Peter Messmer's scientific contributions

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Publications (1)

Ozonated saline shows activity against planktonic and biofilm growing Staphylococcus aureus in vitro: A potential irrigant for infected wounds
  • Article

January 2015


131 Reads


23 Citations

Hayder Al-Saadi






Peter Messmer

Infections associated with deep wounds require extensive surgical and medical care. New adjunctive treatments are required to aid in the eradication of the bacterial biofilms found on infected wounds and, in particular, any underlying hardware. Ozone has been used as a safe and efficient disinfectant in water treatment plants for many years. The purpose of this study is to investigate the anti-biofilm potential of ozonated saline against biofilms of Staphylococcus aureus, a microorganism commonly implicated in wound infections. A custom-made bacterial biofilm bioreactor was used to grow S. aureus biofilms on discs of medical grade titanium alloy. An ozone generator was connected in-line and biofilms and planktonic bacteria were exposed to ozone in saline. Cytotoxicity was assessed against primary ovine osteoblasts in the same system. In tests against planktonic S. aureus, a 99% reduction in bacterial numbers was detected within 15 minutes of exposure. S. aureus biofilms were significantly more resistant to ozone, although complete eradication of the biofilm was eventually achieved within 5 hours. Ozonated saline was not found to be cytotoxic to primary ovine osteoblasts. Ozonated saline may be suitable as an adjuvant therapy to treat patients as an instillation fluid for wound irrigation and sterilisation. © 2015 Inc and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.


Citations (1)

... Ozone was utilized in medicine in an empirical and imprecise manner for approximately 200 years. Over the past decade, advancements in technology have allowed the development of medical ozone generators capable of accurately determining ozone concentrations in real time and providing clarity on the chemical actions of ozone [105,106]. Ozone is an unstable molecule composed of three oxygen atoms, which can disintegrate into O 2 and a single oxygen atom. This singular oxygen atom acts as a potent oxidant and anti-inflammatory agent [105,106]. ...


Aesthetic Rehabilitation Medicine: Enhancing Wellbeing beyond Functional Recovery
Ozonated saline shows activity against planktonic and biofilm growing Staphylococcus aureus in vitro: A potential irrigant for infected wounds
  • Citing Article
  • January 2015