Vandelin MGBWA's research while affiliated with University of Yaounde I and other places

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Publications (8)

Figure 1 Variables théoriques explicatives de la consommation de SPA chez les jeunes selon Gagnon et al., (2010)
  • Article
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May 2024


8 Reads

Adolf MOTE






Vandelin MGBWA

Cette contribution repositionne le débat sur l'incidence de l'environnement familial sur le développement des conduites addictives chez les élèves du lycée Bilingue d'Ekounou. Dans ces institutions, il apparaît que les stratégies gouvernementales de lutte contre la prise des substances psychoactives, leurs taux de consommation chez les élèves croissent au point de devenir un problème de santé publique. L'étude mixte réalisée auprès de 284 élèves, l'analyse de contenu y afférent ainsi que l'utilisation du logiciel SPSS 13 20.0 et du test de khi-2 ont permis de relever un lien d'interdépendance entre les variables associées. En effet, le test, significatif à P < 0,05, indique des liens d'interdépendance entre la consommation de substances psychoactives et la dissociation familiale (X 2 = 24,54, P < 0,05), la situation économique des parents (X 2 = 28,32, P < 0,05) et l'autorité parentale (X 2 = 38,43, P < 0,05). Eu égard à ces incidences, il ressort que les facteurs tels que la dissociation familiale, la situation économique des parents, une autorité parentale inappropriée au sein de la structure familiale, éléments constitutifs de l'environnement familial, influencent la consommation des substances psychoactives chez les élèves du lycée Bilingue d'Ekounou. Abstract This contribution repositioned the debate on the impact of the family environment on the development of addictive behaviour among pupils at the Bilingual high school of Ekounou. In these institutions, it appears that government strategies to combat the use of psychoactive substances have led to an increase in consumption rates among students to the point of becoming a public health problem. dissociation, parents' economic situation and inappropriate parental authority within the family structure, combined with the family environment, influence psychoactive substance use among pupils at the Bilingual high school of Ekounou. The mixed study of 284 pupils, the related content analysis and the use of SPSS 20.0 software and the chi-square test revealed an interdependent link between the associated variables. The test, which was significant at P < 0.05, indicated interdependence between psychoactive substance use and family dissociation (X2 = 24.54, P < 0.05), parents' economic situation (X2 = 28.32, P < 0.05) and parental authority (X2 = 38.43, P < 0.05). In view of these effects, it appears that factors such as family dissociation, the economic situation of the parents and inappropriate parental authority within the family structure, which are all elements of the family environment, influence the use of psychoactive substances among pupils at the Lycée Bilingue d'Ekounou.


Grille d'analyse
Les logiques de formation et les mécanismes d’insertion des diplomés des universités camerounaises

June 2023


98 Reads

Analele Universității din Craiova seria Psihologie-Pedagogie/Annals of the University of Craiova Series Psychology- Pedagogy

This study answers the question of how university training logic accounts for the professional insertion of young higher education graduates in Cameroon. In this respect, qualitative research was carried out to analyze the logic of university training and the insertion of young higher education graduates in Cameroon. To understand the logic of university education in Cameroon, the research was addressed to a specific group of five (05) young graduates selected by applying the typical sampling technique. The data collected from five (05) participants from the University of Yaoundé 1 and processed using content analysis revealed that there is, on the one hand, a lack of information within the state universities; and, on the other hand, a lack of structuring of training programs and their evaluation. The results also show that trainers' encouragement of self- employment among young graduates is almost absent. This study, which is situated in a vocational training context, proposes to adopt accompanying measures in a social dynamic aimed at favoring the professional integration of university graduates, still in contrast with the segmentation of the labor market.

Processus d’orientation et capacité d’insertion professionnelle des jeunes diplômés de sur le marché du travail

June 2023


182 Reads

Analele Universității din Craiova seria Psihologie-Pedagogie/Annals of the University of Craiova Series Psychology- Pedagogy

This article analyzes the impact of factors inherent to the orientation modalities on the professional insertion of young graduates in the job market. Although university institutions believe that they are providing young graduates with adequate training so that they can be competitive on the job market, it appears that they still have difficulty entering the job market. However, university training is developed without taking into account the orientation processes such as the personal interests of the graduate. This results in unemployment. The study is part of an explanatory approach based on a mixed design. It was carried out among 200 graduates of the departments of Art and Archaeology of the Falsh, Tourism and Hospitality. The questionnaire and the semi-structured interviews of individual types collected information from 200 participants and another 5 for the interview, respectively. The results show positive correlations between professional interest and access to employment r (200) = .353, p < .001; commitment r (200) = .355, P < .001; job retention r (200) = .293, p < .001; and finally professional insertion r (200) = .405, p < .001. It should be noted that orientation and university training policies are not sufficient if the young graduate does not feel involved in the process. The study suggests the involvement of guidance actors in the training programs; to focus these trainings on the existing opportunities on the labor market.

Grille d'analyse
Interruption des cours, perturbations des rythmes scolaires et efficacité du système éducatif camerounais

December 2022


32 Reads

Analele Universității din Craiova seria Psihologie-Pedagogie/Annals of the University of Craiova Series Psychology- Pedagogy

This article analyses the impact of school regulations on the efficiency of the education system. By school regulations, we mean the matching of the child's life rhythms, school time and the parents' socio-professional time. The organisation of school time then takes into account many social, economic, political and pedagogical factors. What specifies the regulations and gives them weight within the education system is that they must induce the learner's autonomy. However, school rhythms are developed without taking into account the rhythm of the child's life. This results in difficulties for learners to articulate the curriculum to their own needs. The study is part of a comprehensive approach based on a qualitative approach. It was carried out with three secondary school students in the Central Region of Cameroon who had difficulties in developing positive skills in learning activities and in expressing positive emotions. The results reveal that these children express fears, sometimes refusals and forms of anxiety about school. This can be seen in the difficulty they have in articulating attention and concentration during the teaching/learning process. Moreover, the transgression of norms that can be observed through the difficulties in adapting to school in terms of attendance and punctuality, should not be interpreted as a disorder of adjustment of rhythms but rather as a factor of transformation of norms.


June 2022


141 Reads

L'implémentation du LMD/BMD dans les établissements d'enseignement supérieur au Cameroun visait, entre autres, la professionnalisation et l'amélioration de la transition des études vers le marché du travail. Quinze années plus tard, les difficultés d'insertion des diplômés remettent au goût du jour le questionnement sur la pertinence des formations reçues pour une contribution au développement économique national. Un regard sur les pratiques en la matière, entre facultés et écoles de formation, montre que le LMD/BMD a connu des fortunes diverses. Cette contribution ambitionne de comprendre la matérialisation des réformes LMD/BMD et les défis qui interpellent quant au développement socio-économique du Cameroun. Aussi, at on mis à contribution une méthodologie mixte associant les approches qualitative et quantitative. 168 sujets dont 21.43% de superviseurs directs ; 58.93% d'employés diplômés ; 3.57% de directeurs d'établissement d'enseignement supérieur et 16.07% de chefs de personnel/directeurs ont été touchés. Les résultats laissent percevoir un déficit de coopération, de collaboration, de concertation et de communication, entre les institutions universitaires et les potentiels employeurs des diplômés dans l'élaboration des programmes d'enseignement. Ce qui a pour effet d'aggraver les difficultés de connexion au marché du travail des diplômés et des sortants des établissements d'enseignement supérieur camerounais. De plus, le caractère majoritairement informel de l'économie national limite les interactions entre les universités et le monde socio-économique. Par ailleurs, l'enseignement supérieur au Cameroun continue de former majoritairement pour le fonctionnariat et le salariat ; accentuant de fait les difficultés de transition vers le marché du travail et la contribution au développement national. Mots clés : LMD/BMD-enseignement supérieur-marché du travail-employabilité-développement économique.

Modalités d’interventions auprès des enfants avec autisme : quelles compétences pour les professionnelles en intervention ?

June 2022


70 Reads

Analele Universității din Craiova seria Psihologie-Pedagogie/Annals of the University of Craiova Series Psychology- Pedagogy

This contribution repositioned the debate on the modalities of intervention of children with autism in specialized centers. The rapid changes within the issue of autism from diagnosis to the care of children with autism are dividing practitioners and experts, and even families. If for some (Hayek, 2015), autism is a pathology and from this point of view, the autistic child is a non-compliant, abnormal, or even unprofitable subject for others, on the other hand it is a question of cognitive flexibility or imaginative, since autism is a “way of being” (Grollier, 2014). The research is based on a projective test: Corman's family drawing, which allows the subject to be read about the development of executive functions through the analysis of graphic, formal and content aspects. The research results highlight the professional skills of educators albeit shy in implementing the principles of mental flexibility in children. The drawing represents an imaginary family with an absence of the constituent elements, the inadequate shapes without real animation, the absence of colors (just the pencil). In short, the child did well to represent his family in the right way, the characters do indeed have the human form.

Pertinence des reformes LMD au Cameroun : analyses des qualités personnelles et professionnelles des diplômés employés dans les entreprises formelles

June 2022


10 Reads

Éducation et Socialisation

The present contribution deals with the appreciation of the personal and professional qualities of graduate employees in the era of the LMD reforms by their direct supervisors in formal public and private enterprises in Cameroon. Drawing on the fields of intervention of occupational psychosociology and organisations, ten indicators of the personal and professional qualities of an employee was cross-referenced with the graduating institutions (polytechnics and public and private universities). Following multiple imputation of missing values, the test of homogeneity of variances (Box Test) led them to the use of the non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis H test. The results reveal a differentiated assessment of the personal and professional qualities of employed graduates according to the graduating institutions. Direct supervisors find polytechnicians better equipped than academics, as it was already the case before the LMD reforms. As it stands, these results reveal a vagueness that detracts from the political rhetoric on the professionalization of academics in the LMD reform period, on the one hand, and the new world order in education marked by a process of standardization that ignores particularities, on the other.

Privation des rites de veuvage Akus et indignation: Résurgence de la problématique matrimoniale de la dot, du mariage et de la sexualité chez les veuves béti camerounaises

May 2018


11 Reads

L Autre

Deprivation of Akus widowhood rituals and indignation: resurgence of the issue of matrimonial dowry, marriage and sexuality of Beti Cameroonian widows Akus is a funerary ceremonial act enabling the surviving spouse to be liberated from the rights of the deceased spouse upon a prospective remarriage or sexual intercourse. The widows who are forbidden to carry out the ritual develop a sense of indignation thus lowering their self-esteem due to the fact that they might be left out of the matrimonial market. This investigation questions the denying of rituals and seeks to comprehend the way they deal with the matrimonial issues of dowry and sexuality. This qualitative study focuses on 7 Beti widows. The data collected from individual interviews were analysed with emphasis placed on the psycho-sociological effect of being deprived of widowhood hardship. The widows manifest a traumatic shame which is at the origin of the psychological trauma they are affected by. They suffer from being deprived of the ceremonial act and the impossibility of breaking off once and for all with the rights/powers of their deceased spouse with regard to sexuality and prospective remarriage.