Amy Hedman-Robertson

Amy Hedman-Robertson
University of St. Thomas | st thomas · Health and Human Performance


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Publications (5)
Be the Change: Putting Health Advocacy, Policy, and Community Organization into Practice in Public Health Education is an essential and affordable resource on advocacy for both undergraduate and graduate students within the health and social sciences. Using a conversational and reader-friendly style, this text provides an overview of the purpose, s...
Health Education Specialists’ (HES) role in health literacy is paramount. Health literacy has been immersed within health education practice for decades, as evidenced by past health education practice analyses. Health literacy is developed and enhanced through a variety of educational, environmental, and policy interventions designed to foster grea...
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Background: Increased suicides following media coverage of celebrities' suicide deaths have been documented in several countries. Recommendations for Reporting on Suicide were published to provide guidance for media professionals when covering suicide. Research indicates guidelines have been poorly followed. Aim: We aimed to determine whether the r...
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Background: Suicide is a leading cause of death among college students. Crisis hotlines play a role in linking suicidal individuals to help. Despite leading to favorable outcomes, low utilization of crisis outlines has been reported. Aims: To explore exposure, knowledge, and utilization of the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (NSPL) among a...


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