Nina H. M. Bartelink's research while affiliated with Maastricht University and other places

Publications (2)

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Background School-based health-promoting interventions are increasingly seen as an effective population strategy to improve health and prevent obesity. Evidence on the long-term effectiveness of school-based interventions is scarce. This study investigates the four-year effectiveness of the school-based Healthy Primary School of the Future (HPSF) i...


... Two partial HPSF schools implemented the PA component only, and four schools continued with their regular curriculum, serving as control schools in an efficacy trial [15,16]. Longitudinal analyses revealed significant positive intervention effects on outcomes, such as the children's body mass index (BMI) z-scores and dietary and PA behaviours [17][18][19]. Following the efficacy trial's positive results, other Dutch primary schools became interested in implementing HPSF-related activities. ...