ROBIN HESKETH's research while affiliated with University of Cambridge and other places

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Publications (2)

Intracellular Calcium and Normal Eukaryotic Cell Growth
  • Article

December 1987


4 Reads


6 Citations





Intracellular calcium regulation and the measurement of free calcium in 2H3 cells and synaptosomes

February 1985


7 Reads


7 Citations

British Journal of Clinical PharmacologyBritish Journal of Clinical Pharmacology

Citations (1)

... Firstly, the phosphatidylethanolamine-choline pathway (PE + PC) in which PE is methylated by two enzymes and, switched vectorially across the membrane, is believed to be involved in a number of calcium mobilisation processes (Hirata & Axelrod, 1980). Secondly there is the pathway of polyphosphatidyl inositol (PPI) metabolism and the messenger role of intracellular inositol phosphates (see Hesketh, 1985). Then there is the role of specific protein kinases; cyclic AMP dependent protein kinase, calcium-calmodulin dependent kinase, protein kinase C, which may be involved in the phosphorylation of membrane constituents linked to the passage of ions (Cohen, 1982) and, the more recently discussed pathway involving ornithine decarboxylase and the products of this, the polyamines, putrescine, spermine and spermidine which may also be involved in calcium mobilisation (Koenig et al., 1983 ). ...


Calcium ions and respiratory smooth muscle function
Intracellular calcium regulation and the measurement of free calcium in 2H3 cells and synaptosomes
  • Citing Article
  • February 1985