P Bourse's scientific contributions

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Publications (1)

[Subtotal avulsion of the lower limb after traumatic section in a 2 and a half-year-old child]
  • Article

February 1989


6 Reads


1 Citation

Annales de Chirurgie

M Costecalde


J Gaubert


P Bourse




M Bardier

Reimplantation after subtotal section of the right lower limb under the Scarpa triangle was been attempted and was successful. Section and contusion of the femoral artery and vein required 2 end-to-end saphenous bypass grafts. The use of the lower limb is correct, after to a follow up of 4 years. The risks, inherent to all proximal section, with important muscular masses, in a small child, are described. Functional prognosis depends on three aspects: bone, vessels, and nerves. A tibial pseudarthrosis had to be operated secondarily with significant lengthening. A partial stenosis of the graft was demonstrated arteriographically. Pes equinus, a result of paralysis, has been fitted with an orthesis. This observation is almost an experimental one: what can be the future of a reimplanted lower limb in the child.
