José Lacal Luján's research while affiliated with University of Murcia and other places

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Publications (1)

Forced orthodontic extrusion for an apparently hopeless anterior tooth by using a simplified approach
  • Article

September 2022


33 Reads

Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry


Raúl Ferrando Cascales


José Lacal Luján


When restoring severely compromised teeth, respecting the supracrestal tissue attachment and retaining the most coronal and radicular tooth structure is essential to achieving a sufficient ferrule. Forced orthodontic extrusion is a minimally invasive method that allows hard- and soft-tissue conservation. This article describes the treatment of a severely damaged maxillary central incisor that was managed by using a simplified orthodontic extrusion method with intracoronal elastic and metal ligatures applied through a palatal bar and followed by the biologically oriented preparation technique (BOPT). This orthodontic procedure reduces a forward clockwise advance during vertical extrusion, thus maintaining the buccal bone plate.
