Sonja Monica Berlijn

Sonja Monica Berlijn
KTH Royal Institute of Technology | KTH MBA


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Publications (43)
Technical Report
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Strategi 2022 - Nasjonal strategi for forskning, utvikling, demonstrasjon og kommersialisering av ny klimavennlig energiteknologi
Technical Report
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ENTSO-E has developed a Research, Development, and Innovation Roadmap for 2020–2030 (RDI Roadmap) based on a use-case approach to target challenges which need to be solved before 2030. This RDI Roadmap strives to address challenges to reaching the 2030 goals identified in the ENTSO-E Vision for Market Design and System Operation.5 It prioritises ke...
Technical Report
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Pålitelige komponenter i transmisjons- og distribusjonssystemet er en forutsetning og en muliggjører for framtidas full-elektriske energisystem – som skal gi samfunnet sikker, bærekraftig, konkurransedyktig og rimelig energi. Framtidas nettkomponenter må tåle nye typer påkjenninger og mer variable driftsmønstre enn tidligere. Dette på grunn av posi...
Conference Paper
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Workshop: Cyber Security in the Norwegian power grid.
Conference Paper
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Transmission System Operators are facing a large number of technical challenges. These challenges have to be solved on a relatively short time frame, i.e. 2025. Traditional RD&I models lead to new innovation first after 15-20 years (i.e. 2035). It is therefore the expectation that the R&D results will be ready too late, which will lead to a reduced...
Conference Paper
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This paper summarizes practical experience with ice testing performed at STRI on behalf of Statnett and SvK. for more than decade. Also the results obtained by snow test method developed by CRIEPI (Japan) in collaboration with STRI are discussed. Practical, representative and repeatable test methods were applied for different glass, porcelain, and...
Conference Paper
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This paper proposes novel techniques for automatically extracting information from overhead lines based on automatic image / video processing. Three application scenarios are presented: (a) detecting snow and ice coverage on insulators for overhead lines; (b) detecting swing angles of insulators; (c) quantifying the visibility of insulators at tran...
Conference Paper
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The Norwegian Transmission System Operator, Statnett, operates a network of over 10,000 km of overhead lines from 132 to 420 kV. Around 5500 km of these overhead lines are, per today, operated on 300 kV and around 2200 km are, per today, operated on 420 kV. Recent changes in power flow have made it necessary to increase capacity so, like many trans...
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The Norwegian power utility, Statnett, operates a network of over 10,000 km of overhead lines from 132 to 420 kV. Recent changes in power flow have made it necessary to increase capacity so, like many transmission system operators worldwide, Statnett is now working towards building the next generation grid. Given public opposition to new lines and...
Conference Paper
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The demand for new transmission capacity on a relatively short notice is very high in Norway. The main reasons are the change of power flow within the country and the increasing power consumption. Since there is public resistance against new power lines and since it takes a long time to get permission to build new lines, and to be able to respond t...
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In times of rising electrical energy demands, higher transmission capacities are getting more and more important; in Europe as well as all over the world. The construction of new overhead lines is not only cost and time intensive, but it is also difficult to get permits. For that reason the trend is towards upgrading the existing grid to higher ope...
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When voltage upgrading, lightning-, switching- ice- and pollution performance of the insulators and airgaps in the overhead line play a very important role. The dimensioning procedure is different and technically more challenging from the one used for new lines. Amongst others, the margins available in voltage upgrading are much smaller and therefo...
Conference Paper
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A potential fatal problem for electrical power delivery through power lines in Northern countries is when snow or ice accumulates on electrical insulators. This could lead to snow or ice-induced outages and voltage collapse, causing huge economic loss. Further, large swing angles due to wind may cause short circuits. This paper presents a novel vid...
Conference Paper
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One of the problems for electrical power delivery through power lines in northern countries is when snow or ice accumulates on electrical insulators. This could lead to snow or ice-induced outages and voltage collapse, causing huge economic loss. This paper proposes a novel real-time intelligent surveillance and image analysis system for detecting...
Conference Paper
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Accretion of ice and/or snow polluted by salty seawater on the insulators is a concern for users in Scandinavia and Japan as it will alter the insulation performance. In order to investigate the impact of profile on ice performance, laboratory tests were performed on three specially selected composite line insulators with different profiles: standa...
Conference Paper
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Statnett has been investigating compacting of 420 kV towers since 1996 which resulted in a design called Compact Plus. The Compact Plus tower is equipped with line post insulators, functioning as cross-arms. In 2008 three of these compacted towers, have been installed in Norway. The Compact Plus towers replaced three existing towers in a suburban a...
Conference Paper
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One of the large problems for electrical power delivery through power lines in the Northern countries is when snow or ice accumulates on electrical insulators. This could lead to snow or ice-induced outages and voltage collapse, causing huge economic loss. This paper proposes a novel real-time automatic surveillance and image analysis system for de...
Conference Paper
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In today's energy market, operators want to minimize the costs for maintenance and outages. Condition-based maintenance techniques using diagnostics and or monitoring systems are a prequisit in power grids nowadays. At times where the need for such systems is increasing, the time and knowledge available for analysis and interpretation is decreasing...
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To be able to determine, verify and monitor the ice-and snow performance of different insulation solutions, laboratory test methods and an on-site, on-line web based surveillance system are needed. The method for determining the ice performance in laboratory conditions, ice progressive stress (IPS) method, is described in this paper. Further it is...
Conference Paper
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When planning, designing and constructing overhead lines, one of the aspects to consider is grounding. Sometimes it is in Norway, because of the soil conditions (a lot of solid rock, etc), very difficult to get a tower properly grounded, see Fig. 1. This may result in that the grounding does not fulfil the requirements and in some cases it may lead...
Conference Paper
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Statnett and STRI are investigating the upgrading of Norwegian 300 kV lines into 420 kV lines. Because of the higher voltage, longer insulator strings have to be used. But since then the tower clearance will be reduced the insulators have to be kept as short as possible. Therefore they are investigating which type of insulator is the most optimal o...
Conference Paper
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A new revision of IEC 60060-1 is under preparation right now. At the CIGRE WG D1.33 meeting in 2005 it was discussed that in this draft both manual and digital evaluation of lightning impulses are accepted and described. It was commented at the WG meeting that in case of manual evaluation of lightning impulses the overall measurement uncertainty fo...
Conference Paper
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After an introduction of the actual IEC Publication concerning high voltage test and measuring techniques with the relation between the lightning and switching impulse voltage to the highest voltage for equipment (AC or DC) the generation and measurement of the different types of test voltages are described. The required AC test voltages in the ran...
Conference Paper
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To be able to perform condition-based maintenance, diagnostics and monitoring are required. STRI, LDIC, VB Kraft and VB Elnät are developing an on-line web-based monitoring system for amongst others generators. As a pilot project the system is installed in a hydropower plant. The aim of this project is to: a) get service experience with such a syst...
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In order to remove the present IEC 60060-1 and IEEE Standard 4 ambiguities in the evaluation of the test voltage when oscillations and/or an overshoot appear superimposed in a lightning impulse, at the end of the 1990s, a European Project within the Standard, Measurement and Testing (SMT) program was developed by KEMA (Netherlands), Schering Instit...
Conference Paper
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The current version of IEC 60060-1 defines that overshoot or oscillations on lightning impulses with frequencies above 500 kHz should be disregarded, and that a mean curve should be drawn for the determination of the test voltage, i.e., the effective peak voltage of the impulse. This definition has not been very practical, and it has led to ambigui...
Conference Paper
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The evaluation of lightning impulses with oscillations or overshoot near the peak suffers from the definition in the actual recommendation. The breakdown behaviour depends on the frequency of the oscillation and the amplitude. The results of a European Research Project have shown, that the influence of the superimposed oscillations can be described...
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The procedures for evaluation of lightning impulse wave-shapes in IEC 60060-1:1989 allow different interpretations to be made of crucial wave shape characteristics particu-larly when there are oscillations on the peak of the impulse. In extreme cases these differences can lead to inconsistencies in insulation dimensions with a consequent difficulty...
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Statnett is investigating the upgrading of some of their 300 kV class transmission lines to 420 kV. Part of the insulator selection process is the insulators' ice performance. At present no standardised methods exist for ice testing. The aim of the paper is to describe the development of a suitable, cost-and time efficient method applicable for com...
Conference Paper
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The evaluation of lightning impulses with oscillations and overshoot near the peak con-tents some problems due to the ambiguous definition of the test voltage and its sensitivi-ty on small changes of the frequency near 500 kHz. This contribution shows the results of a Joint European Research Work on the influence of the amplitude and frequency of o...
Conference Paper
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The Dry-Salt-Layer (DSL) method has been developed at STRI as a service adopted pollution test method for ceramic and composite insulators. It is intended to simulate critical flashover conditions close to the coast that can be described as the accumulation of semi-dry salt particles on the insulator followed by wetting in the form of rain or fog....
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Lightning strokes have caused a considerable number of failures of high voltage equipment installed in medium and high voltage grids. In order to prevent these failures several studies have been performed and several measures have been taken. One of these measures is to test high voltage equipment with lightning impulse voltages. The measurement of...
Conference Paper
The IEC Standard 60060 describes the requirements for high-voltage (HV) tests, but it is very clear that not all of these requirements can be applied for on-site testing. Therefore, the CIGRE WG 33.03 is investigating necessary modifications of IEC 60060 to create a common basis for HV withstand testing on site. This paper gives an overview of the...
Conference Paper
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In this paper, the present problems with the evaluation methods for lightning impulse parameters as defined in IEC 60060-1, are described. Also the current practice of evaluation in many laboratories worldwide, that is obtained by a questionnaire, is presented. Some of the work performed up the present time and the initial conclusions are reported,...
Conference Paper
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Because cables and accessories are an important art of the electric infrastructure they are subjected to several tests. One of these tests are type tests. For type tests several standards are available. Type testing of cables and accessories is not a superfluous luxury, while it appears that around 26% of the objects do not pass the type tests beca...
Conference Paper
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In june 1997 the CD of IEC 6270 was published and circulated to IEC TC 42 members for comments. KEMA has performed a performance test on a partical discharge calibrator, calculated the uncertainty of this calibration, calculated the unertainty in the partial discharge calibrator charge and has established a record of performance according to the dr...
Experiment Findings
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Goal of this research project was to evaluate different detection methods (electrical, acoustical and optical) for usage in an on-line monitoring and on-line inspection system for GIS by means of a literature study followed by the design and construction of a calibration setup. The detection methods were compared with respect to costs, sensitivity,...


Questions (2)
Statnett SF R&D is investigating methods for replacement of air warning markers on overhead lines on a 420 kV level. We are looking especially for methods where people are NOT placed on the earthing/grounding conductors and methods wich avoid using the whole earthing/ground conductor. Such as methods using helicopters or other methods. Is there anyone out there who has contacts or experiences with such methods?
Existing conductors that have been many years in service can be damaged. Therefore we would like to have people physically working on them. Replacing conductors is expensive. Therefore we are looking for alternative methods.
With the introduction of Smart Grid, the electricity prices will vary during the day, depending on the relation of consumption and production. The question is if anyone has investigated the influence of this to the segregation of the society.
People with a high income could care less if the electricity price is high for the moment and put on their electrical machines or heating systems indepent of that. The energy consumption of people with a low income will however be affected to a larger scale.
Is this fair? Has anyone thought about this/ investigated this?


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