Robert Fisher

Robert Fisher


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Skills and Expertise


Publications (17)
Firing rates before, during, and after repeated 20 s stimulation periods for each of the five neurons recorded in central thalamus.Exact p values comparing thalamic firing rate before and during stimulation are provided.DOI:
Animal-specific activation volumes for the twelve regions of interest shown in Figure 2E–H.Exact p values comparing the volume activated during 10 versus 40 Hz stimulation and 10 versus 100 Hz stimulation are provided.DOI:
Firing rates before, during, and after repeated 20 s central thalamus stimulation periods for each of the 28 neurons recorded in zona incerta.Exact p values comparing zona incerta firing rate before and during central thalamus stimulation are provided.DOI:
Evoked changes in cortical firing rate during 10 Hz central thalamus stimulation with and without concurrent eNpHR activation in zona incerta.Values represent the 1 s bin that exhibited the greatest number of cells with reduced inhibition for each animal. Changes are normalized to pre-stimulation baseline levels. Exact p values are provided.DOI: ht...
Firing rates before, during, and after repeated 20 s stimulation periods for each of the 11 neurons recorded in somatosensory cortex.Exact p values comparing the somatosensory cortex firing rate before and during stimulation are provided. The 20 s stimulation period was divided into four consecutive 5 s blocks to evaluate the change in firing rate...
Evoked changes in incertal firing rate during 10 Hz central thalamus stimulation with and without concurrent eNpHR activation.Changes are normalized to pre-stimulation baseline levels. Exact p values are provided.DOI:
Quantification of spindle-like oscillation (SLO) occurrences in the zona incerta during 10 and 40 Hz stimulation of central thalamus.Exact p values comparing SLO counts during 10 versus 40 Hz stimulation are provided.DOI:
Matlab script (countSLOs.m) for identification and quantification of spindle-like oscillations. DOI:
In recent years there has been growing interest across the world in ways of developing children's thinking and learning skills. This interest has been fed by new knowledge about how the brain works and how people learn, and evidence that specific interventions can improve children's thinking and intelligence. Thinking skills are important because m...
This paper reflects on the nature of ‘dialogic teaching’ to help answer the question: ‘What kinds of dialogue do children need?’ It draws on Bakhtin's analysis of different genres of dialogue and research into philosophy with children to describe how Socratic and Menippean dialogue can extend the creative possibilities of enquiry with children. It...
This paper argues the case for meditation with children. It seeks to define what meditation is, why it is important and how it can be practised with children. Meditation provides a good starting point for learning and creativity. It builds upon a long tradition of meditative practice in religious and humanistic settings and research gives evidence...
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We read for many reasons and this paper focuses on one of those – reading for thinking. It reports on the Philosophy in Primary Schools project and argues that one of the best ways teachers can add value to their work in literacy is by incorporating philosophical discussion with children through an approach called Stories for Thinking. It outlines...
This article explores the core concepts of thinking skills and learning. It argues that to raise children's achievement in thinking and learning we need to move from the idea of developing the thinking child to the idea of creating powerful learning environments, thinking classrooms, thinking schools and communities. Approaches to developing thinki...
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This article explores what metacognition is, why it is important and how it develops in children. It argues that teachers need to help children develop metacognitive awareness, and identifies the factors which enhance metacognitive development Metacognitive thinking is a key element in the transfer of learning. The child's development of metacognit...


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