Keyvan Salehi

Keyvan Salehi
University of Tehran | UT · Faculty of Psychology and Education, Division of Research and Assessment

Professor (Associate) at University of Tehran; Ph.D. in Educational Measurement and Evaluation


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Keyvan Salehi is an Associate professor in the Faculty of Psychology and Education, Division of Research and Assessment, at the University of Tehran where he has been a faculty member since 2014. Keyvan completed his PhD. at University of Tehran and his undergraduate studies at Shahid Chamran University. His research interests lie in the area of qualitative, quantitative and mixed research methodologies, Test Construction, educational evaluations, etc.
Additional affiliations
August 2014 - August 2018
University of Tehran
  • Faculty Member
January 2006 - August 2009
  • Research Assistant
August 2003 - September 2006
University of Tehran
  • Master's Student


Publications (178)
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Changes in first and second movement in research methodology, led to emergence and development of quantitative and qualitative research methods. Second movement in research methodology emerged with an objective of rectifying certain shortfalls in the first movement, however, the second movement, itself, was not exempt from some shortfalls. These ha...
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Academic cheating is an almost new subject in the field of education in Iran and its consequences are not visible. Cheating is known as an immoral activity in the academic environment to learn ( Mccabe & Derinan, 1999). In other countries, in the field of academic cheating have been many researches, indicating that important factors in the fraudule...
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While the literature in non educational organization is extensive, there are very few studies related to social exchange predictors of teacher OCB. Among existing evidence, two of the high cited studies have been implemented by Moorman, Niehoff, and Organ (1993) and Konovsky and Pugh (1994). Although their social exchange models have been cited by...
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This review discusses the evidences in using SA tools in higher education settings. Using a detailed inclusion/exclusion procedure, 71 studies were included. A large number of studies were centred on system design issues and the evaluation of designed tools within education and computer technology classes, with blended learning modality among under...
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Taking into account prior research suggesting a lack of student participation in online discussions, this study examines the influence of peer moderator (PM) role assignment on students' participation and that of their peers' participation in online discussions. Eighty-four participants operated in a moderator role, reciprocally. Moreover, the stud...
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Marriage is a completely cultural category;Criticism of the quality of the conducted research with the focus on examining the psychometric properties of the developed tools is one of the most important strategies in the construction and improvement of measurement tools; Therefore, this research was conducted in a systematic review with the aim of i...
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Feedback, as the heart of the learning assessment system and the quality of its presentation methods, plays an irreplaceable role in the relationship between professor and student. Searching in databases and field evidence shows professors give feedback, but their feedback is not of sufficient quality. For this purpose, we tried to use descriptive...
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Career Transition is likely to be a complex process, and finding this complexity is essential to inform those responsible for talent development. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explain the Career transition from junior to senior in elite athletics to reveal the transition process and present it in the form of an intermediate theory. Meth...
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The educational system in any country does not develop beyond the capacity, capabilities, and motivation of its teachers. The first goal of this study was to develop the framework of essential competencies for assessment and selection before entering the teaching profession. To answer the research questions, an exploratory sequential mixed-methods...
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Objective: In this research, the conceptualization and construction of a scaled tool for measuring the quality of culture and evaluation was discussed. Methods: This research was based on the exploratory mixed method of the instrument development model. In the phenomenology stage, to analyze the lived experiences of Beneficiaries and stakeholders,...
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72 / 42 / 3047 ‫مقاله:‬ ‫پذيرش‬ ‫تاريخ‬ ‫؛‬ 74 / 40 / 3047 ‫صالحی‬ ‫شیوا‬ 1 ‫دهقانی‬ ‫مرضیه‬ 2 * ‫یانچشمه‬ ‫عظیمی‬ ‫اسماعیل‬ 3 ‫پور‬ ‫جوادی‬ ‫محمد‬ 4 ‫صالحی‬ ‫کیوان‬ 5 ‫ثانی‬ ‫نارنجی‬ ‫فاطمه‬ 6 ‫چکیده:‬ ‫اه‬ ‫مفل‬ ‫م‬ ‫ابعااد‬ ‫شناساايی‬ ‫هدف‬ ‫با‬ ‫حاضر‬ ‫مقاله‬ ‫هاا‬ ‫داده‬ ‫گرفات‬ ‫شکل‬ ‫معلمان‬ ‫ديجیتال‬ ‫شايستگی‬ ‫اساا‬ ‫بار‬ ‫هاا‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ما‬ ‫ا...
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Objective: The current research was conducted to design a suitable pattern for assessing the level of readiness for entering the profession of an elementary teacher. Methods: A sequential exploratory mixed-methods study was designed and executed in two stages to address the research question. In the initial phase, Grounded Theory was employed. Part...
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Cultivating, forming, and developing critical thinking competencies is one of the most important success factors of engineers in problem-finding, problematization identifying innovative solutions, and solving complex problems. Therefore, in a systematic review based on PRISMA guidelines, articles indexed in Scopus, Google Scholar, and Science Direc...
Effective disaster risk reduction and preparedness are imperative components of modern military healthcare systems. This study endeavors to enhance these facets by developing a "Comprehensive Competency Framework for Military Physicians in Disaster Risk Reduction and Preparedness." Through a systematic approach, the Delphi technique was employed, e...
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Teachers everywhere are constantly working hard to invest in technological innovations to improve the educational standards and create new models and strategies of teaching and learning. One of these models that seem to rely heavily on technology is the “flipped learning” or “flipped classroom model”. The present study aimed at investigating the pe...
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Introduction: Academic failure is one of the most important issues in the educational system, which constitutes a major part of the concerns of parents, educators, teachers and custodians of the educational institutions of society. Its occurrence and exacerbation have numerous individual, familial and social consequences. The present study has aime...
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Background and Objectives: The growth of communication technologies, the expansion of the use of electronic devices and the widespread use of the Internet have affected various aspects of human life. Education, teaching and learning, which are an important aspect of people's lives and an unobtrusive discussion at various social levels, has been gre...
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Commonality and differentiation of the concept of evaluation culture in university systems in order to develop human-social capital ABSTRACT Purpose: Evaluation culture, with its diverse roles, impacts organizational performance and mission achievement. Alignment with missions, conditions, resources, and organizational maturity is crucial. Effectiv...
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This study was aimed at clarifying the position of environment and heredity in scholastic aptitude by investigating the role of family, educational, and economic factors in the scholastic aptitude of ninth-grade students. This applied study adopted a quantitative approach and a descriptive causal-comparative method in terms of data collection. The...
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Introduction: Designing and implementing a dynamic, fair, and integrated performance measurement system, the most effective strategy and the most helpful activity for guiding individual, group, and organizational activities and creating a context for transformation to move towards shaping and strengthening the discourse of proportionalizing welfare...
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Objective: Overloaded curriculum is an emerging and complex phenomenon in the field of curriculum, which is considered a necessity for every educational system. Prevention of this issue requires a comprehensive investigation in terms of dimensions and characteristics; Therefore, the current research was conducted with the aim of identifying the dim...
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Objective: Overloaded curriculum is an emerging and complex phenomenon in the field of curriculum, which is considered a necessity for every educational system. Prevention of this issue requires a comprehensive investigation in terms of dimensions and characteristics; Therefore, the current research was conducted with the aim of identifying the dim...
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Introduction: This research was conducted with the aim of developing a pre-marriage counseling package for girls on the verge of marriage with divorced parents. Method: The current research is applied in terms of purpose and based on a mixed research design of the type of compilation of tools. First, the qualitative method of systematic review and...
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Background and Objectives: Various factors can play a role in producing aberrant response. The presence of aberrant response has a significant effect on the validity of the test. If the test scores do not have adequate validity, the score does not reflect the true latent trait of the test. Individual person fit statistics are indicators for evaluat...
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Background and Aim: With the rise of digital tools, education has moved away from its traditional form and is advancing towards non-physical learning modalities. Distance learning leads to flexibility and easy access through digital media. Thus, the purpose of this study was to understand the lived experiences of students, teachers, and professors...
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Scientific vitality and dynamism is the most important factor of growth and excellence in the scientific centers and this study sought to explain the formation of it in these centers. Data were gathered in semi-structured interviews with 22 participants (12 graduate students and 10 professors of scientific board) by purposive sampling. The data ana...
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Objective: One of the features of the anchor test, which can affect the equating process, is its correlation with the total test. This systematic review addressed the effects of this feature on the equating process and the factors affecting it. Methods: To this end, the terms equating, anchor, correlation, and a combination of them were searched on...
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This study aimed to analyze the meaning and concept of quality culture based on the commonality and differences of faculty members, managers, employees, and students of Tehran University. The approach of this study was qualitative and interpretive phenomenology. The research participants included four categories of stakeholders including: faculty m...
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Considering the increasing importance and role of educational needs assessment as the first step in the process of optimal training of employees and lack of attention to the comprehensive identification of Barriers to this value-creating process, in the present study, an attempt was made to use a qualitative approach, while deeply analyzing this ph...
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The current research was conducted with the aim of identifying barriers to optimal implementation of educational evaluation in National Gas Company of Iran and providing solutions for its improvement. Therefore, using the capacity of qualitative research approach and focus group method, the barriers of the studied phenomenon were identified. The da...
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Introduction: Pseudo-psychology is a non-scientific approach to psychology and clinical psychology that is adopted by quacks. The current study aimed to investigate the harms related to Pseudo-psychology from the point of view of clients in Iran. Method: The present research method was qualitative and descriptive phenomenology. For this, 20 male an...
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Identification and measurement of learning outcomes is a developing approach to higher education used to evaluate and improve its quality. The aim of this study was to identify and categorize the learning outcomes of undergraduates in the field of educational sciences. For this purpose, a qualitative approach and a systematic plan of grounded theor...
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Improving the quality of relationships in schools is one of the most important strategies to improve school space and enhance the Teaching-Learning Process. The Present study aimed to identify facilitating and inhibiting factors, criteria and indicators of the quality of interpersonal relationships in the primary school staff. The study in terms of...
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Goal: Rational agency and belief in divine values is the elixir of moving forward, resilience, uplifting and value-creating in individual and communal human life in the digital age. The present study was conducted with the aim of analyzing the perception and lived experience of students about the role of cyberspace in converting their religious bel...
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Parental divorce affects various behavioral, emotional, social, and academic outcomes, and children from divorced families are more likely to experience problems. This present study aimed to explore the dimensions of post-traumatic growth resulting from divorce parental among young Iranian women. A total of 20 young women living in Tehran, Iran, wh...
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The purpose of the research was to investigate how the authors of third-grade mathematics textbooks in Iran and Japan pay attention to the teaching of critical thinking components. This is a comparative research using "different social systems, different educational outputs" strategy for the selection of the sample. Also, data collection and analys...
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An ethics-based education system leads to a transcendental society full of moral behaviors. The core of a values-based curriculum is to provide the grounds for the trainers and trainees through goals, content, teaching methods, evaluation methods and learning activities to get familiarize with moral virtues and internalize these values and moral me...
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Objective: Comparison of capabilities of three different algorithms of decision tree and neural network model in order to choose the appropriate classification model to evaluate the performance of national exam candidates. Methods: It is based on a quantitative approach and a survey method, and the variables of gender, academic records and balance...
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Background. Enjoying family life and interpersonal or marital relationships as well as feeling satisfied are among the main desires of every person. Numerous studies show that self-differentiation is one of the most important intrapersonal and interpersonal elements in families, especially in Iranian ones, which is also associated with other psycho...
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Aim: The number of Female Headed Households heads of households in Iran is currently increasing; And the general consensus on the issue of their vulnerability has led many studies to unravel their issues. One of the most important, especially in Iran, is the social relations of these women and the expectations that society has of them. The purpose...
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Background: The thought of one’s own death is a fearful subject that is not easy to deal with. Fear of death can have various psychological effects on a person. Advances have been made in the measurement of death concerns leading to the development and validation of several scales as it varies according to social and cultural conditions. Objectives...
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The present study aimed to investigate the psychometric properties of fair classroom assessment Rubric based on Item-Response theory. For this purpose, a sample of 511 students of the University of Tehran was selected by the available sampling method and answered Rubric questions. At this stage, to determine the application of unidimensional or mul...
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The present study aimed to investigate the psychometric properties of fair classroom assessment Rubric based on Item-Response theory. For this purpose, a sample of 511 students of the University of Tehran was selected by the available sampling method and answered Rubric questions. At this stage, to determine the application of unidimensional or mul...
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Considering the changes that are taking place in higher education environment, improving the quality of scientific writing is one of the main goals of the educational system and the main concerns of university faculty members, students and scientists. For this purpose, it is necessary to identify the quality levels of its features and perform conti...
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Preparing the grounds for fostering and achieving the effective elementary school movement in any society is deemed as the most important smart investment to ensure progress. Despite such an importance, little research has been thus far conducted on constructing a localized instrument to measure effective schools in Iran. The present study aimed to...
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Aim: The number of Female Headed Households heads of households in Iran is currently increasing; And the general consensus on the issue of their vulnerability has led many studies to unravel their issues. One of the most important, especially in Iran, is the social relations of these women and the expectations that society has of them. The purpose...
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Self-differentiation is a contextual and cultural phenomenon and dependent on environmental and social conditions that is formed and experienced in a dynamic process under the influence of various conditions and factors. Considering this issue, the question was raised, what are the basic components in the formation of self-differentiation? For this...
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The aim of this study is to investigate the level of attention of the third-grade textbooks of elementary school in Iran and Japan according to the components of critical thinking. The research method of this study is documentary method. Content analysis method was used to analyze the textbook data of Japan and Iran and comparative-descriptive rese...
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Aims Based on cross-cultural studies, the experience of subjective well-being may be different in distinct populations. The findings of recent studies do not provide empirical evidence on subjective well-being in Iran. This study aimed to identify the most important components of subjective well-being in an urban Iranian population using a qualitat...
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Background and Aim: Today, the number of female heads of households is increasing and efforts are being made to support them. Therefore, the purpose of the current research is to analyze their lived experience of social support and to deeply understand the issues of this vulnerable group. Method: This research was conducted with phenomenological m...
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Fairness is an important quality of classroom assessment as a continuous process that affects learners' beliefs, mentality, motivation, satisfaction, and performance. The main purpose of this study was to construct a rubric for evaluating fairness in classroom assessment. For this purpose, based on an exploratory sequential mixed methods design, tw...
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The aim of this study was to identify the components of fair classroom assessment and formulate a conceptual framework for it by following the steps proposed by Okoli and Schabram for a systematic review. For this purpose, three databases including Eric, Elsevier, and Springer were systematically searched. As a result of this research, 39 sub-theme...
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The present study aimed to identify the harms of the educational-vocational guidance of students of University of Tehran with a mixed-methods approach. In the first part the level of academic major satisfaction was compared with a quantitative approach which was applied in terms of purpose and a descriptive survey in terms of method. The population...
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Optimal use of authentic task is the intelligent strategy for transforming, agility and visioning of educational systems to understand the requirements and needs of the real world, shape, nurture and develop the abilities and competencies of students. The present study was conducted to identify criterions and indicators of authentic task in primary...
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Today virtual laboratories play a special role in learning and training .studies related to this field have been studied over a period of 14 years. The purpose of this study is to identify the outcome of using virtual and distance laboratories in engineering education.Thus, in a systematic review based on PRISMA guidelines, articles indexed in the...
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The purpose of this study is to analyze the perception of Tehran University students about the concept of scrap learning and its consequences in the field of educational sciences. A qualitative research approach and phenomenological method were used. The research field was the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Tehran. th...
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Educational systems do not develop beyond the ability and motivation of their teachers. The teacher is the main factor in implementing educational programs in the school. The purpose of this study is to identify the factors, criteria and indicators for measuring teacher readiness in primary school. We conducted a systematic review in the period 200...
Developing research spirit in children as the most important future human capital of any society is considered one of the smartest strategies to face ever-increasing developments and transformations. Therefore in this research, we tried to identify and present the dimensions of fostering children as researchers using a qualitative approach based on...
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Background and Objective Decision-making in the medical profession is full of uncertainty. This review aimed to identify cognitive errors associated with physicians' decisions. Materials & Method PubMed and Medline databases were searched for English articles on cognitive biases published from 2000 to 2022. Among 235 found publications, 19 met the...
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The aim of this study is to investigate the factors associated with the quality of marriage counseling services and family consolidation by a systematic review. Data were collected based on 27 selected articles from among 72 articles published in valid domestic and foreign scientific-research databases up to 1400 (2022). To collect the data, the ke...
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Objective: The aim of this study was to identify and weigh the themes and sub-themes of fair classroom assessment. Methods: To achieve this aim, an interpretive phenomenology study was carried out. Semi-structured qualitative interviews were used to collect data. Using criterion sampling, after conducting 29 individual interviews, one group intervi...
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We explored and analyzed the dimensions of enhancing students’ interest in work and technology courses curriculum in junior high schools by dimensional analysis of the perceptions of students and teachers of vocational work and technology courses and based on the grounded theory and Schatzman dimensional analysis. Students were selected based on cr...
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Recent years have witnessed an increased emphasis on the need for stakeholders’ participation in the design of school environments. This descriptive phenomenological study used stratified sampling to analyze the perception of the third to sixth grade students of four schools. To this end, an essay was assigned to the students who were asked to comp...
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Introduction One of the theories of psychology in the field of communication is Transactional Analysis (TA) which helps people to know their emotional states and think about them (children, parents, adults), in different communication situations, to have the most appropriate behavior to form constructive interactions. One of the jobs that are forme...
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The aim of this study was to predict the performance of primary school principals in terms of components of brain executive functions .The present study is a descriptive-correlational and statistical population including all school principals in District 7 of Mashhad. The sample size of 106 people was determined by stratified sampling method using...
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This study was conducted to determine the rate of Students’ Subjective Well-Being in elementary school in Tehran. The statistical population consisted of all primary school students in the 15th district of Tehran. 410 students, 4 schools and 12 classrooms were surveyed by convenience sampling method. The present study is a combining both quantitati...
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Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the degree of observance of Dubono's lateral thinking criteria in the intended curriculum of the second elementary school. Method: For this purpose, a quantitative approach was used using the survey method. Results: The results showed that only 25% of the identified criteria were observed in the...
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Scientific authority is one of the most important strategic goals of the Islamic Republic of Iran. This study aims to explain the dysfunctional functions in the scientific authority. To this end, the perception of academic intellectuals was examined with a qualitative approach. Data were collected using purposive sampling and semi-structured interv...
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Developing self-disciplined students is one of the most important objectives in all education systems and can form the basis for sustainable development in any society. The aim of this study was to explain how self-regulatory students train in primary schools, with particular emphasis on the role of teachers and the application of a qualitative app...
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Given the importance of early diagnosis of attention-deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) on the one hand and the heterogeneity of ADHD among preschoolers, on the other hand, this study aimed at examining the tools used to diagnose ADHD in preschoolers. According to PRISMA guidelines, we searched for articles indexed in the Scopus, ProQuest, Sci...
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Objectives: The aim of this study was to understand the factors related to increasing and decreasing tendency of University student s to religiosity. Method: This study was done by qualitative phenomenological method. The participants were 105 well-informed individuals in four four groups consisting of students (75 people), faculty members (nine pe...
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The purpose of this study was to develop the Multiple Intelligences Scale for Iranian elementary school students - the Parent Form - and evaluate the psychometric properties of the proposed scale. The present study had a descriptive design. The statistical population of the study was comprised of all parents of primary school students in Tehran in...
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The purpose of this study was to construct a scale for assessing the Students` Subjective Well-being in School (ESSSWBSS). For this purpose, based on an exploratory sequential mixed methods design, two studies were conducted. In the first study, using purposive sampling of the criterion type, 29 key informants including teachers and elementary scho...
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Students 'academic achievement is a function of the quality of literacy and faculty members' assessment performance and students' perception of its feedback. Due to the lack of sufficient knowledge about students' perceived fairness of faculty members' assessment, performance and its determining role, in the present study, we tried to interpret and...
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Morality is recognized as a context and culture-dependent concept and the correct measurement of morality by means of valid and appropriate instruments of the related context and culture has always been the focus of psychologists. The main purpose of this study was to develop a scale for assessing morality in Iranian adolescents and to validate thi...
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Objective: Aptitude search, especially Scholastic Aptitude (SA), has always been a serious challenge for parents, counselors, teachers and even students themselves. Due to the wider and more specialized jobs and the creation of new knowledge, the need to identify specialized aptitudes for greater academic and professional success increases? For thi...
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Background and Objectives : The aim of this study was to investigate the components of character education for elementary school students. Methods: Data collection was based on a systematic qualitative research design. The sample was selected using the criteria of acceptance and non-acceptance and to search for texts, the keywords were selected bas...
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Introduction: Today, empowerment is one of the tools of managers in innovation and decentralization in organizations. Empowerment is the belief of an individual by which individuals' skills and knowledge are improved and acted upon. Hence, the present study aimed to identify the dimensions and barriers of faculty's empowerment with the approach of...
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Training competent counselors requires quality programs. Amongst the approaches of quality assurance in higher education, accreditation is the most extensive one with an explicit judgment about meeting the minimum necessary standards. However, there has been no specified policy for quality assurance of various counselor training programs in Iran. I...
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Objective: This study was conducted with the aim of identifying the dimensions and levels of quality culture in higher education system. Methods: This study is a systematic review that was conducted in 2021. The sample of this study was 22 studies that led to the final review among 71 quantitative, qualitative and initial mixed Method studies ident...
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This study was conducted since inflammation is one of the underlying mechanisms of many autoimmune diseases, cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, etc. The aim of this study is to collect and compare research findings on the relationship between childhood maltreatment and attachment styles with the level of CRP-IL-6 inflammatory markers. A syst...
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Background: Lupus is an autoimmune disease which cause and flares up are not medically predictable from a medical point of view. Inflammation is also the immune system's first response to a harmful stimulus. Perceptions of social support and marital satisfaction affect the immune system and inflammation. Aims: The general purpose of this study is t...
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Although the methodology is the foundation of teacher education research, and today the domain of this research has encountered methodological ambiguity, limited studies have been conducted on it in recent years. This shortcoming has led some studies to ignore the theoretical requirements of research and suffer from frequent conceptual fallacies. T...
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Marriage enrichment programs bring many positive results such as physical health, mental health, and the growth and development of family members. The purpose of this study was to systematically review communication enrichment and marriage checkup program. The method of the present study was qualitative and documentary in terms of design. Since the...
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Today, the study of executive functions, which is one of the main controllers and coordinators of human behavior, has received widespread attention. In this study, an attempt was made to identify and categorize the theories, models, and components that make up the executive functions of the brain by systematically reviewing internal and external st...
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Improving the safety of the country's schools as a gathering place for students is an undeniable necessity. To benefit from a safe school, in addition to the standard structure and stabilization of non-structural components, the readiness of those involved in dealing with the earthquake and sufficient knowledge about the tasks and duties to be perf...
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Background and Objectives: Knowledge and skill in mathematics are considered as one of the most essential individual skills for living in modern societies. For this reason, mathematics is seen as a major discipline in education. One of the problems in the field of education today is the decrease in students' interest in learning, especially in subj...
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Assessment has a key role in education: at both the classroom and school system levels, assessment impacts how and what teachers teach and students learn and defects in this process will have consequences. The aim of this paper is to present the consequences of pseudo evaluation in primary schools. In this study, 27 individuals were selected throug...
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This study aimed to evaluate the quality of the teaching process of preschool centers based on the international standard ECERS. For this purpose, 24 preschool centers in Qeshm city were selected based on multi-stage sampling from different regions and responsible organizations. Data were first collected using ECERS observation and interview techni...
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The purpose of this study was to represent the lived experiences of faculty members of the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences about the problems of the process of dissertations and dissertations of Tehran University students. The research field was the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Tehran and the pa...
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The quantity and quality of creation of knowledge prepares the grounds for a fundamental change and sustainable and balanced development in every society. The present paper aims to analyze the perception of the university elites and scholars about the obstacles in the way of creation of knowledge in humanities. To this end, by employing the capacit...
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The quality of teacher's life is a clear and decisive sign of the process of excellence or destruction in any society. The present study aimed to investigates the complex problems of teacher's profession. An attempt was made to identify the problems in their optimal performance and to investigate the factors that underlie motivation using a qualita...
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Attention to improving the quality of marital life is an important issue for the health of the individual, family, and community. The aim of this study was to combine the studies on components of marital quality and marital quality of couples. To this end, qualitative and meta-combined approaches used. The studied documents were collected using the...
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The education system is one of the most important pillars of every country's development, and this critical institution and its human products play a decisive role in the development of countries. Management in educational systems is more important and more difficult, because it deals with human achievement. And among these, school management also...


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