Kuei-Chung Liu's research while affiliated with National Cheng Kung University Hospital and other places

Publications (5)

"Eruptive" or "exanthematous" lichen planus (LP) is a rare variant of lichen planus. Here we report a middle-aged woman with a 6-month history of episodic eruptive LP presenting as generalized, erythematous, flat-topped, round, polygonal, or umbilicated papules and hyperpigmented macules. The disease was under good control with continuous low-dose...
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Background: Anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia (EDA) is a rare genodermatosis that causes developmental defects in ectoderm-derived structures. The clinical triad consists of hypodontia, hypotrichosis, and anhidrosis with other additional symptoms. The aim of this study is to summarize the clinical manifestations, family history, histopathological fin...


... Se ha informado que la DE presenta diversas variaciones bucales, por lo cual el odontólogo necesita estar entrenado y conocer las manifestaciones que son de su competencia. Entre ellas tal vez las más mencionadas son las alteraciones dentales de número, forma y calidad de los tejidos mineralizados (12)(13)(14). ...
... One of its uncommon variants is the exanthematous variant, also known as disseminated or eruptive LP. It has been more often reported in children and presents as sudden eruption of multiple, widespread lesions all over the body [3]. ...