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Smart Home System Twitter API

Smart Home System Twitter API

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Nowadays, Internet social media has enriched the way people to communicate and interract each other. Will it be possible for people to interact with their home appliances around? This paper proposes a new approach in smart home system that made possible for people to remotely interact with their appliances using social media networks. In this paper...

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Context 1
... there is message sent via direct message to the house holder account, the system will respond with the specified command. The flow diagram for the software is shown in Figure 2. To enable Twitter publish and subscribe system, we create publisher and subscriber Twitter account inside the system environment. ...
Context 2
... there is message sent via direct message to the house holder account, the system will respond with the specified command. The flow diagram for the software is shown in Figure 2. To enable Twitter publish and subscribe system, we create publisher and subscriber Twitter account inside the system environment. ...

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... [70][71][72] (23%) compared to other South East Asia countries such as Malaysia (67.5%), Brunei (72%) Singapore (82%) Philippines (43%), and Thailand (56%) [34]. According to Asia World Stats, 503 million of Facebook users live in Asia and 78 million of them are Indonesian [35]. ...
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