Mario Michaelides

Mario Michaelides
University of West London | UWL · Sociotechnical Centre for Internationalisation and User Experience (SCIUX)


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Publications (5)
Conference Paper
Human-computer interaction has become a subject taught across universities around the world, outside of the cultures where it originated. However, the implications of its assimilation into the syllabus of courses offered by universities around the world remain under-researched. Our research project provides insights on these implications by studyin...
Full-text available
The discipline of human-computer interaction has become a subject taught across universities around the world, outside of the cultures where it originated. However, the intercultural implication of its assimilation into the syllabus of courses offered by universities around the world remains under-researched. The purpose of this ongoing research pr...
Conference Paper
The discipline of human-computer interaction has become a subject taught across universities around the world, outside of the cultures where it originated. However, the intercultural implication of its assimilation into the syllabus of courses offered by universities around the world remains under-researched. The purpose of this ongoing research pr...


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