Tatiana Henao‐Pabón's research while affiliated with Universidad del Cauca and other places

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Publications (1)

Figure 1. 19-26 The complete search strategy is shown in Table S2. The CPGs were published between 2013 and 2019. The characteristics of the eligible guidelines are shown in Table S3.
Quality of clinical practice guidelines for gestational and congenital toxoplasmosis: A systematic review of the literature
  • Literature Review
  • Full-text available

August 2021


130 Reads


4 Citations

Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice


Beatriz E. Paz‐Córdoba


Tatiana Henao‐Pabón




Objective To evaluate the methodological quality and transparency of the clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of gestational and congenital toxoplasmosis (CT). Methods Systematic review of the literature on gestational and CT CPGs conducted in the MEDLINE, Embase, TripDatabase, Biblioteca Virtual en Salud databases and extensive manual searches in 19 CPG repositories. The characteristics of each of the guidelines were extracted using My AGREE PLUS on-line. Three reviewers assessed overall quality using the Appraisal of Guidelines for Research and Evaluation II (AGREE II) tool. Results The combined systematic review found 8651 citations. Of them 46 full texts were reviewed, and eight documents were finally included: four toxoplasmosis CPGs, three prenatal care CPGs that included recommendations on toxoplasmosis, and one pregnancy infection guideline that also included recommendations on toxoplasmosis. The AGREE II domains found to have the highest scores were ‘clarity of presentation’ (85%; [37%-100%]), followed by ‘scope and purpose’ (73%; [33%-98%]), and ‘editorial independence’ (51%; [3%-94%]); the domains with the lowest scores were ‘rigour of development’ (36%; [11%-79%]), ‘stakeholder involvement’ (34%; [24%-85%]), and ‘applicability’ (17%; [6%-83%]). The Colombian and Spanish-Agencia de Evaluación de Tecnologías Sanitarias de Andalucía (AETSA) CPGs had the highest global AGREE II scores. Absolute interrater agreement was good to excellent. Conclusion Substantial quality variation was found among CPGs, which provided recommendations in accordance with the context of the disease in the corresponding country or region. Only two of the CPGs appraised obtained a good score and are classified as ‘recommended’.


Citations (1)

... Aunque no era el objetivo del estudio se identificó que la aplicación de la guía nacional para el diagnóstico y tratamiento de toxoplasmosis gestacional presentó dificultades y retrasos en el primer nivel de atención. Garantizar un control prenatal temprano y la adecuada implementación de las guías de manejo, es la mejor estrategia para una detección oportuna de riesgos y educación aplicada de la prevención primaria y secundaria en toxoplasmosis durante la gestación, tal como se demostró en un centro de referencia en el departamento de Quindío, Colombia, donde evidenciaron que al implementar las guías se aumentó significativamente el diagnóstico prenatal y por lo tanto el tratamiento y desenlaces materno perinatales favorables 5; sin embargo la aplicación de las guías presentan escasa adherencia como lo ha reportado Cabra-Bautista, et al quienes identificaron que, en el mundo hay una variación sustancial de calidad entre las guías de toxoplasmosis, las cuales brindan recomendaciones de acuerdo con el contexto de la enfermedad en el país o región correspondiente, con una aplicabilidad de solo el 17% (6%-83%) 19 . ...


Toxoplasmosis gestacional: desenlaces obstétricos y resultados perinatales en un hospital de referencia en Medellín, Colombia. 2015-2021. Un estudio descriptivo
Quality of clinical practice guidelines for gestational and congenital toxoplasmosis: A systematic review of the literature

Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice