Daniel R. Figueiredo's research while affiliated with Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and other places

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Publications (96)

Using quantum walks to unitarily represent random walks on finite graphs
  • Article

April 2024


22 Reads

Physical Review A

Matheus Guedes de Andrade


Franklin de Lima Marquezino


Daniel Ratton Figueiredo

Quantum and random walks have been shown to be equivalent in the following sense: a time-dependent random walk can be constructed such that its vertex distribution at all time instants is identical to the vertex distribution of any discrete-time coined quantum walk on a finite graph. This equivalence establishes a deep connection between the two processes, far stronger than simply considering quantum walks as quantum analogs of classical random walks. The present paper strengthens this connection by providing a construction that establishes this equivalence in the reverse direction: a unitary time-dependent quantum walk can be constructed such that its vertex distribution is identical to the vertex distribution of any random walk on a finite graph at all time instants. The construction shown here describes a quantum walk that matches a random walk without measurements at all time steps (an otherwise trivial statement): measurement is performed in a quantum walk that evolved unitarily until a given time t such that its vertex distribution is identical to the random walk at time t. The construction procedure is general, covering both homogeneous and nonhomogeneous random walks. For homogeneous random walks, unitary evolution implies time dependency for the quantum walk, since homogeneous quantum walks do not converge under arbitrary initial conditions, while a broad class of random walks does. Thus, the absence of convergence demonstrated for a quantum walk in its debut comes from both time homogeneity and unitarity, rather than unitarity alone, and our results shed light on the power of quantum walks to generate samples for arbitrary probability distributions. Finally, the construction here proposed is used to simulate quantum walks that match uniform random walks on the cycle and the torus.


Detecting Multiple Epidemic Sources in Network Epidemics Using Graph Neural Networks

October 2023


13 Reads

Epidemics start within a network because of the existence of epidemic sources that spread information over time to other nodes. Data about the exact contagion pattern among nodes is often not available, besides a simple snapshot characterizing nodes as infected, or not. Thus, a fundamental problem in network epidemic is identifying the set of source nodes after the epidemic has reached a significant fraction of the network. This work tackles the multiple source detection problem by using graph neural network model to classify nodes as being the source of the epidemic. The input to the model (node attributes) are novel epidemic information in the k-hop neighborhoods of the nodes. The proposed framework is trained and evaluated under different network models and real networks and different scenarios, and results indicate different trade-offs. In a direct comparison with prior works, the proposed framework outperformed them in all scenarios available for comparison.

Avaliação de Estratégias de Quarentena e Vacinação em Epidemias em Redes

August 2023


3 Reads

Uma epidemia é caracterizada por uma doença transitória que infecta grande parte de uma população local, tratando-se de uma pandemia quando a disseminação é global. Diversos fatores influenciam o impacto de uma epidemia, incluindo a quarentena (isolamento) e vacinação (imunização) de parte da população. O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar diferentes cenários de quarentena e vacinação em epidemias que se desenrolam em redes, observando ainda o papel da estrutura da rede. Através da simulação de um modelo epidêmico clássico em redes diferentes, quantificamos o avanço da epidemia ao longo do tempo em diferentes cenários de contenção, apresentando uma discussão qualitativa dos resultados. Um dos mais interessantes mostra que quarentenas mais curtas com maior adesão da população são mais eficazes na redução do pico de infectados do que quarentenas mais longas com menor adesão.

Caracterização Temporal e Modelagem Matemática da Rede de Cabos Submarinos

August 2023


5 Reads

Cabos de fibra óptica instalados no fundo do mar (cabos submarinos) são hoje responsáveis por 99% do tráfego da Internet. A caracterização da rede formada por cabos submarinos é crucial para o entendimento da capacidade e robustez da Internet. A partir de dados públicos, este artigo descreve a evolução da rede de cabos submarinos ao longo de mais de três décadas, apresentando a evolução temporal de diversas características topológicas da rede. Resultados indicam que esta rede possui propriedades muito particulares, não encontradas em outras redes de comunicação (como ausência de ciclos e muitas componentes conexas). Dessa forma, um novo modelo para representar o crescimento da rede de cabos submarinos no tempo é proposto e avaliado neste trabalho.

Figure 1. A graph G and two spanning trees τ and τ .
Figure 4. Distribution of distances between epicenter and epidemic source (left), and distances from epidemic source for the epidemic tree (right).
Epicenter of Random Epidemic Spanning Trees on Finite Graphs
  • Article
  • Full-text available

December 2022


13 Reads

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

Epidemic source detection is the problem of identifying the network node that originated an epidemic from a partial observation of the epidemic process. The problem finds applications in different contexts, such as detecting the origin of rumors in online social media, and has been studied under various assumptions. Different from prior studies, this work considers an epidemic process on a finite graph that starts on a random node (epidemic source) and terminates when all nodes are infected, yielding a rooted and directed epidemic tree that encodes node infections. Assuming knowledge of the underlying graph and the undirected spanning tree, can the epidemic source be accurately identified? This work tackles this problem by introducing the epicenter , an efficient estimator for the epidemic source. When the underlying graph is vertex-transitive the epicenter can be computed in linear time and it coincides with the well-known distance center of the epidemic tree. Moreover, on a complete graph the epicenter is also the most likely estimator for the source. Finally, the accuracy of the epicenter is evaluated numerically on five different graph models and the performance strongly depends on the graph structure, varying from 31% (complete graphs) to 13% (sparse power law graphs).


Optimal Connectivity through Network Gradients for the Restricted Boltzmann Machine

September 2022


2 Reads

Leveraging sparse networks to connect successive layers in deep neural networks has recently been shown to provide benefits to large scale state-of-the-art models. However, network connectivity also plays a significant role on the learning curves of shallow networks, such as the classic Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBM). A fundamental problem is efficiently finding connectivity patterns that improve the learning curve. Recent principled approaches explicitly include network connections as parameters that must be optimized in the model, but often rely on continuous functions to represent connections and on explicit penalization. This work presents a method to find optimal connectivity patterns for RBMs based on the idea of network gradients: computing the gradient of every possible connection, given a specific connection pattern, and using the gradient to drive a continuous connection strength parameter that in turn is used to determine the connection pattern. Thus, learning RBM parameters and learning network connections is truly jointly performed, albeit with different learning rates, and without changes to the objective function. The method is applied to the MNIST data set showing that better RBM models are found for the benchmark tasks of sample generation and input classification.

Avaliação de medidas de similaridade de texto para remoção de ambiguidade de nome de autores

July 2022


2 Reads

A remoção de ambiguidade de nome consiste em identificar nomes diferentes que aparecem em uma base bibliográfica que remetem ao mesmo autor. Uma das primitivas para atacar este problema consiste de medidas de similaridade de string aplicada a pares de nomes dos autores. Este artigo avalia o desempenho de três medidas de similaridade de string (Levenshtein, LCS, TLSH) utilizando uma base de dados real com mais de 10 mil autores com mais de um nome e um universo de 7,3 milhões de nomes distintos. Uma metodologia baseada na ordenação das distâncias dos nomes é utilizada para comparar mais justamente as diferentes medidas de similaridade. Resultados claramente indicam que a LCS é superior as demais, mas ainda assim não identifica adequadamente os nomes sinônimos em uma grande fração de casos.

Caracterização das Licitações Públicas no Estado do Rio de Janeiro: Diversidade, Licitantes Únicos e Redes

July 2022


12 Reads


3 Citations

Dados provenientes de licitações públicas têm se mostrado promissores na definição de métricas para avaliar o risco de corrupção e fraude de diferentes estados ou países. Este artigo avalia dados de licitações públicas do Estado do Rio de Janeiro no período de 2010-2020, apresentando uma análise quantitativa segmentada por setor econômico da diversidade dos órgãos públicos, da ocorrência de licitações com um único licitante, e das características da rede de licitações e rede de empresas que vencem e perdem. Os resultados indicam a complexidade do processo licitatório mostrando grande variação entre as empresas e os órgãos públicos em diferentes aspectos.

Citations (63)

... To compete in a public bid, companies must comply with the legislation, possess all the necessary documents, and not be involved in the basic contracting project or be part of the contracting entity 3 . This competitive process not only presents an opportu- nity for businesses to secure government contracts but also emphasizes the importance of transparency, fairness, and adherence to stringent criteria in pursuing public projects [Luna and Figueiredo, 2022]. ...


Exploring Irregularities in Brazilian Public Bids: An In-depth Analysis on Small Companies
Caracterização das Licitações Públicas no Estado do Rio de Janeiro: Diversidade, Licitantes Únicos e Redes

... Muitas técnicas foram e vem sendo propostas para atacar o problema de remoção de ambiguidade de nome, focando em diferentes abordagens, tais como o uso de algoritmos de aprendizado de máquina [Zhou et al. 2004, Han et al. 2004], e o uso de informações estruturais induzidas pela rede de colaboração [Gomide et al. 2021, Yang et al. 2008. Entretanto, praticamente todas as abordagens propostas utilizam uma função para medir a similaridade entre dois nomes. ...

Consolidating identities in anonymous ego-centred collaboration networks
  • Citing Article
  • April 2021

Journal of Complex Networks

... Companies use affiliate marketing to promote their products or services through independent venues and channels, allowing affiliates to be compensated for their actions (Damnjanovic, 2020). This marketing strategy is widely adopted by companies due to its potential to increase revenue at a low investment cost (Rolim et al., 2020). Affiliates play an important role in driving traffic to a company's website and generating sales, often through commission-based fees or revenue-sharing models (Deges, 2020b). ...

Network and Revenue of the Clube Hurb Affiliate Marketing Program: A Story of Two Tales
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • December 2020

... There is a lot of work on the recurrence or transience of a random walk on a growing tree, related to self-interacting random walks including reinforced random walks and excited random walks, e.g., [22,19]. They are non-Markovian processes, and in a bit different line from [14,1,21] and this paper. ...

On a random walk that grows its own tree
  • Citing Article
  • January 2021

Electronic Journal of Probability

Daniel Figueiredo


Giulio Iacobelli





... By partnеring with affiliatе markеtеrs who catеr to spеcific travеl intеrеsts or dеmographics, businеssеs can incrеasе thеir brand еxposurе and attract potеntial customеrs who may not havе bееn rеachеd through traditional markеting channеls. ( Rolim , et al., 2020 andSuryanarayana, 2021). ...

Network and Revenue Analysis of an Affiliate Marketing Program in the Travel Industry
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • June 2020

... e relationship between quantum walks and modified classical random walks is an active field of study. A related study is given regarding finite graph structures by Andrade et al. [32]. In their study, they show the transition probability matrices of quantum walks as nonhomogeneous random walks. ...

On the equivalence between quantum and random walks on finite graphs

Quantum Information Processing

... The analysis of the case with mobility is more recent. The situation where agents perform a random walk on a finite graph and agents meeting at a given point of the graph may infect each other was studied in [6]. The situation where agents form a Poisson point process and migrate in the Euclidean plane was studied in [3], which proposed a computational framework based on moment closure techniques for evaluating the role of mobility in the propagation of epidemics. ...

The End Time of SIS Epidemics Driven by Random Walks on Edge-Transitive Graphs

Journal of Statistical Physics

... Neste trabalho, um algoritmo de busca em profundidade (Freitas et al., 2017) foi utilizado por questões de simplicidade e pelas características do local onde foram realizados os testes. Entretanto,é importante destacar que outros métodos de busca em grafo também podem ser utilizados. ...

Desenvolvimento de um Algoritmo de Busca por Vértices Específicos em Redes
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • July 2017

... The hybrid of two kinds of resources makes scheduling problems more complicated. Mahajan et al. [10] explored the trade-offs between serverless computing and traditional cloud computing for independent tasks. Jiang et al. [6] designed a workflow execution system mixing SFs and Iaas/clusters. ...

Optimal Pricing for Serverless Computing

... Além disso, a partir de estudos voltados para criação deíndices de qualidades de advogados do Rio de Janeiro, tornou-se possível analisar os perfis dos mesmos em relaçãoà atividades voltadas para os processos jurídicos trabalhistas. Métricas matemáticas comumente utilizadas em estudos de redes complexas como closeness, betweenness, força do vértice e pagerank tornaram-se essenciais para ranquear a eficiência de diversos advogados apresentando sua importância na comunidade em que trabalha [Ribeiro et al. 2016]. ...

Análise e Ranqueamento da Rede de Advogados induzida por Processos Judiciais Trabalhistas
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • July 2019