Sahabi Sadikku Malami's scientific contributions

Publications (2)

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Salivary gland neoplasms account for 0.5-2% of all tumors worldwide, and can display a remarkable range of morphological diversity between different tumor types. The aim of this retrospective study was to present the clinico-pathologic characteristics of salivary gland neoplasms in a tertiary referral hospital in northwest region of Nigeria. Clinic...
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ABSTRACT Introduction Metastatic tumours are lesions that originates from distant site and manifest in their secondary site remote from the primary. They are said to be rare in the maxillofacial region. Materials and methods This was a retrospective study from the Department of Dental and Maxillofacial Surgery and Department of Histopathology, Usm...


... Malignancy in salivary glands accounts for 5% of head and neck cancers. Studies on these malignancies have documented a wide range of variations in prevalence, location and patient features [3,12]. In Cameroun, a study has shown a prevalence of malignant salivary gland tumors in 3,05% of all cervico-facial localisations [4,]. ...
... To the best of our knowledge, the case that we describe in this report is the first to involve mandibular metastasis from adult PRMS. Our review of the literature suggests that the most common histology exhibited by these soft-tissue sarcomas is alveolar soft part sarcoma, followed by synovial sarcoma and angiosarcoma, then epithelioid angiosarcoma, clear cell sarcoma and alveolar RMS [16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24] . ...