Lin-Chien Chien's research while affiliated with Central Police University and other places

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Publications (5)

Designing an Integrated Intelligence Center: New Taipei City Police Department as an Example
  • Chapter

September 2019


26 Reads

Chun-Young Chang


Lin-Chien Chien


Yuh-Shyan Hwang

The rapid advancement and prevalence of Internet technology was the biggest development of the 20th century. Because criminals use the Internet to commit crimes, police work has needed to shift from traditional methods to modern technology. As investigation strategies have evolved, sharable databases and integrated intelligence have become increasingly important. By maintaining data, information professionals play a crucial role in police departments, and an integrated, sharable system is essential for supporting police work.


IoT-based "All-Round 3D Technology Security Circle" in New Taipei City Police Department

July 2019


23 Reads

New Taipei City is a metropolitan area in Taiwan, with a prosperous economy and a large population. Many parades and public assemblies are held within the jurisdiction and they might have unintended consequences such as traffic, overcrowding, or even serious risks and mishaps. Many cities around the world face similar problems and threats, such as domestic violence in Turkey and the Boston Marathon bombing. Combating new types of public safety threats has become a primary task. Setting up a complete surveillance system at an event site would give a command center access to the site and allow them to respond to an incident in real time. The system's digital records would help track a crime scene, as well as providing insight into how criminals commit crimes. The New Taipei City Police Department has established an "All-Round 3D Technology Security Circle" equipped with various cameras that transmit images back to a command center based on an Internet of Things connection. Innovative technology combined with smart equipment gives three-dimensional coverage of an area to ensure public safety.

Domain map.
Average Response Time (average time of first line officer to arrive at the emergency location)
Satisfaction Survey on Handling of Criminal Cases
A Smart Public Security Strategy: The New Taipei City Technology Defense Plan
  • Article
  • Full-text available

January 2019


130 Reads


3 Citations

Procedia Computer Science

Chun-Young Chang


Lin-Chien Chien


Yo-Hao Chang




Yuh-Shyan Hwang

New Taipei City is one of six special municipalities in Taiwan and the country’s most populous city. As part of the New Taipei City Government, the New Taipei City Police Department has jurisdiction over police administration and affairs. Because a smart defense system that improves work flow and increases efficiency would benefit a police department undergoing a police shortage, this study proposes the New Taipei City Technology Defense Plan. Five services—a policing service, a traffic e-service, an emergency call/command service, a surveillance service, and an enhanced investigation service—are integrated through human-centered design into a technology defense shield so that a police department can provide full functionality while stretching to cover a lack of human resources. The plan has been successfully deployed and is assisting law enforcement.


Citations (1)

... Individual elements and infrastructure systems of Taipei have already been described in the scientific literature. Researchers focused, for example, on public security [4], transport [5], education [6], or the role of the Taipei Smart City Project Management Office in the process of the city's technological development [7], and the top-down communication in Taipei [8] has also been analyzed. ...


Top-down and bottom-up collaboration as a factor in the technological development of smart city. The example of Taipei
A Smart Public Security Strategy: The New Taipei City Technology Defense Plan

Procedia Computer Science