Hana Daryanavard's research while affiliated with KU Leuven and other places

Publication (1)

Flavonols are plant-specialized metabolites with important functions in plant growth and development. Isolation and characterization of mutants with reduced flavonol levels, especially the transparent testa mutants in Arabidopsis thaliana, have contributed to our understanding of the flavonol biosynthetic pathway. These mutants have also uncovered...


... Owing to the divergent in planta tailoring reactions, including methylation, hydroxylation, glycosylation, and prenylation, the total number of plant flavonoids has continuously expanded [50]. Inspired by their distinct structures and functional importance, researchers have focused on exploring flavonol metabolism in plants [48,51]. One of the tailoring steps, flavonol O-methylation, plays a critical role in increasing flavonol lipophilicity, metabolic stability, and membrane permeability. ...