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Andreas Wildgruber

Andreas Wildgruber
Staatsinstitut für Frühpädagogik und Medienkompetenz

Dr. (phil), MSW


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Publications (25)
Zusammenfassung. Die Interaktionen zwischen pädagogischen Fachkräften und Kindern sind von zentraler Bedeutung für die Moderation des kindlichen Lernens und der kindlichen Entwicklung. Angesichts der Variabilität der Interaktionen im Tagesverlauf wurde in dieser explorativen Studie untersucht, inwieweit sich Unterschiede der Interaktionsqualität zw...
Welche Funktion und Wirkung haben Hausaufgaben? Wie kann die Hausaufgabensituation für die Kinder sinnvoll organisiert und gestaltet werden? Wie gelingt eine gute Zusammenarbeit mit Eltern und Lehrkräften? Dieses Buch bietet fachliche Grundlagen und viele praktische Anregungen für pädagogische Fachkräfte in Hort, Schulkindbetreuung und Ganztagsschu...
This paper presents selected results of the study „BIKE“. BIKE explored interactions between children and teachers in a typical morning in German ECEC centers and the determinants for the quality of relationships and learning processes. This paper focuses on the relevance of professional knowledge and planning processes regarding language developme...
The study “BIKE” (Bedingungsfaktoren für gelingende Interaktionen zwischen Erzieherinnen und Kindern – Conditional factors of successful teacher-child interactions) analyzes possible relations between the quality of interactional processes in early childhood education and care (ECEC) settings and conditions, attitudes and knowledge of the educators...
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The interest in educational success of children in early childhood institutions and school requires attention to the cooperation of all stakeholders. In the tradition of a psychological transition approach, in our study we explored the perspectives of parents on their own transition to being parents of a school child and their participation in tran...
Zusammenfassung. Im Hinblick auf den Bildungserfolg der Kinder in Kindertageseinrichtungen und Schulen wird die Kooperation zwischen den Beteiligten in der Forschung zunehmend beachtet. Ausgehend vom psychologischen Transitionsansatz wurde in der vorliegenden Studie die Sicht der Eltern auf ihren eigenen Ubergang zu Eltern eines Schulkindes sowie a...
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Die BIKE-Studie erforscht die Bedingungsfaktoren gelingender Interaktionen zwischen Erzieherinnen und Kindern in Kindertageseinrichtungen und geht der Frage nach, welche Ressourcen pädagogische Fachkräfte benötigen, um die Interessen und Kompetenzen der Kinder individuell aufgreifen und angemessen unterstützen zu können. Im Rahmen der Studie wird a...
Since school-based interventions are mainly delivered by the school staff, they need to be well-trained and familiarized with the programme's aims, procedures and tools. Therefore, the institute, research group, governmental or non-governmental body in charge of the coordination and implementation of the programme needs to devote time and resources...
The key person for the implementation of kindergarten-based behavioural interventions is the kindergarten teacher. When conducting intervention studies in kindergartens, training sessions are needed to train and motivate kindergarten teachers for programme implementation. This paper presents the systematic development of the teachers' trainings exe...
Early childhood is an important period for adopting positive health-related behaviours. More than 95% of European preschool children attend kindergartens, making these settings ideal for the implementation of health promotion interventions. The ToyBox-intervention addressed preschool children, their parents/caregivers and teachers. The aim of the i...
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High levels of sedentary behavior are often measured in preschoolers, but only a few interventions have been developed to counteract this. Furthermore, detailed descriptions of interventions in preschoolers targeting different forms of sedentary behavior could not be located in the literature. The aim of the present paper was to describe the differ...
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Die Beobachtung kindlicher Bildungs- und Entwicklungsprozesse hat zentrale Funktion für das pädagogische Handeln. Dieser Artikel präsentiert Ergebnisse einer qualitativ-interpretativen Untersuchung, die der Frage nachgeht, welche Kompetenzen das Handeln pädagogischer Fachkräfte im Beobachtungsprozess leiten. Im Anschluss an Erpenbeck und Rosenstiel...
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The ToyBox intervention was developed using an evidence‐based approach, using the findings of four reviews. These reviews included three critical and narrative reviews of educational strategies and psychological approaches explaining young children's acquisition and formation of energy‐balance related behaviours, and the management of these behavio...
The aim of this narrative review is critically to evaluate educational strategies promoting physical activity that are used in the preschool setting in the context of obesity prevention programmes. Literature search was conducted between April and August 2010 in English and German databases (PubMED, PsychINFO, PSYNDEX, ERIC, FIS Bildung). Outcomes...
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The increasing childhood obesity epidemic calls for appropriate measures and effective policies to be applied early in life. Large-scale socioecological frameworks providing a holistic multifactorial and cost-effective approach necessary to support obesity prevention initiatives in this age are however currently missing. To address this missing lin...
Strategies to reduce risk of obesity by influencing preschool children's eating behaviour are reviewed. The studies are placed in the context of relevant psychological processes, including inherited and acquired preferences, and behavioural traits, such as food neophobia, 'enjoyment of food' and 'satiety responsiveness'. These are important influen...
The aim of this comprehensive systematic review was to identify the most effective behavioural models and behaviour change strategies, underpinning preschool- and school-based interventions aimed at preventing obesity in 4-6-year-olds. Searching was conducted from April 1995 to April 2010 using MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, PsycINFO and The Cochrane Lib...


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