Garrett Smith's scientific contributions

Publications (3)

This chapter studies the control of an airborne wind energy system that is operated in pumping cycles and uses a rotating cylinder to provide aerodynamic lift with the Magnus effect. The proposed control strategy aims at stabilizing the output power production which can be used for off-grid applications, for example. In a first case study, the wind...


... Within a farm, larger balloons allow more power density, but smaller balloons allow faster operations of inflate and deflate. A vertical trajectory is visualized on the Fig.12.23 [7] in the end of the publication. ...
... At least two units are needed to achieve a continuous power. A vertical trajectory is visualized on the Fig.12.23 [7] in the end of the publication. ...
... Besides crosswind patterns some authors propose pumping cycle control approaches in which the motion of the airborne system is only in the downwind direction [62,105]. In addition, [61] tries to exploit the Magnus effect to create high tether tension. Common in these approaches is that no crosswind patterns are flown, hence only a radial direction control system is required that tracks the tension in the tether for optimal power output. ...