Beata Nowacka

Beata Nowacka
University of Silesia in Katowice · Faculty of Humanities

Associate professor


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Associate professor (University of Silesia in Katowice). Edited R. Kapuściński’s "The Emperor" for National Library series, published "Gloses to Kapuściński's „Shah of shahs”. With prof. Zygmunt Ziątek, wrote "Kapuściński: biography of a writer" (transl.: Spanish, Italian, French, English) and "Non-fiction literature. Reading Kapuściński after Domosławski".Edited a collection of Melchior Wańkowicz’s works for school didactics. Member of IALJS, scholarships: Italian Government, Fulbright Program.
Additional affiliations
February 2001 - present
University of Silesia in Katowice
  • Professor (Associate)
October 1991 - September 2001
University of Silesia in Katowice
Field of study
  • Polish Philology


Publications (24)
The article is devoted to Mexico, Melchior Wańkowicz's great and unfulfilled fascination. The writer related to this country in his early essay W kościołach Meksyku (In the Churches of Mexico) which is an effect of his 1926 three months expedition taken in order to describe the conflict between the country and the Catholic Church, as well as fragme...
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Summary The article attempts to describe the islamic revolution described by Ryszard Kapuściński in Shah of shahs. The reporter confronts the images of revolutionary chaos in Iran with Iranian culture and its distant history to show the similarities in human mentality. In order to make the reader aware of what the clash with strangeness is, Kapuści...
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Summary The article discusses one of Melchior Wańkowicz’s main works. His journalistic travels lead him to major countries in Europe, several countries in Asia, and some across the Atlantic. His American travels are particularly important to the writer (who wanted to make the U.S. his adoptive home- land), but his American trilogy does not belong t...
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"Glosses to 'Shahinshah' by Ryszard Kapuściński, follows the formula that is the compositional axis of Kapuściński's reportage on the Iranian Revolution. In addition to an extensive collection of documents of the work's genesis, the book contains numerous visuals and elements of editorial analysis of the text. The work proposes a standardized trans...
Cover Page
Full-text available Ryszard Kapuściński’s life, work, reception, and legacy, through his literary reportage. An award-winning writer and a candidate for the Nobel Prize for Literature, Ryszard Kapuściński (1932-2007) was a celebrated Polish journalist and author. Praised for the length...
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Shah of Shahs by Ryszard Kapuściński is considered a controversial book – the opinions about it expressed by Iranian experts are definitely divergent. The author attempts to compare the selected facts from the history of Iran, which are described in the reportage, to the information gathered in other publications (including academic sources) on the...
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Ryszard Kapuściński’s horizons Summa r y In the article there is proposed a critical look at the oeuvre of Ryszard Kapuściński from the perspective of his intellectual masters. Herodotus, Joseph Conrad and Bronisław Malinowski appear not only as great individualities in the history of the world but most of all, as incisive teachers accompanying him...
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Su m ma r y: In her article, the author attempts to describe a few works by Melchior Wańkowicz, a reporter and a writer, best known for his monumental Bitwa o Monte Cassino (The Battle of Monte Cassino). Drawing upon the terminology elaborated by Manfred Sommer, she concludes that, at the final stage of his life, Wańkowicz turns into a “gatherer” w...
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Summa r y The article is an attempt to deal with heritage by Melchior Wańkowicz, virtually absent in philological works. The author describes a multi‑dimensional output written by a father of the Polish reportage by means of the theory of four elements: the earth, water, fire and air. Using the very perspective allows for exposing important feature...
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Family issues constitute an important link in works by Melchior Wańkowicz. The article makes an attempt to answer the question on the role of home for the author of Ziele na kraterze. The motive is perceived here in three perspectives: as a material substance, an image of family bonds and multigenerational traditions. The author aim to answer the q...
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Long ago in Mariposa: Wańkowicz in the Footsteps of Sienkiewicz Abstract The paper juxtaposes Henryk Sienkiewicz’s travels in America with those of Melchior Wańkowicz a century later, no doubt inspired by a reading of the former’s Listy z podróży do Ameryki (“Letters from a Journey to America”). The author focuses on the Mariposa incident, narrated...
Shah of Shahs by Ryszard Kapuściński is considered a controversial book – the opinions about it expressed by Iranian experts are definitely divergent. The author attempts to compare the selected facts from the history of Iran, which are described in the reportage, to the information gathered in other publications (including academic sources) on the...
