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Abstract and Figures

This paper describes an algorithm to transform business process models into a functional requirements specification, specified in the form of use case diagrams. The benefit of such an algorithm is that it helps to draw up a functional requirements specification more quickly, because business process models may be available in an enterprise, while use case diagrams have to be developed by performing interviews. The use case diagrams that result from applying the algorithm, specify a software system that provides automated support for the original business processes. We show this with a case study from practice.
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Remco M. Dijkman
University of Twente
P.O. Box 217, 7500 AE
Enschede, The Netherlands
Stef M.M. Joosten
Ordina Finance Utopics, and
Open University of the Netherlands
P.O. Box 2960, 6401 DL
Heerlen, The Netherlands
This paper describes an algorithm to transform business
process models into a functional requirements
specification, specified in the form of use case diagrams.
The benefit of such an algorithm is that it helps to draw up
a functional requirements specification more quickly,
because business process models may be available in an
enterprise, while use case diagrams have to be developed
by performing interviews. The use case diagrams that
result from applying the algorithm, specify a software
system that provides automated support for the original
business processes. We show this with a case study from
Business process modeling, model transformation,
requirements engineering, method engineering
1 Introduction
Requirements engineering is widely considered to be one
of the most difficult tasks in software engineering. At the
same time, errors made in this phase are among the most
difficult to detect and the most expensive to correct [1].
Therefore, much can be gained from requirements
engineering techniques that help to produce robust
requirements specifications, and speed up the
requirements engineering process. In this paper we
propose such a technique. The technique shows how use
case based requirements engineering [2, 3, 4, 5] may be
improved by using business process models as
We introduce an algorithm to transform business
process models into use case diagrams. The benefit of
having such an algorithm is that business process models
are often available in a company in the form of working
instructions or administrative handbooks. Therefore, use
case diagrams can be produced more quickly when they
are developed with existing business process models and
the algorithm than when they are developed from scratch.
The approach we used to design the algorithm was to
create metamodels for use case diagrams and for business
process models, and to compare these metamodels. The
comparison of the two metamodels gives rise to a formal
mapping that forms the basis for our algorithm. In this
paper we only introduce the metamodels and their formal
mapping briefly. A detailed overview can be found in [6].
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 and section 3 briefly introduce use case and
business process modeling. These sections also present the
metamodels of both modeling techniques. Section 4
describes a formal mapping between the two metamodels.
Based on this mapping, section 5 defines the actual
algorithm. Section 6 explains industrial experience we
have with the technique. The paper finishes with some
concluding remarks.
2 UML Use Case Modeling
A use case diagram describes how an entity may use the
system under development. To this end, a use case
diagram contains actors and use cases. An actor is an
entity that may interact with the system. A use case is a
set of interactions between any number of actors and the
system under development. Thus, a use case describes a
part of the behavior of the system.
An example of a use case diagram is shown in figure
1. The ovals represent use cases, and the puppets represent
actors. A line between an actor and a use case represents
the actors involvement in one or more of the interactions
covered by the use case.
When two use cases partly share the same behavior,
this behavior may be put into a third use case, and the
original two use cases may be defined to ‘include’ the
behavior of this new use case. The description of the
original use cases specifies the point at which to include
this behavior. The goal of the include relation is to remove
redundancy. An include relationship is represented by a
dashed arrow, labeled «include».
When one use case is a generalized form of another
use case, we can draw a generalization relationship
between them. We could, for example, draw a
generalization relationship from the use case ‘process
complaint’ to the use case ‘process incoming mail’.
Generalization relation ships can also exist between
actors. The actor ‘employee’, for example, is a
generalization of the actor ‘administrative worker’. A
generalization relationship is represented by a solid line
with a hollow arrowhead from the specific to the generic
use case or actor.
We may describe an extension to a use case’s
behavior, that is only carried out under a certain condition.
To do this, we define an extension relation between this
use case, and the use case that describes the extension. If
at a predefined point (an extension point) in the execution
of the base use case, a specified condition is met, then the
extension use case is carried out. An extension relation is
represented by a dashed arrow, labeled «extend».
Each use case can be described in detail, by describing
the interactions between the actors and the system, and the
order in which they occur. Many description techniques
exist to detail a use case. We could, for example, use state
machines [7], activity diagrams [8], or informal text [9].
In this paper we use activity diagrams both for describing
use cases in detail and for business process modeling,
because this makes the transformation algorithm
The metamodel of a use case diagram is shown in
figure 2. It is a simplified version of the metamodel that
can be found in the UML specification [7].
3 Business Process Modeling
Many techniques for business process modeling exist. In
an earlier study [10], we studied 18 of the most referenced
techniques. From this study we were able to draw up a
generalized metamodel of business process modeling.
Figure 3 presents a simplified version of this metamodel.
Although all business process modeling techniques have
means to model aspects other than behavior, such as
organizational structure, and data objects, we will focus
on modeling behavior. The reason for this is that use case
diagrams do not have means to model aspects other than
behavior. Therefore these aspects can not be mapped, and
are thus irrelevant in this paper.
A business process model describes the tasks that have
to be carried out to reach a certain goal, and the order in
which these tasks have to be carried out. A task is the
smallest unit of work that makes sense to a user. Each task
is assigned to a role. A role is a group of entities that have
the same rights and obligations with respect to performing
a task or a group of tasks. A role may be assigned to any
number of tasks, and an entity may act in any number of
In this paper, we use UML activity diagrams to model
business processes. Activity diagrams have been shown to
be useful for business process modeling in [11, 12]. An
example of an activity diagram that models a business
process for mortgage processing is shown in figure 4. The
rounded rectangles represent tasks, and the arrows
represent transitions between tasks. The names in the
columns represent roles, and a task in the column of a role
represents that this task is assigned to that role. The bullet,
and the bulls eye, represent the beginning and the end of
the business process respectively.
We can use a guard to model a condition that must be
met before starting the next task. A guard could be, for
example, ‘legal act received’. A guard is graphically
represented as a label between square brackets on a
We can use a branch to model a choice on the task that
has to be started after the current task has finished. A
branch has decision criteria attached to it that define under
which condition, which task is started. Decision criteria
could be, for example, ‘if amount 50, start task A,
otherwise start task B’. Decision criteria cannot have
overlapping values. A branch is represented by a diamond
with one incoming arrow and at least two outgoing
arrows. The outgoing arrows have guards attached to them
that represent the decision criteria.
We can use a fork to model that two or more tasks are
started in parallel (i.e. are carried out in random order)
Draw up
Check Credit
Inform about
Figure 1. Example use case diagram
Figure 3. Business process metamodel
1 *
+source 1 1 +destination
Figure 2.
Use case metamodel
Extension Point
Use Case
1 +actor
1 +addition*
1..* *
* 1
1 + include
after the current task has finished. When two or more
tasks are started in parallel, we may want to wait for all
tasks to be finished before going on to the next task. This
can be achieved by using a join. A fork is represented by
an arrow to a thick line, from which arrows leave to the
tasks that have to be started. A join is represented by a set
of incoming arrows to a thick line, from which an arrow
leaves to the task that has to be started next.
We chose to disregard the fork and join construct in
this paper to simplify the algorithm. Therefore, task that
are actually out in sequence. The fork and join construct
can be added in future work.
4 Mapping
We created a mapping between the two metamodels by
assessing from their definitions, which concepts or
relations in the business process metamodel map to which
concepts or relations in the use case metamodel. We then
defined and evaluated the mapping formally [6]. In this
section we give an informal description of the mapping.
The mapping is straightforward, except for finding a
business process concept that maps to the concept ‘Use
Case’. We may be tempted to map the ‘Task’ concept to
the ‘Use Case’ concept. However, according to the UML
semantics [7], a use case must describe a complete
sequence. This means that a use case specifies all the
interactions that have to be carried out to bring the system
in a state in which the use case can be performed again. A
task does not enforce this constraint, and thus does not
describe a complete sequence. Therefore, we introduce the
‘Step’ concept [13]. A step is a sequence of tasks that can
be performed by the same role without interruption. ‘Send
offer’, for example can be a step. ‘Send offer and process
reply’ cannot be a step, because time passes between
sending an offer and receiving the reply. Since a step is a
sequence of tasks that can be performed by the same role
without interruption, users experience a step as a unit of
work that is completed when it ends, after which it can be
performed again. Therefore, a step does describe a
complete sequence, and can be mapped to a use case.
We map ‘Role’ to ‘Actor’, and the association between
a step and a role to an association between the
corresponding actor and use case. Since all tasks in a step
are performed by the same role, a role and a step are
associated when the role is associated to any of the tasks
in the step.
Since a step is defined as a sequence of tasks, each
step forms a sub-diagram of the original business process
model. Because we decided that use cases are described in
detail by activity diagrams, we can use the sub-diagrams
that are formed by the steps, to detail the use cases that
correspond to these steps. Also, we call the tasks that
detail a use case: interactions, because a use case model a
sequence of interactions between the system and its users.
The definition of the mapping leads to an integrated
metamodel that contains both the use case and the
business process metamodel. Figure 5 shows this
integrated metamodel. To keep the figure simple, it does
not show include, extend, or generalization relations
between use cases. However, these relations are part of the
integrated metamodel. We chose to represent a mapping
from concept A to concept B by an inheritance relation
from B to A. A mapping between two associations can be
represented as an OCL constraint. For example, the
mapping between the association between step and role,
and the association between use case and actor, can be
represented by the following OCL constraint:
context Step inv:
We also need an OCL constraint that expresses that steps
can not contain steps:
context Step inv:
5 The Transformation Algorithm
From the mapping that we defined in the previous section,
we derived an algorithm to transform a business process
model into a use case diagram. In this section we will
explain this algorithm. The algorithm is based on an
algorithm to create steps from tasks [14].
To develop the algorithm, we assume that a set of
instances exists for each concept in the integrated
metamodel. We also assume that a new <Concept>
operator exists, which adds a new instance to the set of
instances of the concept that follows the operator, and
returns this instance. For example, new Step adds a new
step to steps, and returns this it.
Administrative Worker Advisor
Enter Client Data
Enter Mortgage Data
Check Credit
Inform Client
about Rejection
Advise Client
Process Changes
Check Credit
Draw up Offer
Mortgage [Disapproved]
Figure 4. Example business process model
The algorithm should start by identifying the tasks that
denote interactions with the system under development,
because only these tasks are interesting from a use case
point of view. In this section we assume that interactions
have already been defined, and we refer to [6] for an
elaborate discussion on this topic. After the interactions
have been identified, we do the following.
First, we create an actor for each role in the business
process model.
actors = roles
Second, we create steps around the tasks in the
business process model. Initially we create steps around
the tasks that are in the same role and can be reached
directly from a start state. We add start states to the
created steps to denote where they can start.
steps = EmptySet
foreach r in roles do
if exists m in modelElements where
r = m.responsible and
exists tr in transitions where
tr.destination = m and
tr.source in start
Step newS = new Step
Start newSt = new Start
newS.contains += {newSt}
newS.responsible = r
foreach m in modelElements do
if r = m.responsible then
foreach tr in transitions do
if tr.destination = m and
tr.source in start
Transition newTr = new Transition
newTr.source = newSt
newTr.destination = m
newTr.guard = tr.guard
newS.contains += {newTr, m}
newTr.processed = True
od Each step is then extended with the model elements
that: (1) have the same responsible role as the step, and (2)
can be reached from model elements within the step, and
(3) can be performed without waiting. We assume that
each transition has a property timepassing that denotes
if time passes before the transition can be made. This
allows us to check (3). The user of the algorithm must
define the value of this property for each transition. If a
transition points to a model element with a different
responsible role or time passes on a transition, then the
transition points to a model element in another step. If this
step was not yet created, then it will be. If the step was
already created, but there exists no start state in this step
that has a transition to the model element, then a start state
and a transition from this start state to the model element
have to be added. This procedure is repeated until no new
steps are added, and the steps themselves also do not
change anymore.
oldsteps = EmptySet
while oldsteps != steps do
oldsteps = steps
foreach s in steps do
foreach tr in transitions do
if tr.source in s and
!tr.processed and
tr.destination !in end
if !tr.timepassing and
tr.destination.responsible =
s.contains += {tr.destination, tr}
tr.processed = true
if tr.destination !in steps.contains
Step newS = new Step
newS.responsible =
Start newSt = new Start
Transition newTr = new Transition
newTr.source = newSt
newTr.destination = tr.destination
newTr.guard = tr.guard
newS.contains +=
{newSt, newTr, tr.destination}
tr.processed = true
newTr.processed = true
if !exists tr’ in transitions where
tr’.source in start and
tr’.destination = tr.destination
Start newSt = new Start
Transition newTr = new Transition
newTr.source = newSt
newTr.destination = tr.destination
newTr.guard = tr.guard
tr.destination.step.contains +=
{newSt, newTr}
tr.processed = true
newTr.processed = true
od Third, we create a use case for each step that we
identified. Also, we create an association between an actor
and a use case when an association exists between the role
that corresponds to the actor, and a step that corresponds
to the use case.
usecases = steps
foreach s in steps do
Association newA = new Association = (Actor) s.responsible
newA.usecase = (UseCase) s
od Fourth, we restructure the use case diagram that results
from applying the algorithm. This can be done according
to normal restructuring rules, like, the ones described in
[5]. However, when using the algorithm, some constructs
need special attention. Therefore, we will point out some
restructuring actions that are normally necessary when
Figure 5. Integrated Metamodel
1..* +contains
+guard 1
0..1 *
1 +source 1 +destination
Use Case
1 *
1 +actors
* *
using the algorithm. Due to space limitations, we only
discuss the restructuring rules informally.
First, we found out that tasks are often described
multipletimes. The reason for this is that business process
modeling techniques do not cater for reuse of tasks.
However, in use case diagrams reuse is possible by means
of the include relation. Therefore, we search the use cases
for interactions that are defined more than once. We put
these interactions in a separate use case, and we draw an
include relation from the original use cases to this separate
use case.
Second, the algorithm does not cater for inclusion,
extension or generalization of use cases. Therefore, it may
be useful to split up some use cases into a base use case
and an extension or addition use case, or into one
generalized and multiple specialized use cases.
Third, according to its definition a use case delivers a
result of value to its user. However, in the case study we
found situations in which users experienced that a use
case only delivered a result of value when it was
combined with another use case. This situation can be
solved by verifying if each use case delivers a result of
value to its users, and, if not, by combining it with other
use cases such that it does.
Fourth, the choice to describe use cases that belong to
the same business process in one use case diagram
suggests that each system is built for only one business
process. Also, it suggests that only one system is built for
each business process. However, this is rarely the case. A
client database, for example, is usually used by all
primary business processes. Therefore, once a use case
diagram is drawn, we must evaluate which use cases will
be implemented by which system. This decision will be
based on what systems already exist to support other
business processes. When we decide that a use case is
partly implemented by one system, and partly by another
system, we must split up the use case. Eriksson and
Penker describe a procedure for doing this in [15].
Fifth, the algorithm does not add end states to the
activity diagrams that detail the use cases. To be complete,
we should add end states to these diagrams.
6 Case Study
In a case study, we applied the algorithm in the mortgage
department of a bank, and evaluated the quality of the
resulting use case diagrams by comparing them to use
case diagrams that were constructed from scratch. From
the results we derived some recommendations that were
incorporated in the restructuring step of the algorithm.
In the case study, we investigated a total of 6 business
processes, from which we derived 42 use cases. When
comparing the use case diagrams, 17 use cases contained
improper constructs: of 2 use cases some of the tasks were
defined more than once, 3 use cases were completely
redundant, and 12 use cases only delivered a result of
value in combination with another use case. We corrected
these errors by introducing the restructuring actions that
are described in the previous section.
A simplified example that shows how a business
process model was transformed into a use case diagram
during the case study is shown in figure 6. The figure
shows two of the use cases that result from applying the
algorithm to the business process model from figure 4. It
shows how each use case is detailed by an activity
diagram that is a part of the original diagram. It also
shows the transitions that contain information about the
relations between the use cases, but that are not part of the
use cases themselves. These transitions may be used later
on to build a system that controls the order in which the
use cases may occur (such as a workflow engine).
7 Conclusion
In this paper we introduced an algorithm to transform
business process models into UML use case diagrams.
The algorithm is based on a formal mapping between the
metamodels of the two modeling techniques. We have
shown in a case study that the application of the algorithm
results in use case diagrams that can serve as a basis for
further system development.
The study described in this paper is related to the
fields of requirements, and method engineering. Much
work is done in both fields to study how models of
different types can be generated from each other. Research
is done to how business processes can be described using
use case diagrams [5, 7, 16]. We, however, do the
opposite, and use business processes to derive use cases.
Eriksson and Penker describe a procedure to derive use
cases from business processes that is similar to ours in
[15], but less detailed.
The use case diagrams that result from the application
of the procedure have limitations.
First, use case diagrams specify a typical information
system, in the sense that they do not specify control
information that is above step level. For example, the use
case diagram from figure 1 does not specify whether client
data must be entered before mortgage data or not. Our
algorithm partly caters for this, but we have not
investigated this thoroughly.
Second, the use case diagrams are as detailed as the
business processes from which they have been derived. A
Figure 6. Resulting Use Case Diagram
Enter Mortgage
Check Credit
Cliente Data
Inform Client
about Rejection
Enter Mortgage
[Mortgage Not Approved]
[Mortgage Not Approved]
Inform about Rejection
use case may, for example, contain the interaction ‘enter
client data’, or the interactions ‘search client’, if the client
was not found ‘create new client data’. The second set of
interactions provides a more precise specification than the
first set of interactions. Therefore, depending on the detail
specified in the business processes, it may be necessary to
perform refine the use case diagrams that result from the
algorithm further. The extend to which this is a problem
can not be assessed from one case study.
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... Several approaches have proposed methods to automatically generate requirements specifications from business models but these approaches fail to achieve transformation without significant manual intervention or correction [1,2,3,4,13]. This paper argues that not only business process models can be used to derive more accurate software requirements but also these requirements can in majority be generated automatically. ...
... Several researchers have proposed approaches to derive use cases diagram from business process models [1,2,3,4,13,22]. [1] Proposed an algorithm to automatically transform business model in to functional requirements in terms of use case model. ...
... Several researchers have proposed approaches to derive use cases diagram from business process models [1,2,3,4,13,22]. [1] Proposed an algorithm to automatically transform business model in to functional requirements in terms of use case model. The main objective for this approach is to draw up functional requirement more quickly from existing business model instead of building a use case diagram depending on interviews. ...
Full-text available
Requirement engineering is a critical stage in software engineering, it enables requirement engineers extract correct system needs, both functional and non-functional constraints from stakeholders. The majority of the errors found in software functionality are directly linked to the mistakes made during the requirement elicitation phases. Therefore, several approaches have been proposed to enhance existing requirements engineering techniques to both reduce such mistakes and to speed up the requirements engineering process. One type of promising approaches is based on utilizing business process modelling to take benefit from business process models to derive requirements. This paper argues that it is possible to generate requirements from business process models. It proposes an approach to derive system requirements; it employs business process models and then transforms them into requirement models. Evaluation shows the proposed approach was able to generate additional valid use case model features compared to other competing approaches.
... The second category includes the approach of [18]. The authors propose an algorithm that allows transforming BPMs expressed with an activity diagram into a UC diagram. ...
... The integration is achieved through the injection of a new concept named "step". According to [18] a step is an activity sequence executed by the same participant without temporal interruption. Then, each step is transformed into a UC by applying an algorithm and a set of restriction rules. ...
... Indeed, this approach starts by annotating the model to provide additional information for transformation algorithm. Then, it applies the algorithm of [18] to obtain automatically the UC diagram. However, this approach builds on an old version of BPMN. ...
... The connection between use case models and BPs is studied in several ways. Some authors propose approaches to get use case models from business processes models, as is the case of (Rodríguez et al., 2007;Dijkman & Joosten, 2002). Others try to obtain a business process model from a use case model, as is the case of (Lubke et al., 2008). ...
... Others try to obtain a business process model from a use case model, as is the case of (Lubke et al., 2008). Dijkman & Joosten (2002) propose an algorithm to derive a use case diagram from a business process model (using UML Activity Diagram). Rodríguez et al. (2008) propose a systematic approach for obtaining the use case and class diagrams from the business process models using the UML activity diagram notation. ...
The constant change and rising complexity of organizations, mainly due to the transforming nature of their business processes, has driven the increase of interest in business process management by organizations. It is recognized that knowing business processes can help to ensure that the software under development will meet the business needs. Some of software development processes (like unified process) already refer to business process modeling as a first effort in the software development process. A business process model usually is created under the supervision, clarification, approval, and validation of the business stakeholders. Thus, a business process model is a proper representation of the reality (as is or to be), having lots of useful information that can be used in the development of the software system that will support the business. The chapter uses the information existing in business process models to derive software models specially focused in generating a data model.
... Meanwhile, in developing an application, some developers use the use case diagrams. The use case diagram is widely used by developers to describe the functions in a system and its relationship with access rights by each user (Dijkman, Joosten, & Utopics, 2002). The use case diagram is part of the Unified Modeling Language (UML). ...
... The functions of the diagram are to describe and to design a feature in a system, and to explain the behavior in a system. In use case diagram, the interaction between actors or users and features in the system is seen (Dijkman et al., 2002). ...
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Until now, museums have not become a popular tourist destination in Indonesia. The number of visitors is relatively stagnant. Although on the other hand, the community that cares and loves museums start to grow. To lessen the old-fashioned impression of museum and to open up opportunities for the growth of new members who love and care about museums, this research proposes the design of mobile applications for museums. Feature requirements are obtained from open-questionnaires. Literature studies also become a benchmark for existing and similar applications. The design of this application mobiles utilizes use case diagrams.
... Derivation of software specification from business process models has been studied by several researchers [1-4, 13, 22]. Some of the approaches proposed an algorithm to automatically transform business model into functional requirements, as a use case diagram [1]. It works by creating meta-models for both the use case diagram and business process model then compares definitions in the two meta-models. ...
... Results from the evaluation are shown in Tables 2 to 8. 6 of these case studies used traditional requirement engineering elicitation techniques to develop their requirement specification as use case diagrams, and 1 case use used manual transformation from business process model to requirement specifications. As shown, the proposed approach was able to identify extra features, which are not supported in other competing approaches [1][2][3][4]14], such as association between use cases (precede, invoke, include, extend). Table 2 shows outputs from both the traditional manual approach and the BMSpec automated approach for case study 1 (Nobel Prize). ...
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Requirement elicitation is an essential step for establishing software requirements. They define the outcomes upon which software functionality is produced. However, several studies have shown majority of errors found in software functionality are directly linked to requirement elicitation. To address, this paper proposes a structured approach to derive system requirements automatically using business process models. It employs a systematic mechanism to improve business process models and transformation method to generate requirement models. It employs 26 defined heuristics rules that maps and controls transformation. The proposed approach is evaluated using seven case studies. Results show the viability to generate software requirements from business process models, and the automatic generation of rich UML-based use case diagram. The proposed approach achieves more precise and valid requirement specifications and was able to generate additional valid use case model features compared to other competing approaches.
... The connection between use case models and BPs is studied in several ways. Some authors propose approaches to get use case models from business processes models, as is the case of (Rodríguez et al., 2007;Dijkman & Joosten, 2002). Others try to obtain a business process model from a use case model, as is the case of (Lubke et al., 2008). ...
... Others try to obtain a business process model from a use case model, as is the case of (Lubke et al., 2008). Dijkman & Joosten (2002) propose an algorithm to derive a use case diagram from a business process model (using UML Activity Diagram). Rodríguez et al. (2008) propose a systematic approach for obtaining the use case and class diagrams from the business process models using the UML activity diagram notation. ...
The constant change and rising complexity of organizations, mainly due to the transforming nature of their business processes, has driven the increase of interest in business process management by organizations. It is recognized that knowing business processes can help to ensure that the software under development will meet the business needs. Some of software development processes (like unified process) already refer to business process modeling as a first effort in the software development process. A business process model usually is created under the supervision, clarification, approval, and validation of the business stakeholders. Thus, a business process model is a proper representation of the reality (as is or to be), having lots of useful information that can be used in the development of the software system that will support the business. The chapter uses the information existing in business process models to derive software models specially focused in generating a data model.
... A use case is a description of a proposed functionality of a new system [4]. Other definitions include: a description of how an entity may use a system under development [5], and a description of the possible sequences of interactions between the system under discussion and its external actors, related to a particular goal [6]. ...
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Blockchain Technology is one of the computing technologies touted to likely bring about disruption in ways people conduct their transactions. By design, blockchains are decentralized, peer to peer, distributed consensus, and have anonymity property thus eliminating the need for a central Authority. Blockchain has been widely used in crypto currencies, with other uses lip frogging at slower paces. This paper explores the various uses cases that have been advanced for blockchain highlighting the shortcomings of the listed cases. The paper expounds more on usage of blockchain in electoral processes, analyzing existing voting use cases and identifying the shortcomings of the listed blockchain voting use cases. A more elaborate voting use case is conceptualized with clear description on how to generate Digital Votes, linked to a NONCE and previous Digital Votes. The process of vote validation is explained with the main component of the blockchain voting being highlighted as the Smart Contract.
... Our work is also closely related to business process transformation methods where in these methods process models are transformed to either an executable code like BPEL [35] or an analysis model like use-case diagram [36][37][38]. In [39] also a mapping from business process model to states chart is presented where for each element in process model a translation in state chart is provided. ...
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Traditional test case generation approaches focus on design and implementation models while a large percentage of software errors are caused by the lack of understanding in the early phases. One of the most important models in the early phases of software development is business process model which closely resembles the real world and captures the requirements precisely. The aim of this paper is to present a model-based approach to automatically generate test cases from business process models. We first model business processes and convert them to state graphs. Then, the graphs are traversed and transformed to the input format of the "Spec explorer" tool that generates the test cases. Furthermore, we conduct a study to evaluate the impact of process characterizations on the performance of the proposed method.
... The idea of transforming a business process in BPMN to Use Cases has previously been used [8,9,10,11], although previous work deals with only one-to-one transformations of the functional aspect, and also without considering the contextual information. Our approach also takes a goal-oriented approach, whereby the transformation can be more rationally carried out in consideration of more alternatives in Intermediate Model. ...
Conference Paper
Many software systems are being developed to help with business processes, which typically involve a number of (human) tasks in achieving organizational goals. However, aligning a software system well with its intended business process has been challenging, since the tasks in a business process usually lacks formal definitions and can be performed via multiple different allocations of resources. In this paper, we propose a goal-oriented transformational approach to deriving use cases, as requirements on the software system, from a business process which is modeled in BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation). In this approach, a business process is modeled not only in terms of the functionally-oriented BPMN but also non-functional business goals, and the target software requirements are also modeled in terms of functionally-oriented use cases together with non-functional requirements. Those tasks to be performed by a software system are transformed into use cases, in consideration of multiple alternative interpretations of business tasks, different allocations of software functionality and the granularity of the target requirements guided via similarity and granularity. Additionally, an intermediate model is utilized in the 2-step transformation process to deal with the ontological gap and the many-to-many relationships between the source and the target. This process is facilitated by context-aware transformation rules and a supporting tool. A study of a quote flow business process shows that our goal-oriented transformational approach helps produce more cohesive, correct and comprehensive use cases.
During the software requirement specification, the use case-based approach is used for requirements elicitation and analysis, for object-oriented software development. For identifying the use cases, traditionally, manual approach is used. Though some researchers have used semi-automated NLP techniques but it requires each word in a sentence to be tagged with its part-of-speech. In this paper, we exploit Generative Pre-trained Transformer-3 (GPT-3) for identifying the use case model by parsing the given software requirements. GPT-3 is an autoregressive language model that uses deep learning to produce human-like text. It is a language prediction model that can be tuned with Few-Shot learning to extract functional requirements in a multilingual setting. We present MUCE, a Multilingual Use Case model Extractor tool for the extraction of use cases, actors and their relationships from the given users’ software requirements. Further, not all requirement documents are English-centric and might be written in some native language. In such scenario, an automated, multilingual tool for structuring the use case model will really be a boon. The benefit of such an automated tool is that it helps in extracting use cases model as requirements specification quickly; overcoming the worries involved in manual ways. This tool can also prove to be a feedback to improve and fine-tune functional requirements so as to make them more complete. We evaluated the performance of our tool using Confusion Matrix. We authenticate our findings by validating various user requirements case studies written in different languages particularly, English, Spanish and French. Our tool performs better than existing state-of-the-art use case model extraction techniques. Our research endeavor will assist software designers and architects to generate actors and use cases instantaneously from the given users’ software requirement documents, and save their time.
A summary is presented of the current state of the art and recent trends in software engineering economics. It provides an overview of economic analysis techniques and their applicability to software engineering and management. It surveys the field of software cost estimation, including the major estimation techniques available, the state of the art in algorithmic cost models, and the outstanding research issues in software cost estimation.
Generation Workflow: How Staffware Workflow Models can be Generated from Protos Business Models
  • J Van Beek
J. van Beek, Generation Workflow: How Staffware Workflow Models can be Generated from Protos Business Models, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands, 2000.