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Publications (1)

FIG 4. Prototype server temperature monitoring tool (a) Lora Transmitter, (b) Lora Receiver Next, device testing is carried out to see the performance of the tool. Testing in this research focuses on testing RSSI values on LoRa and testing data transmission on IoT. The main goal of testing RSSI values on LoRa is to evaluate the quality and reliability of wireless communications between LoRa devices in various environmental conditions and settings. The testing point on LoRa is shown in Figure 5. Testing the RSSI value on LoRa is the process of measuring the strength of the radio signal received from other LoRa devices. RSSI is a metric that indicates how strong or weak the signal received by the receiver from the sender. The RSSI value is generally expressed as a number in decibel units (dBm) and provides an idea of the strength of the radio signal at the receiving device. The average RSSI can be determined through equation 1: The RSSI value can be divided into several levels as shown in Table 2. The results of testing the RSSI value are shown in Table 3
FIG 5. LoRa testing point area
Overall System
Wireless Sensor Network Based Server Room Temperature Monitoring System
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June 2023


14 Reads

Reza Nandika


Era Madona


Laxsmy Devy




Yultrisna Yultrisna

A remote temperature monitoring system has been created in the server room using LoRa technology which is based on preventing overheating on servers which can affect the performance of components in the server. The research objective is to design and implement a new LoRa-based server room monitoring system design. The targets of this research are (a) creating a system prototype, (b) programming the system with the help of Arduino IDE, (c) measuring system performance. The research method starts from making a prototype and measuring system performance. The results of system performance measurements, testing on LoRa showed the best RSSI results of -56 dBm, temperature data from 17°C -19°C and humidity from 55% to 59% in the server room. Overall the tool can function well.
