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Extracellular Matrix Protects Pancreatic -Cells Against Apoptosis: Role of Short- and Long-Term Signaling Pathways


Abstract and Figures

We have shown previously that culture of beta-cells on matrix derived from 804G cells and rich in laminin-5 improves their function. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether this matrix protects beta-cells against apoptosis and to elucidate signaling pathways involved. Matrix protected sorted rat beta-cells against apoptosis under standard conditions (11.2 mmol/l glucose, 10% serum), after serum deprivation (1% serum), and in response to interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta; 2 ng/ml), compared with control (poly-L-lysine [pLL]). Caspase-8 activity was reduced in cells cultured on matrix, whereas focal adhesion kinase (FAK), protein kinase B (PKB, or Akt), and extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) phosphorylation was augmented. Treatment (4 h) with an anti-beta1 integrin antibody, with the ERK pathway inhibitor PD98059, and/or with the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase inhibitor LY294002 augmented cell death on 804G matrix but not on pLL. In long-term assays (48 h), PD98059 but not LY294002 drastically augmented cell death on 804G matrix but did so to a lesser extent on pLL. The protein inhibitor of nuclear factor-kappaB (IkappaBalpha) was overexpressed in cells cultured 18 h on matrix with partial blockade by PD98059. In summary, this study provides evidence for activation of signaling pathways and gene expression by extracellular matrix leading to improved beta-cell survival.
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Extracellular Matrix Protects Pancreatic -Cells
Against Apoptosis
Role of Short- and Long-Term Signaling Pathways
Eva Hammar,
Ge´raldine Parnaud,
Domenico Bosco,
Nadja Perriraz,
Kathrin Maedler,
Marc Donath,
Dominique G. Rouiller,
and Philippe A. Halban
We have shown previously that culture of -cells on
matrix derived from 804G cells and rich in laminin-5
improves their function. The purpose of this study was
to investigate whether this matrix protects -cells
against apoptosis and to elucidate signaling pathways
involved. Matrix protected sorted rat -cells against
apoptosis under standard conditions (11.2 mmol/l glu-
cose, 10% serum), after serum deprivation (1% serum),
and in response to interleukin-1 (IL-1; 2 ng/ml),
compared with control (poly-
L-lysine [pLL]). Caspase-8
activity was reduced in cells cultured on matrix, where-
as focal adhesion kinase (FAK), protein kinase B (PKB,
or Akt), and extracellular signal–regulated kinase
(ERK) phosphorylation was augmented. Treatment (4
h) with an anti-1 integrin antibody, with the ERK
pathway inhibitor PD98059, and/or with the phosphati-
dylinositol 3-kinase inhibitor LY294002 augmented cell
death on 804G matrix but not on pLL. In long-term
assays (48 h), PD98059 but not LY294002 drastically
augmented cell death on 804G matrix but did so to a
lesser extent on pLL. The protein inhibitor of nuclear
factor-B(IB) was overexpressed in cells cultured
18 h on matrix with partial blockade by PD98059. In
summary, this study provides evidence for activation of
signaling pathways and gene expression by extracellu-
lar matrix leading to improved -cell survival. Diabetes
53:2034 –2041, 2004
pithelial cells deprived of matrix attachment
undergo programmed cell death, a form of apo-
ptosis termed anoikis (1). The role of cell an-
chorage in cell survival has been demonstrated
in several cell types (reviewed in 2), including pancreatic
islet cells (3). Disengagement from extracellular matrix
(ECM) is known to prejudice islet cell survival, notably by
inducing apoptosis and necrosis (4). It has been reported
that reestablishment of appropriate cell-matrix contacts
reduces cell death (3,5); however, the molecular basis for
such pro-survival signaling remains largely unknown. Re-
cent evidence implicates integrins in mediating pro-sur-
vival signals emanating from the ECM (reviewed in 6).
Several signal transduction components activated by
integrins, including focal adhesion kinase (FAK) (7,8),
phosphatidylinositol (PI) 3-kinase (9,10), and the mito-
gen-activated protein (MAP) kinase/extracellular signal–
regulated kinase (ERK) (reviewed in 11) have been
implicated in mechanisms underlying anoikis (reviewed in
12). Recently, it has emerged that PI 3-kinase and its
downstream effector protein kinase B (PKB, or Akt) play
key roles in the regulation of pancreatic -cell survival
(13–17). The role of the MAP kinase ERK cascade in -cell
survival is controversial. Some studies have suggested an
antiapoptotic effect of this cascade (18), whereas others
claim that it serves as a mediator of cytokine-induced
apoptosis (19 –21), this claim in itself being controversial
(22). Nevertheless, a possible involvement and impact of
PKB/Akt and ERK in outside-in signaling from ECM to
-cells remains to be investigated.
ECM produced by the rat bladder carcinoma cell line
804G is rich in laminin-5 (epiligrin) and also contains
fibronectin (23–25). This matrix is able to induce attach-
ment and spreading of many epithelial cell types, including
pancreatic -cells (24,26). Furthermore, our group has
shown that this matrix improves -cell function (27). In
the present study, we examined whether the 804G matrix
could rescue primary pancreatic -cells from apoptosis,
and we investigated the intracellular pathways involved.
Reagents and antibodies. The following materials were used: PD98059 and
LY294002 (Calbiochem, Darmstadt, Germany); In Situ Cell Death Detection
Kit (POD; Roche Molecular Biochemicals, Rotkreuz, Switzerland) for termi-
nal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT)-mediated dUTP nick-end labeling
From the
Department of Genetic Medicine and Development, University
Medical Center, University Hospital, Geneva, Switzerland; the
Cell Isolation
and Transplantation Center, University Hospital, Geneva, Switzerland; and the
Division of Endocrinology and Diabetes, University Hospital, Zurich, Swit-
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Eva Hammar, Department
of Genetic Medecine and Development, University Medical Center, 9th Floor,
Rue Michel Servet 1, 1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland. E-mail: eva.hammar@
Received for publication 21 January 2004 and accepted in revised form 12
May 2004.
ECM, extracellular matrix; ELISA, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay;
ERK, extracellular signal–regulated kinase; FAK, focal adhesion kinase;
GAPDH, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase; HRP, horseradish per-
oxidase; IB, inhibitor of nuclear factor B; IL-1, interleukin-1; MAP,
mitogen-activated protein; MEK1, MAP kinase/ERK kinase; NF-B, nuclear
factor-B; PI, phosphatidylinositol; PKB, protein kinase B; pLL, poly-
TUNEL, terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT)-mediated dUTP nick-
end labeling.
© 2004 by the American Diabetes Association.
2034 DIABETES, VOL. 53, AUGUST 2004
(TUNEL) assay with substrate 3,3-diaminobenzidine (DAB) from Dako
(Carpinteria, CA); cell death detection ELISA
kit (Roche); CaspaTag
caspase-8 (LETD) activity kit (Intergen, Oxford, U.K.); Hoechst 33342 (Sigma
Fluka, Buchs, Switzerland); propidium iodide (Intergen, Purchase, NY);
recombinant rat interleukin-1 (IL-1; RnD Systems, Abingdon, U.K.) hamster
anti-rat CD29 (integrin 1 chain) and hamster IgM control antibodies (Becton
Dickinson Biosciences, San Jose, CA); polyclonal anti-phospho-FAK (Tyr-397)
and anti-FAK (Biosource International, Camarillo, CA); polyclonal anti-phos-
pho-ERK1/2 (Thr-202/Tyr-204), anti-ERK1/2, antiphospho-PKB/Akt (Ser-473)
and anti-PKB/Akt (Cell Signaling Technology-Bioconcept, Allschwil, Switzer-
land); monoclonal anti-actin (Chemicon International, Temecula, CA); C-21
antiinhibitor of nuclear factor (NF)-B (IB; Santa Cruz Biotechnology,
Santa Cruz, CA); anti-mouse horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and anti-rabbit
HRP (Amersham Pharmacia Biotech, Du¨ bendorf, Switzerland).
Islet isolation and -cell purification. All experiments were performed on
primary pancreatic -cells sorted from adult rat islet cells by autouores-
cence-activated ow cytometry. Islets of Langerhans were isolated by colla-
genase digestion of pancreas from male Wistar rats (weighing 150 200 g),
followed by Ficoll purication (28). Islets were digested with trypsin and
sorted by ow cytometry to obtain -cells as described (28). This purication
procedure yields a population consisting of 95% -cells (27).
Cell culture. Sorted -cells were washed and incubated overnight in suspen-
sion for recovery as previously described (27). Cells were then resuspended at
4 10
cells/ml, and aliquots of 50 l were plated as droplets on noncoated
plastic dishes or on plastic dishes coated with poly-
L-lysine (pLL), with 804G
matrix, or with laminin-5 puried from 804G (provided by N. Koshikawal and
V. Quaranta, San Diego, CA). To assess the effect of the antibody directed
against 1 integrin subunit, cells were pretreated for1hinsuspension with 0.5
g/ml hamster IgM (control) or with 0.5 g/ml anti1 integrin antibody
(Ha2/5) before plating them on pLL- or 804G-coated dishes. When indicated,
cells were cultured for 48 h in culture medium containing 1% FCS (serum
deprivation). To study the effect of IL-1, cells were cultured for 48 h in
culture medium containing 10% FCS and then treated for 4 h with 2 ng/ml
IL-1. To assess the effects of inhibitors, cells were pretreated for 15 min with
50 mol/l PD98059 and/or 50 mol/l LY294002, before plating them on pLL- or
804G-treated dishes. Cells were then cultured in standard medium (10% FCS)
for4horfor48h(fresh inhibitor added at 24 h). DMSO was added to control
cells at the same nal concentration as that used for the inhibitors. For the
protein phosphorylation analysis by Western blot, cells were serum starved
for 14 h in suspension in serum-free medium containing 0.1% BSA. They were
then plated on pLL- or 804G-coated dishes for 30 min in the same medium
before performing the protein extraction. For gene expression analysis by
low-density gene arrays and by quantitative real-time PCR analysis, cells were
serum starved (1% FCS) in suspension for 2 h before plating them on pLL- or
804G-coated dishes (or on noncoated dishes as control for the gene arrays).
Cells were then cultured for 18 h in medium containing 1% FCS before mRNA
extraction. For the IB protein analysis by Western blot, cells were treated
as for gene expression analysis and cultured for 24 or 48 h in medium
containing 1% FCS before protein extraction. Fresh medium (2 ml) was added
every 24 h.
804G matrix preparation. 804G cells (the kind gift of Desmos, San Diego,
CA) were grown in Dulbeccos modied Eagles medium containing 10% FCS
and 5.6 mmol/l glucose. Conditioned medium (referred to hereafter as 804G
matrix) was prepared as previously described (27).
Coating of plastic dishes with pLL, 804G matrix, and laminin-5. Aliquots
(60 l) of pLL (0.1 mg/ml), crude 804G matrix, or laminin-5 puried from 804G
matrix (4 g/ml in PBS) were layered at the center of 35-mm culture petri
dishes (adherent dishes for mammalian cell culture). Dishes were kept in a
damp box at 37°C for 1820 h before being rinsed three times with sterile H
and air dried. Uncoated Petri dishes (plastic) or dishes coated with 0.1 mg/ml
pLL were used as controls.
Analysis of cell death. To quantify cell death by TUNEL, attached cells were
washed with PBS and xed with 4% paraformaldehyde (20 min at room
temperature). After permeabilization with 0.5% Triton X-100 (4 min at room
temperature), the TUNEL assay (detecting the free 3-OH strand breaks
resulting from DNA degradation) was performed with the In Situ Cell Death
Detection Kit, according to the manufacturers instructions. The preparations
were then rinsed with PBS and incubated (10 min at room temperature) with
the substrate DAB, and the quantication of dead cells was performed using
a light microscope. Unless stated otherwise, results are means SD of three
independent experiments, with a minimum of 500 -cells examined for each
condition in each experiment. The type of cell death detected by TUNEL was
assessed as described by others (29). Cells were stained for 20 min at 37°C
with 1 g/ml Hoechst 33342 (to determine the morphology of the nuclei) and
with 1.25 g/ml propidium iodide (which stains the necrotic nuclei) before
xation and staining with TUNEL reagent. Cells lacking propidium iodide
uptake and with condensed nuclei were counted as apoptotic. Late apoptosis
(or secondary necrosis) was dened by the uptake of propidium iodide and
the presence of nuclear condensation, and necrosis was dened by the uptake
of propidium iodide and normal nuclear morphology. Only TUNEL-positive
cells were considered for this assessment. The quantication by enzyme-
linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) of mono- and oligonucleosomes present
in the cytoplasm of apoptotic cells was performed using the cell death
detection ELISA
kit according to the manufacturers instructions (Roche).
Quantification of caspase-8 activity. To quantify caspase-8 activity, at-
tached cells were treated for 1 h with the uorescein-labeled peptide
FAM-peptide-FMK (which irreversibly binds to active caspase-8) as indicated
by the manufacturer (Intergen). At 5 min before the end of the incubation, 25
mol/l of Hoechst 33342 (nal concentration) was added to visualize the
nuclei. At the end of the incubation, cells were washed and xed with 4%
paraformaldehyde (20 min at room temperature). The quantication of the
number of cells containing active caspase-8 as a percent of total was
performed using a uorescence microscope (Axiocam).
Western blot analysis. To analyze FAK, PKB/Akt, and ERK protein phos-
phorylation, attached cells were washed with ice-cold PBS without Ca
supplemented with 1 mmol/l sodium vanadate, and they were lysed in sample
buffer 1 (62 mmol/l Tris-Cl, pH6.8, 2% SDS, 5% glycerol, and 1% 2-mercap-
toethanol). Protein concentrations were determined with the amido black
method (30), and equal amounts of total protein were loaded for SDS-PAGE.
To analyze IB protein expression, cells were washed with ice-cold PBS and
lysed in a buffer containing 150 mmol/l NaCl, 50 mmol/l Tris-HCl, 1% Nonidet
P40, 0.25% deoxycholate, 0.1% SDS, 1 mmol/l ditiothreitol, and 1 mmol/l
phenylmethylsulfonyl uoride. After determination of protein concentrations
by the method of Lowry, sample buffer 3 was added to the proteins, and the
samples were analyzed on an 8% SDS-PAGE gel. All samples, after separation
on an SDS-PAGE gel, were electroblotted onto nitrocellulose membranes
(Schleicher & Schuell, Dassel, Germany) for immunoblotting with the appro-
priate antibody. An enhanced chemiluminescence protein detection kit (Am-
ersham Biosciences) and a Kodak image station were used for visualization of
the bands.
Gene expression analysis with microarrays. Low-density membrane
cDNA microarrays (Mouse Cancer Pathway Finder GEArray; SuperArray,
Bethesda, MD) were used to compare gene expression between cells cultured
on plastic and those cultured on 804G matrix. After cell culture, RNA from
attached cells was isolated using the QIAshredder and RNeasy Mini Kit
(Qiagen, Basel, Switzerland) according to the manufacturers instructions.
The RNA quality was veried performing agarose gel electrophoresis, and 1.5
g of the total RNA (for each condition) was used as the template for the
P-labeled cDNA probe synthesis performed according to the manufacturers
instructions (SuperArray). The membranes were prehybridized and hybrid-
ized with the probe, as indicated by the manufacturer, before exposure to
X-ray lm for various lengths of time at 80°C.
Quantitative real-time PCR. The results for select genes obtained with the
microarrays were veried by real-time PCR. cDNA was synthesized with
Superscript II (Invitrogen, Basel, Switzerland) using 1 g of total RNA in a
20-l reaction volume. For real-time PCR, the cDNA was amplied using a
GeneAmp 5700 sequence detection system (PE Applied Biosystems, Foster
City, CA). For this purpose, primers were designed according to Primer
Express software (PE Applied Biosystems). The following oligonucleotide
primer sets were used: IB forward: 5 TGCTGAGGCACTTCTGAAAGC 3;
IB reverse: 5 TCCTCGAAA GTCTCGGAGGTC 3. The dsDNA-specic dye
SYBR Green I was incorporated into the PCR buffer (PE Applied Biosystems)
to allow for quantitative detection of the PCR product. The results were
analyzed using ABI Prism 7000 SDS software (PE Applied Biosystems). The
house-keeping gene glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH)
was used as internal control.
Effect of 804G matrix on -cell apoptosis induced by
serum deprivation or IL-1. To determine whether the
804G matrix is able to serve as a survival ligand for
primary rat pancreatic -cells, TUNEL and ELISA were
performed on cells cultured on 804G matrix or on pLL (a
nonspecic adhesive polymer)-coated Petri dishes. -Cells
were cultured for 48 h on pLL-coated (control) or 804G
matrix-coated dishes (hereafter called pLL or 804G, re-
spectively) in medium containing either 10% (control
conditions) or 1% FCS (low-serum conditions). The num-
ber of apoptotic cells as a percent of the total was
DIABETES, VOL. 53, AUGUST 2004 2035
determined under each condition by TUNEL (Fig. 1A).
Approximately 4% of -cells cultured on pLL were apopto-
tic under control conditions. Similar results were obtained
when noncoated plastic tissue culture dishes were used
instead of pLL-coated dishes (not shown). Culture under
low-serum conditions signicantly increased the number
of TUNEL-positive cells on pLL (9%). When cells were
cultured on 804G, 1% of cells were TUNEL positive
under control conditions, and serum deprivation did not
signicantly affect this number.
We next investigated whether the 804G matrix protects
-cells from apoptosis induced by IL-1, a proinamma-
tory cytokine that has been shown to be involved in
pancreatic -cell apoptosis leading to the development of
type 1 and type 2 diabetes (31,32). For this purpose, the
cells were cultured for 48 h on pLL or 804G before being
treated for 4 h with 2 ng/ml IL-1. The apoptosis of -cells
under each condition was measured by ELISA. There was
a slight but highly reproducible increase of apoptosis in
cells cultured on pLL treated with IL-1, as compared with
nontreated cells (P 0.003). When cells were cultured on
804G, the apoptotic index was signicantly decreased as
compared with cells cultured on pLL, and there was no
difference between nontreated and IL-1treated cells
(Fig. 1B), indicating that this matrix also protects against
IL-1induced cell death. These results have been con-
rmed by TUNEL (not shown).
Differential staining of nuclei of TUNEL-positive cells
with propidium iodide and Hoechst 33342 distinguished
between apoptotic and necrotic cells on pLL (Fig. 1C).
Under basal conditions (10% FCS), the majority of TUNEL-
positive cells were apoptotic or late apoptotic (secondary
necrotic). Serum deprivation induced apoptosis and, to a
lesser extent, necrosis, whereas IL-1 induced only apo-
ptosis (Fig. 1C).
To begin to elucidate the pathway leading to apoptosis
on pLL, the activity of caspase-8 in cells cultured for 4 or
48 h on pLL or on 804G was analyzed (Table 1). Caspase-8
activity was higher in cells on pLL compared with those on
804G, and this difference increased with time. These
results suggest that the 804G matrix might block caspase-8
activity in turn, explaining the pro-survival effect of the
804G matrix.
Effect of puried laminin-5 on rat islet -cell survival
and spreading. The 804G matrix is known to be rich in
laminin-5. However, it also contains bronectin and may
also contain other signaling molecules. To investigate
whether laminin-5 is the extracellular molecule responsi-
ble for the effect of the 804G matrix, we compared the
effects on both cell survival and cell spreading of puried
laminin-5 and 804G matrix after 48 h of culture under
standard conditions (Figs. 2A and B). As shown before,
there was a signicant difference in the number of TUNEL-
positive cells between pLL (11%) and 804G (0.5%). The
number of TUNEL-positive cells on pure laminin-5 was
similar to 804G matrix (Fig. 2A). It has been reported that
-cells rapidly atten and spread on 804G matrix as on
pure laminin-5, indicating a strong adhesion of -cells on
these two matrices (27). Here we show that the morphol-
ogy of -cells after 48 h of culture on 804G is highly similar
to that of cells cultured on pure laminin-5 (Fig. 2B). By
contrast, rat -cells do not adhere well and/or do not
spread on vitronectin and bronectin (unpublished re-
sults). These results suggest that laminin-5 is the major
component of 804G matrix responsible for its pro-survival
effect. Therefore, we decided to pursue our studies with
the 804G matrix, given its ready availability and conve-
nience of use.
The 1 integrin subunit is involved in the effects of
804G matrix on -cell survival and spreading. We have
previously reported that the laminin-5 receptors integrins
31 and 61 are expressed on rat -cells (27,33), and
that the latter is involved in the spreading of cells on the
804G matrix (27). To assess whether the 1 integrin sub-
unit is involved in the pro-survival effect of the matrix, we
Active caspase-8 positive cells
Time pLL 804G
4 h 2.6 0.9 0.8 0.4*
48 h 4.1 0.5 0.5 0.1
Data are means SD of at least three independent experiments. Rat
-cells were plated on pLL or 804G, and caspase-8 activity was
measured after 4 and 48 h. *P 0.005 compared with pLL (4 h); P
0.0002 compared with pLL (48 h).
FIG. 1. 804G matrix protects primary pancreatic -cells from apoptosis. A: Cells were cultured for 48 h in medium containing either 10 or 1% FCS
before identication of apoptotic (plus necrotic) cells by TUNEL. The number of TUNEL-positive cells as a percent of total was evaluated by
optical microscopy. *P < 0.02 compared with pLL 10% serum; **P < 0.001 compared with pLL 1% serum. B: After 48 h of culture, cells were treated
or not treated with 2 ng/ml IL-1 for 4 h. Apoptosis was measured by ELISA, and apoptotic index is the absorbance [A
405 nm
490 nm
]. Results
are means SD for n 5 replicates from three independent experiments. *P < 0.003 relative to pLL (control). C: After 48 h of culture and
treatment as described above, cells cultured on pLL were stained for 20 min with 1 mg/ml Hoechst 33342 and 1.25 mg/ml propidium iodide for 20
min at 37°C, before xation and TUNEL analysis. Death was analyzed as described in
RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS. , apoptosis; p, secondary
necrosis; f necrosis.
2036 DIABETES, VOL. 53, AUGUST 2004
tested the effect of an anti-1 antibody (Ha2/5) that blocks
the adhesion of this integrin to its ECM on the survival of
-cells after4hofculture (Fig. 3A). On pLL, there was no
difference between cells treated with the control antibody
IgM and cells treated with Ha2/5. However, on the 804G
matrix, the number of TUNEL-positive cells was signi-
cantly higher when treated with Ha2/5 (4.9%) compared
with control cells (2.3%). Furthermore, the spreading of
cells after4hofexposure to the 804G matrix was reduced
by Ha2/5 (Fig. 3B). The control antibody had no effect on
cell spreading and cell death at the concentration used
(not shown). These results suggest that the 1 integrin
subunit mediates the signal from the 804G matrix into the
cell, leading to increased spreading and survival.
Effect of 804G matrix on phosphorylation of signal-
ing proteins FAK, PKB/Akt, and ERK. FAK, which is
activated by phosphorylation upon integrin ligand binding,
mediates survival signaling downstream of integrins and
suppresses anoikis and serum withdrawalinduced apo-
ptosis (7,34,35). The PI 3-kinasePKB/Akt pathway is
known to block various apoptotic stimuli. We therefore
investigated whether 804G matrix induces activation of
FAK and/or PKB/Akt. Cells were serum-starved in suspen-
sion for1htoreduce constitutive (serum-induced) phos-
phorylation before plating them for 30 min on pLL or 804G
in serum-free medium. Phosphorylation of Tyr397-FAK
and Ser473-PKB/Akt was analyzed by Western blot. Adhe-
sion of cells to 804G induced an increased phosphoryla-
tion of both proteins compared with adhesion to pLL,
whereas the total amount of actin was the same on both
substrates (Figs. 4A and B). These results suggest that this
matrix does indeed activate integrin-binding signaling
pathways. The amounts of total FAK and total PKB/Akt
were slightly decreased in cells on pLL compared with
those on 804G (Figs. 4A and B). It has been reported that
caspases cleave specic signaling proteins (including FAK
and PKB/Akt) during apoptosis (36). Therefore, the slight
decrease of total FAK and PKB/Akt protein amounts in
cells cultured on pLL could be due to augmented caspase
activity on this substrate compared with matrix.
The FAK signaling complex is known to mediate the
activation of the MAP kinase ERK pathway (37,38), a
well-known pro-survival pathway in a number of cell types
(11). Exposure of serum-starved cells to 804G matrix for
30 min induced higher phosphorylation of ERK1 and ERK2
(Thr-202/Tyr-204 phosphorylation) than pLL (Fig. 4C).
Attachment of cells to pLL, however, induced higher
phosphorylation of ERK proteins as compared with cells
in suspension (Fig. 4C). In summary, the 804G matrix
activates FAK (hallmark of integrin activation) as well as
PKB/Akt and ERK pathways.
Signaling pathways involved in pro-survival effects of
the 804G matrix. To investigate whether PI 3-kinase
PKB/Akt and ERK pathways are involved in the antiapop-
totic effect of 804G matrix, we examined the effects of
LY294002 and PD98059. These are specic inhibitors of
both PI 3-kinase and MAP kinase/ERK kinase (MEK1),
respectively, and were found to be effective in rat -cells at
the concentration used (data not shown). In the short term
(4 h), blocking PI 3-kinase and MEK1 activities signi-
FIG. 2. The spreading and survival of -cells on puried laminin-5 is similar to that of cells cultured on 804G matrix. A: Rat -cells were cultured
for 48 h under standard conditions on pLL-, 804G matrix or puried laminin-5 (Ln-5)-coated dishes. Apoptotic (plus necrotic cells) were
identied by TUNEL. *P < 0.001 relative to pLL (control). B: Phase-contrast microscopy after 48 h of culture as in panel A.
FIG. 3. The 1 integrin subunit is involved in the spreading and improved survival of -cells induced by the 804G matrix. A: Cells were pretreated
with control antibody (IgM) or with anti-1 integrin antibody (Ha2/5) and then attached on pLL- or on 804G-coated dishes. After4hofculture
under standard conditions, cells were xed, and cell death was analyzed by TUNEL. *P < 0.03 relative to 804G (IgM), pLL (IgM), and pLL (Ha2/5).
B: Phase-contrast microscopy after4hofculture as in panel A. A group of spread cells is shown by the arrow.
DIABETES, VOL. 53, AUGUST 2004 2037
cantly augmented cell death on 804G to the same extent
(Fig. 5A). This treatment did not affect cell death on pLL.
The combination of both inhibitors did not alter the effect
of each individual inhibitor, suggesting that they block a
common pathway activated by the matrix. However, cells
on 804G survived better than cells on pLL, even in pres-
ence of inhibitors, suggesting that both pathways are only
partially involved in the short-term antiapoptotic effect of
804G, or that the inhibitors were only partially effective
under these conditions. Blockade of the MAP kinase ERK
pathway with PD98059 during 48 h induced a striking
increase of the number of apoptotic cells on 804G and also
affected cell survival on pLL, albeit to a lesser extent (Fig.
5B). In the presence of this inhibitor, attachment to the
804G matrix no longer exerted any protective effect com-
pared with control (pLL). The Western blot analysis (Fig.
4C) showed that the attachment on pLL itself induces ERK
phosphorylation to a limited extent as compared with
suspended cells, although to a lesser extent than on 804G,
which may explain why 48 h of treatment with PD98059
also induced higher cell death in cells on pLL. It was also
noted that 48 h of culture with PD98059 did not affect the
well-spread morphology of the cells cultured on 804G, and
that DMSO (used for the dilution of inhibitors) alone had
no effect on cell survival and cell spreading at the concen-
tration used (not shown). Treatment of cells with the PI
3-kinase inhibitor LY294002 did not signicantly affect cell
death on either pLL or 804G after 48 h (Fig. 5B), and
combined treatment with both inhibitors gave similar
results as treatment with PD98059 alone (Fig. 5B). These
results suggest that the MAP kinase ERK pathway is the
dominant one for long-term survival of primary pancreatic
-cells induced by the ECM.
Effect of 804G matrix on gene expression. Differential
expression on 804G matrix of genes involved in specic
signal transduction pathways such as those implicated in
apoptosis and cell cycle was investigated using low-
density cDNA microarray membranes (GEArray). Only
one gene present on this array was signicantly overex-
pressed in cells cultured for 18 h on the 804G matrix
compared with control cells: IB (not shown). IB has
been reported to have an antiapoptotic function in pancre-
atic -cells (39). This overexpression was conrmed by
real-time quantitative PCR: the IB mRNA (normalized to
GAPDH mRNA levels) was at least three times more highly
expressed in cells cultured on 804G matrix compared with
cells cultured on pLL (Fig. 6A). IB protein levels were
measured by Western blot. IB protein was increased
slightly on 804G vs. pLL after 24 h of culture, with a clear
increase by 48 h (Fig. 6B). There were no differences in
IB expression (mRNA and protein) between noncoated
and pLL-coated dishes (data not shown). Although this
augmented protein expression correlates with the in-
creased gene transcription, we cannot exclude that this
difference might be a consequence (partly or completely)
of an enhanced degradation of this protein in cells cul-
tured on pLL-coated dishes compared with 804G.
The MAP kinase ERK pathway is involved in IB
overexpression induced by the 804G matrix. Given
that the 804G matrix stimulates the ERK cascade and that
this signaling pathway is involved in the pro-survival
effects of this matrix, we hypothesized that this cascade
might mediate the effect of the matrix on IB gene
expression. This was tested using the inhibitor PD98059.
Treatment of cells with PD98059 did not signicantly affect
IB expression (mRNA) in cells cultured on pLL, but it
did reduce by 60% the IB overexpression induced by
the 804G matrix (Fig. 6A). Thus, these quantitative PCR
FIG. 4. 804G matrix induces phosphorylation of signaling proteins FAK, PKB/Akt, and ERK. FAK (A), PKB/Akt (B), and ERK1/2 (C)
phosphorylation was determined by Western blotting with specic anti-phospho antibodies compared with blotting with antibodies specic for
each corresponding protein. Each gure is representative of three independent experiments. Susp., suspension.
FIG. 5. Involvement of both ERK and Akt/PKB pathways in the pro-survival effect of the matrix. Cells were pretreated with inhibitors of PI
3-kinase (LY294002: LY) and/or of MEK1 (PD98059: PD) and then attached on pLL- or 804G-coated dishes. After4h(A)or48h(B), cell death
was analyzed by TUNEL. Results are shown as means SEM of a minimum of three independent experiments. *P < 0.04 compared with 804G
control; **P < 0.01 compared with 804G control; ***P < 0.005 compared with control conditions (for pLL and 804G). pLL; f, 804G.
2038 DIABETES, VOL. 53, AUGUST 2004
analyses show that blocking the ERK pathway signicantly
reduces the effect of the 804G matrix on IB gene ex-
pression. This result supports the notion that the activa-
tion of the MAP kinase ERK cascade by the 804G matrix
might contribute to long-term survival of pancreatic -cells
by inducing the expression of antiapoptotic genes.
We examined whether ECM can rescue primary pancreatic
-cells from apoptosis and investigated the intracellular
pathways involved. The 804G matrix protects pancreatic
-cells from apoptosis under three different conditions:
standard culture conditions, after serum deprivation, and
in response to the cytokine IL-1. These results demon-
strate the importance of adequate ECM for -cell survival.
It is interesting to note that signaling pathways induced by
IL-1 in islet -cells differ when this cytokine is adminis-
tered in vivo compared with in vitro treatment (40). It has
been suggested that one primary difference between the in
vivo and the in vitro model systems might be the absence
of ECM in the latter (41).
It has been shown that laminin is a component of the
basement membrane surrounding islets in vivo, and that
the loss of this basement membrane occurring during islet
isolation leads to increased cell death (4,42). Experiments
performed with laminin-5 puried from 804G matrix (Fig.
2A and B) suggest that it is the major component of this
matrix responsible for its pro-survival effect. The fact that
this matrix induces higher phosphorylation of FAK com-
pared with attachment to pLL (Fig. 4A) indicates that it
engages and activates integrins. Our group has shown that
rat pancreatic -cells express 61 and 31 integrins
(27,33), which have both been identied as receptors for
laminin-5. It was shown previously that function-blocking
antibodies directed against the 6 integrin subunit blocked
cell spreading induced by 804G matrix (27). Here we show
that a blocking antibody directed against the 1 integrin
subunit reduces both the spreading and the improved sur-
vival induced by the 804G matrix (Fig. 3A and B). Collec-
tively, these data lead us to suggest that 61 integrin is a
major conduit for outside-in signaling pathway in -cells
established on this particular matrix.
The intracellular molecule(s) responsible for transduc-
ing cell-matrix signaling in -cells have not been studied
previously in detail. We now show that compared with
pLL, attachment of cells to the 804G matrix induces higher
levels of phosphorylation of both MAP kinase ERK and
PKB/Akt (Figs. 4B and C). Furthermore, apoptosis of cells
cultured on 804G was increased in the presence of the
MEK1 inhibitor PD98059 (4 and 48 h) and/or in the
presence of the PI 3-kinase inhibitor LY294002 (4 h only)
(Figs. 5A and B). These results strongly suggest that the
short-term pro-survival effect emanating from the 804G
matrix is mediated by both of these pathways, whereas
longer term effects are mediated at least in part by MAP
kinase ERK but not by PKB/Akt.
We propose that the role of both the PI 3-kinasePKB/
Akt and MAP kinase ERK pathways in mediating the
short-term (4 h) pro-survival effects of the 804G matrix
may be related to their effects on preventing the cleavage
and subsequent activation of procaspase-8. Indeed, it has
been reported that activated PKB/Akt prevents apoptosis
by inhibiting death-inducing signaling complex assembly,
thus preventing procaspase-8 cleavage (43), whereas MAP
kinase activation deects DISC signaling from activating
caspase-8 (44). This would also explain the nonadditive
effect of both inhibitors on short-term cell survival. During
the short-term studies, cells on 804G matrix survived bet-
ter than cells on pLL, even in the presence of inhibitors,
suggesting that the ERK and PKB/Akt pathways may be
only two components of the short-term antiapoptotic ef-
fect of the matrix. A potential mechanism contributing to
cell death on pLL, presumably unrelated to ERK and PKB/
Akt pathways, is integrin-mediated death, whereby unli-
gated integrins in cells adhering to substrates devoid of
appropriate ECM ligands can act as negative regulators of
cell survival (45,46). Unligated integrins are reported to
promote apoptosis by recruitment of caspase-8 to the
plasma membrane independent of death receptors or
Fas-associating protein with a death domain. Our results
showing that caspase-8 activation is signicantly reduced
in cells cultured on 804G compared with cells cultured on
pLL (Table 1) support both of the above hypotheses.
The present work shows for the rst time the impor-
tance of the ERK pathway in promoting survival of pan-
creatic -cells induced by the ECM. The fact that the ERK
FIG. 6. IB expression is induced by the 804G matrix, and this overexpression is reduced by treatment with the ERK inhibitor PD98059. A: Cells
were treated or not treated with PD98059 before plating them on pLL- versus 804G-coated dishes. After 18 h, RNA was extracted, and real-time
PCR was performed. The results (means SD from two independent experiments) show the IB/GAPDH relative mRNA expression, which was
normalized to the control (pLL). B: The IB protein levels in cells cultured for 24 and 48 h, on pLL or on 804G, were analyzed by Western
blotting. This Western blot is representative of three independent experiments.
DIABETES, VOL. 53, AUGUST 2004 2039
pathway is involved in the antiapoptotic effect of the 804G
matrix on pancreatic -cells is intriguing because activa-
tion of this pathway has been reported to be involved in
cytokine-induced apoptosis in -cells (19,47). One poten-
tial explanation for this discrepancy is that cytokine- and
ECM-induced activation of ERKs may be signicantly dif-
ferent in terms of duration and intensity, which may lead
to opposite effects on life-or-death decisions by the cell (48).
The nding that the 804G matrix induces overexpres-
sion of IB is most interesting because IB has been
shown to inhibit NF-B nuclear translocation and tran-
scriptional activity (49). In general, NF-B is reported to
mediate antiapoptotic signals. However, NF-B is consid-
ered as an important transcription factor, mediating IL-1
induced signal transduction and regulating groups of
genes contributing to death in pancreatic -cells (31).
Overexpression of a nondegradable IB mutant, which
specically blocks cytokine-induced NF-B activation,
prevents -cell apoptosis (39). The overexpression of the
IB gene induced by the 804G matrix may thus contrib-
ute to its antiapoptotic effect. It is well established that
ECM can inuence gene expression via the MAP kinase
ERK pathway (11). In the present work, we show that
activation of the ERK pathway by the 804G matrix medi-
ates the overexpression of IB in -cells. This suggests
that activation of the MAP kinase ERK cascade by the
804G matrix might contribute to long-term survival of
pancreatic -cells by inducing the expression of antiapo-
ptotic genes.
Inadequate culture conditions have been suggested to
be responsible, at least in part, for the important loss of
islet cell viability before transplantation in diabetic pa-
tients. A prerequisite for the improvement of islet cell
maintenance in vitro, and consequently for increased
survival of the grafted cells, is to gain better knowledge of
both the intracellular pathways involved in cell survival
and factors regulating these signaling pathways. In this
context, these results are particularly relevant in providing
an insight into important signaling pathways activated by
ECM, which lead to improved pancreatic -cell survival
before transplantation.
This work was supported by grants 3200BO-101902/1 and
3200BO-100656/1 from the Swiss National Science Foun-
dation, grants 4-1999-844 and 1-1998-213 from Juvenile
Diabetes Foundation International, and an educational
grant from Novo Nordisk A/S.
We thank Dr. Jean-Claude Irminger and Katharina Rick-
enbach for useful discussions.
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DIABETES, VOL. 53, AUGUST 2004 2041
... Focal adhesions are sites of contact between extracellular matrix proteins and the cytoskeleton mediated by integrins (Wozniak et al., 2004;Wu, 2007). In beta-cells, focal adhesions are documented to play many roles in development and mature function especially GSIS (Hammar et al., 2004;Saleem et al., 2009;Rondas et al., 2012;Townsend and Gannon, 2019). The present study supports previous work from our lab and other groups that demonstrated collagen IV increases focal adhesions and augments GSIS (Kaido et al., 2004;Krishnamurthy et al., 2008;Krishnamurthy et al., 2011). ...
Full-text available
β1-integrin is a key receptor that regulates cell-ECM interactions and is important in maintaining mature beta-cell functions, including insulin secretion. However, there is little reported about the relationship between ECM-β1-integrin interactions and exocytotic proteins involved in glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS). This study examined the effect of collagen IV-β1-integrin on exocytotic proteins (Munc18-1, Snap25, and Vamp2) involved in insulin secretion using rat insulinoma (INS-1) cell line. Cells cultured on collagen IV (COL IV) had promoted INS-1 cell focal adhesions and GSIS. These cells also displayed changes in levels and localization of β1-integrin associated downstream signals and exocytotic proteins involved in insulin secretion. Antibody blocking of β1-integrin on INS-1 cells cultured on COL IV showed significantly reduced cell adhesion, spreading and insulin secretion along with reduced exocytotic protein levels. Blocking of β1-integrin additionally influenced the cellular localization of exocytotic proteins during the time of GSIS. These results indicate that specific collagen IV-β1-integrin interactions are critical for proper beta-cell insulin secretion.
... Solid evidence unveils that extracellular matrix (ECM) not only provides structural information for cells, but also plays a guiding role in cell development, which is crucial for maintaining tissue homeostasis and of great significance in embryogenesis, tissue-specific development and stem cell differentiation (77,78). Cell-stromal interactions can promote b-cell proliferation (79,80), insulin secretion (81,82) and islet development (83,84). Oberg-welsh and his group have demonstrated that ECM significantly enhances insulin secretion in fetal pig islet-like cell clusters in vitro (85). ...
Full-text available
Diabetes is a metabolic disease characterized by insulin deficiency. Bioengineering of stem cells with the aim to restore insulin production and glucose regulation has the potential to cure diabetic patients. In this review, we focus on the recent developments for bioengineering of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), embryonic stem cells (ESCs), and pancreatic progenitor cells in view of generating insulin producing and glucose regulating cells for β-cell replacement therapies. Recent clinical trials using islet cells derived from stem cells have been initiated for the transplantation into diabetic patients, with crucial bottlenecks of tumorigenesis, post-transplant survival, genetic instability, and immunogenicity that should be further optimized. As a new approach given high expectations, bioengineered islets from stem cells occupies considerable potential for the future clinical application and addressing the treatment dilemma of diabetes.
... Solid evidence unveils that extracellular matrix (ECM) not only provides structural information for cells, but also plays a guiding role in cell development, which is crucial for maintaining tissue homeostasis and of great significance in embryogenesis, tissue-specific development and stem cell differentiation (77,78). Cell-stromal interactions can promote b-cell proliferation (79,80), insulin secretion (81,82) and islet development (83,84). Oberg-welsh and his group have demonstrated that ECM significantly enhances insulin secretion in fetal pig islet-like cell clusters in vitro (85). ...
Diabetes is a metabolic disease characterized by insulin deficiency. Bioengineering of stem cells with the aim to restore insulin production and glucose regulation has the potential to cure diabetic patients. In this review, we focus on the recent developments for bioengineering of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), embryonic stem cells (ESCs), and pancreatic progenitor cells in view of generating insulin producing and glucose regulating cells for b-cell replacement therapies. Recent clinical trials using islet cells derived from stem cells have been initiated for the transplantation into diabetic patients, with crucial bottlenecks of tumorigenesis, post-transplant survival, genetic instability, and immunogenicity that should be further optimized. As a new approach given high expectations, bioengineered islets from stem cells occupies considerable potential for the future clinical application and addressing the treatment dilemma of diabetes.
... A growing body of evidence has emphasized the importance of ECM-islet interaction and more specifically, role of laminin in this interaction. 10,11,41 Therefore, we supposed that laminin and its receptors may underlie the cytoprotective effects of PSCs. In this work, we discovered that 37/67 kDa LR is required for all beneficial effects of PSCs on islet health. ...
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Preserving islet health and function is critical during pretransplant culture to improve islet transplantation outcome and for ex vivo modeling of diabetes for pharmaceutical drug discovery. The limited islet engraftment potential is primarily attributable to loss of extracellular matrix (ECM) support and interaction. Multipotent cells with ECM depositing competency improve islet survival during short coculture period. However, role of pancreatic stellate cells (PSCs) and their ECM support in preserving ex vivo islet physiology remains largely unknown. Here, we report novel cytoprotective effects of culture-adapted porcine PSCs and role of their ECM-mediated intercellular communication on pig, mouse and human islets ex vivo. Using direct-contact coculture system, we demonstrate that porcine PSCs preserve and significantly prolong islet viability and function from 7 ± 3 days to more than 28 ± 5 (P < .001) days in vitro. These beneficial effects of PSCs on islet health are not species-specific. Using NSC47924 to specifically inhibit 37/67 kDa laminin receptor (LR), we identified that LR-mediated intercellular communication is essential for PSCs to protect functional viability of islets in vitro. Finally, our results demonstrate that PSC co-transplantation improved function and enhanced capacity of syngeneic islets to reverse hyperglycemia in mice with preexisiting diabetes. Cumulatively, our findings unveil novel effects of culture-adapted PSCs on islet health likely mirroring in vivo niche interaction. Furthermore, islet and PSC coculture may aid in development of ex vivo diabetes modeling and also suggests that a combined islet-PSC tissue engineered implant may significantly improve islet transplantation outcome.
Pancreatic development is orchestrated by timely synthesis and degradation of stage‐specific transcription factors (TFs). The transition from one stage to another stage is dependent on the precise expression of the developmentally relevant TFs. Persistent expression of particular TF would impede the exit from the progenitor stage to the matured cell type. Intracellular protein degradation‐mediated protein turnover contributes to a major extent to the turnover of these TFs and thereby dictates the development of different tissues. Since even subtle changes in the crucial cellular pathways would dramatically impact pancreatic β‐cell performance, it is generally acknowledged that the biological activity of these pathways is tightly regulated by protein synthesis and degradation process. Intracellular protein degradation is executed majorly by the ubiquitin proteasome system (UPS) and Lysosomal degradation pathway. As more than 90% of the TFs are targeted to proteasomal degradation, this review aims to examine the crucial role of UPS in normal pancreatic β‐cell development and how dysfunction of these pathways manifests in metabolic syndromes such as diabetes. Such understanding would facilitate designing a faithful approach to obtain a therapeutic quality of β‐cells from stem cells.
Type 2 diabetes (T2D) affects more than 32.3 million individuals in the United States, creating an economic burden of nearly $966 billion in 2021. T2D results from a combination of insulin resistance and inadequate insulin secretion from the pancreatic β cell. However, genetic and physiologic data indicate that defects in β cell function are the chief determinant of whether an individual with insulin resistance will progress to a diagnosis of T2D. The subcellular organelles of the insulin secretory pathway, including the endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, and secretory granules, play a critical role in maintaining the heavy biosynthetic burden of insulin production, processing, and secretion. In addition, the mitochondria enable the process of insulin release by integrating the metabolism of nutrients into energy output. Advanced imaging techniques are needed to determine how changes in the structure and composition of these organelles contribute to the loss of insulin secretory capacity in the β cell during T2D. Several microscopy techniques, including electron microscopy, fluorescence microscopy, and soft X‐ray tomography, have been utilized to investigate the structure‐function relationship within the β cell. In this overview article, we will detail the methodology, strengths, and weaknesses of each approach. © 2024 American Physiological Society. Compr Physiol 14:5243‐5267, 2024.
Integrins are cellular adhesion molecules that mediate cell-cell, cell-extracellular matrix, and cell-pathogen interactions. Integrins can stimulate various signaling pathways by binding to different ligands, thereby exerting immunological functions. While integrins have been found to primarily play a role in bacterial agglutination, phagocytosis, and inhibition of apoptosis in invertebrates, the specific signaling pathway and mechanism of action remain unclear. In vertebrates, β1 integrin and extracellular matrix interactions can associate with focal adhesion kinase (FAK) to initiate MAPK/ERK signaling and regulate cell survival; however, in invertebrates (e.g., Chinese mitten crab), the mechanisms of integrins are poorly understood. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether integrinβ1/FAK activation of the MAPK/ERK pathway regulates hemocyte survival and the associated mechanism. Treatment with an integrinβ1 inhibitor RGD (a conserved tripeptide Arg-Gly-Asp), decreased the levels of FAK and ERK expression and phosphorylation, followed by an intensification of apoptosis. Similar results were obtained following siRNA knockdown of integrinβ1 expression. We further found that the attenuation of ERK phosphorylation enhanced the level of Caspase-3 expression. Together, these findings suggest that integrinβ1 activates the FAK/ERK signaling cascade and is involved in the survival of Chinese mitten crab hemocytes.
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Infusing pancreatic islets into the portal vein currently represents the preferred approach for islet transplantation, despite considerable loss of islet mass almost immediately after implantation. Therefore, approaches that obviate direct intravascular placement are urgently needed. A promising candidate for extrahepatic placement is the omentum. We aimed to develop an extracellular matrix skeleton from the native pancreas that could provide a microenvironment for islet survival in an omental flap. To that end, we compared different decellularization approaches, including perfusion through the pancreatic duct, gastric artery, portal vein, and a novel method through the splenic vein. Decellularized skeletons were compared for size, residual DNA content, protein composition, histology, electron microscopy, and MR imaging after repopulation with isolated islets. Compared to the other approaches, pancreatic perfusion via the splenic vein provided smaller extracellular matrix skeletons, which facilitated transplantation into the omentum, without compromising other requirements, such as the complete depletion of cellular components and the preservation of pancreatic extracellular proteins. Repeated MR imaging of iron-oxide-labeled pancreatic islets showed that islets maintained their position in vivo for 49 days. Advanced environmental scanning electron microscopy demonstrated that islets remained integrated with the pancreatic skeleton. This novel approach represents a proof-of-concept for long-term transplantation experiments.
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Insulin secretion in pancreatic β-cells is regulated by cortical complexes that are enriched at the sites of adhesion to extracellular matrix facing the vasculature. Many components of these complexes, including Bassoon, RIM, ELKS and liprins, are shared with neuronal synapses. Here, we show that insulin secretion sites also contain non-neuronal proteins LL5β and KANK1, which in migrating cells organize exocytotic machinery in the vicinity of integrin-based adhesions. Depletion of LL5β or focal adhesion disassembly triggered by myosin II inhibition perturbed the clustering of secretory complexes and attenuated the first wave of insulin release. While previous analyses in vitro and in neurons suggested that secretory machinery might assemble through liquid-liquid phase separation, analysis of endogenously labeled ELKS in pancreatic islets indicated that its dynamics is inconsistent with such a scenario. Instead, fluorescence recovery after photobleaching and single molecule imaging showed that ELKS turnover is driven by binding and unbinding to low-mobility scaffolds. Both the scaffold movements and ELKS exchange were stimulated by glucose treatment. Our findings help to explain how integrin-based adhesions control spatial organization of glucose-stimulated insulin release.
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Renewal of the gastrointestinal epithelium involves a coordinated process of terminal differenti- ation and programmed cell death. Integrins have been implicated in the control of apoptotic processes in various cell types. Here we examine the role of integrins in the regulation of apoptosis in gastrointestinal epithelial cells with the use of a rat small intestinal epithelial cell line (RIE1) as a model. Overexpression of the integrin a5 subunit in RIE1 cells conferred protection against several proapoptotic stimuli. In contrast, overexpression of the integrin a2 subunit had no effect on cell survival. The antiapoptotic effect of the a5 subunit was partially retained by a mutated version that had a truncation of the cytoplasmic domain. The antiapoptotic effects of the full- length or truncated a5 subunit were reversed upon treatment with inhibitors of phosphatidylino- sitol 3-kinase (PI-3-kinase), suggesting that the a5b1 integrin might interact with the PI-3-kinase/ Akt survival pathway. When cells overexpressing a5 were allowed to adhere to fibronectin, there was a moderate activation of protein kinase B (PKB)/Akt, whereas no such effect was seen in a2-overexpressing cells adhering to collagen. Furthermore, in cells overexpressing a5 and adher- ing to fibronectin, there was a dramatic enhancement of the ability of growth factors to stimulate PKB/Akt; again, this was not seen in cells overexpressing a2 subunit and adhering to collagen or fibronectin. Expression of a dominant negative version of PKB/Akt in RIE cells blocked to ability of a5 to enhance cell survival. Thus, the a5b1 integrin seems to protect intestinal epithelial cells against proapoptotic stimuli by selectively enhancing the activity of the PI-3-kinase/Akt survival pathway.
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Caspases are activated during apoptosis and cleave specific proteins, resulting in the irreversible commitment to cell death. The signal transduction proteins MEKK1, p21-activated kinase 2, and focal adhesion kinase are caspase substrates that contribute to the cell death response when cleaved. Thirty additional signaling proteins were screened for their ability to be cleaved during apoptosis. Twenty-two of these proteins were not affected in Jurkat cells stimulated to undergo apoptosis by Fas ligation, exposure to ultraviolet-C or incubation with etoposide. Ras GTPase-activating protein was found to be a caspase substrate whose cleavage followed the same time course as that for activation of caspase activity and the cleavage of MEKK1 and focal adhesion kinase. Four additional proteins, Cbl, Cbl-b, Raf-1, and Akt-1, were cleaved later in the apoptotic response. These signaling proteins were similarly cleaved in U937 cells undergoing apoptosis. Cleavage of the proteins was blocked by caspase inhibitors in Jurkat cells or in U937 cells expressing BclxL, demonstrating that the cleavage was dependent on caspase activation. Cleavage of Raf-1 and Akt correlated with the loss of extracellular signal-regulated kinase and Akt activities in apoptotic cells. Neither c-Jun N-terminal kinase nor p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase was cleaved in cells undergoing apoptosis, and the activation of the c-Jun N-terminal kinase and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase pathways was not compromised in apoptotic cells. These results indicate that caspase-dependent cleavage of specific proteins induces the turn off of survival pathways, such as the extracellular signal-regulated kinase and phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase/Akt pathways, that could otherwise interfere with the apoptotic response.
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Cells within rat islets of Langerhans are typically organized as a core of B-cells, surrounded by the other cell types. When mixed in culture, primary islet cells and insulinoma (RIN2A) cells form aggregates where B-cells are centrally located, surrounded by non-B-cells, while RIN-cells segregate as the outermost layer. To gain insight into the molecular basis underlying this nonrandom cellular organization, the aggregation properties of the three cell populations were studied. Isolated islet cells were separated into B-cells and non-B-cells by autofluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS). In a short-term aggregation assay, primary B-cell aggregation in the absence of calcium was only 19 +/- 3.7%, compared to the 67 +/- 2.9% seen in the presence of calcium (mean +/- SEM; P less than 0.001; n = 7). By contrast, non-B-cell aggregation and RIN cell aggregation in the absence of calcium (62 +/- 2 and 66 +/- 2%, respectively) were only slightly less than with calcium (70 +/- 3 and 76 +/- 3%). The surface density of the Ca2(+)-independent neural CAM (NCAM) was therefore measured by flow cytometry and found to be 2.64 +/- 0.82-fold higher in non-B-cells, compared to that in B-cells (P less than 0.01; n = 3). Even higher levels were found on RIN cells. In the three cell types, NCAM-140 was the only molecular form detected by immunoblotting. In conclusion, differences in the calcium dependency of aggregation and in the levels of NCAM are demonstrated among islet B-cells, non-B-cells, and RIN cells. Because cell-cell adhesion is crucial for the maintenance of adult tissue, these aggregation specificities might contribute to the concentric segregation of islet cell types in culture and to the nonrandom distribution of cells within rat islets.
The tyrosine kinase called pp125FAK is believed to play an important role in integrin-mediated signal transduction. pp125FAK is associated both functionally and spatially with integrins, which are the cell surface receptors for extracellular matrix components. Although the precise function of pp125FAK is not known, two possibilities have been proposed: pp125FAK may regulate the assembly of focal adhesions in spreading or migrating cells, or pp125FAK may participate in a signal transduction cascade to inform the nucleus that the cell is anchored. To test these models in living cells, a peptide representing the focal adhesion kinase (FAK)-binding site of the beta 1 tail was coupled to carrier protein and injected into cultured cells to competitively inhibit the binding of pp125FAK to endogenous integrin, thus inhibiting activation of pp125FAK on a cell-by-cell basis. In addition, an antibody directed against an epitope adjacent to the focal adhesion targeting sequence on pp125FAK was microinjected, as an alternative means of inhibiting pp125FAK activation. It was observed that when rounded cells were injected with either the integrin peptide or the anti-FAK antibody, the cells rapidly began to apoptose, within 4 h after injection. These results indicate that pp125FAK may play a critical role in suppressing apoptosis in fibroblasts.
The involvement of the transcription factor NF-κB in a plethora of cellular activities has made it one of the most studied proteins. The emerging understanding of new roles for NF-κB and complexities of the regulation of its function was the focus of a recent Juan March workshop held recently in Madrid, Spain.
The physiological performance of an organ depends on an interplay between changes in cellular function and organ size, determined by cell growth, proliferation and death. Nowhere is this more evident than in the endocrine pancreas, where disturbances in function or mass result in severe disease. Recently, the insulin signal-transduction pathway has been implicated in both the regulation of hormone secretion from β cells in mammals as well as the determination of cell and organ size in Drosophila melanogaster. A prominent mediator of the actions of insulin and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) is the 3′-phosphoinositide–dependent protein kinase Akt, also known as protein kinase B (PKB). Here we report that overexpression of active Akt1 in the mouse β cell substantially affects compartment size and function. There was a significant increase in both β-cell size and total islet mass, accompanied by improved glucose tolerance and complete resistance to experimental diabetes.
Dispersed rat islet cells embedded in a matrix of collagen I are known to form aggregates in vitro reminiscent of native islets. Furthermore, it appears that islet function and survival are better maintained in vitro when cells are grown in the presence of extracellular matrix. These studies suggest an important role of cell-matrix interactions in the formation and maintenance of islet structure and function. The molecular basis of these interactions is mostly unknown. In the present study, we confirm the presence of beta1 integrins on primary and transformed (RIN-2A line) rat islet cells. Perturbation studies in vitro show that beta1 integrins play a role in islet cell attachment and spreading on bovine extracellular matrix and on the matrix produced by A-431 cells. The alpha3 integrin subunit is coimmunoprecipitated with beta1 from extracts of both primary and transformed islet cells, and immunodepletion studies suggest that alpha3beta1 represents nearly half of the total beta1 integrins expressed on primary islet cells. In situ, alpha3 and beta1 are expressed on the surface of all islet cell types, as shown by indirect immunocytochemistry on paraformaldehyde-fixed sections of rat pancreas. In conclusion, the study demonstrates the presence of alpha3beta1 on primary and transformed rat islet cells, and an important role of beta1 integrins in islet cell attachment and spreading in vitro. Copyright 1997 Academic Press.
We have recently reported that two Rho family GTPases, Rac1 and Cdc42, are intimately involved in the control of cell survival of murine fibroblasts linked to adherence to the extracellular matrix. Inhibition of either Rac1 or Cdc42 signaling in adherent cells mimics the loss of anchorage and efficiently induces apoptosis in both immortalized and primary cells. In both cases cell death is dependent on the wild-type p53 tumor suppressor and is accompanied by activation of endogenous p53. Here, we describe that the inhibition of Rac1 or Cdc42 signaling leads to MAPK ERK activation via a pathway involving PI(3)K, Akt, Raf, and MEK, but not Ras. The moderate level of ERK activation that accompanies anoikis is an essential component of proapoptotic signaling; whereas sustained, high-intensity ERK signaling promotes survival in the same experimental system.
A protein assay is described in which the sample is precipitated with trichloroacetic acid in the presence of sodium dodecylsulfate, filtered off on a Millipore membrane and stained with Amidoschwarz 10B. The proteindye complex is eluted, and its absorbance determined at 630 nm. This assay is very reproducible, insensitive to variations in assay conditions, and linear from 3 to 30 μg of protein. It can be used on samples with a concentration as low as 0.75 μg/ml. There is no interference by commonly used reagents such as Tris, thiol reagents, EDTA, urea, sucrose, and many others. The color yield for a variety of proteins was determined and found to lie within ±15% of the value for bovine serum albumin which was used as standard. Of the proteins tested only insulin, which due to its low molecular weight was incompletely retained on the membrane in the filtration step, gave a low color yield, 50% of the standard.