Maria Sdraka's research while affiliated with Harokopio University and other places

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Publications (10)

Fig. 5. Architecture of the BAM-CD model. Numbers inside the ResBlock and ConvBlock modules indicate the number of output channels for each internal convolutional layer. A detailed overview of ResBlock and ConvBlock is given in Fig. 6. Best viewed in colour.
Fig. 8. The mean F1-score of the most robust spectral indices for selected land cover types. Numbers in parentheses indicate the corresponding Corine Land Cover code. Best viewed in colour.
Fig. 9. Features importance as found by the RF classifier. Best viewed in colour.
Fig. 10. F1-Score for the positive (burnt) and negative (unburnt) class in the validation set with respect to the hyperparameter N . Best viewed in colour.
Fig. 11. Sample predictions on the test set. Numbers in parentheses indicate the F1-score. Satellite imagery is plotted as NIR-Red-Green composites. Best viewed in colour.


FLOGA: A Machine-Learning-Ready Dataset, a Benchmark, and a Novel Deep Learning Model for Burnt Area Mapping With Sentinel-2
  • Article
  • Full-text available

January 2024


13 Reads

IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing

Maria Sdraka


Alkinoos Dimakos


Alexandros Malounis




Over the last decade there has been an increasing frequency and intensity of wildfires across the globe, posing significant threats to human and animal lives, ecosystems, and socio-economic stability. Therefore urgent action is required to mitigate their devastating impact and safeguard Earth's natural resources. Robust Machine Learning methods combined with the abundance of high-resolution satellite imagery can provide accurate and timely mappings of the affected area in order to assess the scale of the event, identify the impacted assets and prioritize and allocate resources effectively for the proper restoration of the damaged region. In this work, we create and introduce a machine-learning ready dataset we name FLOGA. This dataset is unique as it comprises of satellite imagery acquired before and after a wildfire event with variable spatial and spectral resolution, and contains a large number of events where the corresponding burnt area ground truth has been annotated by domain experts. FLOGA covers the wider region of Greece, which is characterized by a Mediterranean landscape and climatic conditions. We use FLOGA to provide a thorough comparison of specialized spectral indices as well as multiple Machine Learning and Deep Learning algorithms for the automatic extraction of burnt areas, approached as a change detection task. Finally, we propose a novel Deep Learning model, namely BAM-CD. Our benchmark results demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed technique in the automatic extraction of burnt areas, outperforming all other methods in terms of accuracy and robustness. Our dataset and code are publicly available at:</uri


Deep Learning for Downscaling Remote Sensing Images: Fusion and Super-Resolution

September 2022


869 Reads


21 Citations

IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine

The past few years have seen an accelerating integration of deep learning (DL) techniques into various remote sensing (RS) applications, highlighting their power to adapt and achieving unprecedented advancements. In the present review, we provide an exhaustive exploration of the DL approaches proposed specifically for the spatial downscaling of RS imagery. A key contribution of our work is the presentation of the major architectural components and models, metrics, and data sets available for this task as well as the construction of a compact taxonomy for navigating through the various methods. Furthermore, we analyze the limitations of the current modeling approaches and provide a brief discussion on promising directions for image enhancement, following the paradigm of general computer vision (CV) practitioners and researchers as a source of inspiration and constructive insight.

A Sentinel-2 multi-year, multi-country benchmark dataset for crop classification and segmentation with deep learning

April 2022


218 Reads

In this work we introduce Sen4AgriNet, a Sentinel-2 based time series multi country benchmark dataset, tailored for agricultural monitoring applications with Machine and Deep Learning. Sen4AgriNet dataset is annotated from farmer declarations collected via the Land Parcel Identification System (LPIS) for harmonizing country wide labels. These declarations have only recently been made available as open data, allowing for the first time the labeling of satellite imagery from ground truth data. We proceed to propose and standardise a new crop type taxonomy across Europe that address Common Agriculture Policy (CAP) needs, based on the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Indicative Crop Classification scheme. Sen4AgriNet is the only multi-country, multi-year dataset that includes all spectral information. It is constructed to cover the period 2016-2020 for Catalonia and France, while it can be extended to include additional countries. Currently, it contains 42.5 million parcels, which makes it significantly larger than other available archives. We extract two sub-datasets to highlight its value for diverse Deep Learning applications; the Object Aggregated Dataset (OAD) and the Patches Assembled Dataset (PAD). OAD capitalizes zonal statistics of each parcel, thus creating a powerful label-to-features instance for classification algorithms. On the other hand, PAD structure generalizes the classification problem to parcel extraction and semantic segmentation and labeling. The PAD and OAD are examined under three different scenarios to showcase and model the effects of spatial and temporal variability across different years and different countries.

A Sentinel-2 Multiyear, Multicountry Benchmark Dataset for Crop Classification and Segmentation With Deep Learning

January 2022


206 Reads


24 Citations

IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing

In this work, we introduce Sen4AgriNet, a Sentinel-2-based time series multicountry benchmark dataset, tailored for agricultural monitoring applications with machine and deep learning. Sen4AgriNet dataset is annotated from farmer declarations collected via the land parcel identification system (LPIS) for harmonizing country-wide labels. These declarations have only recently been made available as open data, allowing for the first time the labeling of satellite imagery from ground truth data. We proceed to propose and standardize a new crop type taxonomy across Europe that addresses common agriculture policy (CAP) needs, based on the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) indicative crop classification scheme. Sen4AgriNet is the only multicountry, multiyear dataset that includes all spectral information. It is constructed to cover the period 2016–2020 for Catalonia and France, while it can be extended to include additional countries. Currently, it contains 42.5 million parcels, which makes it significantly larger than other available archives. We extract two subdatasets to highlight its value for diverse deep learning applications—the object aggregated dataset (OAD) and the patches assembled dataset (PAD). OAD capitalizes zonal statistics of each parcel, thus creating a powerful label-to-features instance for classification algorithms. On the other hand, PAD structure generalizes the classification problem to parcel extraction and semantic segmentation and labeling. The PAD and OAD are examined under three different scenarios to showcase and model the effects of spatial and temporal variability across different years and different countries. <sup xmlns:mml="" xmlns:xlink="">1</sup

The “Gene Cube”: A Novel Approach to Three-dimensional Clustering of Gene Expression Data

December 2019


117 Reads


8 Citations

Current Bioinformatics

Background A very popular technique for isolating significant genes from cancerous tissues is the application of various clustering algorithms on data obtained by DNA microarray experiments. Aim The objective of the present work is to take into consideration the chromosomal identity of every gene before the clustering, by creating a three-dimensional structure of the form Chromosomes×Genes×Samples. Further on, the k-Means algorithm and a triclustering technique called δ- TRIMAX, are applied independently on the structure. Materials and Methods The present algorithm was developed using the Python programming language (v. 3.5.1). For this work, we used two distinct public datasets containing healthy control samples and tissue samples from bladder cancer patients. Background correction was performed by subtracting the median global background from the median local Background from the signal intensity. The quantile normalization method has been applied for sample normalization. Three known algorithms have been applied for testing the “gene cube”, a classical k-means, a transformed 3D k-means and the δ-TRIMAX. Results Our proposed data structure consists of a 3D matrix of the form Chromosomes×Genes×Samples. Clustering analysis of that structure manifested very good results as we were able to identify gene expression patterns among samples, genes and chromosomes. Discussion: to the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that such a structure is reported and it consists of a useful tool towards gene classification from high-throughput gene expression experiments. Conclusion Such approaches could prove useful towards the understanding of disease mechanics and tumors in particular.

Putting Together Wavelet-based Scaleograms and Convolutional Neural Networks for Anomaly Detection in Nuclear Reactors

October 2019


43 Reads


10 Citations

A critical issue for the safe operation of nuclear power plants is to quickly and accurately detect possible anomalies and perturbations in the reactor. Defects in operation are principally identified through changes in the neutron flux, as captured by detectors placed at various points inside and outside of the core. While wavelet-based analysis of the measured signals has been thoroughly used for anomaly detection, it has yet to be coupled with deep learning approaches. To this end, this work presents a novel technique for anomaly detection on nuclear reactor signals through the combined use of wavelet-based analysis and convolutional neural networks. In essence, the wavelet transform is applied to the signals and the corresponding scaleograms are produced, which are subsequently used to train a convolutional neural network that detects possible perturbations in the reactor core. The overall methodology is experimentally validated on a set of simulated nuclear reactor signals generated by a well-established relevant tool. The obtained results indicate that the trained network achieves high levels of accuracy in failure detection, while at the same time being robust to noise.

Citations (7)

... • In terms of improving the architecture of the deep neural network, we can manually try to create a more complex DCGAN, adding more layers. Or we can implement Filippos Konidaris et al. [7] generator and discriminator architecture, and then prepare a seGANs ensemble using that as an individual base mode. ...


Ensemble of Generative Adversarial Networks as a Data Augmentation Technique for Alzheimer research
Generative Adversarial Networks as an Advanced Data Augmentation Technique for MRI Data
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • January 2019

... With the continuous evolution of remote sensing image processing technologies, machine learning algorithms such as Random Forest (RF), Support Vector Machine (SVM), Gaussian Process Regression, Artificial Neural Networks, and so forth have shown excellent performance in scale transformation and spatiotemporal modeling of remote sensing data (Ali et al., 2021;Huang et al., 2023;Karbalaye Ghorbanpour et al., 2021;Liu et al., 2020;Sdraka et al., 2022;Yan et al., 2021). Among these, RF performs better in reconstructing NDVI time-series products than the Long Short-Term Memory Artificial Neural Networks (Sun, Gong, et al., 2023;Sun, Li, et al., 2023). ...

Deep Learning for Downscaling Remote Sensing Images: Fusion and Super-Resolution

IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine

... Sen4AgriNet [82] is another benchmark dataset created under the H2020 program. It contains annual time series of Sentinel-2 data that span multiple years. ...

A Sentinel-2 Multiyear, Multicountry Benchmark Dataset for Crop Classification and Segmentation With Deep Learning

IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing

... Energy and Utility Systems: Focusing on the monitoring and AD in energy and utility systems, this category includes studies on energy systems in the steel industry [262], water treatment and distribution systems [263], and nuclear reactors [264], [265]. ...

Putting Together Wavelet-based Scaleograms and Convolutional Neural Networks for Anomaly Detection in Nuclear Reactors
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • October 2019

... One novel approach by (Abnousi et al., 2018) uses an alignment-free technique to cluster protein sequences. Another novel approach uses a 3dimensional method to cluster gene expression data (Lambrou et al., 2019). For our work, we used the pClust method, in part because it worked well for our iterative approach. ...

The “Gene Cube”: A Novel Approach to Three-dimensional Clustering of Gene Expression Data

Current Bioinformatics

... For weakly supervised localization, class-activated mapping (CAM) [27] was used to find the most differentiated part in the image to achieve lesion location. To improve the accuracy of lesion location, multiscale features were fused with channel attention, and then features were further extracted with spatial attention. ...

High-Resolution Class Activation Mapping
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • September 2019

... In previous studies, only multi-stage classification using different CNN models is performed without utilizing GAN [18,27]. On the other hand, studies by Konidaris et al., [28] and Zhou et al., [29] performed data augmentation using GAN and classified MRI images using ResNet and a fully convolutional network (FCN). By comparing the performance of four existing works with the current study, it can be seen that the accuracy of this EfficientNet with the GAN model is relatively higher. ...

Generative Adversarial Networks as an Advanced Data Augmentation Technique for MRI Data
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • January 2019