Fig 1 - uploaded by Konstantinos Blekas
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A simple Java program.  

A simple Java program.  

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Pattern-based Java bytecode compression techniques rely on the identification of identical instruction sequences that occur more than once. Each occurrence of such a sequence is substituted by a single instruction. The sequence defines a pattern that is used for extending the standard bytecode instruction set with the instruction that substitutes t...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... size of instruction opcodes or operands is 1 byte. As an example, consider the Java program given in Figure 1(a). This simple program comprises a class of objects that represent vectors in the 3-dimensional space. ...
Context 2
... vector is characterized by 3 coordinates (x, y, z, attributes) and provides a method, called distance, which calculates the Euclidean distance norm, d = x 2 + y 2 + z 2 , for the vector. The compiled bytecode for the distance method of our program is given in Figure 1(b). The overall size of the sequence is 34 bytes. ...
Context 3
... overall size of the sequence is 34 bytes. In the remainder of this section, we use the example of Figure 1(b) to highlight the main steps of the non-parameterized and the parameterized compression approaches, discussed in this section. In both cases, the overall compression process consists of the following steps: ...
Context 4
... to our example scenario, the bytecode for the dis- tance method (Figure 1(b)) constitutes a basic block as it does not comprise any branch operations. Alphabet Σ consists of 12 characters that encode the various opcodes (e.g., getfield, aload 0, etc.) and operands (e.g., 0, 2, 3, 4, 5) used in the basic block. ...
Context 5
... the first step of AC, n v = 1 and each row m of the θ v matrix contains one element equal to 1. The values of all the other elements of the m-th row are 0. Taking our example program of Figure 1, suppose that we search for patterns, whose maximum length is 9 bytes. AC must be applied in the different collections X 2 , . . . ...
Context 6
... this section, we provide further details regarding the experiments performed for the assessment of the parameterized pattern discovery technique discussed in this paper. Specifi- cally, Figures 10 and 11, provide details regarding the bytecode size reduction obtained per different MIDP class from the application of the first and the second heuristics in P param , P non−param , P 1w , P 2w , P 3w and P 4w . Similarly, Figures 12 and 13 give the bytecode size reduction obtained per different MIDP class from the application of the first and the second heuristics in P param , P non−param , P 1−2w , P 1−3w and P 1−4w . ...
Context 7
... cally, Figures 10 and 11, provide details regarding the bytecode size reduction obtained per different MIDP class from the application of the first and the second heuristics in P param , P non−param , P 1w , P 2w , P 3w and P 4w . Similarly, Figures 12 and 13 give the bytecode size reduction obtained per different MIDP class from the application of the first and the second heuristics in P param , P non−param , P 1−2w , P 1−3w and P 1−4w . Finally, Figures 14 and 15 detail the impact of increasing the maximum length of the patterns found in MIDP from 9 to 11, in the bytecode size reduction obtained and the time required for compressing each MIDP class. ...
Context 8
... Figures 12 and 13 give the bytecode size reduction obtained per different MIDP class from the application of the first and the second heuristics in P param , P non−param , P 1−2w , P 1−3w and P 1−4w . Finally, Figures 14 and 15 detail the impact of increasing the maximum length of the patterns found in MIDP from 9 to 11, in the bytecode size reduction obtained and the time required for compressing each MIDP class. ...

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