Irina Astrova's research while affiliated with Tallinn University of Technology and other places

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Publications (3)

Integrating structured peer-to-peer networks into OM4SPACE project
  • Conference Paper

March 2013


12 Reads

Irina Astrova


Arne Koschel


Leonard Renners




In this paper, we provide an overview of the OM4SPACE project and different types of peer-to-peer (P2P) networks (both structured and unstructured), identify requirements for integrating P2P networks into the project and discuss which of the P2P networks meets these requirements best. We also propose an architecture for such integration.


Automatic Scaling of Complex-Event Processing Applications in Eucalyptus

December 2012


22 Reads


1 Citation

Cloud computing is particularly well suited for applications with a variable workload such as, for example, complex-event processing (CEP) applications. Since these applications experience variability in utilization of resources, they are calling for an infrastructure that can dynamically scale according to the application demand. Scalability is one of the major advantages offered by IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a-Service) clouds. This gives rise to the idea to deploy CEP applications into IaaS clouds. But an IaaS cloud requires that CEP applications should be specifically designed for the cloud to benefit from its scalability. Thus, the problem is how to dynamically scale legacy and existing CEP applications (which have been around for years) with little or no changes to the application code.

Security of a Public Cloud

July 2012


24 Reads


6 Citations

This paper is about the current state of security in cloud computing. It shows some of the key benefits and the major drawbacks that come around with swapping out services and infrastructure to a public cloud. Based on these benefits and drawbacks, K.O. (knock-out) criteria will be identified, which can be seen as the minimum basis for secure cloud environment. Then a final conclusion about security in cloud computing will be given.

Citations (2)

... The idea that data is more than an arm's length away leaves them open to more breaches. Overseas cloud providers are not bound to the Privacy Act of 1993, which involves electronic data access, storage, and modification principles and regulations [15]. One of the major perceived benefits was raised by the businesses in the cloud explorer and cloud focused categories. ...


An Incremental Model for Cloud Adoption: Based on a Study of Regional Organizations
Security of a Public Cloud
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • July 2012