Dongsheng Wang's research while affiliated with Beijing Normal University and other places

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Publications (4)

Figure 1. Hypothesised model of the study.
Sample demographics (n = 712).
Correlation matrix.
The mediating effects of teachers' inclusive role identity and efficacy.
Enhancing Inclusive Teaching in China: Examining the Effects of Principal Transformational Leadership, Teachers’ Inclusive Role Identity, and Efficacy
  • Article
  • Full-text available

February 2024


82 Reads


1 Citation

Behavioral Sciences

Dongsheng Wang






Wanying Zhang

This research examined the effects of principal transformational leadership on teachers’ inclusive teaching behaviour, with a particular inquiry into the mediating effects of teachers’ inclusive role identity and efficacy for inclusive practice, as informed by identity theory and social cognitive theory. Structural equation modelling with bootstrapping estimation was conducted using data from 712 teachers delivering inclusive teaching in primary or secondary schools in China. The results revealed the sequentially mediating mechanisms of teachers’ inclusive role identity and efficacy underlying the principal transformational leadership effects on teachers’ inclusive teaching behaviour. Research implications are also discussed.


Results of correlation analysis.
Socioeconomic Status and Students’ Mental Health during the COVID-19 University Closure: Mediating Roles of Perceived Social Support and Self-Efficacy

October 2023


56 Reads


1 Citation

Behavioral Sciences

Despite the need for urgent actions in response to the exacerbated inequalities in mental health resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, there remains a significant gap in research into the relationships and underlying mechanisms between socioeconomic status (SES) and various mental health outcomes among students during the COVID-19 university closure. With a sample of 839 students from a university in Lanzhou, the capital city of China’s Gansu Province, which was closed during the 2022 autumn semester due to the COVID-19 outbreak, this study examined the relationships between SES and both the negative and positive mental health outcomes, with a particular inquiry into the mediating roles of perceived social support and self-efficacy. The results show that SES had significant and negative total associations with psychological distress (β = −0.119, p < 0.001) and loneliness (β = −0.132, p < 0.001), while having significant and positive total associations with life satisfaction (β = 0.90, p < 0.01) and affective well-being (β = 0.108, p < 0.01). Moreover, perceived social support and self-efficacy independently and sequentially mediated the associations between SES and various mental health outcomes. Research implications for the design and improvement of university measures to reduce the socioeconomic inequalities in students’ mental health are also discussed.

Figure 1. The SEM results. Note: Standardized coefficients are reported. TS = teacher support, AS = academic self-efficacy, EG = student engagement, AA = academic achievement. * p < 0.05, *** p < 0.001.
Results of correlation analysis.
Teacher Support, Academic Self-Efficacy, Student Engagement, and Academic Achievement in Emergency Online Learning

August 2023


487 Reads


3 Citations

Behavioral Sciences

With a sample of 651 university students experiencing emergency online learning during COVID-19, this study constructed a structural equation modelling to examine the effects of teacher support on students’ academic achievement, with a particular focus on the mediating roles of academic self-efficacy and student engagement. The results show that teacher support had significant total influences on university students’ academic achievement. Furthermore, academic self-efficacy and student engagement, respectively, mediated the effects of teacher support on students’ academic achievement. In addition, academic self-efficacy and student engagement sequentially mediated the effects of teacher support on students’ academic achievement. Research implications are also discussed.

Work harder and smarter: The critical role of teachers’ job crafting in promoting teaching for creativity

August 2022


378 Reads


7 Citations

Teaching and Teacher Education

This study investigated the mediating role of teachers' job crafting in the relationship between the satisfaction of their basic psychological needs and self-reported performance in teaching for creativity (TfC). The participants were 1886 teachers from China. The structural equation modelling and bootstrapping results revealed that the association between teachers' basic need satisfaction with self-reported TfC were mediated by teachers' behaviour in increasing structural job resources, optimising demands, and decreasing demands. Teachers’ behaviour in increasing challenging job demands was related only to product-oriented TfC, and behaviour that increased social job resources was not linked to either product- or process-oriented TfC.

Citations (4)

... Therefore, when considering new measures to increase teachers' OC, enacting transformational leadership from principals represents a promising approach. To optimize the effectiveness of PTL, principals should undergo specified training programs [80], which will equip them with effective leadership behaviors. These includes awakening, attending to, and stimulating the high-level needs of teachers; assisting teachers to achieve self-realization by giving them autonomy and appropriate authorization; aligning the school's vision with teachers' personal goals, and experiencing the value of work in the process of self-realization. ...


Teachers’ Emotional Intelligence and Organizational Commitment: A Moderated Mediation Model of Teachers’ Psychological Well-Being and Principal Transformational Leadership
Enhancing Inclusive Teaching in China: Examining the Effects of Principal Transformational Leadership, Teachers’ Inclusive Role Identity, and Efficacy

Behavioral Sciences

... Actitudes Frente a La Covid-19 y Salud en Estudiantes UniversitariosJesús Antonio Villanueva Javes | Ana Janette Gamarra Carrasco | Aníbal Teobaldo Vergara Vásquez | Iris Liliana Vásquez Alburqueque en cuenta que la autoeficacia ejerce una influencia en el entorno de productividad y la mantiene en el tiempo, solucionando desafíos en el camino; aquellos que tienen un nivel bajo en autoeficacia se ven abatidos por sentimientos de pesadumbre y angustia (Bandura, citado en Kundo, 2020).La autoeficacia en los estudiantes permite que ellos puedan desempeñar sus labores de una manera sofisticada y productiva, la elaboración de los deberes y procedimiento de aprendizaje se incrementa en estudiantes que adquieren esta cualidad; no obstante, la pandemia produjo un cambio significativo, los estudiantes con alto grado de autoeficacia se vuelven incapaces de alcanzar su objetivos, esto genera en ellos una gran posibilidad de experimentar síntomas de ansiedad y depresión. Esta representa una creencia de que uno mismo tiene la capacidad para lograr objetivos deseables, siendo un factor que prioriza el buen estado mental del individuo, puesto que fortalece el desarrollo y bienestar de uno(Huang & Wang, 2023).Es importante que las capacidades no se vean afectadas ante este contexto; por ello el apoyo de familiares y amigos sirve de impulso para la permanencia de habilidades, de esta forma, el estudiante puede afrontar dificultades con un menor porcentaje de estrés(Morales et al., 2022). Poseer una gran autoeficacia no excluye su mal gestión, el estudiante puede sufrir una desmotivación en caso no tenga un soporte social que lo oriente y lo aliente a que logre sus metas en el entorno académico(Yevilao, 2019).En base a lo anterior, los procesos académicos se ven influenciados por la autoeficacia o la procrastinación, según Zumárraga-Espinosa & Cevallos-Pozo (2022), se evidencian en las universidades privadas un aumento significativo de la procrastinación y se ve perjudicada la autoeficacia en los alumnos. ...

Socioeconomic Status and Students’ Mental Health during the COVID-19 University Closure: Mediating Roles of Perceived Social Support and Self-Efficacy

Behavioral Sciences

... Need for culturally responsive teaching: the findings from this study underscore the critical importance of culturally responsive teaching(Huang & Wang, 2023; Fountoulakisb, 2023). Adapting teaching strategies to align with the cultural nuances present in educational environments is essential. ...

Teacher Support, Academic Self-Efficacy, Student Engagement, and Academic Achievement in Emergency Online Learning

Behavioral Sciences

... This encompasses three dimensions: task crafting, cognitive crafting, and relational crafting. Among the numerous studies on the antecedents of job crafting, scholars generally agree that the influencing factors can be analyzed from two main perspectives: individual factors include proactive personality traits [32,33], personal motivational orientations [34], regulatory focus [35], and work value orientation [36]; environmental factors include the degree of managerial environmental monitoring [37], job rank [34], and job task characteristics [38]. ...

Work harder and smarter: The critical role of teachers’ job crafting in promoting teaching for creativity

Teaching and Teacher Education