Amy Nunn's research while affiliated with Alpert Medical School - Brown University and other places

Publications (8)

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Brazil has one of the developing world's largest, and arguably most successful, AIDS treatment programs. In this paper we review the treatment program, including controversial policies that Brazil has used to promote widespread local and global access to AIDS treatment. We also examine the lessons learned from this program and highlight the challen...
Brazil had an early and progressive response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Over the objections of international donors, Brazil prioritised AIDS treatment for all people living with HIV/AIDS early in the epidemic, including provision of prophylactic antiretroviral therapy to prevent mother-to-child (vertical) transmission of HIV/AIDS. By providing free...
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The HIV/AIDS epidemic commenced in Brazil, the fifth largest country in the world, in the early 1980s during a time of profound social and political change. As the military dictatorship, which had taken power in 1964, gradually lost support, a political process known as abertura, "opening", began. During the late 1970 s, there was a gradual recover...
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Background: Little is known about the long-term drug costs associated with treating AIDS in developing countries. Brazil's AIDS treatment program has been cited widely as the developing world's largest and most successful AIDS treatment program. The program guarantees free access to highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) for all people livin...
Translation of the Abstract into Spanish by Germán Velasco and Amy Nunn (41 KB DOC)
Translation of the Abstract into Portuguese by Francisco Bastos, Amalia Bastos, and Amy Nunn (30 KB DOC)
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This paper assesses how decentralization of resources and initiatives by the Brazilian National SDT/AIDS Program has impacted the transfer of funds for programs to prevent HIV/AIDS among injecting drug users in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (1999-2006). The effects of the decentralization policy on Rio de Janeiro's Syringe Exchange Programs (SEPs) are ass...
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This paper assesses how decentralization of re- sources and initiatives by the Brazilian National SDT/AIDS Program has impacted the transfer of funds for programs to prevent HIV/AIDS among injecting drug users in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (1999-2006). The effects of the decentralization policy on Rio de Janeiro's Syringe Exchange Pro- grams (SEPs) are...


... En los países centrados en el prohibicionismo, no se identifican impactos mayores; por otro lado, en el caso de España, se ha migrado de una política prohibicionista, a un modelo integrador con acciones de mitigación, formación y reducción del daño. Sin dejar de lado la represión y el control penal sobre las drogas, lo que ha minado los avances de la reducción de daño y otros enfoques; un ejemplo de ello son las limitaciones a la transmisión de mensajes e informes de reducción de daño, impidiendo afianzar la convicción de su implementación y un mayor impacto de ésta en la En Centro y Sur América se ha iniciado el cambio de intervenir la producción y el tráfico a fortalecer acciones de prevención y mitigación del consumo; así, las políticas como la de Colombia, se han enfocado en propiciar entornos protectores y favorables para la salud, involucrando a la comunidad como parte integral de la solución (Fonseca, Nunn, Souza-Junior, Bastos & Ribeiro, 2007) .Sin embargo, aún existe en el país una ideología de represión a los consumidores y apoyo a la "guerra contra las drogas". ...
... Amy Nunn and Francisco Bastos (2008) presented a paper outlining Brazil's response. This emphasized that the early and significant investment by the national government-an action taken against the advice of multilateral financial agencies-had ultimately saved the country both a social crisis and an economic burden. ...
... Therefore, in 2004, parallel to the process of decentralization, and with the support of the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the WB, Brazil created a comprehensive monitoring system. 4 Until then, there was an insufficient mechanism for monitoring the epidemic. Indicators were developed as to inform monitoring of the profile of AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and to assess the policy responses. ...
... Brazil's National STD and AIDS Program (NAP) is often spotlighted as a global exemplar for an integrated response to disease control via prevention, treatment, and care (Nunn et al., 2009). A key component of Brazil's responses to the epidemic has been its employment of successful and well-integrated health communication strategies, particularly during popular cultural events such as Carnival, an annual street festival that consistently draws attendees in the multi-millions. ...
... Instead, nonprofit leaders had to grapple with new interlocutors at the state and municipal level. In the case of Rio de Janeiro, these political forces sometimes were openly hostile (Fonseca, Nunn, Borges, Bastos, & Ribeiro, 2007). Eventually, a powerful evangelical Christian movement, increasingly potent as a national political force with an explicit religious caucus of some 60 congressional delegates, began to exercise a virtual veto over the country's previously free-wheeling HIV prevention campaigns. ...
... Regarding the technical reports, projects and ongoing research, despite being primary sources, there were several notes on limitations regarding the primariness, such as information based on the absence of documents (DIAS et al., 2013), lack of standardization of the information recorded in the technical reports of the information sources from which the data were taken (CONTREIRAS; MATTA, 2015;NUNN et al., 2007) and difficulty in breaking down the information presented (NUNN et al., 2007). ...