a). Gross appearance of the tumor mass on the day 15 post-injection PBS (P0) and NDV-Tabanan 1/ARP/2017 (P1) noted: Tumor's size is not uniform from the starting point of treatment. b). Dynamic of tumor growth; the mean volume tumor based on the estimated interval of the regression line was significantly (p<0.05) lower on day 11 th to day 15 th post-injection c). Comparison of mean tumor weight between the two treatments at the end of the observation.

a). Gross appearance of the tumor mass on the day 15 post-injection PBS (P0) and NDV-Tabanan 1/ARP/2017 (P1) noted: Tumor's size is not uniform from the starting point of treatment. b). Dynamic of tumor growth; the mean volume tumor based on the estimated interval of the regression line was significantly (p<0.05) lower on day 11 th to day 15 th post-injection c). Comparison of mean tumor weight between the two treatments at the end of the observation.

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Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV) has oncolytic activity and has been promoting as a virotherapy agent. The objective of this study was to evaluate the potency of NDV Tabanan-1/ARP/2017 as a virotherapy agent. This study was used the white rat Rattus norvegicus as an animal fibrosarcoma model. Benzo(a)pyrene solution at 0.3% (w/v) was used to induce fi...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... for tumor volume to decrease after the virotherapy. At the end of the treatment, the mean tumor volume in groups P0 and P1 was 8,549.38±5,347.51 mm 3 and 3,848.25±3,539.189 mm 3 respectively. The mean volume number based on the estimated interval of the regression line was significantly (p<0.05) lower on day 11 th to day 15 th post-injection (Fig. ...
Context 2
... volume of fibrosarcomas in the P0 group continued to increase throughout the time of observation. The dynamic of tumor growth in the P0 and P1 significantly differ (p<0.05). Based on the estimation interval of the regression line, tumor volume between P0 and P1 was significantly different starting from day 12 post-injection (Fig. 2b). Based on the obtained results, the time duration of virotherapy played an important role in suppressing tumor growth. In the present study, time of evaluation was only 15 days post treatment, in the future might be needed to evaluate a bit longer. Several limitations in this study were the difficulty to find rat that has tumor with a ...
Context 3
... time of evaluation was only 15 days post treatment, in the future might be needed to evaluate a bit longer. Several limitations in this study were the difficulty to find rat that has tumor with a uniform volume. After the induction of benzo(a)pyrene the size of the tumor that appears was not uniform and the position varies (Fig. 1). As shown in Fig. 2a, the tumor size was not uniform because from the starting point of treatment was not uniform. However, the gross lesions were very clear, the inflammatory lesions were lighter in the P1 tumor mass. The limitation in the number of replication and the uniformity of the initial volume is likely to affect the results (Fig. ...
Context 4
... (Fig. 1). As shown in Fig. 2a, the tumor size was not uniform because from the starting point of treatment was not uniform. However, the gross lesions were very clear, the inflammatory lesions were lighter in the P1 tumor mass. The limitation in the number of replication and the uniformity of the initial volume is likely to affect the results (Fig. ...

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The lack of effective therapeutic modalities for mammary cancer is attributed to side effects and therapy resistance, necessitating the exploration of alternative treatment options. Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV) exhibits oncolytic activity, making it a promising candidate for cancer therapy. This study aims to assess the effectiveness of the virule...


... Research on NDV isolates has been conducted in various countries, been identified for its ability to inhibit the growth of fibrosarcoma in rat models (Adi et al., 2019a;Sewoyo et al., 2021). However, a comprehensive understanding of the oncolytic activity of this particular isolate, encompassing its underlying mechanisms and impact on other cancer cell types, necessitates further investigation. ...
... The virotherapy group (P1) comprised rats that received intratumoral virotherapy using NDV Tabanan-1/ARP/2017 isolate at a dose of 128 HAU/500 μL (Rakhmawati et al., 2022). This treatment was given four times consecutively (Sewoyo et al., 2021;Pradnyandika et al., 2023). ...
... NDV demonstrates non-pathogenicity in normal mammalian cells and possesses natural lytic abilities against tumor cells. The virulent NDV Tabanan-1/ARP/2017 previously demonstrated its ability to suppress the growth of fibrosarcoma in rat models (Sewoyo et al., 2021). Further investigation showed that the virus decreased Ki67, VEGF, TNF-α , and p53 expression (Pradnyandika et al., 2023). ...
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The lack of effective therapeutic modalities for mammary cancer is attributed to side effects and therapy resistance, necessitating the exploration of alternative treatment options. Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV) exhibits oncolytic activity, making it a promising candidate for cancer therapy. This study aims to assess the effectiveness of the virulent NDV Tabanan-1/ARP/2017 on the growth of mammary carcinoma. The study involved 15 white female Sprague-Dawley rats induced with mammary carcinoma. After the tumors had developed, the rats were divided into two treatment groups, i.e., treatment 0 (P0) and treatment 1 (P1), which received 500 μL of phosphate-buffered saline and 128 HAU/500 μL of NDV Tabanan-1/ARP/2017, respectively. The rats were euthanized on day 15 post-virotherapy. Rats were necropsied, the tumor was excised to measure its weight, percentage of tumor inhibition, and subsequently routinely processed for histopathological preparations. The tumor weights in each treatment group were 3.70±0.72 and 2.34±0.64 grams, respectively, with a tumor inhibition percentage of 36.62%. The angiogenesis, hemorrhage, and mitotic activity of P1 were lower than those of P0, while inflammatory cell infiltration and areas of necrosis appeared more prominent in the group treated with the NDV. In conclusion, the NDV Tabanan-1/ARP/2017 shows potential as a virotherapy agent for rat mammary carcinoma models.
... also has potential as a cancer therapy that inhibits angiogenesis. The study of Sewoyo et al. (2021) showed that the NDV Tabanan-1/ARP/2017 isolate was able to reduce the number of blood vessels in rat fibrosarcoma models. Through immunohistochemical examination of Ki67, VEGF, TNF-α, and TGF-β, the NDV Tabanan-1/ARP/2017 isolate was able to reduce the expression of these proteins (Adi et al., 2023). ...
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A particular type of tumor that is frequently detected in female dogs who are sexually active is a mammary tumor. Neoplasia results from DNA-based alterations in cell cycle regulating genes. The mammary gland is prone to the formation of tumors due to its dynamic structure. The development of this tumor is supported by numerous variables. It has been recently discovered that there is substantial evidence linking the BRCA2 gene to the process of cancer. Standard examination techniques, such as fine needle aspiration, histopathology, and immunohistochemistry, are used along with ancillary tests to determine the tumor type and degree of malignancy. The primary treatment option for malignant tumors is surgical resection followed by adjuvant chemotherapy; benign tumors necessitate surgical resection as well. Adjuvant therapy options include hormone therapy and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications. Tumor tissue undergoes angiogenesis as it grows and develops to accommodate the abundant supply of nutrients. Therefore, angiogenesis-inhibiting therapies can be utilized to halt the growth of tumor cells. A number of antiangiogenic medications are now being studied in clinical settings on humans, and several more are undergoing trials on animals. In addition to pharmaceuticals, viruses may be used as a therapeutic to block tumor angiogenesis.
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Buku ini menyajikan hasil-hasil penelitan dalam bentuk grafik antara lain terdiri dari Penyajian Grafik Hasil Uji Kenormalan, Penyajian Grafik Hasil Uji Homogenitas Ragam,Penyajian Grafik Hasil Uji Beda Rataan, Penyajian Grafik Hasil Analisis Regresi, Penyajian Grafik Hasil Analisis Biplot dan Penyajian Grafik Hasil Analisis Klaster.
... Penelitian ini menggunakan sembilan ekor tikus galur Sprague Dawley berjenis kelamin jantan dan berumur kurang lebih tiga bulan. Tikus yang digunakan terdiri dari tiga ekor tikus tanpa fibrosarkoma dan enam ekor tikus yang sudah mengalami fibrosarkoma berdiameter 1-1,5 cm pascainduksi benzo(a)piren (Sewoyo et al., 2021a;Sewoyo et al., 2021b (2): 147-158 pISSN: 2301-7848;eISSN: 2477-6637 DOI: 10.19087/imv.2022.147 online pada http://ojs.unud.ac.id/php.index/imv ...
... Berdasarkan hasil yang diperoleh, durasi waktu viroterapi berperan penting dalam menekan pertumbuhan tumor. Dalam penelitian ini, waktu evaluasi hanya 15 hari pasca terapi, di masa depan mungkin diperlukan evaluasi sedikit lebih lama (Sewoyo et al., 2021b). ...
... Perlakuan kedua (P1A) merupakan kelompok tikus dengan fibrosarkoma yang diinjeksi menggunakan phosphate buffer saline (PBS) dan perlakuan ketiga (P1B) merupakan kelompok tikus dengan fibrosarkoma yang diberikan terapi menggunakan virus penyakit tetelo isolat Tabanan-1/ARP/2017(Adi et al., 2019;Adi et al., 2020). Pemberian terapi virus penyakit tetelo pada perlakuan P1B dilakukan sebanyak empat kali secara intratumoral, diinjeksikan dalam sehari selama empat hari berturut-turut(Yurchenko et al., 2018) dengan dosis 0,5 mL/2 9 HA Unit setiap tikus(Rakhmawati et al., 2022;Sewoyo et al., 2021b). Semua hewan coba dikorbankan nyawanya menggunakan anestesi ketamine dan xylazine lima kali dosis normal (dosis normal pada tikus masing-masing 50 mg/kg BB dan 5 mg/kg BB) secara intraperitoneal yang diambil dalam penelitian ini bersifat kuantitatif yang dianalisis menggunakan uji stastistika parametrik Analysis of Variance menggunakan perangkat lunak SPSS versi 25. ...
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Fibrosarkoma merupakan salah satu kanker yang berasal dari jaringan ikat fibrosa dan umumnya tumbuh pada jaringan lunak bagian dalam atau subkutan. Kanker saat ini merupakan penyebab utama kematian pada manusia di seluruh dunia karena kurangnya modalitas terapi yang efisien. Pendekatan terapi untuk kanker saat ini banyak diteliti salah satunya yaitu viroterapi menggunakan virus onkolitik. Virus onkolitik yang digunakan salah satunya adalah virus penyakit tetelo atau Newcastle Disease (ND). Virus ND digunakan sebagai viroterapi kanker berdasarkan replikasi selektif pada sel tumor dan segi keamanannya, potensi virus onkolitik, serta dapat menstimulasi sistem imun. Untuk mengetahui pengaruh terapi virus ND terhadap gambaran histopatologi limpa tikus, dilakukan penelitian dengan menggunakan sembilan ekor tikus galur Sprague Dawley yang terdiri dari tiga ekor tikus tanpa fibrosarkoma dan enam ekor tikus dengan fibrosarkoma yang diinduksi dengan benzo(a)piren. Pemberian benzo(a)piren 0,3 mg/0,1 mL dalam oleum olivarum diinjeksikan secara subkutan. Tumor muncul lima bulan pasca-injeksi. Dari sembilan ekor tikus tersebut dikelompokkan menjadi tiga perlakuan yaitu perlakuan kontrol (P0) yang tidak diberi perlakuan, perlakuan P1A yaitu perlakuan pada tikus dengan fibrosarkoma yang diinjeksi phosphate buffer saline 0,1 mL sebanyak empat kali dalam empat hari berturut-turut, dan perlakuan P1B yaitu perlakuan pada tikus dengan fibrosarkoma yang diterapi menggunakan virus ND patotipe velogenik. Tikus dinekropsi setelah dua minggu pasca-perlakuan. Organ limpa yang telah diambil, diproses di Laboratorium Patologi Balai Besar Veteriner Denpasar untuk dibuat preparat histopatologi. Hasil pemeriksaan histopatologi memperlihatkan tidak terjadinya proliferasi limfosit pulpa putih pada perlakuan kontrol (P0), sedangkan pada kelompok perlakuan P1A dan P1B terjadi proliferasi limfosit pada pulpa putih. Pada ketiga perlakuan tidak terjadi adanya perubahan histopatologis yang spesifik pada limpa seperti tidak adanya deplesi, nekrosis, dan hemoragi. Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa viroterapi dengan virus ND isolat Tabanan-1/ARP/2017 tidak memengaruhi gambaran histopatologi jaringan limpa dan aman digunakan sebagai agen viroterapi kanker.
... The combination of benzo(a)pyrene and tricaprylin causes several types of tumor cells, including fibrosarcoma, rhabdomyosarcoma, and polymorph cell sarcoma. Other studies that used benzo(a)pyrene for the induction of malignant tumors, specifically to get fibrosarcoma in rats have been carried out by combining benzo(a)pyrene with olive oil (Sukardiman et al. 2015;Sewoyo et al. 2021a;Sewoyo et al. 2021b). ...
... Treatment injection of olive oil or benzo(a)pyrene solution for K-and K+ respectively were carried out within 10 times repetition, one injection was given every two days. The injection was performed subcutaneously at the interscapular area of the rats (Sewoyo et al., 2021a;Sewoyo et al., 2021b;Sukardiman et al., 2015). Then, the rats were reared in the same environment and regularly monitored after the first injection. ...
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Quite a number of research on cancer therapy strongly require an animal model of cancer. One of the chemicals commonly used to induce cancer in animal models is benzo(a)pyrene due to its carcinogenic effects. This study aims were to describe the gross pathology of the tumor-induced by benzo(a)pyrene in an olive oil solution (w/v), identify the type of tumor histopathologically, and finally, determine the correlation between the duration of the rats experiencing tumor and it's grade score. Tumor grade score is important to assess in order to determine tumor malignancy. This study consisted of 10 white rats (Rattus norvegicus) were given two treatments: a negative control treatment (K-) was injected with 0.1 mL of olive oil and a positive control treatment (K+) was injected with 0.1 mL of 0.3 % (w/v) benzo(a)pyrene in olive oil solution. Each treatment rats was kept in a cage and monitored regularly. When the tumors macroscopically appeared in the interscapular area and were observed until reached 4 cm in size, the rats were then sacrificed and necropsied. Tumors were observed for the gross pathology to examine the shape and color of them, then routinely processed for histopathological evaluation. The results showed that the tumors' cells appeared to be round (1/5), irregular (2/5), and multilobular (2/5). Based on histopathological observation, the types of tumors observed were classical fibrosarcoma (2/5) and pleomorphic fibrosarcoma (3/5). There is a significant association between the duration of the rats experiencing tumors and the tumor grade. The longer the rats have tumors, the tumors tend to be more aggressive.
... Tikus perlakuan 0 (P0) sebagai kontrol adalah tikus-tikus yang tidak diinduksi benzo(a)piren. Tikus perlakuan 1 (P1) adalah tikus-tikus yang diinduksi dengan benzo(a)piren 0,3 mg dalam 0,1 mL minyak zaitun (oleum olivarum) secara injeksi melalui subkutan pada daerah tengkuk (interskapuler) sebanyak sepuluh kali dengan interval dua hari (Sewoyo et al., 2021a;Sewoyo et al., 2021b). Pada minggu ke-5 yaitu setelah dilakukan induksi tumor dengan benzo(a)piren, dilakukan pengambilan darah yang kedua pada semua perlakuan. ...
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ABSTRAK Benzo(a)piren merupakan salah satu golongan bahan kimia yang memiliki sifat karsinogen sehingga mampu memicu pertumbuhan kanker dan seringkali digunakan untuk menginduksi tumor fibrosarkoma pada jaringan lunak hewan percobaan. Pemeriksaan hematologi merupakan indikator penting pada proses karsinogenesis atau tumorigenesis pada induksi senyawa benzo(a)piren. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui profil hematologi dari tikus putih sebagai hewan model fibrosarkoma yang diinduksi dengan senyawa karsinogen benzo(a)piren. Penelitian ini menggunakan 12 ekor tikus putih dengan dua perlakuan yaitu perlakuan 0 (P0) sebagai kontrol dan perlakuan 1 (P1) sebagai kontrol positif diinduksi dengan senyawa benzo(a)piren 0,3% yang dilarutkan dalam oleum olivarum 0,1 mL. Pengambilan sampel darah dilakukan tiga kali pada minggu ke-2, minggu ke-5 dan minggu ke-20 melalui sinus orbitalis dan diuji dengan pemeriksaan darah lengkap serta pembuatan preparat ulas darah. Hasil penelitian dari minggu ke-2, minggu ke-5 dan minggu ke-20 menunjukkan kisaran rerata pada total eritrosit (4,07-8,38)x10 6 µL, hemoglobin 8,03-14,8 g/dL, hematokrit 20,67-40%, total leukosit (3,67-12,4)x10 3 µL, neutrofil 16-48%, eosinofil 0-1,33%, basofil 0%, monosit 6-21,67%, dan limfosit 46-64%. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa induksi senyawa karsinogen benzo(a)piren pada tikus putih penderita fibrosarkoma menunjukkan adanya fluktuasi pada profil hematologi. Kata-kata kunci: benzo(a)piren; fibrosarkoma; hematologi; tikus putih ABSTRACT Benzo(a)pyrene is a chemical group that has carcinogenic properties so that it can trigger cancer growth and is often used to induce fibrosarcoma tumors in the soft tissue of experimental animals. Hematological examination is an important indicator of the process of carcinogenesis or tumorigenesis in the induction of benzo(a)pyrene compounds. This study aims to determine the hematological profile of white rats as an animal model of fibrosarcoma induced with benzo(a)pyrene. This study used 12 white rats with two treatments, namely treatment 0 (P0) as a control and treatment 1 (P1) as a positive control induced by 0.3% benzo(a)pyrene compound dissolved in 0.1 mL oleum olivarum. Blood samples were taken three times at 2 nd week, 5 th week and 20 th week through the orbital sinus and tested by a complete blood count and making blood smear preparations. The results of the study from the 2 nd week, 5 th week and 20 th week showed the average range in total erythrocytes (4.07-8.38)x10 6 µL, hemoglobin 8.03-14.8 g/dL, hematocrit 20.67-40%, leukocytes total (3.67-12.4)x10 3 µL, neutrophils 16-48%, eosinophils 0-1.33%, basophils 0%,
... This research used six mice-bearing fibrosarcoma models induced by 0.3% benzo(a)pyrene in olive oil. The fibrosarcoma induction procedure is carried out according to Sewoyo et al. (2021). Mice were injected using 0.3% benzo(a)pyrene solution subcutaneously in the interscapular area. ...
... This study is in line with the report of Al-Shammary et al. (2020) and Sewoyo et al. (2021) who showed that NDV was able to reduce the angiogenic activity of tumours. During growth and development, for solid tumours to grow larger, a massive blood supply is required. ...
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Several viruses have oncolytic properties that can infiltrate neoplastic cells and multiply themselves in them. Through viral multiplication, neoplastic cells will be damaged and lysis. Virotherapy or using viral for alternative cancer treatments has been widely studied, one of the viruses that have oncolytic properties is the Newcastle disease virus (NDV). In this study, NDV Gianyar-1/AK/2014 virulent strain was used for the virotherapy in mice fibrosarcoma models. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of NDV on fibrosarcoma growth and its histopathological features. Mice-bearing fibrosarcomas were divided into two groups, i.e., the control group (K) was not given virotherapy and the treatment group (P) was injected NDV intratumorally at a dose of 0.5 mL/2^7 HA units, each group consisted of three mice. Fibrosarcoma diameters in both groups were measured at the beginning and the end of the study with vernier calliper. At the end of the study, three weeks post virotherapy, all of the mice were sacrificed, and tumour tissue samples were collected. The sample was fixed with 10% formalin neutral buffer, routinely processed for histopathological examination. From the diameter results, it was found that the mean diameter of tumours at the start of the study for the K group was higher than the end of the study (p<0.05) while the mean diameter of the P group did not show significant changes (p>0.05). Microscopic changes of fibrosarcoma in the K group were a high activity of angiogenesis, high amount of anaplastic fibroblast cells with pleomorphic nucleus, and frequent mitotic figures. While in the P group were found multifocal necrosis of tumour cells with the proliferation of macrophages, collagen tissue, several giant cells, low mitotic figures and fewer anaplastic fibroblast cell. It can be concluded that NDV Gianyar-1/AK/2014 virotherapy could inhibit fibrosarcoma growth in mice.
... To date, many viral strains have been declared to have oncolytic activity (Fountzilas et al., 2017). One of the viruses that have oncolytic activity is Newcastle disease virus (NDV) (Sinkovics and Horvath, 2000;Sewoyo et al., 2021b). ...
... Study of Komang et al. (2021) showed that rats with fibrosarcoma treated with NDV Tabanan-1/ARP/2017 isolate were able to relieve haemorrhagic lesions in the lungs. This is also related to the ability of the NDV Tabanan-1/ARP/2017 which can reduce tumour vascularization so that bleeding can be minimized (Sewoyo et al., 2021b). WBC levels in the 20 th weeks were slightly above the normal value. ...
... This implies that the administration of the NDV can trigger the immune system to help the oncolysis process. The triggered immune system implicated that NDV has been successfully replicated in tumour cells (Sewoyo et al., 2021b). This is inversely proportional to cancer patients who generally have WBC levels below the normal range or leukocytopenia. ...
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Virotherapy is the use of viruses as cancer therapy. One of the viruses that are declared to have oncolytic activity is Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV). In the development of virotherapy, there are fundamental things that need to be considered, one of which is the side effects caused. The haematological profile is one of the important indicators in assessing general health status. This pilot study aims to describe haematological profile of fibrosarcoma rat models after virotherapy with virulent NDV. This study used one-group pretest-posttest design, consisting of six white rats which were all induced fibrosarcoma with benzo(α)pyrene. After the tumour appeared, the rats were given a single treatment, i.e., virotherapy using NDV Tabanan-1/ARP/2017 isolate at a dose of 0.5 mL of 9 log 2 HA Unit. Blood sampling was performed on the orbital sinus, carried out at the following time points: before rat adaptation, after the fibrosarcoma induction, and after the therapy with NDV. The results of this study indicate that NDV Tabanan-1/ARP/2017 do not cause pathological changes on the rat haematological profile, and many values are better than cancer patients in general. Anemia and leukocytopenia that occur in general cancer patients, did not occur in rats in this study. The levels of RBC, Hb, PCV, WBC at the end of the study were as follows: 7.73±0.14 x10 6 µL; 12.8±0.42 g/dL; 39.5±3.53%; 10.7±5.09 x10 3 µL. Meanwhile, the differential leukocytes result for neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, monocytes, and lymphocytes were as follows: 46.5±20.50%; 0.5±0.70%; 0; 5±0%; 48±19.79.%. From these results, it can be concluded that the NDV is a promising and has good potential as a virotherapy agent.
... Tabanan-1/ARP/2017 (Adi et al., 2019;Sewoyo et al., 2021b) sebagai agen viroterapi terhadap histopatologi paru-paru tikus putih jantan galur Sprague Dawley yang memiliki fibrosarkoma pasca diinduksi dengan benzo(a)piren. Lesi yang dijumpai pada histopatologi paru-paru tikus dalam setiap perlakuan yang berbeda menjadi indikator untuk menunjukkan tingkat keparahan lesi yang ditimbulkan virus ND sebagai agen viroterapi pada tikus penderita fibrosarkoma jika dibandingkan dengan tikus penderita fibrosarkoma yang tidak diviroterapi. ...
... Tiga ekor tikus P0 sebagai kontrol negatif adalah tikus normal yang tidak diberi perlakuan selama percobaan. Perlakuan P1 terdiri dari tiga ekor tikus fibrosarkoma akibat induksi benzo(a)piren (Sewoyo et al., 2021a;Sewoyo et al., 2021b). Setelah muncul tumor, tikus diinjeksi phosphate buffer saline (PBS) dengan dosis ...
... 358 0,5 mL diinjeksi secara intratumoral 4 kali secara bertahap 4 hari berturut-turut. Perlakuan P2 merupakan tiga ekor tikus dengan fibrosarkoma yang diterapi menggunakan dengan virus Newcastle Disease dengan cara menginjeksi virus secara intratumoral selama 4 hari berturutturut seperti yang telah dilakukan oleh Yurchenko et al. (2018) dengan dosis 0,5 ml/2 9 HA Unit (Sewoyo et al., 2021b ...
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Viroterapi adalah pemanfaatan virus onkolitik untuk pengobatan kanker. Virus Newcastle Disease (ND) merupakan salah satu virus onkolitik, yakni virus yang mampu bereplikasi dan membunuh sel tumor tanpa menimbulkan kerusakan pada sel sehat. Virus ini dikatakan mampu bereplikasi hingga 10.000 kali lebih cepat pada sel kanker. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran histopatologi (HP) paru-paru tikus penderita fibrosarkoma yang tidak diviroterapi dan tikus penderita fibrosarkoma yang diviroterapi dengan virus ND isolat Tabanan-1/ARP/2017. Penelitian ini menggunakan tiga perlakuan dengan tiga ulangan disetiap perlakuan. Perlakuan P0 (kontrol negatif) adalah tikus yang tidak menderita fibrosarkoma, P1 (non-viroterapi) adalah tikus penderita fibrosarkoma yang tidak diviroterapi, dan P2 (viroterapi) adalah virus penderita fibrosarkoma yang diviroterapi menggunakan virus ND dengan dosis 0,5 mL/2^9 HA Unit. Variabel gambaran HP paru-paru yang diamati untuk membandingkan antara ketiga perlakuan adalah hemoragi, kongesti dan edema. Data hasil pengamatan terhadap masing-masing variabel dilakukan skoring sesuai dengan tingkat keparahan lesinya, lalu dianalisis menggunakan uji Kruskal-Wallis dan jika berbeda nyata dilanjutkan dengan uji Mann-Whitney. Dari hasil penelitian ini didapatkan bahwa tidak ada lesi ditemukan pada paru-paru tikus P0. Gambaran histopatologi paru-paru pada P1 menunjukkan adanya lesi hemoragi, kongesti dan edema yang dominan, sedangkan pada P2 hanya lesi kongesti yang dominan tanpa adanya hemoragi. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan, viroterapi menggunakan virus ND efektif untuk mengurangi lesi hemoragi namun kurang efektif untuk lesi kongesti. Secara keseluruhan, lesi pada kelompok viroterapi menggunakan virus ND lebih ringan jika dibandingkan dengan tikus yang tidak di viroterapi.
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(Preview only, full text can be purchased at Deepublish Publisher Book Store/Google Books). Buku ini disusun untuk memberikan informasi tentang potensi virus Newcastle Disease sebagai agen viroterapi kanker. Buku ini diharapkan dapat memberikan sedikit sumbangan pengetahuan kepada peneliti, dosen dan mahasiswa yang ingin memperdalam pengetahuan tentang virus Newcastle Disease (ND) dan sisi lain dari virus ini yakni dalam pemanfaatan sebagai agen viroterapi kanker utamanya untuk fibrosarkoma pada hewan model. Buku ini mengulas tentang karakteristik molekuler virus ND isolat lokal yang merupakan penyebab penyakit tetelo yang sangat mematikan pada unggas dalam pemanfaatannya untuk agen viroterapi kanker. Walaupun dalam beberapa dekade virus ND banyak diteliti karena memiliki potensi onkolitik yakni mampu melisiskan sel tumor pada mamalia sehingga diharapkan dapat digunakan untuk viroterapi kanker, namun belum ada literatur yang memadai tentang pembuktian potensi onkolitik dari virus ND isolat lokal Indonesia.