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Cancer chemoprevention: A rapidly evolving field


Abstract and Figures

Cancer chemoprevention involves the chronic administration of a synthetic, natural or biological agent to reduce or delay the occurrence of malignancy. The potential value of this approach has been demonstrated with trials in breast, prostate and colon cancer. The paradigm for developing new chemopreventive agents has changed markedly in the last decade and now involves extensive preclinical mechanistic evaluation of agents before clinical trials are instituted and a focus on defining biomarkers of activity that can be used as early predictors of efficacy. This review will summarise the current status of the field of chemoprevention and highlight potential new developments.British Journal of Cancer advance online publication, 4 June 2013; doi:10.1038/bjc.2013.280
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Cancer chemoprevention: a rapidly evolving
W P Steward
and K Brown
Department of Cancer Studies and Molecular Medicine, University of Leicester, Robert Kilpatrick Clinical Sciences Building,
Leicester Royal Infirmary, Leicester, LE2 7LX, UK
Cancer chemoprevention involves the chronic administration of a synthetic, natural or biological agent to reduce or delay the
occurrence of malignancy. The potential value of this approach has been demonstrated with trials in breast, prostate and colon
cancer. The paradigm for developing new chemopreventive agents has changed markedly in the last decade and now involves
extensive preclinical mechanistic evaluation of agents before clinical trials are instituted and a focus on defining biomarkers of
activity that can be used as early predictors of efficacy. This review will summarise the current status of the field of
chemoprevention and highlight potential new developments.
Given the steady increase in global cancer incidence with its
associated morbidity and mortality, together with the spiralling
healthcare costs of treatment, there is increasing interest in
strategies for disease prevention. One approach with enormous
potential is chemoprevention, which is defined as the use of
natural, synthetic or biological agents to reverse, suppress or
prevent either the initial phases of carcinogenesis or the
progression of premalignant cells to invasive disease (Sporn,
1976). Interest in this area of research has markedly increased with
improved understanding of the biology of carcinogenesis and the
identification of potential molecular targets to perturb this process.
Interest has been further stimulated by successes in the
chemoprevention of breast, prostate and colon cancer, and the
fact that there are now 10 FDA-approved (Wu et al, 2011a) agents
for the treatment of precancerous lesions or cancer risk reduction.
Over the past 10 years, it has become apparent that the
definition of chemoprevention should incorporate the concept of
‘delay’, which implies that the preventive effect may last for a finite
period. The rate of tumour development is decreased even if the
incidence eventually returns to that of the untreated population
(Lippman and Hong, 2002), and many years or decades may be
added to human lifespan.
Chemoprevention may involve perturbation of a variety of steps
in tumour initiation, promotion and progression. Numerous
potential mechanisms have been described and attempts have
been made to broadly classify agents according to the effects they
have on different stages of carcinogenesis (De Flora and Ferguson,
2005; Table 1). However, it is likely that many agents, particularly
those that are dietary derived and multi-targeted, will have effects
throughout the carcinogenic process. Compounds that inhibit
cancer initiation are traditionally termed ‘blocking agents’. They
may act by preventing the interaction between chemical carcino-
gens or endogenous free radicals and DNA, thereby reducing the
level of damage and resulting mutations which contribute not only
to cancer initiation but also progressive genomic instability and
overall neoplastic transformation. Protection may be achieved as a
consequence of decreased cellular uptake and metabolic activation
of pro-carcinogens and/or enhanced detoxification of reactive
electrophiles and free radical scavenging, as well as induction of
repair pathways (Yu and Kong, 2007; Valko et al, 2007).
Downregulation of chronic inflammatory responses and the
production of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species may also
contribute to the prevention of cancer initiation. Other protective
processes include modulation of DNA methyl transferases to
prevent or reverse the hypermethylation-induced inactivation of
tumour suppressor genes. Inhibition of histone deacetylases has
also been described among a variety of effects of blocking agents on
epigenetic mechanisms of carcinogenesis (Hauser and Jung, 2008).
Once initiation has occurred, chemopreventive agents may
influence the promotion and progression of initiated cells; such
compounds are often termed ‘suppressing agents’. The major
reported mechanisms contributing to this activity involve the
inhibition of signal transduction pathways (for example, by
targeting nuclear factor (NF)-kB) to perturb the effects of tumour
promoters (Karin 2006), which would otherwise lead to cell
proliferation. In some instances, hormones may promote tumour
*Correspondence: Professor WP Steward; E-mail:
Received 9 May 2013; accepted 10 May 2013; published online 4 June 2013
& 2013 Cancer Research UK. All rights reserved 0007 0920/13
Keywords: Cancer chemoprevention; biomarkers; trials; development
British Journal of Cancer (2013) 109, 17 | doi: 10.10 38/bjc.2013.280 | DOI:10.1038/bjc.2013.280 1
progression, and anti-oestrogens such as tamoxifen can block this
effect (Yager and Davidson, 2006). Recent reports suggest
interference with cancer cell metabolism and energy homoeostasis
via effects on pathways such as AMPK and mTOR signalling may
be an attractive goal for chemopreventive agents (Din et al, 2012).
Other mechanisms of chemoprevention include the induction of
apoptosis and inhibition of angiogenesis (Noonan et al, 2007).
Some potential molecular targets for chemopreventive agents are
shown in Table 2.
Three broad approaches to the clinical use of chemopreventive
agents have been described (Kelloff et al, 1995). ‘Primary
chemoprevention’ involves the administration of agents to the
general ‘healthy’ population or to those without overt disease but
with particular risk factors. Examples may include the adminis-
tration of agents such as oltipraz, which induce phase I or II
enzymes to modify carcinogen metabolism in an exposed
population. ‘Secondary chemoprevention’ involves the identification
of individuals with premalignant lesions and administration of
agents to prevent progression to invasive cancer. This would
encompass the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
(NSAIDs) in patients with colorectal adenomas. Definitions of
primary and secondary chemoprevention vary and some groups
now combine the two scenarios under the term primary
chemoprevention. ‘Tertiary chemoprevention’ is defined as the
administration of agents to prevent recurrence or second primary
cancers in individuals who have undergone successful treatment of
early disease.
The potential impact that chemoprevention could have on the
death rate from cancer is evident from the way this approach has
transformed the incidence of cardiovascular disease (Hansson,
2005). The introduction of drugs that suppress cholesterol
synthesis, modify platelet aggregation or lower blood pressure
has led to a steady fall in heart disease over the past 3 decades. The
rate of cardiovascular disease was almost twice that of cancer for
those under 85 years of age in the mid-1970s, but fell below that of
cancer in 1999 (Figure 1; National Center for Health Statistics,
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2005). The cardio-
vascular community has been aggressive with chemoprevention,
although many of the drugs they use can have serious or
undesirable side effects. The major reason for successful uptake
of preventive interventions has been the demonstration of
measurable markers of increased risk of disease and death, such
as hypertension and hypercholesterolaemia. It is clearly essential to
identify similar measurable risk factors for cancer that will allow
chemoprevention to be focused on subgroups of individuals,
reducing anxieties about potential side effects and providing a
surrogate end point of effective exposure (akin to the reduction in
blood pressure), which may predict a reduced risk of disease.
There has been a major change in philosophy underlying the
selection of promising chemopreventive agents in the last decade.
Initially, selection was predominantly based on observational
studies reporting an association between consumption of pharma-
ceutical (for example, aspirin) or dietary (for example, retinoids)
components in a population, and a reduced incidence or mortality
from cancer. Occasionally, early-phase clinical studies would be
performed to explore duration of dosing and intermediate
biomarkers of efficacy but in the majority of cases (for example,
for beta-carotene) large randomised trials were undertaken,
exploring the relative rates of cancer over many years in exposed
and control populations without such prior information.
In recent years, there has been a more rigorous approach to the
selection of agents for clinical development (Figure 2). Initial
selection may still be based on epidemiological data suggesting an
effect on cancer incidence, but subsequent extensive preclinical
studies, using clinically achievable concentrations in models, which
are relevant to human carcinogenesis, are increasingly undertaken
before clinical trials begin (Scott et al, 2009). Preclinical testing
should comprise a series of investigations, initially utilising in vitro
and in vivo mechanistic assays. These can include measures of the
effect of the agent under investigation on potentially important
processes, such as inhibition of proliferation, modification of
angiogenesis and inflammation or induction of apoptosis. Subse-
quently, in vivo testing may explore the prevention of tumour
development as measured by incidence, overall burden or time to
occurrence. Historically, animal models involved carcinogenic
Table 2. Selected molecular targets of potential chemopreventive agents
(effects may be tiss ue and cell specific as well as dose dependent)
kinases Enzymes Others
Chemokines NF-kBIkBa
Cyclin D1 AP-1 EGFR Xanthine oxidase VCAM-1
MMP9 Egr-1 HER2 Haemeoxygenase ELAM-1
iNOS STAT5 TYK2 GSH-px Bcl-xl
IL-12 PPAR-g JNK P53
IL-8 b-catenin PKA Telomerase
Cyclin D1
Abbreviations: AP-1 ¼ activator protein 1; CBP ¼ CREB-binding protein; COX2 ¼
cyclooxygenase 2; EGFR ¼ epidermal growth factor receptor; Egr-1 ¼ early growth response
protein 1; ELAM-1 ¼ endothelial-leukocyte adhesion molecule 1; EpRE¼ energy per
resource element; GSH ¼ glutathione; GST ¼ glutathione-S-transferase; HER2 ¼ human
epidermal growth factor receptor 2; ICAM-1 ¼ intercellular adhesion molecule 1; IL ¼
interleukin; iNOS ¼ inducible nitric oxide synthase; JAK2 ¼ janus kinase 2; JNK ¼ c-Jun
N-terminal kinases; MDR ¼ multi drug resistance; MMP9 ¼ matrix metallopeptidase 9; NF-
kB ¼ nuclear factor-kB; PKA ¼ protein kinase A; PKC ¼ protein kinase C; PPARg ¼
peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-g; STAT ¼ signal transducer and activator of
transcription; TF ¼ tissue factor; TNF ¼ tumour necrosis factor; uPA ¼ urokinase-type
plasminogen activator; VCAM-1 ¼ vascular cell adhesion molecule 1.
Table 1. Potential mechanisms of chemoprevention
Mechanisms of tumour-blocking agents
Scavenging of free radicals
Antioxidant activity
Induction of phase II drug-metabolising enzymes
Inhibition of phase I drug-metabolising enzymes
Induction of DNA repair
Blockade of carcinogen uptake
Mechanisms of tumour-suppressing agents
Alteration in gene expression
Inhibition of cell proliferation, clonal expansion
Induction of terminal differentiation, senescence
Induction of apoptosis in preneoplastic lesions
Modulation of signal transduction
BRITISH JOURNAL OF CANCER Cancer chemoprevention
2 | DOI:10.1038/bjc.2013.280
exposure but, increasingly, transgenic/mutant rodent models (for
example, Apc
mice for colon cancer, TRAMP mice for prostate
cancer) are now utilised, given their greater relevance to the
complexities of human carcinogenesis (Abate-Shen et al, 2008).
Such in vivo models can provide additional information on
pharmacokinetics and safety. Target tissue levels can be measured
to ensure appropriate delivery, and tissue concentrations
producing an effect can be compared with subsequent human
This can provide a guide to appropriate dosing and scheduling
(Wu et al, 2011a). Increasingly, preclinical testing may be linked to
early-phase clinical trials. Potential biomarkers of activity may be
developed in the laboratory and evaluated in patients with the hope
that they can help determine optimal dose and be used in later
Cancer statistics, 2006
Younger than 85 years 85 and older
Heart disease
Heart disease
Rate per 1 00 000 population
Year of death Year of death
Figure 1. Death rates* for cancer and heart disease for ages younger than 85, and 85 and older, 1975–2004. *Rates are age-adjusted to the 2000
US standard population. National Center for Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2005.
Epidemiology/clinical trials data
Structure–activity relationships
Published evidence of preclinical activity
Basic in vitro screening
in relevant cell models
PK and dose-finding
studies in rodents
In vivo safety &
efficacy studies in rodent
models of cancer
Detailed mechanistic studies
in vivo & in vitro
Biomarker discovery & assessment
Phase I trials –healthy volunteers, window studies in pre-surgery patients
Safety/tolerability assessment, PK, after single & repeat dosing
Phase II trials –Alterations in pharmacodynamic endpoints
Further assessment of safety and side effects
Phase III trials
Development of biomarkers
for monitoring efficacy
Figure 2. Stages in the preclinical and clinical development of potential chemoprevention agents. .
Cancer chemoprevention BRITISH JOURNAL OF CANCER | DOI:10.1038/bjc.2013.280 3
phase studies. Eventually, agents are selected for clinical develop-
ment on the basis of these evaluations and the availability of an
appropriate formulation (oral whenever possible) with minimal or
no potential toxicity and low cost.
Clinical chemoprevention agent development has utilised a similar
model to new drug development in cancer therapy with sequential
phase I, II and III studies (Lippman et al, 1994). Phase I studies
have a primary aim of determining safety and pharmacokinetics
such that a dose and schedule that is well tolerated by participants
can be defined. Some phase I studies may incorporate preliminary
assessments of potential biomarkers of effect (Lippman and Hong,
2002). Exposure is relatively short (usually up to 3 months). The
choice of starting dose and schedule is extremely difficult and may
be guided by preclinical studies. Dose conversions can be used,
which aim to achieve plasma concentrations in humans, which
should be safe and may approximate to levels producing a
biological effect in preclinical models (Brown et al, 2010). PK data
from phase I studies provide the actual levels that are achieved in
humans, and these can be taken back into refined preclinical
models to explore possible mechanisms of effect at clinically
achievable concentrations. Studies may utilise existing drugs such
as aspirin for which there is already extensive human data, and in
this situation rapid progress to phase III trials can be contemplated.
Phase II trials, utilising the optimal dose previously defined,
may follow with the primary aim of exploring, in relatively few
patients, the impact of exposure on a biological end point. When
potential biomarkers of effect are available, these can be examined
in these patients. These trials may incorporate a placebo (phase
IIb) to better define subtle side effects and tolerability, and also to
more accurately measure biological effects.
Phase III trials usually involve thousands of participants over a
long duration. Typically, there is randomisation between the agent
under investigation and a placebo. Modification of a clinically
relevant value, which is usually the incidence of malignancy, is the
standard end point. Such trials may take many years and have huge
Given the length of development of agents for chemopreven-
tion, recent interest has focussed on phase 0 trials. These employ
very low doses of experimental agent and utilise new methodol-
ogies and technologies to study pharmacokinetics at a dose that
minimises any risk of toxicity (Kummar and Doroshow, 2011). It is
hoped that this approach will provide information to help
determine a rational dosage regime for future studies and will
also lead to early termination of the development of agents that
have unfavourable bioavailability, metabolism or distribution.
The long latency of progression from premalignant lesions to
invasive cancer offers the prospect of intervention to prevent
disease. It is also a major obstacle for chemoprevention trials using
cancer incidence as the primary end point, as it may take decades
to obtain significantly different disease rates for an active agent.
This puts a huge burden on trial participants, research infra-
structure and financial budgets. An essential component to
chemopreventive agent development, highlighted by consensus
groups in the United States (Crowell, 2005) and Europe (Gerhauser
et al, 2006), is a need to identify end points, which occur earlier
than cancer, that accurately predict the potential to reduce cancer
incidence. Targeting of these end points would aid choice of doses
and schedules, and provide an early readout of potential efficacy.
Few such easily measurable surrogates have been determined in
carcinogenesis. Many approaches to biomarker selection have been
taken and include the detection of high-risk adenomas or aberrant
crypts in the colon and rectum, mammographic density in the
breast, and changes of intraepithelial neoplasia in the head and
neck and bladder. The Early Detection Research Network of the
National Cancer Institute (United States) has a national pro-
gramme to identify biomarkers associated with carcinogenesis
utilising proteomic assessment of blood and urine (National
Cancer Institute, 2008). An alternative, complementary approach
that may be particularly useful in the early short-term trials would
be to define mechanism-based pharmacodynamic biomarkers that
reflect agent activity and correlate with efficacy in preclinical
models, and determine their utility in humans.
Several large randomised clinical chemoprevention trials have been
undertaken predominantly since the 1980s. There have been
important positive results in breast and prostate cancer and
familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) but also several negative
trials and four (in lung and colon cancer), which have suggested a
harmful effect for the agents under investigation. Many lessons
have been learnt from these experiences in trial design, and
selection of agents and doses for future trials.
Important positive trials. The first trials to show a significant
benefit for chemoprevention were undertaken in breast cancer. The
Breast Cancer Prevention Trial (BCPT) included 413 000 women
at increased risk of breast cancer (Fisher et al, 1998) and
demonstrated a 49% reduction in invasive breast cancer and a
50% decrease in non-invasive disease, with the use of tamoxifen for
5 years compared with placebo. There was, however, a doubling of
the risk of endometrial carcinoma and an increased incidence of
thromboembolic events. Two other trials have been undertaken
International Breast Cancer Intervention Study (IBIS)-1) that
compared tamoxifen against placebo and IBIS-2 that compared
tamoxifen vs anastrozole. IBIS-1 (Cuzick et al, 2007) confirmed the
protective effect seen in the BCPT but, importantly, has
demonstrated that the increased risk of toxicity declined and was
equivalent to that of patients on placebo by 10 years (or 5 years
after tamoxifen discontinuation). Given concerns about the toxicity
of tamoxifen and the effect it had in reducing women’s acceptance
of its use as a chemopreventive, the Study of Tamoxifen And
Raloxifene (STAR) study was initiated to compare these two agents
for their effect on prevention and associated toxicities. Encoura-
gingly, raloxifene was as effective as tamoxifen in reducing invasive
breast cancer but did not increase the risk of endometrial tumours
(Vogel et al, 2006). An update of the STAR trial (Vogel et al, 2010;
increased median follow-up from 47 to 81 months) showed that
raloxifene became less effective than tamoxifen in reducing
invasive cancer but retained its greater safety profile. Both
tamoxifen and raloxifene have obtained FDA approval for breast
cancer prevention. The aromatase inhibitor, exemestane, has also
been shown to have a chemopreventive effect for women with at
least one risk factor for disease. A recent analysis showed a 65%
relative reduction in the annual incidence of invasive disease (Goss
et al, 2011).
Two positive large trials have explored the chemoprevention of
prostate cancer, with cancer incidence as the end point. The
Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial compared the 5a-reductase
inhibitor, finasteride, with placebo given for 7 years in 18 882
men. At the time of analysis, 86.3% of participants had completed 7
years of treatment. There was a 26% reduction in the diagnosis of
prostate cancer in the finasteride arm (Po0.001), but the
protective effect appeared to be limited to lower grade tumours
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(Thompson et al, 2003). There was an increase in the number of
biopsy cases with higher grade disease (1.8% vs 1.1%), which raised
concerns. Subsequent analysis of prostatectomy specimens sug-
gested that this observation was an artefact resulting from the effect
of finasteride on prostate size, which affected the sampling in
biopsy specimens rather than being a true increase (Lucia et al,
2007). Unfortunately, partly because of the initial findings, the
FDA has not approved finasteride for prostate cancer chemopre-
vention. A subsequent randomised trial, the Reduction by
Dutasteride of Prostate Cancer Events, demonstrated that dutaste-
ride (another 5a-reductase inhibitor) reduced the risk of biopsy
proven prostate cancer by 23% compared with placebo but, as with
finasteride, the major benefit was in the prevention of lower grade
malignancies (Andriole et al, 2010).
Preclinical and epidemiological studies have shown huge
promise for the role of NSAIDs to reduce colorectal cancer risk.
Despite this potential, no prospective trials to date have studied the
impact on colorectal cancer as a primary end point. Prospective
randomised controlled trials with cardiovascular disease as the
primary end point have shown, from secondary analyses,
reductions in the development of colorectal cancer and death
from malignancy. The first publication of long-term follow-up of
participants in five trials showed that daily aspirin at any dose
reduced the risk of colorectal cancer by 24% and of associated
mortality by 35% after a delay of 8–10 years (Flossman and
Rothwell, 2007). Subsequently, analysis (Rothwell et al, 2010) using
data from eight randomised trials found that daily aspirin use at
any dose was associated with a 21% reduction in all cancer deaths,
with the benefit only apparent after 5 years. This work was
extended to include an additional 43 randomised trials of daily
aspirin. Cancer death was reduced by 15%, with benefits seen
within 3 years at high doses (X300 mg per day) and after 5 years
for lower doses (o300 mg per day). These data suggest that low-
dose aspirin may reduce the risk of sporadic colorectal adenomas
within a few years but requires 5 years to produce an effect on
invasive cancer and cancer death (Rothwell et al, 2012). At high
doses, however, it appears that aspirin may reduce cancer death
with a direct effect on the growth and spread of established
tumours as well as their initiation, as cancer death was reduced
within 2–3 years following randomisation. Further analysis of five
trials showed that aspirin reduced the risk of cancer with distant
metastasis, particularly for adenocarcinomas ( Algra and Rothwell,
2012). Some patients were included with localised malignancy, and
for those who were assigned aspirin there was a lower risk of
developing metastases during subsequent follow-up.
Questions still remain, however, as to whether aspirin should be
routinely recommended for cancer prevention. The main concerns
are that two large prospective trials, the Women’s Health and
Physicians’ Health Studies (Steering Committee of the Physicians’
Health Study Group, 1989; Harris et al, 2003), were negative and
the cardiovascular trials occurred before cancer screening and
surveillance were routine. Nevertheless, the recent data does
suggest that aspirin can reduce cancer incidence and death, and
this effect is delayed. Hopefully, a clearer guide to the ratio of
benefit to risk will emerge with completion of two ongoing US
For those individuals with hereditary colon cancer (Lynch
syndrome), a randomised study has shown a significant benefit for
aspirin and has led to a second prospective study, which aims to
define optimal dosing (Burn et al, 2011).
Selective COX2 inhibitors were introduced into clinical trials as
an alternative to standard NSAIDs, given their reduced propensity
to induce gastrointestinal toxicity. The initial study in 83 patients
with FAP demonstrated a 28% reduction in adenoma burden
(Steinbach et al, 2000). These results led to the accelerated approval
of celecoxib for the treatment of FAP. Two subsequent trials of
celecoxib confirmed the preventative effect against recurrent
adenomas but both studies were associated with two- to three-
fold increases in serious cardiovascular events (Solomon et al,
2005). A recent study with the fish oil extract, eicosapentaenoic
acid in patients with FAP demonstrated a similar reduction in
adenoma burden to that seen with celecoxib but with minimal
toxicity (West et al, 2010), and this is being further developed.
Important negative trials.
Two of the earliest chemoprevention
trials were based on data linking cancer risk reduction and intake
of carotenoids. These included smokers, with lung cancer incidence
as the end point. The a-tocopherol (vitamin E), b-carotene (ATBC)
prevention study enrolled 29 133 men with a randomisation to
a-tocopherol, b-carotene, a combination of both or a placebo. The
first results were alarming, showing an 18% increased incidence of
lung cancers, increased cardiovascular disease and an 8% increased
overall mortality for those on b-carotene (The Alpha-Tocopherol,
Beta-Carotene Cancer Prevention Study Group, 1994). Subsequent
analysis revealed the adverse effect to be stronger in men with a
modest alcohol intake and smokers of 420 cigarettes daily
(Albanes et al, 1996). Interestingly, prostate cancer incidence and
death were reduced in the vitamin E arms (by 32% and 41%,
respectively). The b-Carotene And Retinol Efficacy Trial included
men with occupational asbestos exposure or men and women who
were current or former cigarette smokers (18 314 participants)
randomised to b-carotene plus retinyl palmitate or placebo. This
was closed early because those in the intervention arm had higher
lung cancer death rates (17% and 28%, respectively) and higher
rates of cardiovascular disease mortality (Omenn et al, 1996).
Further investigation of b-carotene for cancer prevention was
discontinued as a result.
One of the largest prevention studies was the Selenium and
vitamin E Cancer Prevention Trial (Lippman et al, 2009). Men
(35 534) were randomised to receive a-tocopherol, selenium, both
agents and a placebo. Unfortunately, the trial was closed early after
an interim analysis indicated an extremely low likelihood of
producing a positive result. A later report showed a significant 17%
increase in the risk of prostate cancer among those who received
vitamin E (Klein et al, 2011). Detailed analyses were subsequently
undertaken on two smaller previous studies that had suggested a
protective effect from selenium. In both of these, benefit of
selenium was seen but was limited to those with lowest baseline
blood selenium levels (Duffield-Lillico et al, 2002). The benefits
and risks of nutritional supplementation may thus depend on prior
exposure those with marginal or deficient nutrient intakes may
be the group to benefit whereas those whose intake is already
adequate or high may experience harm.
An explanation for the detrimental effects seen in the prostate
and lung prevention trials may thus be the dose of experimental
agent chosen. Selenium and b-carotene are naturally occurring
dietary constituents, which are important in normal human
physiology. It is plausible that a U-shaped dose–response curve
exists where either deficiency or supraphysiological doses may
cause harm. The negative results from these large expensive trials
have led many to reassess the design of clinical chemoprevention
studies and to move towards smaller studies focussing on higher-
risk individuals, and to rely on more detailed prior preclinical
mechanistic evaluation to provide information that may better
guide dose selection.
Chemoprevention is a relatively new field for research. In recent
years, preclinical and clinical development strategies have evolved
so that agents are increasingly selected for further development
based on mechanisms of action rather than relying on historical
epidemiological observations. Many new targets have been defined
Cancer chemoprevention BRITISH JOURNAL OF CANCER | DOI:10.1038/bjc.2013.280 5
including the upregulation of Nrf2, NF-kB and various members of
the STAT family of transcription factors. New agents that target
the cyclin family of cell cycle regulators cyclin D1, D2 and D3
are being actively pursued, as these are often abnormally expressed
in pre-neoplasia. The approach of Short-term Intermittent
Therapy to Eliminate Premalignancy (SITEP) (Wu and Lippman,
2011b) is being investigated and is based on the hypothesis that
intermittent therapy may eliminate premalignant cells through
selective apoptosis induced by synthetic lethal interactions. It has
resulted in efficacy in mouse models of carcinogenesis that result
from APC and KRAS mutations, and is being tested in breast
cancer chemoprevention, based on the synthetic lethality between
the mutated tumour suppressor genes BRCA1 or BRCA 2, and
PARP1 (Fong et al, 2009). Increasing interest is focusing on a move
from single agent chemoprevention to combination approaches.
An important trial combined difluoromethylornithine and sulindac
in 375 patients with a history of resected adenomas and
demonstrated a 60% reduction in recurrence rates (Meyskens
et al, 2008). As with chemotherapy, the hope is that such an
approach will produce a synergistic or additive effect and will also
allow their lowest active doses to be chosen to reduce toxicity.
Although there have been several major achievements in
chemoprevention, there is clearly a huge amount to be done to
mirror the successes seen in cardiovascular medicine. It is
frustrating that one of the agents with great potential in colorectal
cancer, aspirin, still has not been properly assessed in prospective
randomised trials in this disease. Hopefully, important information
will be obtained on its tolerability in large populations from the
recently completed AspECT trial in Barrett’s oesophagus, and this
will move the field forward. Much more work needs to be
undertaken with nutritionally derived agents. It is estimated that
$30 billions is spent on dietary supplements each year (Cohen,
2012) and yet no chemoprevention trials with these have yielded
positive outcomes. An important lesson obtained from experience
with selenium in prostate cancer prevention is the need to
understand the role of these agents in populations with different
endogenous exposure, leading to varying tissue levels before study
One further development that is aimed at reducing the size, cost
and duration of clinical trials, thereby enabling more agents to be
examined, is the selection of higher-risk individuals for inclusion in
studies. Many approaches have been taken to identify clinico-
pathological variables and molecular markers that can predict
which patients may have premalignancy. One current approach
involves modelling germ line and somatic markers of risk and
predictive markers of agent benefit or toxicity such that it may be
possible to personalise cancer prevention.
Hopefully, these developments will lead to larger numbers of
trials that are built on high quality preclinical research and produce
more positive results in the future. It will then be possible for
chemoprevention to take an important role in reducing the risk of
cancer in society.
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Cancer chemoprevention BRITISH JOURNAL OF CANCER | DOI:10.1038/bjc.2013.280 7
... Cancer chemoprevention is a pharmacological modality using natural or synthetic chemical agents to prevent, suppress, or delay the initiation of carcinogenesis or to inhibit premalignant cells from becoming malignant and invasive diseases [45][46][47][48]. Mechanistically, different chemo-preventive agents elicit their chemoprevention by affecting various Pharmaceuticals 2024, 17, 361 4 of 24 molecular steps in different stages of carcinogenesis (initiation, promotion, and development). ...
... They impact multiple molecular targets to prevent, delay, or reverse tumor initiation, promotion, and/or development. They can be classified as either blocking or suppressing agents, with blocking agents defined as targeting cancer initiation events while suppressing agents act to prevent tumor promotion [45,46]. ...
... By inducing the expression of detoxification enzymes, chemo-preventive agents prevent events like mutation, DNA damage, and genetic instability that can initiate neoplastic cell transformation from taking place. The induction of phase II detoxifying enzymes has been elucidated to proceed through activation of the Nrf2-ARE pathway [45,46,49,50]. ...
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Globally, breast cancer is not only the most frequently diagnosed cancer but also the leading cause of cancer death in women. Depending on breast cancer histotype, conventional breast cancer treatment options vary greatly in efficacy and accompanying side effects. Thus, there is a need for more effective and safer strategies that impact breast cancer at all stages. Plant-based natural products are easily available, with them proving effective and inexpensive. Two such phytochemicals are chlorogenic acid and cinnamaldehyde. Studies have shown their efficacy against different molecular subtypes of breast cancers in vitro and in vivo. In this review, we discuss their current status in anticancer research with specific emphasis on chlorogenic acid and cinnamaldehyde. We describe their multiple mechanisms of action in destroying breast cancer cells, their potential uses, and the need for translational applications. We also include future directions for investigations to progress chlorogenic acid and cinnamaldehyde research from bench to bedside.
... With the advent of molecular biology in the field of chemoprevention has remarkably increased due to its enormous potential to perturb the process of carcinogenesis. Cancer chemoprevention involves the use of non-toxic micronutrients, dietary supplements and natural compounds for preventing, inhibiting and reversing the initiation and occurrence of malignancy (Tsao et al., 2004;Steward and Brown, 2013). In recent years, there is an exponential increase in the use of botanical dietary supplements and approximately about 60% Americans use some of these natural products and botanical dietary supplements regularly (Dietz and Bolton, 2011). ...
... The blocking agents are involved in the inhibition of initial stage of carcinogenesis by preserving the native state of DNA. They are found to be efficient in scavenging the free radicals, triggering the DNA repair mechanism, inducing the activation of antioxidative enzymes and inhibiting the interactions of mutagens with the DNA (Shu et al., 2010;Steward and Brown, 2013). However, the compounds that are involved in inhibiting the promotion and progression stages Unravelling the Role of Chemopreventive Agents as Modulators... 219 of carcinogenesis are the 'suppressing agents' and are capable of inhibiting initiated cells proliferative capacity. ...
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Carcinogenesis or tumourigenesis is a multistep process involving dysregulation in the basic cell functioning which is primarily induced by carcinogens owning to the initiation and development of cancer. Environmental exposure, lifestyle choices, infectious agents and inherited mutations are the major causative factors of cancer. Cancer is a major health burden that is diagnosed with 5,85,000 deaths and 1.6 million new cancer cases in the United States in 2014. For the past few decades, there was significant improvement in the treatment of cancer with more effective drugs but identified with unwanted side effects and poor prognosis. However, lack of success with the targeted therapies has led to the adoption of an alternative approach which is safe and avoids the expensive treatment options. Extensive research and advancement in the field of molecular biology has identified the various chemopreventive agents which provide a huge benefit to healthcare providers and thereby halt and prevent the incidence of cancer. Cancer chemoprevention is the use of synthetic, natural and biological agents to reverse, delay, inhibit and prevent the inception and progression of carcinogenesis. Numerous evidences have revealed that the phytochemicals derived from natural products are considered more promising due to their higher efficacy in reducing the risk of acquiring cancer. Cancer chemopreventive agents are further divided into various categories according to their effects on different carcinogenesis stages like the compounds which influence the initiation of cancer are blocking agents and the ones that effect the promotion and progression are suppressing agents. Unravelling the Role of Chemopreventive Agents as Modulators of Carcinogenesis C H A P T E R1 0 Unravelling the Role of Chemopreventive Agents as Modulators... 217 These chemopreventive agents are mainly of natural origin and thereby assumed to be safer than the prescribed drugs. Phytochemicals derived from fruits and vegetables, including ellagic acid, genistein, diallyl sulfide, allicin, 6-gingerol, S-allyl cysteine, capsaicin, lycopene, curcumin, ursolic acid, anethol, silymarin, and eugenol are referred to as chemopreventive agents. As these agents have been shown to inhibit growth factor of signalling pathways, suppress the proliferation of cancer cells, inhibit NF-kappa B, JAK-STAT and AP-1 activation pathways, induce apoptosis, inhibit cyclooxygenase-2, suppressing the expression of anti-apoptotic proteins, inhibit angiogenesis, therefore scientists are further investigating their potential for unraveling them as chemotherapeutic drugs. In the present chapter, we summarize the crucial role of definitive chemopreventive agents in modulating the different cellular processes and signaling pathways to overcome the incidence of cancer.
... Cancer, a clear threat to human health, is a multistep process that occurs as outcome of various factors such as oxidative stress, mutagenesis, epigenetic and immune deregulation, persistent inflammation, etc. and its hallmarks comprise unregulated metabolic and signaling pathways, genomic instability, anti-apoptosis and unregulated cell proliferation, establishment of neoplastic lesions and Brown, 2013). Cancer chemoprevention also involves usage of plant derived drugs to manage and inactivate hazardous effect of reactive metabolites which are involved in the promotion and progression of cancer and related degenerative diseases (Tan and Spivack, 2009). ...
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Plethora of environmental mutagens and genotoxins are prevalent in our environmental surroundings which are posing threat to human health. Entry of these substances in the living cells may lead to the formation of DNA adducts, DNA reactive by-products and production of various reactive species which may cause mutations and defects in the cellular repair systems leading to chemical carcinogenesis. Alternatively, plant-based natural products have shown to exhibit counteracting effects on these mutagens and carcinogens via interfering with their uptake and metabolism. Routinely, varieties of bacterial, plant and animal-based bioassays are being used for assessing the antimutagenic/antigenotoxic effects of phytoconstituents. The most common assays are Ames assay, SOS chromotest, Comet assay, Allium cepa/Vicia faba root chromosomal assay, micronucleus assay, etc. In the present chapter, we have discussed and emphasized the role of diverse assay/test systems which are being employed for evaluation of antimutagenic/antigenotoxic activities.
... According to Cassileth and Deng [9], around 60 % of subjects use complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) such as herbal medicine as a means of prevention or treatment of cancer. The preference for CAM is favored by their accessibility and relatively low toxicity, notwithstanding their ability to stabilize or reverse the carcinogenesis process [10,11]. A significant number of dietary compounds have been reported as anticancer drugs as they are able to inhibit proliferation, cell differentiation, angiogenesis or promote apoptosis [12]. ...
Objectives Sesamum indicum L. seeds; rich in zinc and lignans are endowed with antioxidant and immunomodulatory properties which attract research on their anticancer potential. Although many studies have reported the in vitro antitumor potential of S. indicum and its phytoconstituents, much is yet to be known about its in vivo effects. To fill this gap, the effects of dietary supplementation with seeds of S. indicum in 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene-exposed rats was assessed. Methods 42 rats aged 30–35 days were randomized into six groups (n=6) as follows: the normal (NOR) and negative (DMBA) control groups were fed with standard diet; the positive control group (DMBA + Zinc) was fed with standard diet supplemented with commercial zinc (0.01 %); the test groups were fed with standard diet supplemented with S. indicum seeds in different proportions (6.25 , 12.5 and 25 %). Breast cancer was induced by a single administration of DMBA (50 mg/kg BW, s.c. ) diluted in corn oil. The experiment lasted 20 weeks and afterward, tumor incidence; tumor burden, tumor volume, tumor micro-architecture and some biochemical parameters were evaluated. Results As salient result, 100 % of rats in the DMBA group developed tumors, while rats feed with rat chow supplemented with S. indicum seeds (25 %) had a reduced incidence of tumors (33.3 %) and tumor volume (2.71 cm ³ in sesame 25 % vs. 4.69 cm ³ in the DMBA group, p˂0.01). The seeds (25 %) also slowed DMBA-induced neoplasm expansion in mammary ducts as compared to rats of DMBA group. Conclusions In summary, supplementation with S. indicum seeds slowed breast tumorigenesis via its antioxidant capacity.
... Chemoprevention is a strategy that has been considered for the benefits they present when treating diseases such as cancer. These compounds can be found naturally and synthetically, being able to prevent the different processes that damage cells, avoiding the early appearance of chronicdegenerative diseases (Steward et al., 2013). ...
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Mutations are the result of effects produced by mutagenic agents, which may be responsible for the generation of chronic-degenerative diseases such as cancer. The aim of this work was to detect and characterize compounds with antimutagenic activity in white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) cephalothorax. A serial extraction was carried out where different organic solvents, and its biological activity was evaluated. The antioxidant capacity was evaluated by DPPH and ABTS assay, where the methanol and water-soluble extracts had the highest antioxidant capacity. Antimutagenicity was evaluated by the Ames test, where the methanol-soluble extract showed the highest antimutagenic activity. The methanolic extract was fractionated by open column chromatography, the fractions obtained were determined antioxidant and antimutagenic activity and the ability to protect DNA from oxidative damage. Fraction H27 provided DNA the highest protection against the damage caused by H2O2. Partial chemical-characterization of fraction H27 suggests the presence of aromatic, hydroxylated, unsaturated compounds.
... Consequently, many researchers are currently focusing on natural plant extracts and their isolated compounds as a treatment for pancreatic and other cancer types [10]. Dietary-derived anti-cancer agents are divided into blocking agents and suppressing agents, depending on their effect as chemopreventive agents throughout the various stages of the carcinogenic process [11,12]. Examples of phytochemicals contained in food and vegetables that battle cancer include cancer-blocking agents such as sulforaphane, the natural compound found in broccoli, and suppressing agents such as 6-gingerol, found in ginger, and capsaicin, found in the chilli pepper [13,14]. ...
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Among diverse cancers, pancreatic cancer is one of the most aggressive types due to inadequate diagnostic options and treatments available. Therefore, there is a necessity to use combination chemotherapy options to overcome the chemoresistance of pancreatic cancer cells. Plumbagin and xanthohumol, natural compounds isolated from the Plumbaginaceae family and Humulus lupulus, respectively, have been used to treat various cancers. In this study, we investigated the anticancer effects of a combination of plumbagin and xanthohumol on pancreatic cancer models, as well as the underlying mechanism. We have screened in vitro numerous plant-derived extracts and compounds and tested in vivo the most effective combination, plumbagin and xanthohumol, using a transgenic model of pancreatic cancer KPC (KrasLSL.G12D/+; p53R172H/+; PdxCretg/+). A significant synergistic anticancer activity of plumbagin and xanthohumol combinations on different pancreatic cancer cell lines was found. The combination treatment of plumbagin and xanthohumol influences the levels of B-cell lymphoma (BCL2), which are known to be associated with apoptosis in both cell lysates and tissues. More importantly, the survival of a transgenic mouse model of pancreatic cancer KPC treated with a combination of plumbagin and xanthohumol was significantly increased, and the effect on BCL2 levels has been confirmed. These results provide a foundation for a potential new treatment for pancreatic cancer based on plumbagin and xanthohumol combinations.
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Globally, cancer is one of the primary causes of both morbidity and mortality. To prevent cancer from getting worse, more targeted and efficient treatment plans must be developed immediately. Recent research has demonstrated the benefits of natural products for several illnesses, and these products have played a significant role in the development of novel treatments whose bioactive components serve as both chemotherapeutic and chemo-preventive agents. Phytochemicals are naturally occurring molecules obtained from plants that have potential applications in both cancer therapy and the development of new medications. These phytochemicals function by regulating the molecular pathways connected to the onset and progression of cancer. Among the specific methods are immune system control, inducing cell cycle arrest and apoptosis, preventing proliferation, raising antioxidant status, and inactivating carcinogens. A thorough literature review was conducted using Google Scholar, PubMed, Scopus, Google Patent, Patent Scope, and US Patent to obtain the data. To provide an overview of the anticancer effects of several medicinal plants, including Annona muricata, Arctium lappa, Arum palaestinum, Cannabis sativa, Catharanthus roseus, Curcuma longa, Glycyrrhiza glabra, Hibiscus, Kalanchoe blossfeldiana, Moringa oleifera, Nerium oleander, Silybum marianum, Taraxacum officinale, Urtica dioica, Withania somnifera L., their availability, classification, active components, pharmacological activities, signaling mechanisms, and potential side effects against the most common cancer types were explored.
Background The incidence of multiple malignant primary tumors (MMPT) is increasing which needs attention. Hence, we undertook this study to analyze clinico-demographic details and treatment outcomes in patients with non-head and neck MMPT. Materials and Methods Hospital case records of patients with histopathology proven MMPT registered in the radiation oncology department from January 1, 2008 to December 31, 2020 were retrospectively studied. Modified Warren–Gates criteria were used to define MMPT. Patients with MMPT of the head and neck (both an index and second primary as head–neck) were excluded from the study. Demographic and clinical details were recorded and analyzed. Results Forty-two eligible cases of non-head and neck MMPT were studied. The median age at diagnosis of an index case was 55 years (minimum 21, maximum 85) with a male to a female sex ratio of 5:37. Twelve patients had synchronous (28.57%) and 30 had metachronous (71.42%) MMPT. The average period between metachronous tumors was 77.77 months (minimum 12, maximum 312). The most common site of an index and second primary tumor was the breast (26; 61.90% and 23; 54.76%, respectively). Seventeen (65.38%) out of 26 index breast cancer were bilateral breast cancer and nine were others. In six cases of MMPT, there was an association between the breast and cervix. Conclusion Breast cancer was the most common site for both an index and second primary malignancy followed by genital cancers. With cautious monitoring and patient education, second primary tumor could be detected earlier and managed better giving a good quality of life to patients.
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Cancer has become one of the most multifaceted and widespread illnesses affecting human health, causing substantial mortality at an alarming rate. After cardiovascular problems, the condition has a high occurrence rate and ranks second in terms of mortality. The development of new drugs has been facilitated by increased research and a deeper understanding of the mechanisms behind the emergence and advancement of the disease. Numerous preclinical and clinical studies have repeatedly demonstrated the protective effects of natural terpenoids against a range of malignancies. Numerous potential bioactive terpenoids have been investigated in natural sources for their chemopreventive and chemoprotective properties. In practically all body cells, the signaling molecule referred to as signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) is widely expressed. Numerous studies have demonstrated that STAT3 regulates its downstream target genes, including Bcl-2, Bcl-xL, cyclin D1, c-Myc, and survivin, to promote the growth of cells, differentiation, cell cycle progression, angiogenesis, and immune suppression in addition to chemotherapy resistance. Researchers viewed STAT3 as a primary target for cancer therapy because of its crucial involvement in cancer formation. This therapy primarily focuses on directly and indirectly preventing the expression of STAT3 in tumor cells. By explicitly targeting STAT3 in both in vitro and in vivo settings, it has been possible to explain the protective effect of terpenoids against malignant cells. In this study, we provide a complete overview of STAT3 signal transduction processes, the involvement of STAT3 in carcinogenesis, and mechanisms related to STAT3 persistent activation. The article also thoroughly summarizes the inhibition of STAT3 signaling by certain terpenoid phytochemicals, which have demonstrated strong efficacy in several preclinical cancer models.
Prevention is one of the most important and promising strategies to control cancer. Many dietary bioactive compounds, mostly phytochemicals, have been found to decrease the risk of carcinogenesis. Modulating the metabolism and disposition pathways of carcinogens represents one of the major mechanisms by which dietary compounds prevent carcinogenesis. In the present review, the specific molecular targets of dietary compounds within carcinogen metabolism, including various enzymes and transporters and their regulatory signaling pathways, are briefly reviewed. The expression ofphase I enzymes, which presumably mostly activate carcinogens, is mainly regulated by xenobiotics sensing nuclear receptors such as AhR, CAR, PXR, and RXR. On the other hand, phase II enzymes catalyze the conjugations of carcinogens and generally are transcriptionally controlled by the Nrf2/ARE signaling pathways. The Nrf2/ARE signaling pathway, which regulates the expression of many detoxifying enzymes, is a major target of dietary compounds. The final excretion of carcinogens and their metabolites is mediated by phase III transporters, which share many regulatory mechanisms with phase 1/11 enzymes. Indeed, the expression of metabolizing enzymes and transporters is often coordinately regulated. Besides transcriptional regulation, the activities ofphase 1/11 enzymes and phase III transporters could be directly activated or inhibited by dietary compounds. Furthermore, genetic polymorphisms have profound effects on the individual response to dietary compounds. Finally, the effects of cancer prevention and the risk of carcinogenesis are determined by the network composed of known/unknown molecular targets and signaling pathways and its interaction with various xenobiotics, including carcinogens, drugs, and diet. With the rapid advances in the post genomic sciences, it could be possible to decipher this network and better predict the clinical outcomes of cancer prevention by dietary bioactive compounds.
Background. Epidemiologic evidence indicates that diets high in carotenoid-rich fruits and vegetables, as well as high serum levels of vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) and beta carotene, are associated with a reduced risk of lung cancer. Methods. We performed a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled primary-prevention trial to determine whether daily supplementation with alpha-tocopherol, beta carotene, or both would reduce the incidence of lung cancer and other cancers. A total of 29,133 male smokers 50 to 69 years of age from southwestern Finland were randomly assigned to one of four regimens: alpha-tocopherol (50 mg per day) alone, beta carotene (20 mg per day) alone, both alpha-tocopherol and beta carotene, or placebo. Follow-up continued for five to eight years. Results. Among the 876 new cases of lung cancer diagnosed during the trial, no reduction in incidence was observed among the men who received alpha-tocopherol (change in incidence as compared with those who did not, -2 percent; 95 percent confidence interval, -14 to 12 percent). Unexpectedly, we observed a higher incidence of lung cancer among the men who received beta carotene than among those who did not (change in incidence, 18 percent; 95 percent confidence interval, 3 to 36 percent). We found no evidence of an interaction between alpha-tocopherol and beta carotene with respect to the incidence of lung cancer. Fewer cases of prostate cancer were diagnosed among those who received alpha-tocopherol than among those who did not. Beta carotene had little or no effect on the incidence of cancer other than lung cancer. Alpha- tocopherol had no apparent effect on total mortality, although more deaths from hemorrhagic stroke were observed among the men who received this supplement than among those who did not. Total mortality was 8 percent higher (95 percent confidence interval, 1 to 16 percent) among the participants who received beta carotene than among those who did not, primarily because there were more deaths from lung cancer and ischemic heart disease. Conclusions. We found no reduction in the incidence of lung cancer among male smokers after five to eight years of dietary supplementation with alpha-tocopherol or beta carotene. In fact, this trial raises the possibility that these supplements may actually have harmful as well as beneficial effects.
The Physicians' Health Study is a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial designed to determine whether low-dose aspirin (325 mg every other day) decreases cardiovascular mortality and whether beta carotene reduces the incidence of cancer. The aspirin component was terminated earlier than scheduled, and the preliminary findings were published. We now present detailed analyses of the cardiovascular component for 22,071 participants, at an average follow-up time of 60.2 months. There was a 44 percent reduction in the risk of myocardial infarction (relative risk, 0.56; 95 percent confidence interval, 0.45 to 0.70; P < 0.00001) in the aspirin group (254.8 per 100,000 per year as compared with 439.7 in the placebo group). A slightly increased risk of stroke among those taking aspirin was not statistically significant; this trend was observed primarily in the subgroup with hemorrhagic stroke (relative risk, 2.14; 95 percent confidence interval, 0.96 to 4.77; P = 0.06). No reduction in mortality from all cardiovascular causes was associated with aspirin (relative risk, 0.96; 95 percent confidence interval, 0.60 to 1.54). Further analyses showed that the reduction in the risk of myocardial infarction was apparent only among those who were 50 years of age and older. The benefit was present at all levels of cholesterol, but appeared greatest at low levels. The relative risk of ulcer in the aspirin group was 1.22 (169 in the aspirin group as compared with 138 in the placebo group; 95 percent confidence interval, 0.98 to 1.53; P = 0.08), and the relative risk of requiring a blood transfusion was 1.71. This trial of aspirin for the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease demonstrates a conclusive reduction in the risk of myocardial infarction, but the evidence concerning stroke and total cardiovascular deaths remains inconclusive because of the inadequate numbers of physicians with these end points.
Daily aspirin reduces the long-term risk of death due to cancer. However, the short-term effect is less certain, especially in women, effects on cancer incidence are largely unknown, and the time course of risk and benefit in primary prevention is unclear. We studied cancer deaths in all trials of daily aspirin versus control and the time course of effects of low-dose aspirin on cancer incidence and other outcomes in trials in primary prevention. We studied individual patient data from randomised trials of daily aspirin versus no aspirin in prevention of vascular events. Death due to cancer, all non-vascular death, vascular death, and all deaths were assessed in all eligible trials. In trials of low-dose aspirin in primary prevention, we also established the time course of effects on incident cancer, major vascular events, and major extracranial bleeds, with stratification by age, sex, and smoking status. Allocation to aspirin reduced cancer deaths (562 vs 664 deaths; odds ratio [OR] 0·85, 95% CI 0·76-0·96, p=0·008; 34 trials, 69,224 participants), particularly from 5 years onwards (92 vs 145; OR 0·63, 95% CI 0·49-0·82, p=0·0005), resulting in fewer non-vascular deaths overall (1021 vs 1173; OR 0·88, 95% CI 0·78-0·96, p=0·003; 51 trials, 77,549 participants). In trials in primary prevention, the reduction in non-vascular deaths accounted for 87 (91%) of 96 deaths prevented. In six trials of daily low-dose aspirin in primary prevention (35,535 participants), aspirin reduced cancer incidence from 3 years onwards (324 vs 421 cases; OR 0·76, 95% CI 0·66-0·88, p=0·0003) in women (132 vs 176; OR 0·75, 95% CI 0·59-0·94, p=0·01) and in men (192 vs 245; OR 0·77, 95% CI 0·63-0·93, p=0·008). The reduced risk of major vascular events on aspirin was initially offset by an increased risk of major bleeding, but effects on both outcomes diminished with increasing follow-up, leaving only the reduced risk of cancer (absolute reduction 3·13 [95% CI 1·44-4·82] per 1000 patients per year) from 3 years onwards. Case-fatality from major extracranial bleeds was also lower on aspirin than on control (8/203 vs 15/132; OR 0·32, 95% CI 0·12-0·83, p=0·009). Alongside the previously reported reduction by aspirin of the long-term risk of cancer death, the short-term reductions in cancer incidence and mortality and the decrease in risk of major extracranial bleeds with extended use, and their low case-fatality, add to the case for daily aspirin in prevention of cancer. None.
Background: Long-term follow-up of randomised trials of aspirin in prevention of vascular events showed that daily aspirin reduced the incidence of colorectal cancer and several other cancers and reduced metastasis. However, statistical power was inadequate to establish effects on less common cancers and on cancers in women. Observational studies could provide this information if results can be shown to be reliable. We therefore compared effects of aspirin on risk and outcome of cancer in observational studies versus randomised trials. Methods: For this systematic review, we searched for case-control and cohort studies published from 1950 to 2011 that reported associations between aspirin use and risk or outcome of cancer. Associations were pooled across studies by meta-analysis and stratified by duration, dose, and frequency of aspirin use and by stage of cancer. We compared associations from observational studies with the effect of aspirin on 20-year risk of cancer death and on metastasis in the recent reports of randomised trials. Findings: In case-control studies, regular use of aspirin was associated with reduced risk of colorectal cancer (pooled odds ratio [OR] 0·62, 95% CI 0·58-0·67, p(sig)<0·0001, 17 studies), with little heterogeneity (p(het)=0·13) in effect between studies, and good agreement with the effect of daily aspirin use on 20-year risk of death due to colorectal cancer from the randomised trials (OR 0·58, 95% CI 0·44-0·78, p(sig)=0·0002, p(het)=0·45). Similarly consistent reductions were seen in risks of oesophageal, gastric, biliary, and breast cancer. Overall, estimates of effect of aspirin on individual cancers in case-control studies were highly correlated with those in randomised trials (r(2)=0·71, p=0·0006), with largest effects on risk of gastrointestinal cancers (case-control studies, OR 0·62, 95% CI 0·55-0·70, p<0·0001, 41 studies; randomised trials, OR 0·54, 95% CI 0·42-0·70, p<0·0001). Estimates of effects in cohort studies were similar when analyses were stratified by frequency and duration of aspirin use, were based on updated assessments of use during follow-up, and were appropriately adjusted for baseline characteristics. Although fewer observational studies stratified analyses by the stage of cancer at diagnosis, regular use of aspirin was associated with a reduced proportion of cancers with distant metastasis (OR 0·69, 95% CI 0·57-0·83, p(sig)<0·0001, p(het)=0·89, five studies), but not with any reduction in regional spread (OR 0·98, 95% CI 0·88-1·09, p(sig)=0·71, p(het)=0·88, seven studies), consistent again with the findings in randomised trials. Interpretation: Observational studies show that regular use of aspirin reduces the long-term risk of several cancers and the risk of distant metastasis. Results of methodologically rigorous studies are consistent with those obtained from randomised controlled trials, but sensitivity is particularly dependent on appropriately detailed recording and analysis of aspirin use. Funding: None.