Li Zuyi's research while affiliated with Illinois Institute of Technology and other places

Publication (1)

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Direct current (DC) power grids based on flexible high-voltage DC technology have become a common solution of facilitating the large-scale integration of distributed energy resources (DERs) and the construction of advanced urban power grids. In this study, a typical topology analysis is performed for an advanced urban medium-voltage DC (MVDC) distr...


... Other studies, such as [160], proposed a bi-level structure with Linear Programming for feeder optimization at the top-level and heuristic methods like PSO and GA for coordinating between regions at the bottom level. An improvement to the PSO algorithm was used in [161], which introduced an adaptive inertia coefficient ω and a compression coefficient φ to reduce the risk of the algorithm falling into local optimal solutions [162]. Additionally, Ref. [40] solved the optimization problem of multi-terminal DC distribution networks by using multi-objective optimization and fuzzy decision-making methods to select the final solution from a non-dominated set of solutions obtained by using a hybrid PSO. ...