chain reaction. By comparing sequences of amplification products that were determined directly or via bacterial cloning, it was shown that when the thermostable Thermus aquaticus DNA polymerase encounters the end of a template molecule, it sometimes inserts an adenosine residue; the prematurely terminated product then jumps to another template and polymerization continues, creating an in vitro recombination product. Consequently, amplification products from damaged templates such as archaeological DNA are made up of a high proportion of chimeric molecules. The illegitimate adenosine and thymidine residues in these molecules are detected when cloned molecules are sequenced, but are generally averaged out when the amplification product is sequenced directly. However, if site-specific lesions exist in template DNA or if the amplification is initiated from very few copies, direct sequencing also may yield incorrect sequences. The phenomenon of the "jumping polymerase chain reaction" can be exploited to assess the frequency and location of lesions in nucleic acids.
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Bones from an Arabian site dating back to the 2nd millenium BC have been studied for their special decomposition patterns resulting from desert burial conditions. This bone diagenesis was caused by dissolution and recrystallization processes in the mineral matrix. Also extensive secondary mineralisation by formation of CaCO3 could be found. This secondary contamination with carbonate has to be taken in account within biochemical analyses of excavated bones. Despite the extensive diagenetic changes routine histology could be done on the samples by the use of microradiography.
The allosteric properties of hemoglobins, especially their responses to ligands other than oxygen, vary widely in different classes of vertebrates. Knowing the stereochemistry of the cooperative effects in human hemoglobin, one can infer the stereochemical basis of these variations from the changes in amino acid sequence. The results indicate that the tertiary and quaternary structures of deoxy- and oxyhemoglobin have remained almost invariant during vertebrate evolution and that most of the amino acid replacements between species are functionally neutral. Adaptations leading to responses to new chemical stimuli have evolved by only a few (one to five) amino acid substitutions in key positions. Once such a response has become superfluous, it may be inactivated, not necessarily by a reversal of one of the original substitutions but by any other that happens to inhibit it.
Organic molecules have been detected in many sediments and shales, but structurally preserved biopolymers kept in situ in their anatomical location in fossils, with a lesser possibility of being introduced from outside, should constitute the most reliable material for studies in paleobiochemistry, or the biochemistry of fossils**.
Apparently ancient DNA has been reported from amber-preserved insects many millions of years old. Rigorous attempts to reproduce these DNA sequences from amber- and copal-preserved bees and flies have failed to detect any authentic ancient insect DNA. Lack of reproducibility suggests that DNA does not survive over millions of years even in amber, the most promising of fossil environments.
We have investigated the amino acids in both the bulk matrix and in insect inclusions in tree resins ranging in age from <100 years to 130 million years. The amino acid content of the resin matrix averages about 5 ppm and does not systematically vary with the age of the resin. The amino acids in the matrix are likely derived from either plant cells, or microorganisms, encapsulated when the resin solidified. The amino acid content of the insect tissues entombed in amber is less than that in modern insect specimens; this loss may be the result of oxidation reactions. The amino acid compositions of a fly and bee entombed in 30-40 million year old amber are somewhat different from the amino acid profiles of modern insects; this finding suggests that the preserved amino acid pattern under anhydrous conditions may not be the same as in aqueous environments. The amino acid racemization rate in amber insect inclusions is retarded by a factor of >10⁴ compared to other geochemical environments on the surface of the Earth. This is also apparently due to the anhydrous properties of the amber matrix. The excellent preservation of amino acids in amber insect inclusions suggests that other biomolecules would also be preserved much better than in other geochemical environments. This conclusion is consistent with the reported successful retrieval of DNA sequences from amber-entombed organisms.
Organic-walled fossils are generally explicable as a coincidence of original, relatively recalcitrant, extra-cellular materials and more or less anti-biotic depositional circumstances. One of the most pervasive natural inhibitors of biodegradation results from substrate and enzyme adsorption onto, and within, clay minerals; such interactions are likely responsible for many of the organic-walled fossils preserved in clastic sediments. Close examination of the fossil Lagerstatte of the Burgess Shale (Middle Cambrian, British Columbia) reveals that most of its so-called soft-bodied fossils are composed of primary (although kerogenized) organic carbon. Their preservation can be attributed to pervasive clay-organic interactions as the organisms were transported in a moving sediment cloud and buried with all cavities and spaces permeated with fine grained clays. -from Author
The study of ancient DNA from early in the 1980's is discussed. The techniques of cloning in bacterial cultures proved troublesome and there was virtual impossibility of experimental repetition. In 1985, when the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), was first reported, these experiments then became easily repeatable with the ability to generate literally billions of copies from a single DNA molecule. A problem still encountered with this new technique is that of contamination, and early studies on ancient human DNA were thwarted by the uncertainty of whether contamination by modern humans was occurring. DNA has since been successfully extracted from 17 m.y leaf samples, and from amber-entombed 40 m.y. insects. The application for evolutionary studies is clear, though ancestorial path will be difficult to ascertain. The cloning of extinct species is an unlikely event, though ancient genes may be isolated and introduced into modern species, to mimic an aspect of the extinct species. -R.Gower