C. Kamphuis's research while affiliated with Wageningen University & Research and other places

Publications (6)

This study aimed to evaluate the effects of chronic subclinical mastitis (CSM) on milk production and component yields in dairy cows. A total of six herds located in the Midwest area of São Paulo State, Brazil were selected. Herds were visited once every 2 weeks to measure milk yield and to collect milk samples from lactating Holstein cows. Milk sa...
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The effect of different pathogens was studied by evaluating the contralateral (healthy and infected) mammary quarters of 146 lactating cows. The impact of SM on economic return (quarter milk yield × milk price) was determined by applying milk payment estimates on milk collected from healthy vs. infected glands. Cows were considered infected when th...


... Another problem with the introduction of PLF technologies is the initial cost, which can be considerable. Farmers must purchase specialized equipment such as sensors, monitoring devices, automated feeding systems, GPS trackers, and milking robots, the cost of which can vary depending on type, quality, and quantity [70,71]. In addition, integrating this technology may require upgrading existing farm infrastructure, such as setting up Wi-Fi networks, improving cellular connectivity, or establishing power sources for remote monitoring devices, all of which add to implementation costs [72]. ...
... After inflammation in the mammary gland of dairy cows, intracellular lipase activity increases, and the membrane of milk fat globules is destroyed, which induces milk fat to be degraded by lipoprotein lipase, thereby reducing the milk fat content [45]. Studies have shown that fats and fatty acids in breast milk can be used as important regulators of immunity and metabolism to reduce the occurrence of inflammation to a certain extent [46]. ...
... The number of studies examining the prevalence of subclinical and clinical mastitis cases has been increasing recently. This increase raises awareness regarding raw milk quality and improved milk quality enables producers to sell their products in the market for a better price (Birhanu et al., 2017;Gonçalves et al., 2018;Krishnamoorthy et al., 2021;Ranasinghe et al., 2021). ...