Antonia Terán-Bustamante

Antonia Terán-Bustamante
Universidad Panamericana Sede México · Faculty of Business

PhD Administration Sciences


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March 2013 - April 2019
Universidad Panamericana Sede México
  • Professor
January 2013 - November 2016
Universidad Panamericana
  • Professor- Researcher
January 2013 - November 2017
Universidad Panamericana Sede México
  • Professor


Publications (47)
Conference Paper
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The role of women in innovation and technological entrepreneurship is fundamental in all countries. However, there are two key factors that decision-makers and public policymakers must consider; the first factor is related to the presence of women in the university and professional fields in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)...
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This research aims to empirically examine the internal branding processes implemented by a global sports fashion firm to turn all employees into competent brand ambassadors. Brand-oriented training was hypothesized as an antecedent of salesperson brand identification and brand commitment, which drive brand-aligned behavior, the critical trait of em...
Currently, women participate in STEM areas, still with a very marked gender gap. Taking this as a reference, in this work, an investigation has been carried out based on questionnaires applied to students of STEM careers. The information obtained was analyzed using multi-criteria decision methods. In particular, the Order of Preference by Similarit...
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A través del consumo socialmente responsable es posible para los países un crecimiento sostenible y el logro del objetivo 12 de la Agenda de las Naciones Unidas. Por lo cual, es importante conocer los patrones de consumo alimentario para el desarrollo de estrategias efectivas de comunicación, no obstante, después de la pandemia por COVID-19, los pa...
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1) Background: Environmental deterioration has increased in recent years and is a worldwide concern. This study aims to analyze the influence of the resources and capacities of countries on their environmental performance. (2) Methods: A cross-sectional study using secondary data was carried out quantitatively. A linear regression analysis was carr...
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Objetivo. Identificar las tendencias temáticas sobre transformación digital en el campo de las ciencias administrativas y contabilidad. Diseño/Metodología/Enfoque. Se realizó un análisis bibliométrico considerando 7,519 documentos indexados en la base de datos Scopus entre 1970 y 2023. El análisis se realizó usando las palabras claves de los autore...
Knowledge is an asset for all companies. Consequently, learning and accumulating new knowledge over time constitute the essence of the innovation process. Thus, knowledge management is of the utmost importance. This research aims to analyze and propose a knowledge management model for innovation through Bayesian networks with machine learning techn...
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Diversos estudios demuestran la relación entre el acceso a la vivienda y la superación de la pobreza. Sin embargo, existe un rezago en el acceso a la vivienda digna en México y la falta de historial crediticio es una limitante para el acceso a créditos bancarios. El objetivo de la presente investigación es analizar los criterios de selección de cré...
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Knowledge management creates value for organizations, allowing them to be more innovative, productive, and competitive if that knowledge is used appropriately. Through this management, vital information is created and disseminated systematically and efficiently, and at the same time, knowledge learning is adopted, transformed, shared, and applied....
Today, Global Value Chains (GVCs) have become an essential component of the economic development of both developed and less developed countries, offering significant opportunities to expand exports, diversify production,make costs more efficient, access various transit services, new technologies, and innovate. The objective of this research is to a...
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Historically, banking systems have been critical for developing economies by efficiently connecting customer savings and investors to productive activities, financing consumer goods and infrastructure projects, and providing liquidity. However, they must be transformed to respond to society's demands for better financial products and services with...
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Introduction The objective of the research was to analyze the effect of COVID-19 with the predictors of the health belief model (perceived severity, perceived benefits, and cue to action) on the social identity of the consumer and the social identity of the socially responsible food consumption among four generation groups of adults based on the st...
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This research aims to analyze entrepreneurship worldwide through the dimensions and pillars of the entrepreneurship ecosystem of each country, identifying the contribution and patterns of behavior and correlation within the entrepreneurship ecosystem. This analysis intends to show the main actions that countries have carried out in support of entre...
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Creativity, ideas, and an entrepreneurial attitude are needed to innovate. However, it is also necessary to have practical instruments that allow innovations to be reflected in the company. One of those tools is technology. This research aims to analyze innovation and technology in the tequila industry through Bayesian networks with machine learnin...
The COVID-19 pandemic caused an unprecedented crisis in the higher education sector through campuses closing worldwide. To contain the disease, authorities required their citizens to wear facemasks in public spaces. As universities return to in-person instruction, they will probably require all students to wear facemasks while on-campus. This study...
The unexpected appearance and expansion of the pandemic caused by COVID-19 have shown that both developed and less developed countries need strategic, scientific-technological capacities and an innovation ecosystem to respond quickly to these challenges. The objective of this research is to analyze the potential correlation between competitiveness...
The pandemic caused by COVID-19 has affected all companies and their business models. For this reason, firms have needed to redesign these models, focusing on customer value proposition. The purpose of this research is to analyze Business Model Innovation (BMI) for decision-making. The methodological strategy is carried out through Bayesian network...
The book analyzes the recovery process of different industries and sectors from the global health pandemic, as well as its collateral effects. Focusing on emerging markets, it examines the underlying factors that have impeded recovery and how businesses in various sectors have (or have not) responded. The chapters take both a micro and macro approa...
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Faced with the pandemic caused by COVID-19, universities worldwide are giving a powerful response to support their communities. One way to provide support is via the collaboration between universities and industries, allowing the co-creation of knowledge that leads to innovation. Historically, universities, as knowledge-intensive organizations (KIO...
Intergenerational talent management—i.e., attracting and retaining employees across generations and with different motivations—is one of companies’ greatest challenges. The expectations that recent generations bring with them have pushed culture in the direction of work-family balance, which is now seen as a key tool for human resources departments...
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The objective of this research is to analyze the internal branding processes of a knowledge services company in Mexico. This allows there to strengthen competitive advantages through their human capital. The foregoing elucidating whether training and motivation towards the brand positively influence its performance. The methodological strategy is q...
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Knowledge management within organizations allows to support a global business strategy and represents a systemic and organized attempt to use knowledge within an organization to improve its performance. The objective of this research is to study and analyze knowledge management through Bayesian networks with machine learning techniques, for which a...
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El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar la validación y confiabilidad de un instrumento para la selección de capital humano en las organizaciones enfocado a la confianza-integridad. Para evaluar la confiabilidad y validez del instrumento se realizan dos tipos de análisis, el primero con modelos de la teoría clásica mediante el Alpha de Cronba...
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Capacidades de emprendimiento e innovación: el caso de una empresa biofarmacéutica en México El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar y caracterizar el emprendimiento de una empresa mexicana mediana de base tecnológica, a través de las capacidades organizacionales que ha desarrollado y que le han permitido innovar, patentar y entrar en mercad...
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Using a survey of 181 Uber drivers, this research examines for the first time the effectiveness of internal branding practices on a Sharing Economy platform. Although the drivers are not Uber employees, the company needs them to act as true “brand ambassadors”, since customer satisfaction depends on it. Drivers were found to rate Uber brand trainin...
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Mediante una encuesta a 181 conductores de Uber, esta investigación examina por vez primera la eficacia de las prácticas de branding interno en una plataforma de la Economía Colaborativa. Aunque los conductores no son empleados de Uber, la empresa necesita que actúen como verdaderos “embajadores de marca”, pues de ello depende la satisfacción de su...
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Al día de hoy han transcurrido más de veintitrés años de la puesta en marcha del Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte (TLCAN), los efectos positivos son visibles, así como los impactos negativos en diversas áreas que ha traído esta integración. Una de estas áreas ha sido la movilidad laboral entre los tres países firmantes, por medio de d...
Conference Paper
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RESUMEN La innovación tecnológica se ha acelerado en las últimas décadas, por lo que las empresas deben reaccionar en tiempo real a los cambios en la tecnología, su regulación y la competencia. El objetivo de la presente investigación es analizar y explicar un modelo de gestión de la tecnología a través de las competencias organizacionales que ha d...
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The aim of this research is to study and analyze the management of technology and innovation through Bayesian Networks. A model was made to identify and quantify the several factors that have an impact to manage technology and in innovation. A case analysis carried out in Mexico City in a technology-based service company is studied. A Bayesian Netw...
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The aim of this research is to study and analyze the management of technology and innovation through Bayesian Networks. A model was made to identify and quantify the several factors that have an impact to manage technology and in innovation. A case analysis carried out in Mexico City in a technology-based service company is studied. A Bayesian Netw...
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Actualmente los Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) son una pieza esencial en la educación a distancia. El objetivo del presente artículo es analizar un modelo de transferencia de conocimiento a través de un gcMOOC de emprendimiento, desde su desarrollo hasta la terminación por parte del alumnado. La creación del conocimiento se basa en estrategias c...
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In this paper, the evaluation of the investment project in research and development for the innovation and of great impact in the pharmaceutical industry is presented. The project evaluation is done through an American type real call option, based on binomial trees incorporating the expected volatility of the expected cash flows in order to determi...
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The objective of this research is to analyze the link between the talent of researches and entrepreneurs using a matching model with the search frictions that could exist. The main contribution is expanding the knowledge on the modeling of successful innovation as a result of a frictions search process. There is also evidence that creative countrie...
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En el presente capítulo se presentan los aspectos teórico y los elementos clave en la competitividad:a nivel país, sector y empresa.
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La industria farmacéutica atraviesa por un período de transformación profunda. Buscando mayor competitividad, se está moviendo de la era del “medicamento estrella” a un nuevo modelo operacional: el de la “medicina personalizada”, en el cual la biotecnología, la genómica funcional y el conocimiento de las bases moleculares de las distintas enfermeda...
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En este capítulo se presenta la caracterización de la industria farmacéutica mexicana, con enfoque específico en la competitividad de la industria biofarmacéutica
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El presente capítulo analiza las políticas en forma integral en la industria farmacéutica: de salud e industrial.Uno de los factores más relevantes a considerar en el desarrollo de un país es el grado de salud y formación intelectual que presentan sus habitantes. Es necesario que la formación y las capacidades intelectuales y físicas de las persona...
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El capítulo presenta una caracterización del sector biofarmacéutico en el Estado de México donde se encuentra una gran parte de la planta productiva del sector farmacéutico mexicano.
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El capítulo analiza las capacidades de innovación y transferencia de tecnología con que cuenta la industria farmacéutica del Estado de México. La dinámica de aprendizaje tecnológico en una industria supone la presencia de capacidades tecnológicas que posibiliten la imitación, el despegue y, finalmente, la innovación. En la industria farmacéutica el...
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La forma en que puede ser adquirida la tecnología dentro de las empresas varía de acuerdo a sus características y necesidades propias, las cuales pueden ser de capacitación, servicios especializados de consultoría, desarrollos de procesos industriales, formación de recursos humanos, adquisición de maquinaria y equipo, entre otras; de igual forma, l...
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Este documento es resultado de las actividades realizadas en el proyecto “Definición de áreas de oportunidad para el desarrollo científico y tecnológico del sector biomédico en el Estado de México”, en el marco del programa “Fondo Mixto de Fomento a la Investigación Científica y Tecnológica Conacyt-Gobierno del Estado de México“, operado a través d...
Conference Paper
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La innovación comienza en el aula, no basta reproducir los conocimientos, sino que es necesario crear un entorno adecuado para el aprendizaje, en el que esa transferencia de conocimiento sea activa y todos interactúen. El salón de clases debe ser un espacio de aprendizaje, de compartir experiencias, de investigación, de creación de nuevos proyectos...
Conference Paper
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El estudio pretende contribuir a profundizar el conocimiento en la acumulación de capacidades y competencias organizacionales, tanto tecnológicas como de administración estratégica para innovar en la empresa, resaltando el papel del capital humano en su relación, interacción, conjunción y amalgamiento para lograrlo. El objetivo principal es conocer...
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Los institutos y centros públicos de investigación (ICPI) juegan un papel estratégico en los Sistemas Nacionales de Innovación (SNI) al generar conocimiento tecnológico susceptible de ser transferido a la industria para, así, traducirlo en valor económico y social tanto para los usuarios y clientes como para la propia institución. La concreción de...
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Mexican pharmaceutical market is the most important in Latin America and a significant number of global firms have different business activities in this country: production, licensing of patents, alliances with Mexican firms, distribution facilities or partnerships, etc. In terms of innovation, global pharmaceutical industry has passed through stru...


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