Maruja L Rettenbeck's research while affiliated with Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich and other places

Publications (5)

Regulatory RNAs play a key role in the regulation of protein expression patterns in neurological diseases. Here we studied the regulation of miRNAs in a chronic rat model of temporal lobe epilepsy. The analysis was focused on a putative link with pharmacoresponsiveness as well as the functional implications of the regulation of a selected miRNA. Th...
Objective: Anticonvulsive monotherapy fails to be effective in one third of patients with epilepsy resulting in the need for polytherapy regimens. However, with the still limited knowledge, drug choices for polytherapy remain empirical. Here we report experimental data from a chronic epilepsy model for the combination of perampanel and zonisamide,...
Detailed knowledge about the patterns of molecular alterations during epileptogenesis is a presupposition for identifying targets for preventive or disease-modifying approaches, as well as biomarkers of the disease. Large-scale differential proteome analysis can provide unique and novel perspectives based on comprehensive data sets informing about...
Reactive oxygen species and inflammatory signaling have been identified as pivotal pathophysiological factors contributing to epileptogenesis. Considering the development of combined anti-inflammatory and antioxidant treatment strategies with antiepileptogenic potential, a characterization of the time course of microglial reactive oxygen species ge...


... We aimed to validate the target binding relationship between miR-512-3p and DYRK2, a Ser/Thr kinase known to interact with and regulate microRNA biogenesis [50] and identified its reported interaction with miRNA-187-3p [51]. To ascertain this interaction, we conducted a dual luciferase reporter gene assay (n = 3). ...
... Perampanel, a relatively new ASM for human epilepsy, is a noncompetitive antagonist of AMPA receptor, and the site of action is similar to MCFAs [38][39][40]. In the rat amygdaloid kindling model of temporal lobe epilepsy, a clear antiseizure effect and the binding site of perampanel are revealed [41]. Based on the above, we expected that the MCTs in NC would be degraded into MCFAs and would confirm the antiseizure effect. ...
... In the present study, we constructed a diagnostic model of epilepsy using 23 MRGs obtained from the peripheral blood of patients with epilepsy. The model showed good diagnostic performance, as evaluated by ROC analysis (AUC = 0.8912), which was superior to that of many other epilepsy diagnosis models [41][42][43][44] . ...
... Inflammation contributes significantly to neuronal death by various mechanisms [81]. For example, cytokines and chemokines can directly induce apoptosis [62,82,83]; activated microglia release reactive oxygen species [84], which induce oxidative stress in neighboring neurons leading to neuronal death; activated microglia may phagocytize stressed but still viable neurons [85,86]; and certain components of the complement system (part of the innate immune system) that is activated during inflammation can cause direct lysis of neurons or draw immune cells like macrophages to the site of injury, which damage and eliminate neurons through phagocytosis [87][88][89]. ...