Shoaib Ahmed Hab's research while affiliated with University of Sindh and other places

Publications (2)

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New guar gam-based coating formulation was prepared with castor oil (CO) for enhanced postharvest quality of mangoes by Response surface methodology (RSM). In this regard, the response surface methodology was used to optimize the concentrations of guar gum (GG) containing vegetable oil i.e. CO as a natural antimicrobial cross-linked with other addi...


... The films or coatings' desirable physicochemical properties are enhanced by incorporating active ingredients like moringa oil and neem oil, known for their antimicrobial and antioxidant properties [14]. The use of guar gum edible coating and castor oil has been proven to effectively extend the shelf life of mangoes [15]. ...
... Di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) can increase the flexibility, clarity, and durability of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and is widely used in medical catheters, tubing, and blood storage bags [1][2][3]. Due to the lack of covalent bonds between phthalates and plastics, DEHP can leach from plastics into bodily fluids and be transported to organs under certain conditions [4]. Long-term exposure to DEHP and its metabolites has been reported to 2 of 15 increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) [5][6][7][8]. ...