Yosapol Harnvanichvech

Yosapol Harnvanichvech
Wageningen University & Research | WUR · Department of Food Sciences and Agrotechnology


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Publications (5)
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Plant external surfaces are often covered by barriers that control the exchange of molecules, protect from pathogens, and offer mechanical integrity. A key question is when and how such surface barriers are generated. Post-embryonic surfaces have well- studied barriers, including the cuticle, and late Arabidopsis embryo was shown to be protected by...
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Plant external surfaces are often covered by barriers that control the exchange of molecules, protect from pathogens, and offer mechanical integrity. A key question is when and how such surface barriers are generated. Post-embryonic surfaces have well-studied barriers, including the cuticle, and late Arabidopsis embryo was shown to be protected by...
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Phenotypic diversity of flowering plants stems from common basic features of the plant body pattern with well-defined body axes, organs and tissue organisation. Cell division and cell specification are the two processes that underlie the formation of a body pattern. As plant cells are encased into their cellulosic walls, directional cell division t...
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Significance Spatial variations in microviscosity are triggered throughout plant cells, and these provide insight into local mechanobiological processes. However, it has so far been challenging to visualize such variations in living plant cells. Here we report an imaging microviscosity toolbox of chemically modified molecular rotors that yield comp...
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Plants produce an array of specialized metabolites with important ecological functions. The mechanisms underpinning the evolution of new biosynthetic pathways are not well‐understood. Here, we exploit available genome sequence resources to investigate triterpene biosynthesis across the Brassicaceae. Oxidosqualene cyclases (OSCs) catalyze the first...


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