Anak Agung Ayu Mirah Adi

Anak Agung Ayu Mirah Adi
Udayana University | UNUD · Faculty of Veterinary Medicine



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March 1988 - present
Udayana University
  • Professor


Publications (73)
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The lack of effective therapeutic modalities for mammary cancer is attributed to side effects and therapy resistance, necessitating the exploration of alternative treatment options. Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV) exhibits oncolytic activity, making it a promising candidate for cancer therapy. This study aims to assess the effectiveness of the virule...
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Traditional local chicken farming, as opposed to commercial poultry breeds, faces numerous disease-related challenges, with one of the prominent threats being the Newcastle disease virus. This case report describes 8-week-old local hens infected with the Newcastle disease virus detected through epidemiological aspect, pathological, and virology inv...
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Background and Aims Despite the endemicity of Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) in humans and animals in the Province of Bali, Indonesia, there is little data on whether seroconversion to the virus occurs in pigs, JEV genotypes circulating, and it’s potential mosquito vectors in the area. The aims of this study were to (i) Determine whether JEV inf...
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A particular type of tumor that is frequently detected in female dogs who are sexually active is a mammary tumor. Neoplasia results from DNA-based alterations in cell cycle regulating genes. The mammary gland is prone to the formation of tumors due to its dynamic structure. The development of this tumor is supported by numerous variables. It has be...
Colisepticemia is one of poultry infectious disease caused by Avian pathogenic Escherichia coli. The aim of this study was identifying the causative of an infected broiler chickens aged 20 days. The research was conducted at a close house farm in Timuhun Village, Banjarangkan, Klungkung Regency, Bali with a population of 16,000 broiler chickens. Th...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perubahan makroskopis dan mikroskopis sistem respirasi itik bali pasca infeksi buatan virus Newcastle Disease (ND) virulen. Penelitian ini menggunakan itik bali yang berumur 1 minggu sebanyak 15 ekor yang dibagi menjadi 2 perlakuan secara acak. P0 digunakan sebagai perlakuan kontrol yang di beri PBS 0,5 ml...
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(Preview only, full text can be purchased at Deepublish Publisher Book Store/Google Books). Buku ini disusun untuk memberikan informasi tentang potensi virus Newcastle Disease sebagai agen viroterapi kanker. Buku ini diharapkan dapat memberikan sedikit sumbangan pengetahuan kepada peneliti, dosen dan mahasiswa yang ingin memperdalam pengetahuan ten...
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A study to assess the seroprevalence antibodies against JEV in pigs in Denpasar, Badung, and Karangasem as the representatives of urban, periurban, and rural areas in the province of Bali was conducted. Sampled pigs' blood was collected and their sera were tested for antibody detection using commercial IgG ELISA. A standard questionnaire was used t...
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Penyakit canine parvovirus (CPV) merupakan penyakit yang sangat kontagius pada anjing, menyebar melalui rute fekal-oral atau oronasal. Virus ini memiliki tropisme pada sel yang aktif dan cepat membelah. Hewan yang dijadikan studi kasus adalah seekor anjing ras lokal campuran jantan yang berumur tiga bulan, yang berasal dari Denpasar, Bali. Anjing k...
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Newcastle disease (ND) is a contagious disease and still a threat to the development of chicken farms in several countries including the Republic Democratic of Timor-Leste. There were reported local outbreaks every year in the country. The causative agent of ND is Avian orthoavulavirus-1 (AOAV-1) common name Newcastle disease virus (NDV). The objec...
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Streptococcus suis is the main agent of streptococcosis in pigs, the infection is systemic with high morbidity and mortality, especially in young pigs. This disease causes significant economic losses to the swine industry worldwide. This study aims to determine the histopathological changes of meningoencephalitis and arthritis in post-weaning pigle...
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Background and Aim: Japanese encephalitis (JE) is a zoonotic infectious inflammatory brain disease caused by the JE virus (JEV). Considerable research into the seroprevalence of JE in domestic animals has been conducted, but there have been no reports of its occurrence in wild animals, including long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis). This stud...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perubahan patologi anatomi dan histopatologi organ timus, bursa Fabricius, dan limpa itik bali yang diinfeksi virus newcastle disease atau Avian orthoavulavirus 1 isolat Tabanan-1/ARP/2017. Penelitian ini menggunakan 15 ekor itik bali jantan berumur satu minggu. Setelah periode aklimatisasi selama dua mingg...
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui perubahan patologi anatomi dan histopatologi organ cerebrum, cerebellum, medulla spinalis, dan nervus ischiadicus itik bali yang diinfeksi Avian orthoavulavirus 1 isolat Tabanan-1/ARP/2017. Penelitian ini menggunakan 15 ekor itik bali jantan umur 21 hari yang telah diaklimatisasi selama dua minggu. Sepuluh...
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Fibrosarkoma merupakan salah satu kanker yang berasal dari jaringan ikat fibrosa dan umumnya tumbuh pada jaringan lunak bagian dalam atau subkutan. Kanker saat ini merupakan penyebab utama kematian pada manusia di seluruh dunia karena kurangnya modalitas terapi yang efisien. Pendekatan terapi untuk kanker saat ini banyak diteliti salah satunya yait...
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ABSTRAK Benzo(a)piren merupakan salah satu golongan bahan kimia yang memiliki sifat karsinogen sehingga mampu memicu pertumbuhan kanker dan seringkali digunakan untuk menginduksi tumor fibrosarkoma pada jaringan lunak hewan percobaan. Pemeriksaan hematologi merupakan indikator penting pada proses karsinogenesis atau tumorigenesis pada induksi senya...
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Quite a number of research on cancer therapy strongly require an animal model of cancer. One of the chemicals commonly used to induce cancer in animal models is benzo(a)pyrene due to its carcinogenic effects. This study aims were to describe the gross pathology of the tumor-induced by benzo(a)pyrene in an olive oil solution (w/v), identify the type...
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Several viruses have oncolytic properties that can infiltrate neoplastic cells and multiply themselves in them. Through viral multiplication, neoplastic cells will be damaged and lysis. Virotherapy or using viral for alternative cancer treatments has been widely studied, one of the viruses that have oncolytic properties is the Newcastle disease vir...
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Virotherapy is the use of viruses as cancer therapy. One of the viruses that are declared to have oncolytic activity is Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV). In the development of virotherapy, there are fundamental things that need to be considered, one of which is the side effects caused. The haematological profile is one of the important indicators in a...
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Kardena, I. M., A. A. A. M. Adi, N. M. Astawa, I. N. Suarsana & M. Bruce, 2021. Serosur-veillance on Japanese encephalitis virus in chickens collected from two different geographical areas in Bali, Indonesia. Bulg. J. Vet. Med. (online first). This study was performed to assess the seroprevalence against Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) in chicken...
Kesembuhan luka pada penderita hiperglikemia akan lebih lambat dari kesembuhan luka normal yang disebabkan oleh tingginya kadar glukosa di dalam darah, sehingga menurunkan aliran darah dan memperlambat proses mengeringnya luka. Dalam upaya penyembuhan luka yang dikomplikasi dengan hiperglikemia, dapat dilakukan dengan penggunaan pengobatan tradisio...
Conference Paper
Newcastle disease (ND) virus is believed to have an oncolytic activity, to evaluate the effectiveness of the virus in inhibiting fibrosarcoma growth by inhibiting cell proliferation. The function of the Ki-67 antibody as a marker of cell proliferation, means when the virus inhibits cell proliferation, the expression of positive cells will decrease....
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The increasing number of cases of acute encephalitis syndrome, a key presenting clinical sign of Japanese encephalitis infection in humans, along with increasing laboratory confirmed cases in Bali over recent years have led to the Indonesian government developing a national program of vaccination against Japanese encephalitis virus. In order to inf...
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The most common serological test perform for screening the antibodies against JEV is enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and it has been commercially available recently. However, the commercial test tends to be expensive to be used for screening masses samples in developing countries. Then, a manual antigen coated ELISA test was prepared to m...
Mosquito-specific viruses (MSVs) adalah virus yang hanya dapat bereplikasi pada sel nyamuk. Virus ini terdiri dari berbagai genus, salah satunya yang paling banyak ditemukan adalah dari famili Flaviviridae, genus Flavivirus. Namun, data keberadaan dan karakteristik MSVs dan vektornya di Bali saat ini sangat terbatas. Oleh karena itu, pengamatan unt...
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ABSTRAK Mosquito-specific viruses (MSVs) adalah virus yang hanya dapat bereplikasi pada sel nyamuk. Virus ini terdiri dari berbagai genus, salah satunya yang paling banyak ditemukan adalah dari famili Flaviviridae, genus Flavivirus. Namun, data keberadaan dan karakteristik MSVs dan vektornya di Bali saat ini sangat terbatas. Oleh karena itu, pengam...
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Viroterapi adalah pemanfaatan virus onkolitik untuk pengobatan kanker. Virus Newcastle Disease (ND) merupakan salah satu virus onkolitik, yakni virus yang mampu bereplikasi dan membunuh sel tumor tanpa menimbulkan kerusakan pada sel sehat. Virus ini dikatakan mampu bereplikasi hingga 10.000 kali lebih cepat pada sel kanker. Penelitian ini bertujuan...
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Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV) has oncolytic activity and has been promoting as a virotherapy agent. The objective of this study was to evaluate the potency of NDV Tabanan-1/ARP/2017 as a virotherapy agent. This study was used the white rat Rattus norvegicus as an animal fibrosarcoma model. Benzo(a)pyrene solution at 0.3% (w/v) was used to induce fi...
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ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh salep ekstrak daun kersen (Muntingia calabura L.) terhadap kesembuhan luka sayat pada kulit mencit hiperglikemia dilihat dari kepadatan kolagen. Penelitian ini menggunakan 24 ekor mencit (Mus musculus) jantan hiperglikemia yang diinduksi aloksan (150 mg/kg BB) secara intraperitonial. Luka s...
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Abstrak Newcastle disease (ND) merupakan penyakit kontagius yang disebabkan virus Avian paramyxovirus serotype 1 yang menginfeksi bangsa unggas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pohon filogeni berdasarkan sekuan gen daerah pemotonan protein fusion dari virus ND pada peternakan ayam di provinsi Bali dari tahun 2013 sampai 2014. Sebanyak e...
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Benzo(a)piren (BaP) merupakan satu di antara beberapa contoh polisiklik aromatik hidrokarbon yang berasal dari hasil sisa pembakaran tidak sempurna bahan organik. Senyawa BaP seringkali digunakan pada penelitian untuk menginduksi fibrosarkoma. Secara umum pasien yang mengalami kanker akan mengalami penurunan bobot badan. Penelitian ini bertujuan un...
Monosodium Glutamat (MSG) merupakan bahan kimiawi yang sering ditambahkan kedalam makanan yang berfungsi sebagai penyedap makanan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran histopatologi jantungdan ginjal pascapemberian pemberian MSGdan kombinasi MSGdenganekstrakkulit manggis. Penelitian ini menggunakan 27 ekor mencit jantanyang d...
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This study aims were to assess the genera and number of the mosquitoes collected from rice paddy fields and animal farms in Badung and Tabanan regencies, in Bali, Indonesia. A total of eight mosquito light traps were set in the sampling areas. Only the adult female mosquitoes trapped were identified and counted in this study. The results demonstrat...
Liver fluke infections is an important parasitic disease that common attack cattle, buffalo and others ruminant. The disease in the tropics is caused by Fasciola gigantica trematodes. Fasciolosis found in Bali cattle besides causing high economic loss also has the opportunity infect humans. This study aims to determine the pathology changes of Bali...
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Introduction: Myrmecodia pendans, or traditionally known as ant nest fruit, is one of popular traditional medicines in Indonesia with a wide range of effects such as antidiabetic, anticancer, and free-radical scavenging agents. Despite of the extensive research, reports regarding its toxicity are scarce. Gentamicin is also one of popular and widely...
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It was reported that 326 Japanese Encephalitis (JE) cases in Indonesia in 2016, majority cases (69.3%) occurred in Bali. It shows that Bali is a prone-area to JE incidence. Previous studies noted that JE is closely related to rural and suburban areas where rice culture and pig farming coexist. This study aims at i) determining knowledge and prevent...
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Background and objective: Bulung Sangu, like many other macroalgae, is a source of beneficial phytochemical for health. This study was aimed to determine the anti-inflammatory effect of bulung sangu ethanol extract cream. Materials and methods: The compounds of bulung sangu ethanol extract were identified by using gas chromatography. The antioxi...
Pengujian toksisitas terhadap suatu produk atau obat baru yang akan beredar dipasaran lazim dilakukan untuk mengetahui efikasi dan keamanannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai potensi toksisitas akut dermal obat hewan alami minyak rajas pada tikus wistar betina. Metode uji yang digunakan merujuk protokol Organization for Economic Co-operatio...
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A study was carried out at Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Udayana University from March 2018 to March 2020 to evaluate the possible use of anti-NDV hyperimmune sera (HIS) for immunotherapy in chickens infected with field ND virus. Hyperimmune sera (HIS) against NDV were used in this study with subcutaneous (SC) of HIS administrations. Four groups (...
Asam format merupakan asam organik yang sering digunakan sebagai alternatif pengganti antibiotik. Asam format dipilih karena memiliki kelarutan yang baik di dalam air dan memiliki efek bakterisida. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian asam format dalam air minum terhadap kenaikan bobot badan, tebal membrana mukosa dan diamet...
Salah satu cara dalam meningkatkan efisiensi kecernaan pakan adalah dengan menambahkan feed additive. Asam organik yang sering digunakan sebagai feed additive, adalah asam format, karena sifat kelarutannya yang tinggi dalam air. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian asam format terhadap folikel limfoid bursa Fabricius dan lim...
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The trend of rice productivity and its stability in Badung Regency are presented in this study. The area is a tourism-based economy without leaving the role of rice production to feed the people. Time series data were collected from five sub districts covering 53 villages during 2008-2016 due to the completeness of the data. Variability of the data...
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Abtsrak Penyakit tetelo atau Newacsatle disease (ND) merupakan salah satu penyakit unggas yang sangat merugikan, endemis di Indonesia dan berbagai belahan dunia. Penyebabnya adalah virus ND atau Avian orthoavulavirus 1 (AOAV-1). Virus ini merupakan virus RNA yang luas variasi genetiknya. Berdasarkan panjang genomnya dapat diklasifikasikan menjadi A...
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Newcastle disease is a pathogenic viral disease in poultry which is infectious and can cause massive economic losses. The disease is still endemic in Indonesia. To understand the pathogenesis and the distribution pattern of the virus in the tissues, pathological observation was evaluated using newly virulent isolate Newcastle disease virus (NDV) th...
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perubahan histopatologi bronkiolus dan pembuluh darah paru mencit (Mus musculus) jantan pasca terpapar asap rokok elektrik (vaping). Penelitian menggunakan 24 ekor mencit yang dibagi menjadi dua kelompok perlakuan. Kelompok I (P0) sebagai kelompok kontrol yakni tanpa perlakuan pemaparan asap rokok elektroni...
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Aim: This study aimed to prepare binary ethylenimine (BEI)-inactivated virulent Newcastle disease virus (NDV) vaccine and to examine their ability to induce a protective antibody response in commercial chickens. Materials and Methods: A virulent NDV field isolate Gianyar-1/AK/2014 was propagated in chicken-embryonated eggs and was then inactivated...
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Balantidium coli (B. coli) adalah salah satu dari parasit protozoa pencernaan yang dapat menginfeksi hewan ternak terutama babi. Hewan yang dijadikan studi kasus adalah seekor babi landrace yang berumur sekitar dua bulan, berasal dari Desa Yeh Gangga Kabupaten Tabanan, Bali. Babi kasus didapatkan dalam keadaan sakit selama tiga hari dengan tanda kl...
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ABSTRAK Monosodium glutamat (MSG) umum digunakan sebagai aditif makanan atau penyedap rasa di seluruh dunia. Namun, MSG dilaporkan memiliki efek toksik terhadap sel sistem pertahanan tubuh sehingga dapat mengakibatkan kondisi imunosupresif. Salah satu tanda kondisi imunosupresif pada anak ayam adalah atrofi bursa Fabricius (bF). Ekstrak kulit buah...
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This study aims to determine the pathological changes in dog suspected of being infected by Leptospira spp. This research used a retrospective study design. A total of 210 canines sample were examined at Faculty of Veterinary Medicine The Udayana of University between January 2008 to January 2010. Of the 210 specimens, five canines with clinical si...
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Tujuan penelitian iniuntuk membuktikan bahwa pemberian MSG (Monosodium Glutamate) dengan kombinasi ekstrak kulit manggis berpengaruh terhadap gambaran histopatologi organ hati dan pankreas. Penelitian ini menggunakan 27 ekor mencit jantan yang dibagi menjadi tiga kelompok yaitu kelompok kontrol tanpa perlakuan, kelompok perlakuan monosodium glutama...
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Penyakit tetelo atau Newcastle disease (ND) adalah penyakit pada unggas yang disebabkan oleh virus dari familia Paramyxoviridae genus Avulavirus. Strain virulen menimbulkan gangguan pada sistem saraf, pencernaan dan pernafasan unggas, sementara pada embrio ayam infeksi menyebabkan gangguan pertumbuhan hingga menimbulkan kematian. Penelitian ini ber...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perubahan histopatologi parenkim paru-paru mencit (Mus musculus) jantan pascapaparan asap rokok elektrik (vaping). Penelitian ini menggunakan 24 ekor mencit yang dibagi menjadi dua kelompok perlakuan. Kelompok I (P0) sebagai kelompok kontrol yakni tanpa perlakuan pemaparan asap rokok elektrik dan kelompok I...
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perubahan histopatologi trakea mencit (Mus musculus) jantan pascaterpapar asap rokok elektrik (vaping). Penelitian ini menggunakan 24 ekor mencit yang dibagi menjadi dua kelompok perlakuan. Kelompok I (P0) sebagai kelompok kontrol yakni tanpa perlakuan pemaparan asap rokok elektronik dan kelompok II (P1) ya...
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Epidemiological studies of the highly pathogenic avian influenza virus H5N1 (HPAIV-H5N1) in pet and backyard animals are limited. Here we provide serological and virological evidences of infection in various animals in households in Bali, Indonesia in 2005 and 2006. Serum and swab samples from poultry, pigs, dogs, and cats were collected using a st...
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Japanese encephalitis (JE) is an encephalitic arboviral disease transmitted by mosquitoes with pigs as one of its amplifying hosts. JE is still endemic in Bali and affects mostly children. People in Bali still rear pigs and live in close proximity to irrigated rice fields which is a perfect habitat for mosquitoes. However, few studies have examined...
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Background: Under normal physiological conditions, the glucose uptake into the cell is regulated by glucose transporter (GLUT4) which is stimulated by insulin to be afterward metabolized into energy and/ or stored as glycogen. The research aimed to determine the expression of glucose transporter (GLUT4), glycogen levels on cells liver and muscle ti...
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virus was isolated from suspected Newcastle disease (ND) chicken in backyard farm at Sibang Village, Badung Regency, Bali Province. The isolates were then propagated and confirmed for NDV serologically. RNA isolation was performed by standard Trizol method. Phylogenetic tree analysis of NP gene (nt1020-1561) and HN gene (nt7019-7754) were performed...
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Purpose of this study is to estimate rice yield on a plot basis with use of satellite data and field investigation data and to calculate potential quantity of rice straw to be utilized as a raw material for biofuel production in Bali, Indonesia. In addition, for continuous supply of rice straw by farmers to a biofuel producer, it is absolutely nece...
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Background: The presence of various animals, such as: ducks, chickens and pigs in households increases the potential risks of zoonosis from animal to human. One of the diseases is Japanese encephalitis (JE). The seroepidemiological studies on the presence JE among animals especially those raised in household is very important for emerging and reeme...
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This study aim was to observe cellular composition and morphology in peritoneal and synovial fluids ofbali ducks. This study used 50 ducks, which were composed of 21 males and 29 females aged 8 to 12 weeks.After being declared clinically healthy, the sample ducks were slaughtered and peritoneal fluid specimenfrom the abdominal cavity and the synovi...
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Research was conducted to detect APMV-1 infection by examining microscopic lesions of chicken suspected ND and confirming the causative agent with serological and molecular assay. Samples obtained from commercial and back yard farm in 9 regencies and city of Bali Province were tested by rapid test for AIV antigen detection. AI negative samples were...
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This study aims to determine the genetic variation of gene encoding fusion (F)-protein of avianparamyxovirus (APMV) type-1 isolated from chickens suffering of Newcastle disease (ND) found in achicken farm in the province of Bali throughout the year 2014. There are five isolates got from sick chickenscases/death suspected of being infected by APMV -...
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This study aims to determine the genetic variation of gene encoding fusion (F)-protein of avian paramyxovirus (APMV) type-1 isolated from chickens suffering of Newcastle disease (ND) found in a chicken farm in the province of Bali throughout the year 2014. There are five isolates got from sick chickens cases/death suspected of being infected by APM...
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This study aims were to describe lesions and their intensities of histopathological changes in gallbladder mucosa of bali cattle that infected with Fasciola gigantica. As many as 42 gall bladers of balicattle were used in this studi, i.e: 35 samples were infected and sefen were non-infected with F.gigantica.The samples were randomly gathered from P...
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The aims of this research were to overview the effect of maternal antibodies on the histopathological changes and viral antigen distribution of the broiler chickens challenged with ND APMV-1 virus. A total of 100 chicken were allotted into 3 treatment groups consisting of group I (titer antibodies< 2 3 HI Unit), group II (titer antibodies 2 3 – 2 4...
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Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) against Fusion (F)2 protein of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) were produced for the detection of the viral antigen in infected chickens. Cells derived from spleen of Balb/c mice immunized with the virus were fused with mouse myeloma cells to generate hybridomas capable of producing mAbs against the virus. The hybridomas...
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Avian Paramyxovirus type 1 (APMV-1) is a virus infecting birds with mortality level varies according to its pathotype. Although the virus is normally originated from birds, the recent report showed that it can be isolated from pig. In order to find out APMV-1 infections on pig in Bali, a serologic study was conducted to detect the antibody against...
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ABSTRAK Berbagai macam jenis vaksin gumboro yang beredar di Indonesia diantaranya vaksin dengan virus strain kuat/hot, intermediate dan strain kurang ganas/mild. Sifat imunosupresif dari strain tersebut belum banyak diungkap. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh imunosupresif vaksin gumboro pada respon primer vaksinasi penyakit tetelo...
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This study was performed to isolate a velogenic Newcastle disease virus (NDV) strain currently found in Indonesia for establishing a domestic reference virus for future pathological and molecular epidemiological studies. A chicken suspected to have contracted Newcastle disease (ND) in a local outbreak in Bali was selected for NDV isolation. Atrophy...
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ABSTRACT A study to utilize reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) for the detection of Newcastle disease (NDV) infection was carried out. NDV isolated from an outbreak in Karangasem district of Bali, Indonesia was propagated in chicken embryos and its pathogenicity was determined by inoculation in 3 week old chickens. Organ samp...
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In order to evaluate the toxicity of xenobiotics, the application of in vitro model system has been increased in recent years. In this study, we attempted to establish the primary Sertoli cell culture from immature Shiba goat testes as such model. Two heads of immature (presumably 6-10 day-old) Shiba goat were sacrificed under anesthesia. The teste...


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