Wilma Hoechtlen-Vollmar's research while affiliated with Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich and other places

Publications (7)

Approximately 30% of myeloma patients express cyclin D1 RNA and protein. The low incidence of translocation t(11; 14) detected by conventional cytogenetics suggests that the up-regulation of cyclin D1 protein might result from other mechanisms as well as from gene amplification. Therefore, the frequency and the clinical and prognostic implications...
Approximately 30% of myeloma patients express cyclin D1 RNA and protein. The low incidence of translocation t(11; 14) detected by conventional cytogenetics suggests that the up-regulation of cyclin D1 protein might result from other mechanisms as well as from gene amplification. Therefore, the frequency and the clinical and prognostic implications...
The presence of isolated carcinoma cells detected immunocytochemically in bone marrow has been shown to be of prognostic relevance for cancer patients. Unfortunately, the immunocytochemical method (ICC) is laborious and depends on the subjective interpretation of the individual investigator. Therefore, an immunoassay was designed for detection of c...
The relationship between two cellular prognostic parameters of multiple myeloma, the plasma cell labeling index (LI%) and bone marrow histology was studied. The LI% as the percentage of monoclonal plasma cells in the S-phase was measured by bromodeoxyuridine incorporation using the anti-bromodeoxyuridine antibody BU-1. The histologic classification...
Cancer cells of microscopic metastases can be envisaged as ideal constituents for the development of a genetically modified, autologous tumor cell vaccine. However, their extremely low number has thus far blocked this approach. The aim of this study was to culture micrometastatic tumor cells present in bone marrow of patients with various forms of...
Antibodies directed against soluble liver antigen (SLA), liver kidney microsomal antigen (LKM-1-AG), and antimitochondrial antigen M2 (M2-AMA) are critical serological markers for the differential diagnosis of autoimmune chronic active hepatitis (AI-CAH) and primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC). The exact diagnosis of autoimmune hepatitis and PBC is of...
Sera from 35 out of 655 patients with suspected or confirmed hepatobiliary diseases were positive for anti-neutrophil antibodies with a perinuclear staining pattern (p-ANCA). Nineteen of these sera did not react with myeloperoxidase (MPO), Cathepsin G or Elastase, the three proposed antigens of p-ANCAs. No distinct antigen for these sera could be c...


... The dysregulated expression of D-type cyclins in MM appears to be an early event in MM pathogenesis and seems to drive proliferation, as is observed in many other cancers [167,170]. However, there is some debate whether cyclin D1 overexpression impacts prognosis in MM, whereas cyclin D2 overexpression was found to be associated with a worse outcome [171][172][173][174]. There is some evidence that cyclin D1 expression affects cellular metabolism. ...
... The disseminated tumor cell (DTC) cell line from the bone marrow of a LC patient LC-M1 was generated 1994 and authenticated by Klaus Pantel [40,41]. LC-M1 was authenticated using a keratin/vimentin double staining in May 2015 and was essentially cultivated as described before [42]. ...
... The cutoffs used were based on the current guidelines for the IFT and on local standardized cutoffs for the in-house iELISA 2,10,11 . For anti-LKM an IFT cut-off of 1:40 for adults and 1:10 in the case of children 2,11 , and for anti-LKM1 an iELISA cutoff of 40% were employed 12 . For AMA an IFT cut-off of 1:40 10 or an iELISA cut-off of 40% were used 12 . ...
... Un pequeño porcentaje de P-ANCA puede reaccionar con otros componentes de los gránulos primarios (elastasa, catepsina G) o de los gránulos secundarios (lactoferrina) [21] . Por regla general, estos antígenos no son específicos de las vasculitis necrosantes primarias y se observan en las vasculitis inducidas por medicamentos [22] u otras enfermedades sistémicas [23,24] . Del mismo modo, la proteína incrementadora de la permeabilidad y de la actividad bactericida (BPI-ANCA) había suscitado algunas esperanzas diagnósticas, en particular para identificar antígenos infecciosos, esperanzas que no se han confirmado [25] . ...
... This has already been shown in several previous studies. 46,47 However, we did not find any correlation between Ki-67 expression and CDK6 expression. This indicates that CDK6 has additional functions for controlling the cell cycle in multiple myeloma. ...
... The CK-positive cells in BM aspirates were reported to lack expression of urokinase plasminogen activator which is associated with metastasis (Werther et al., 2002). In order to avoid tedious immunohistochemical methods, a new enzyme immunoassay for detection of occult tumor cells in BM was developed that was designed to detect intracellular CK19 released from epithelial tumor cells after they had been lysed by freezing/thawing cycles (Riethmüller et al., 1997). Comparison of immunohistochemistry with this new assays revealed higher incidence of epithelial cells in advanced T-stage of CRC patients by the ELISA test. ...
... In the end, 13 cohort studies that reported the relationship between cyclin D1 expression and survival of MM patients were included in our meta-analysis. [16][17][18][19][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31] The flowchart of the specific literature search strategy is shown in Figure 1. ...