Gregory A Cheatham's research while affiliated with University of Kansas and other places

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Publications (2)

Evidence-Based Practices to Promote Inclusion Evidence-Based Practices to Promote Inclusion in Catholic Schools
  • Article
  • Full-text available

December 2020


60 Reads


3 Citations

International Studies in Catholic Education


Gregory A Cheatham


The purpose of this article is to present inclusionary practices for Catholic education classrooms that emphasize the integration of evidence-based practices (EBPs). These are practices that have been developed to address the needs of all students, particularly learners who are considered at-risk as well as their peers with an identified disability. Over the past two decades, educational reforms and corresponding effective practices have evolved to correspond with the growing expectation that all students should be given the opportunity to participate in the general education experience. Applying the evidence-based practices presented in this article can provide Catholic educators with the needed support and strategies to help ensure the successful inclusion of students with disabilities, if not all students, in Catholic schools. This article will: (a) define evidence-based practices (EBPs) in order to contextualize their use in Catholic schools, and (b) offer an explanation of the various EBPs currently shown to facilitate inclusion within the general education environment.


Figure 1 Chrissan Family Core of Church
Defining Inclusionary Practices in Catholic Schools

December 2020


8 Reads


1 Citation

Journal of Catholic Education

Citations (1)

... Most articles pointed out the need for a reliably consistent source for finding EBPs. One [24] provided a list of web resources for identifying EBPs. ...


A Thematic Review of Current Literature Examining Evidence-Based Practices and Inclusion
Evidence-Based Practices to Promote Inclusion Evidence-Based Practices to Promote Inclusion in Catholic Schools

International Studies in Catholic Education