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Yohanes Aditya Adhi Satria

Yohanes Aditya Adhi Satria

Doctor of Medicine


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Additional affiliations
August 2021 - January 2022
Pengurus Besar Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Penyakit Dalam Indonesia (Indonesian Society of Internal Medicine)
  • Intern
  • Assistant on Research, Continuing Professional Development, and Emergency in Internal Medicine course for General Physician
May 2021 - present
The Cochrane Collaboration
  • Advisory Board Member on Diversity and Inclusion
  • Advisory Board Member on Diversity and Inclusion
August 2015 - August 2021
Universitas Sebelas Maret
Field of study
  • Medicine


Publications (6)
Full-text available
ABSTRAK Penyakit kusta masih menjadi masalah kesehatan di negara endemis, termasuk Indonesia. Di antara komplikasi penyakit kusta, ulkus plantar kronis meningkatkan morbiditas dan stigma terhadap kusta. Terapi konvensional untuk ulkus plantar pada pasien kusta tidak menyediakan faktor pertumbuhan yang cukup dan terkait dengan proses penyembuhan luk...
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) poses a substantial risk to public health. In low-income and middle-income (LMICs) nations, the impact of AMR is significantly more severe. The absence of data from low-income countries (LMICs) causes this topic to be frequently overlooked. Additionally, the COVID-19 pandemic could make the AMR issue even worse. Earli...
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Context/Background: Earlier studies have shown a possible correlation between skin health and physical activity. Moreover, the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted physical activity levels due to many reasons. Aims/Objectives: This study aims to analyze the correlation between physical activity and dermatology quality of life during the COVID-19 pandemic...
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Abstrak: Sistem imun manusia terdiri dari sistem imun alami dan adaptif. Sistem imun alami berperan sebagai pertahanan pertama tubuh terhadap pathogen, sedangkan sistem imun adaptif berperan dalam menjalankan respon imun spesifik. Di antara berbagai efektor sistem imun adaptif, Th17 yang bertugas melawan pathogen dapat menimbulkan terjadinya autoim...
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Genital tract infection (GTI) remains a significant health concern. It is estimated that in 2016, there were 370 million people who suffer from chlamydia, gonorrhea, and trichomoniasis; and 708 million others suffer from genital herpes and condyloma acuminatum. It has been reported that in pregnant women, GTI is associated with preterm delivery. Th...
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Preterm delivery is associated with higher mortality and morbidity of neonates, also increasestheir risk of having growth and development impairment.This study aimed toidentify the role ofgenital tract infection in preterm delivery. A retrospective study was conducted on medical records of mothers who had preterm delivery in a tertiary hospital in...


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