Xavier Aizaga-Villon's research while affiliated with Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral (ESPOL) and other places

Publication (1)

Open-source technologies enable communication channels between web platforms and innovative architectures to provide reliable data distribution, in which healthcare applications can particularly benefit from them. This work presents a communication channel design to improve the user experience about telemedicine apps, especially when patients are i...


... In recent years, the academic community has embarked on extensive research aimed at exploring various factors influencing the acceptance of TA by the public. These studies cover several key areas, including the development of new regulations to address ethical issues related to health applications (22), as well as the design of effective communication channels to enhance the user experience of TA, particularly focusing on patients in remote areas (23). During the global pandemic, some research has also focused on investigating customer emotional responses to TA during the COVID-19 crisis, providing valuable insights into public attitudes (24). ...