Pieter Abbeel

Pieter Abbeel
University of California, Berkeley | UCB · Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences


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Publications (504)
Preparation requires technical research and development, as well as adaptive, proactive governance
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Contact is at the core of robotic manipulation. At times, it is desired (e.g. manipulation and grasping), and at times, it is harmful (e.g. when avoiding obstacles). However, traditional path planning algorithms focus solely on collision-free paths, limiting their applicability in contact-rich tasks. To address this limitation, we propose the domai...
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Using learned reward functions (LRFs) as a means to solve sparse-reward reinforcement learning (RL) tasks has yielded some steady progress in task-complexity through the years. In this work, we question whether today's LRFs are best-suited as a direct replacement for task rewards. Instead, we propose leveraging the capabilities of LRFs as a pretrai...
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Dense packing in pick-and-place systems is an important feature in many warehouse and logistics applications. Prior work in this space has largely focused on planning algorithms in simulation, but real-world packing performance is often bottlenecked by the difficulty of perceiving 3D object geometry in highly occluded, partially observed scenes. In...
To interact with humans in the world, agents need to understand the diverse types of language that people use, relate them to the visual world, and act based on them. While current agents learn to execute simple language instructions from task rewards, we aim to build agents that leverage diverse language that conveys general knowledge, describes t...
The existing internet-scale image and video datasets cover a wide range of everyday objects and tasks, bringing the potential of learning policies that have broad generalization. Prior works have explored visual pre-training with different self-supervised objectives, but the generalization capabilities of the learned policies remain relatively unkn...
Complex, long-horizon planning and its combinatorial nature pose steep challenges for learning-based agents. Difficulties in such settings are exacerbated in low data regimes where over-fitting stifles generalization and compounding errors hurt accuracy. In this work, we explore the use of an often unused source of auxiliary supervision: language....
Complex, long-horizon planning and its combinatorial nature pose steep challenges for learning-based agents. Difficulties in such settings are exacerbated in low data regimes where over-fitting stifles generalization and compounding errors hurt accuracy. In this work, we explore the use of an often unused source of auxiliary supervision: language....
Current methods in training and benchmarking vision models exhibit an over-reliance on passive, curated datasets. Although models trained on these datasets have shown strong performance in a wide variety of tasks such as classification, detection, and segmentation, they fundamentally are unable to generalize to an ever-evolving world due to constan...
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Large text-to-video models trained on internet-scale data have demonstrated exceptional capabilities in generating high-fidelity videos from arbitrary textual descriptions. However, adapting these models to tasks with limited domain-specific data, such as animation or robotics videos, poses a significant computational challenge, since finetuning a...
Three challenges limit the progress of robot learning research: robots are expensive (few labs can participate), everyone uses different robots (findings do not generalize across labs), and we lack internet-scale robotics data. We take on these challenges via a new benchmark: Train Offline, Test Online (TOTO). TOTO provides remote users with access...
A promising technique for exploration is to maximize the entropy of visited state distribution, i.e., state entropy, by encouraging uniform coverage of visited state space. While it has been effective for an unsupervised setup, it tends to struggle in a supervised setup with a task reward, where an agent prefers to visit high-value states to exploi...
Learning from human feedback has been shown to improve text-to-image models. These techniques first learn a reward function that captures what humans care about in the task and then improve the models based on the learned reward function. Even though relatively simple approaches (e.g., rejection sampling based on reward scores) have been investigat...
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Specifying reward signals that allow agents to learn complex behaviors is a long-standing challenge in reinforcement learning. A promising approach is to extract preferences for behaviors from unlabeled videos, which are widely available on the internet. We present Video Prediction Rewards (VIPER), an algorithm that leverages pretrained video predi...
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We introduce Masked Trajectory Models (MTM) as a generic abstraction for sequential decision making. MTM takes a trajectory, such as a state-action sequence, and aims to reconstruct the trajectory conditioned on random subsets of the same trajectory. By training with a highly randomized masking pattern, MTM learns versatile networks that can take o...
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We introduce a new benchmarking suite for high-dimensional control, targeted at testing high spatial and temporal precision, coordination, and planning, all with an underactuated system frequently making-and-breaking contacts. The proposed challenge is mastering the piano through bi-manual dexterity, using a pair of simulated anthropomorphic robot...
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We present the largest and most comprehensive empirical study of pre-trained visual representations (PVRs) or visual 'foundation models' for Embodied AI. First, we curate CortexBench, consisting of 17 different tasks spanning locomotion, navigation, dexterous, and mobile manipulation. Next, we systematically evaluate existing PVRs and find that non...
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Foundation models pretrained on diverse data at scale have demonstrated extraordinary capabilities in a wide range of vision and language tasks. When such models are deployed in real world environments, they inevitably interface with other entities and agents. For example, language models are often used to interact with human beings through dialogu...
Preference-based reinforcement learning (RL) provides a framework to train agents using human preferences between two behaviors. However, preference-based RL has been challenging to scale since it requires a large amount of human feedback to learn a reward function aligned with human intent. In this paper, we present Preference Transformer, a neura...
Deep generative models have shown impressive results in text-to-image synthesis. However, current text-to-image models often generate images that are inadequately aligned with text prompts. We propose a fine-tuning method for aligning such models using human feedback, comprising three stages. First, we collect human feedback assessing model output...
This work aims to push the limits of agility for bipedal robots by enabling a torque-controlled bipedal robot to perform robust and versatile dynamic jumps in the real world. We present a multi-task reinforcement learning framework to train the robot to accomplish a large variety of jumping tasks, such as jumping to different locations and directio...
One of the key capabilities of intelligent agents is the ability to discover useful skills without external supervision. However, the current unsupervised skill discovery methods are often limited to acquiring simple, easy-to-learn skills due to the lack of incentives to discover more complex, challenging behaviors. We introduce a novel unsupervise...
Reinforcement learning has seen wide success in finetuning large language models to better align with instructions via human feedback. The so-called algorithm, Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback (RLHF) demonstrates impressive performance on the GPT series models. However, the underlying Reinforcement Learning (RL) algorithm is complex and r...
Visual robotic manipulation research and applications often use multiple cameras, or views, to better perceive the world. How else can we utilize the richness of multi-view data? In this paper, we investigate how to learn good representations with multi-view data and utilize them for visual robotic manipulation. Specifically, we train a multi-view...
Recent progress in scaling up large language models has shown impressive capabilities in performing few-shot learning across a wide range of text-based tasks. However, a key limitation is that these language models fundamentally lack visual perception - a crucial attribute needed to extend these models to be able to interact with the real world and...
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A goal of artificial intelligence is to construct an agent that can solve a wide variety of tasks. Recent progress in text-guided image synthesis has yielded models with an impressive ability to generate complex novel images, exhibiting combinatorial generalization across domains. Motivated by this success, we investigate whether such tools can be...
We are interested in learning scalable agents for reinforcement learning that can learn from large-scale, diverse sequential data similar to current large vision and language models. To this end, this paper presents masked decision prediction (MaskDP), a simple and scalable self-supervised pretraining method for reinforcement learning (RL) and beha...
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Using massive datasets to train large-scale models has emerged as a dominant approach for broad generalization in natural language and vision applications. In reinforcement learning, however, a key challenge is that available data of sequential decision making is often not annotated with actions - for example, videos of game-play are much more avai...
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Diffusion models have shown impressive results in text-to-image synthesis. Using massive datasets of captioned images, diffusion models learn to generate raster images of highly diverse objects and scenes. However, designers frequently use vector representations of images like Scalable Vector Graphics (SVGs) for digital icons or art. Vector graphic...
Most existing methods for category-level pose estimation rely on object point clouds. However, when considering transparent objects, depth cameras are usually not able to capture meaningful data, resulting in point clouds with severe artifacts. Without a high-quality point cloud, existing methods are not applicable to challenging transparent object...
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Autonomous driving is complex, requiring sophisticated 3D scene understanding, localization, mapping, and control. Rather than explicitly modelling and fusing each of these components, we instead consider an end-to-end approach via reinforcement learning (RL). However, collecting exploration driving data in the real world is impractical and dangero...
Large language models (LLM) trained using the next-token-prediction objective, such as GPT3 and PaLM, have revolutionized natural language processing in recent years by showing impressive zero-shot and few-shot capabilities across a wide range of tasks. In this work, we propose a simple technique that significantly boosts the performance of LLMs wi...
Humans are excellent at understanding language and vision to accomplish a wide range of tasks. In contrast, creating general instruction-following embodied agents remains a difficult challenge. Prior work that uses pure language-only models lack visual grounding, making it difficult to connect language instructions with visual observations. On the...
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Future- or return-conditioned supervised learning is an emerging paradigm for offline reinforcement learning (RL), where the future outcome (i.e., return) associated with an observed action sequence is used as input to a policy trained to imitate those same actions. While return-conditioning is at the heart of popular algorithms such as decision tr...
One of the most important AI research questions is to trade off computation versus performance since ``perfect rationality" exists in theory but is impossible to achieve in practice. Recently, Monte-Carlo tree search (MCTS) has attracted considerable attention due to the significant performance improvement in various challenging domains. However, t...
Reinforcement Learning (RL) algorithms are often known for sample inefficiency and difficult generalization. Recently, Unsupervised Environment Design (UED) emerged as a new paradigm for zero-shot generalization by simultaneously learning a task distribution and agent policies on the sampled tasks. This is a non-stationary process where the task di...
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In this work, we explore self-supervised visual pre-training on images from diverse, in-the-wild videos for real-world robotic tasks. Like prior work, our visual representations are pre-trained via a masked autoencoder (MAE), frozen, and then passed into a learnable control module. Unlike prior work, we show that the pre-trained representations are...
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Generating long, temporally consistent video remains an open challenge in video generation. Primarily due to computational limitations, most prior methods limit themselves to training on a small subset of frames that are then extended to generate longer videos through a sliding window fashion. Although these techniques may produce sharp videos, the...
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Multi-objective optimization models that encode ordered sequential constraints provide a solution to model various challenging problems including encoding preferences, modeling a curriculum, and enforcing measures of safety. A recently developed theory of topological Markov decision processes (TMDPs) captures this range of problems for the case of...
Video prediction is an important yet challenging problem; burdened with the tasks of generating future frames and learning environment dynamics. Recently, autoregressive latent video models have proved to be a powerful video prediction tool, by separating the video prediction into two sub-problems: pre-training an image generator model, followed by...
In temporal-difference reinforcement learning algorithms, variance in value estimation can cause instability and overestimation of the maximal target value. Many algorithms have been proposed to reduce overestimation, including several recent ensemble methods, however none have shown success in sample-efficient learning through addressing estimatio...
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Autoregressive generative models can estimate complex continuous data distributions, like trajectory rollouts in an RL environment, image intensities, and audio. Most state-of-the-art models discretize continuous data into several bins and use categorical distributions over the bins to approximate the continuous data distribution. The advantage is...
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To solve tasks in complex environments, robots need to learn from experience. Deep reinforcement learning is a common approach to robot learning but requires a large amount of trial and error to learn, limiting its deployment in the physical world. As a consequence, many advances in robot learning rely on simulators. On the other hand, learning ins...
Visual model-based reinforcement learning (RL) has the potential to enable sample-efficient robot learning from visual observations. Yet the current approaches typically train a single model end-to-end for learning both visual representations and dynamics, making it difficult to accurately model the interaction between robots and small objects. In...
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We investigate the capability of a transformer pretrained on natural language to generalize to other modalities with minimal finetuning -- in particular, without finetuning of the self-attention and feedforward layers of the residual blocks. We consider such a model, which we call a Frozen Pretrained Transformer (FPT), and study finetuning it on a...
The capability of a reinforcement learning (RL) agent heavily depends on the diversity of the learning scenarios generated by the environment. Generation of diverse realistic scenarios is challenging for real-time strategy (RTS) environments. The RTS environments are characterized by intelligent entities/non-RL agents cooperating and competing with...
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In this work, we present Patch-based Object-centric Video Transformer (POVT), a novel region-based video generation architecture that leverages object-centric information to efficiently model temporal dynamics in videos. We build upon prior work in video prediction via an autoregressive transformer over the discrete latent space of compressed video...
Intelligent agents need to select long sequences of actions to solve complex tasks. While humans easily break down tasks into subgoals and reach them through millions of muscle commands, current artificial intelligence is limited to tasks with horizons of a few hundred decisions, despite large compute budgets. Research on hierarchical reinforcement...
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Intelligent agents should have the ability to leverage knowledge from previously learned tasks in order to learn new ones quickly and efficiently. Meta-learning approaches have emerged as a popular solution to achieve this. However, meta-reinforcement learning (meta-RL) algorithms have thus far been restricted to simple environments with narrow tas...
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Building scalable models to learn from diverse, multimodal data remains an open challenge. For vision-language data, the dominant approaches are based on contrastive learning objectives that train a separate encoder for each modality. While effective, contrastive learning approaches introduce sampling bias depending on the data augmentations used,...
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Imitation learning aims to extract high-performance policies from logged demonstrations of expert behavior. It is common to frame imitation learning as a supervised learning problem in which one fits a function approximator to the input-output mapping exhibited by the logged demonstrations (input observations to output actions). While the framing o...
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Imitation learning often needs a large demonstration set in order to handle the full range of situations that an agent might find itself in during deployment. However, collecting expert demonstrations can be expensive. Recent work in vision, reinforcement learning, and NLP has shown that auxiliary representation learning objectives can reduce the n...
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Coarse-to-fine Q-attention enables sample-efficient robot manipulation by discretizing the translation space in a coarse-to-fine manner, where the resolution gradually increases at each layer in the hierarchy. Although effective, Q-attention suffers from "coarse ambiguity" - when voxelization is significantly coarse, it is not feasible to distingui...
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In this paper, we propose an iterative self-training framework for sim-to-real 6D object pose estimation to facilitate cost-effective robotic grasping. Given a bin-picking scenario, we establish a photo-realistic simulator to synthesize abundant virtual data, and use this to train an initial pose estimation network. This network then takes the role...
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The goal of imitation learning is to mimic expert behavior from demonstrations, without access to an explicit reward signal. A popular class of approach infers the (unknown) reward function via inverse reinforcement learning (IRL) followed by maximizing this reward function via reinforcement learning (RL). The policies learned via these approaches...
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We propose Learned Path Ranking (LPR), a method that accepts an end-effector goal pose, and learns to rank a set of goal-reaching paths generated from an array of path generating methods, including: path planning, Bezier curve sampling, and a learned policy. The core idea being that each of the path generation modules will be useful in different ta...
Being able to predict the performance of circuits without running expensive simulations is a desired capability that can catalyze automated design. In this paper, we present a supervised pretraining approach to learn circuit representations that can be adapted to new circuit topologies or unseen prediction tasks. We hypothesize that if we train a n...
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Training a high-dimensional simulated agent with an under-specified reward function often leads the agent to learn physically infeasible strategies that are ineffective when deployed in the real world. To mitigate these unnatural behaviors, reinforcement learning practitioners often utilize complex reward functions that encourage physically plausib...
Recent unsupervised pre-training methods have shown to be effective on language and vision domains by learning useful representations for multiple downstream tasks. In this paper, we investigate if such unsupervised pre-training methods can also be effective for vision-based reinforcement learning (RL). To this end, we introduce a framework that le...
Preference-based reinforcement learning (RL) has shown potential for teaching agents to perform the target tasks without a costly, pre-defined reward function by learning the reward with a supervisor's preference between the two agent behaviors. However, preference-based learning often requires a large amount of human feedback, making it difficult...
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Training automated agents to complete complex tasks in interactive environments is challenging: reinforcement learning requires careful hand-engineering of reward functions, imitation learning requires specialized infrastructure and access to a human expert, and learning from intermediate forms of supervision (like binary preferences) is time-consu...
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We are interested in training general-purpose reinforcement learning agents that can solve a wide variety of goals. Training such agents efficiently requires automatic generation of a goal curriculum. This is challenging as it requires (a) exploring goals of increasing difficulty, while ensuring that the agent (b) is exposed to a diverse set of goa...
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We propose a new policy parameterization for representing 3D rotations during reinforcement learning. Today in the continuous control reinforcement learning literature, many stochastic policy parameterizations are Gaussian. We argue that universally applying a Gaussian policy parameterization is not always desirable for all environments. One such c...
Recent progress in deep learning has relied on access to large and diverse datasets. Such data-driven progress has been less evident in offline reinforcement learning (RL), because offline RL data is usually collected to optimize specific target tasks limiting the data's diversity. In this work, we propose Exploratory data for Offline RL (ExORL), a...
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We introduce Contrastive Intrinsic Control (CIC), an algorithm for unsupervised skill discovery that maximizes the mutual information between skills and state transitions. In contrast to most prior approaches, CIC uses a decomposition of the mutual information that explicitly incentivizes diverse behaviors by maximizing state entropy. We derive a n...
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In order for humans to confidently decide where to employ RL agents for real-world tasks, a human developer must validate that the agent will perform well at test-time. Some policy interpretability methods facilitate this by capturing the policy's decision making in a set of agent rollouts. However, even the most informative trajectories of trainin...
Can world knowledge learned by large language models (LLMs) be used to act in interactive environments? In this paper, we investigate the possibility of grounding high-level tasks, expressed in natural language (e.g. "make breakfast"), to a chosen set of actionable steps (e.g. "open fridge"). While prior work focused on learning from explicit step-...
Being able to predict the performance of circuits without running expensive simulations is a desired capability that can catalyze automated design. In this article, we present a supervised pretraining approach to learn circuit representations that can be adapted to new circuit topologies or unseen prediction tasks. We hypothesize that if we train a...
Soft Actor-Critic (SAC) is considered the state-of-the-art algorithm in continuous action space settings. It uses the maximum entropy framework for efficiency and stability, and applies a heuristic temperature Lagrange term to tune the temperature $\alpha$, which determines how "soft" the policy should be. It is counter-intuitive that empirical evi...
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We combine neural rendering with multi-modal image and text representations to synthesize diverse 3D objects solely from natural language descriptions. Our method, Dream Fields, can generate the geometry and color of a wide range of objects without 3D supervision. Due to the scarcity of diverse, captioned 3D data, prior methods only generate object...
Meta-reinforcement learning (meta-RL) has proven to be a successful framework for leveraging experience from prior tasks to rapidly learn new related tasks, however, current meta-RL approaches struggle to learn in sparse reward environments. Although existing meta-RL algorithms can learn strategies for adapting to new sparse reward tasks, the actua...
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Maximum Entropy Reinforcement Learning (MaxEnt RL) algorithms such as Soft Q-Learning (SQL) and Soft Actor-Critic trade off reward and policy entropy, which has the potential to improve training stability and robustness. Most MaxEnt RL methods, however, use a constant tradeoff coefficient (temperature), contrary to the intuition that the temperatur...
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In order to interact with a robot or make wise decisions about where and how to deploy it in the real world, humans need to have an accurate mental model of how the robot acts in different situations. We propose to improve users’ mental model of a robot by showing them examples of how the robot behaves in informative scenarios. We explore this in t...
Reinforcement learning (RL) requires access to a reward function that incentivizes the right behavior, but these are notoriously hard to specify for complex tasks. Preference-based RL provides an alternative: learning policies using a teacher's preferences without pre-defined rewards, thus overcoming concerns associated with reward engineering. How...
Dexterous manipulation of arbitrary objects, a fundamental daily task for humans, has been a grand challenge for autonomous robotic systems. Although data-driven approaches using reinforcement learning can develop specialist policies that discover behaviors to control a single object, they often exhibit poor generalization to unseen ones. In this w...
Reinforcement learning has achieved great success in many applications. However, sample efficiency remains a key challenge, with prominent methods requiring millions (or even billions) of environment steps to train. Recently, there has been significant progress in sample efficient image-based RL algorithms; however, consistent human-level performan...
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Deep Reinforcement Learning (RL) has emerged as a powerful paradigm to solve a range of complex yet specific control tasks. Yet training generalist agents that can quickly adapt to new tasks remains an outstanding challenge. Recent advances in unsupervised RL have shown that pre-training RL agents with self-supervised intrinsic rewards can result i...
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Temporal-Difference (TD) learning methods, such as Q-Learning, have proven effective at learning a policy to perform control tasks. One issue with methods like Q-Learning is that the value update introduces bias when predicting the TD target of a unfamiliar state. Estimation noise becomes a bias after the max operator in the policy improvement step...
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A general-purpose robot should be able to master a wide range of tasks and quickly learn a novel one by leveraging past experiences. One-shot imitation learning (OSIL) approaches this goal by training an agent with (pairs of) expert demonstrations, such that at test time, it can directly execute a new task from just one demonstration. However, so f...
We introduce a new unsupervised pretraining objective for reinforcement learning. During the unsupervised reward-free pretraining phase, the agent maximizes mutual information between tasks and states induced by the policy. Our key contribution is a novel lower bound of this intractable quantity. We show that by reinterpreting and combining variati...
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A promising approach to solving challenging long-horizon tasks has been to extract behavior priors (skills) by fitting generative models to large offline datasets of demonstrations. However, such generative models inherit the biases of the underlying data and result in poor and unusable skills when trained on imperfect demonstration data. To better...
Synthesizing graceful and life-like behaviors for physically simulated characters has been a fundamental challenge in computer animation. Data-driven methods that leverage motion tracking are a prominent class of techniques for producing high fidelity motions for a wide range of behaviors. However, the effectiveness of these tracking-based methods...
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One of the key challenges in visual imitation learning is collecting large amounts of expert demonstrations for a given task. While methods for collecting human demonstrations are becoming easier with teleoperation methods and the use of low-cost assistive tools, we often still require 100-1000 demonstrations for every task to learn a visual repres...
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A desirable property of autonomous agents is the ability to both solve long-horizon problems and generalize to unseen tasks. Recent advances in data-driven skill learning have shown that extracting behavioral priors from offline data can enable agents to solve challenging long-horizon tasks with reinforcement learning. However, generalization to ta...
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The last decade has seen a significant increase of interest in deep learning research, with many public successes that have demonstrated its potential. As such, these systems are now being incorporated into commercial products. With this comes an additional challenge: how can we build AI systems that solve tasks where there is not a crisp, well-def...


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