J.C. Brunstein's scientific contributions

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Publications (1)

Personal Goals and Subjective Well-Being: A Longitudinal Study
  • Article

November 1993


439 Reads


658 Citations

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology

J.C. Brunstein

This study examined the extent to which 3 dimensions of personal goals-commitment, attainability, and progress-were predictive of students' subjective well-being over 1 semester. At the beginning of a new term, 88 Ss provided a list of their personal goals. Goal attributes and subjective well-being were measured at 4 testing periods. Goal commitment was found to moderate the extent to which differences in goal attainability accounted for changes in subjective well-being. Progress in goal achievement mediated the effect of the Goal Commitment × Goal Attainability on Subjective Well-Being interaction. Results are discussed in terms of a need for addition and refinement of assumptions linking personal goals to subjective well-being.


Citations (1)

... Encouraging learners to set goals is used widely to promote behavior change (Epton et al., 2017). When the goals are specific (Locke and Latham, 2002), attainable (Brunstein, 1993), optimally challenging, and relatively close at hand (Koestner et al., 2002), they have a strong impact on both learning behavior and performance. Goals with specific performance standards activate self-evaluations of progress and enhance motivation more than general goals. ...


The effect of self-efficacy and self-set grade goals on academic outcomes
Personal Goals and Subjective Well-Being: A Longitudinal Study
  • Citing Article
  • November 1993

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology