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Dysphagia in stroke patients


Abstract and Figures

Swallowing musculature is asymmetrically represented in both motor cortices. Stroke affecting the hemisphere with the dominant swallowing projection results in dysphagia and clinical recovery has been correlated with compensatory changes in the previously non-dominant, unaffected hemisphere. This asymmetric bilaterality may explain why up to half of stroke patients are dysphagic and why many will regain a safe swallow over a comparatively short period. Despite this propensity for recovery, dysphagia carries a sevenfold increased risk of aspiration pneumonia and is an independent predictor of mortality. The identification, clinical course, pathophysiology, and treatment of dysphagia after stroke are discussed in this review.
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Dysphagia in stroke patients
S Singh, S Hamdy
Postgrad Med J 2006;82:383–391. doi: 10.1136/pgmj.2005.043281
Swallowing musculature is asymmetrically represented in
both motor cortices. Stroke affecting the hemisphere with
the dominant swallowing projection results in dysphagia
and clinical recovery has been correlated with
compensatory changes in the previously non-dominant,
unaffected hemisphere. This asymmetric bilaterality may
explain why up to half of stroke patients are dysphagic and
why many will regain a safe swallow over a comparatively
short period. Despite this propensity for recovery,
dysphagia carries a sevenfold increased risk of aspiration
pneumonia and is an independent predictor of mortality.
The identification, clinical course, pathophysiology, and
treatment of dysphagia after stroke are discussed in this
See end of article for
authors’ affiliations
Correspondence to:
Dr S Hamdy, Department
of GI Sciences, Hope
Hospital, Stott Lane,
Manchester M6 8HD,
UK; shaheen.hamdy@
11 November 2005
efore discussing the clinical aspects of
dysphagia after stroke it is worth consider-
ing what exactly is meant by the term
dysphagia. In the context of stroke, oropharyn-
geal dysphagia is probably best defined as a
disruption of bolus flow through the mouth and
pharynx. As the function of swallowing is the
safe delivery of a food bolus into the stomach,
then the immediate complication of dysphagia is
food entering the airway. Dysphagia in this
context is not a subjective symptom and it does
not normally refer to any oesophageal abnorm-
A related but distinct term is aspiration, which
is the incursion of food material into the airway
and below the true vocal cords. Aspiration is thus
one of the most important consequences of
dysphagia along with malnutrition.
Numerous studies have tried to establish the
incidence of dysphagia after stroke with figures
ranging from 23% to 50%.
At first glance,
these figures seem to represent a wide range. The
explanation for this lies in variations in study
design and in the identification of dysphagia,
both of which merit further discussion.
Only a handful of studies have looked at sample
sizes greater than 100 and differences in reported
entry criteria for these studies have resulted in a
variable case mix. Studies are started at different
time points, which means a variable amount of
recovery will have taken place at the time of
assessment. Stroke severity may not be assessed
and comorbidity such as chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease may not be accounted for.
All these factors make it difficult to pool or
compare data. In addition, there are discrepan-
cies between different authors’ methods of
identifying dysphagia.
Swallowing assessments are generally split into
bedside clinical examinations or instrumental
investigations. Because each approach provides
differing data with variable accuracy, the inci-
dence of dysphagia can fluctuate depending on
which assessment is used.
Bedside examination remains the cornerstone
of clinical practice in most hospitals. Clinicians,
nurses, and speech and language therapists are
taught to present small volumes of food or water
to patients and to watch for signs of dysphagia
and aspiration. Among other signs, clinicians
will look for loss of liquid from the mouth,
dyspraxia or poor coordination of muscles, facial
weakness, delayed pharyngeal/laryngeal eleva-
tion, coughing or throat clearing, breathlessness,
and changes in voice quality after swallow.
should be noted that the interpretation of an
intact gag reflex as an indicator of safe swallow-
ing has been largely discredited.
There are other
factors taken into account including some that
are not directly related to the stroke such as
background respiratory function. Patients with
advanced chronic lung diseases may aspirate not
because of a neuromuscular problem but because
they cannot maintain a sufficient period of
apnoea while swallowing. Despite the broad
assessments undertaken at the bedside, the
problem with this method is that it relies on
findings that are subjective and clinician depen-
Several investigators have tried to create
objective and reliable scoring systems for the
bedside assessment. Inevitably, as with most
screening systems, if the sensitivity of the scale is
improved, its specificity declines when compared
with the current gold standard; videofluoroscopy
(VFS) (see table 1). An important factor in the
low sensitivity of the bedside examination is
patients who aspirate without clinically overt
signs, known as silent aspirators. As many as
half of all patients aspirating on VFS will do so
In addition, patients will commonly
show varying responses to aspiration during a
single VFS assessment.
Abbreviations: VFS, videofluoroscopy; FEES, fibreoptic
endoscopic evaluation of swallowing; PEG, precutaneous
endoscopic gastrostomy; TMS, transcranial magnetic
stimulation; EMG, electromyography; NG, nasogastric
Also known as a modified barium swallow, VFS has
traditionally been the gold standard for swallowing assess-
It entails the administration of radio-opaque barium
liquid with moving images captured in the lateral view.
Figure 1 shows a VFS image outlining the anatomy of the
oropharynx and figure 2 illustrates the flow of barium
through the oropharynx. Occasionally anterior-posterior
views are also obtained. The barium can be mixed with
water to varying consistencies or added to other foods.
VFS has the advantages of visualisation and quantification
of barium through the oral cavity as well as the pharynx and
oesophagus. It can be recorded and played back in slow
motion and differentiates between abnormal physiology,
penetration of barium into the airway, and true aspiration
(barium entering the airway below the true vocal cords).
Most hospitals will have fluoroscopy services on site and an
assessment often takes just 10 or 15 minutes. Most examina-
tions are undertaken with the aim of establishing which
consistencies would be safe for a patient to consume and
which posture or manoeuvre might aid safe swallowing.
Disadvantages of VFS include the exposure to radiation
albeit low dose. The procedure is carried out under ‘‘ideal’’
conditions that may not reflect events on the ward. Barium’s
density is significantly different to normal food and therefore
its passage may not indicate the aspiration risk with other
foods. There is no standard protocol for the volumes tested or
the consistencies delivered and it only judges a person’s
performance on one day. As with the bedside examination, it
is remarkably open to interpretation with an interrater
reliability (k values) for aspiration of between 0.4 and
However, this correlation is improved with
training and experience.
In the past 20 years an alternative to VFS has been developed.
Fibreoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing (FEES) was
first reported in 1988
and entails the placement of a
nasendoscope to the level of the uvula or soft palate to give a
view of the hypopharynx and larynx (see fig 3). It has an
excellent safety record with epistaxis being seen in less than 1
in 1000 patients.
Various foods can be tested and it does not
entail radiation. It permits anatomical assessment as well as
sensory testing and crucially, it is performed at the bedside
with normal meals and can be repeated as often as necessary.
On the other hand FEES does require a skilled operator and
technical equipment that is not widely available. No
information is gained about the oral phase of swallowing
and there is a white out as the bolus passes through the
pharynx and the pharyngeal constrictors contract around the
lens. There also remains some controversy as to whether local
anaesthetic sprayed into the nostril affects swallowing
physiology or not. Table 2 shows the advantages and
disadvantages of VFS compared with FEES.
Direct comparisons of VFS and FEES have been under-
taken and have shown that there is unlikely to be a difference
between clinical management guided by either of these two
Bedside assessments may be improved by the simple measure
of following oxygen saturations with pulse oximetry during a
swallowing task.
Zaidi et al first reported that a decrease of
In the context of stroke, oropharyngeal dysphagia is
probably best defined as a disruption of bolus flow
through the mouth and pharynx.
Aspiration is the incursion of food material into the
airway and beyond the true vocal cords.
Bedside clinical assessment tests a patient with varying
volumes and consistencies while observing for tell tale signs
of aspiration. As the sensitivity of screening tests improve, the
specificity declines.
Figure 1 VFS image illustrating the anatomy of the oropharynx. (1)
Ramus of mandible; (2) hard palate; (3) soft palate; (4) pharynx; (5)
epiglottis; (6) laryngeal vestibule; (7) vocal cords; (8) trachea; (9) region
of the upper oesophageal sphincter; (10) region of the oesophagus.
Table 1 Sensitivity and specificity for aspiration assessed with bedside swallow tests
compared with videofluoroscopy
Researchers Patients studied Sensitivity ( %) Specificity (%)
Smithard et al
83 47 86
DePippo et al
44 76 59
Splaingard et al
87 strokes 42 91
Smith et al
53 86 69
Daniels et al
59 92 67
McCullough et al
60 91 47
61 72 67
384 Singh, Hamdy
2% in oxygen saturation after drinking 10 ml of water was
predictive of aspiration on a videofluoroscopy assessment.
One other institute has been able to replicate these findings
whereas two investigators have found contradictory
34 35
Further work is required to establish which
patients might benefit from this additional assessment and
also to define whether serial measurements can be used to
track recovery.
Other screening tools have been advocated but remain
research tools only at present with limited data in stroke
patients. These include scintigraphy, ultrasound, and impe-
dance tomography.
Ideally a clinician should have access to bedside screening
tests, VFS and FEES. It is important to recognise the
strengths and weaknesses of each assessment and build a
risk profile rather than categorising patients into dysphagic
or non-dysphagic. The current best practice should be bedside
clinical testing with a low threshold for instrumental
examination both to identify silent aspirators and to guide
Despite the problems associated with diagnosis of dysphagia
the clinical impression is that ‘‘recovery’’ is comparatively
common and takes place over days to weeks.
Two large
studies used the objective tool of VFS to plot the recovery. The
first was Smithard et al who found an aspiration incidence of
Figure 2 Serial VFS images showing
the normal passage of a barium bolus
through the pharynx. Image (1) is the
resting state. Barium appears black as it
passes through the pharynx (2), the
upper oesophageal sphincter (3), and
the proximal oesophagus (4).
Videofluoroscopy is a commonly available investigation for
the assessment of swallowing. Data are available on
anatomy, all stages of swallowing physiology, the presence
of aspiration, and the response to therapeutic manoeuvres. It
does however, entail ionising radiation and is performed in
somewhat artificial settings.
Figure 3 View with fibreoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing. (1)
Route to oesophagus; (2) trachea; (3) vocal cords; (4) aryepiglottic folds;
(5) epiglottis; (6) fluid with green dye. Image courtesy of KayPENTAX,
Lincoln Park, NJ, USA.
Dysphagia in stroke patients 385
22% at a median of two days after stroke and 15% at one
40 41
Mann et al prospectively studied 128 stroke patients with a
VFS at a median time of 10 days after symptom onset.
found dysphagia in 64% and aspiration in 22%. Their
definition of dysphagia on VFS was the delay, disorder,
and/or weakness of any component of swallowing that
adversely affected bolus delivery and increased the risk of
aspiration. Six months later 11 patients had been lost to
follow up and five had died. The remainder were reassessed
and those who were initially dysphagic underwent a repeat
VFS examination. VFS identified swallowing abnormalities
in 80% of the 67 repeat examinations and 25% were
aspirating. Despite this only 15 patients had not returned to
their pre-stroke diet. No further follow up beyond the initial
six months was reported.
Logemann reported a persistent delay in temporal mea-
sures of swallowing after recovery from dysphagia after
There was also a slight increase in pharyngeal
residue and her suggestion was that swallowing may recover
functionally but may remain impaired at a more intricate
level. This may also account for the increased incidence of
dysphagia after a second or third stroke.
For those patients who fail to recover a safe swallow in the
short term, the alternative is enteral feeding via a percuta-
neous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) tube. However, PEG
feeding should not be seen as an end point in dysphagia
rehabilitation. James et al addressed the long term outcome
of this group in a retrospective manner.
They reviewed 126
patients who had a PEG in situ after an acute stroke. Median
length of follow up was 31 months (range 4–71). Over half
(57%) had died, almost a third (29%) had been able to
remove their PEG after improvements in their swallowing,
the remainder still had a PEG in situ. Others have also
reported recovery from dysphagia months or years after a
stroke but the rate of recovery remains slow.
With such a clear propensity for recovery, various authors
have tried to evaluate the impact of dysphagia on a wide
variety of clinical outcomes.
Several authors have correlated
clinical dysphagia with increased risk of chest infec-
Of the studies using VFS to confirm aspiration,
Holas et al
and Kidd et al
found an increased risk of chest
infection. In a review of over 14 000 patients in the USA,
Katzan et al identified a threefold increased risk of death
among stroke patients if they developed pneumonia.
risk was calculated after adjustment for stroke severity.
Mortality for dysphagic stroke patients therefore stands at
between 27% and 37%.
41 48
Unpublished data from our
department suggest a poorer prognosis for patients aspirating
on VFS compared with those that demonstrated safe
swallowing and perhaps unsurprisingly, the difference in
mortality is over the first three to six months only.
An absolute correlation between aspiration and chest
infection would not be inevitable as numerous other factors
such as mental state, posture, dentition, immune status, age,
and respiratory comorbidity may also play a part.
around 12%–30% of all stroke patients will suffer a chest
infection during their inpatient stay.
3 7 47 52
Poor nutritional state has certainly been correlated with
increased mortality after admission with acute stroke.
Although this reflects pre-stroke status rather than post-
stroke dysphagia, one might infer that continued decline in
nutritional status may still be important in this group of
Dysphagia does therefore have prognostic implications and
should be assessed in all patients presenting with symptoms
of a stroke.
A series of experiments from Hamdy et al have used
transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to probe the role
of the motor cortex in health and after stroke. TMS is a safe
and non-invasive technique that can stimulate focal areas of
the cerebral cortex and thereby map connections from motor
cortex to target muscles. The strength of the projections from
motor cortex is denoted by the amplitude of electromyo-
graphic (EMG) traces at the target muscle. Initial studies in
healthy volunteers described how midline swallowing mus-
cles are represented bilaterally in the motor cortex but in an
asymmetric manner.
This has led to the hypothesis that
some subjects have a ‘‘dominant’’ swallowing hemisphere.
It was subsequently postulated that stroke affecting the
dominant hemisphere was more likely to result in dyspha-
Twenty patients were recruited after their first stroke
confirmed on computed tomography of the brain. TMS was
delivered to sites over both hemispheres in turn and any
resulting EMG response at the pharyngeus muscle was
recorded. Eight of the patients were dysphagic. Stimulation
of the affected hemisphere produced similarly small EMG
responses in both dysphagic and non-dysphagic patients. In
contrast, stimulation of the unaffected hemisphere produced
Fibreoptic evaluation of swallowing can be performed at the
bedside with a variety of food substances and has an
excellent safety profile. It can be repeated regularly and
permits sensory testing. In contrast it is not widely available
and requires both specialised equipment and trained
Table 2 Advantages and disadvantages of
videofluoroscopy and fibreoptic endoscopic evaluation of
Advantages Widely available, rapid and safe
Assessment of all stages of swallowing
Variety of foods can be tested
Allows the assessment of therapeutic
Disadvantages Radiation exposure
Findings may not reflect ward behaviour
Density of barium means aspiration may not
reflect risk with other foods
Training required for interpretation
Fibreoptic endoscopic
evaluation of swallowing
Advantages Performed at the bedside with normal meals
Gives better anatomical data of the pharynx/
Can be repeated regularly
Sensory testing can be undertaken
Disadvantages Not widely available
Requires skilled operators
White out often obscures the period of
No information is gathered on oral control
Although up to half of acute stroke patients will be dysphagic,
most will have recovered a safe swallow by one month.
386 Singh, Hamdy
significantly smaller responses in the dysphagic patients.
Although studied retrospectively, this did indeed suggest that
lesions of the dominant hemisphere were more likely to
result in dysphagia.
TMS was also used to scrutinise cortical connections over
Twenty eight patients were recruited and their cortical
maps in response to TMS of both hemispheres were plotted at
one week, one month, and three months after stroke. VFS
assessment of their swallow was also undertaken and EMG
responses of the thenar muscle were used as a control. The
key finding was that dysphagic patients who recovered over
time showed an increase in their cortical maps over the
unaffected hemisphere at one month and three months. The
patients who remained dysphagic did not show this change
in their pharyngeal cortical maps. Cortical representation of
the thenar muscle reappeared in the affected hemisphere (see
fig 4) The conclusion drawn was that recovery from
dysphagia after stroke might follow reorganisation of the
unaffected motor cortex.
Clearly the goals in dysphagia therapy are to reduce the
morbidity and mortality associated with chest infections,
improve nutritional status, and return patients to a normal
diet with resultant improvement of their quality of life.
Unfortunately, there is a paucity of evidence for dysphagia
therapy, which has been highlighted in a Cochrane review
as well as an American Gastroenterology Association
technical review.
Broadly speaking, therapy can be differ-
entiated into compensatory and rehabilitative strategies. The
former aims to keep patients safe when eating whereas the
latter aims to speed the recovery process. Because few active
measures have proved efficacy, the general aim is often to
prevent chest infections while spontaneous recovery takes
Standard practice is to change the consistency of food and
fluids given to dysphagic patients with the most severely
affected patients left nil by mouth. The rationale for changed
consistencies comes from findings at the bedside and during
VFS. Although numerous studies have described the changes
in swallowing physiology with thickened fluids
none have
shown clinical efficacy in stroke patients. VFS regularly
identifies individual patients who endure reduced aspiration
with particular consistencies of food. It is therefore unlikely
that ethical approval would ever be gained to randomise
patients to normal diet and fluids when they have been noted
to aspirate on such consistencies, making an objective study
of food consistencies difficult.
In a similar manner, only expert consensus supports the
use of manoeuvres such as a chin tuck when swallowing,
head turn or the Mendelsohn manoeuvre. Chin tuck entails
asking patients to lower their chin towards their chest before
This brings the epiglottis and the aryepiglottic
folds closer to together and it is the apposition of these
structures that will close the airway during swallowing. Head
turn is a simple rotation of the head to the paretic side and
may increase bolus flow.
The Mendelsohn’s manoeuvre
requires a little more training and entails the sustained
contraction of the suprahyoid muscles in an effort to
maintain laryngeal elevation and thus upper oesophageal
sphincter opening and airway closure.
Swallowing assess-
ments are thus viewed as individual treatment trials and any
of these techniques can be advocated if an individual patient
is noted to swallow safely when exercising any particular
method. It should be noted however, that their efficacy
remains controversial.
There is more substantive literature on the use of
nasogastric (NG) and PEG feeding. The first question to
raise is do they improve outcome? Unfortunately, the answer
is probably ‘‘no.’’ Although the studies were not exclusively
in stroke patients, there are a handful of trials suggesting that
Figure 4 Graphical representation of
the changes in cortical maps after a left
hemisphere stroke over a period of
three months. Reprinted from Hamdy S,
Aziz Q, Rothwell JC, et al. Recovery of
swallowing after dysphagic stroke
relates to functional reorganization in
the intact motor cortex.
Gastroenterology 1998;115:1104–
1112 with permission from American
Gastroenterological Association.
Dysphagia after stroke carries a threefold increased mortality
risk and a sixfold to sevenfold fold increased risk of
aspiration pneumonia. It should be screened for on every
patient presenting with symptoms of a stroke.
Dysphagia in stroke patients 387
NG and PEG feeding do not reduce the incidence of
pneumonia or death.
One study in stroke patients did
suggest a pronounced benefit from NG feeding but these
results have not been reproduced elsewhere in the litera-
Dziewas et al followed up 100 stoke patients fed by NG
tube and found a 44% pneumonia rate. Although there was
no control group for comparison it is clear that a large
proportion of patients fed by NG tube will still develop
respiratory infection.
Why a person without any oral intake should develop
pneumonia is best explained by the fact that the oral cavity is
rich in bacterial flora and that this is the source of pathogenic
organisms. Further evidence for this premise comes from
regression analyses identifying poor dentition (which is a
proxy for greater oral bacterial colonisation) as an indepen-
dent predictor of chest infection.
Although there may not be a reduced infection rate with
PEG feeding, there is certainly an improved nutritional status
because of more consistent delivery of feed.
75 76
There seems
little doubt that if patients are receiving a restricted oral diet,
then they will at least benefit from nutrition and hydration
albeit with questionable protection from pneumonia.
If we accept that NG and PEG feeding have a role, the next
question is when to start such a regimen and which of the
two to select. Fortunately, clinical decisions are at least
supported by a large multicentre randomised controlled trial.
The feed or ordinary diet (FOOD) trial recruited dysphagic
stroke patients to two studies relevant to this discussion.
77 78
The first trial randomised stroke patients within seven days
of admission to either early NG feeding or to no tube feeding
for more than seven days. An intention to treat analysis of
the 859 enrolled patients showed an absolute reduction in
death of 5.8% (95%CI 20.8 to 12.5%, p = 0.09) without
reducing the incidence of pneumonia. The absolute reduction
in the combined outcome of death or poor outcome was just
1.2% (24.2 to 6.6%, p = 0.7). Although statistical significance
at the 5% level was not reached, the authors suggested that
early enteral feeding may keep patients alive who would
otherwise have died but those patients remain severely
impaired and dependent. The reduced mortality could not be
attributed to reduced aspiration.
The second trial randomised dysphagic patients to either
NG or PEG feeding. The latter was associated with an
increased risk of death or poor outcome of 7.8% (0% to 15%,
p = 0.05). It might be concluded from these two studies that
early NG feeding is likely to be beneficial but PEG feeding can
be reasonably delayed for a period of weeks. In the longer
term PEG feeding does improve nutritional status and should
be considered when artificial nutrition and hydration is
required beyond two weeks.
Parenteral nutrition has never been tested in the stroke
setting but is likely to be associated with significant
complications and is rarely fruitful.
In terms of head and neck exercises, the best evidence
supports an exercise aimed at opening the upper oesophageal
sphincter. In chronic dysphagic subjects including stroke
patients, Shaker et al described an exercise that improved
sphincter opening and thereby reduced post-swallow phar-
yngeal residue.
Briefly, it comprises the patient lying supine
on a bed and raising their head off the bed for a period of
seconds and repeating this 20 times. It was felt this would
reinforce the action of the suprahyoid muscles that are
Table 3 Grading of evidence base for rehabilitation strategies in dysphagic stroke
patients. National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence criteria are used for grading
Intervention Level of evidence Comments
Head raising exercise Ib Specific exercises will improve opening of the
upper oesophageal sphincter in stroke
patients with sphincter dysfunction.
Pharyngeal stimulation Ib Pharyngeal electrical stimulation has shown
promising results in preliminary studies and
further trials are under way.
ACE inhibitors III No RCT
Biofeedback IV Two studies totalling 55 patients. No RCT
Oral exercises None No published evidence
Oral stimulation None Recent publications suggest no efficacy
RCT, randomised controlled trial.
There are few clinical trials guiding therapy. The mainstay of
management is to keep patients safe while spontaneous
recovery takes place. This is achieved through compensatory
strategies such as changing food consistencies, regulating
bolus size, head rotation before swallowing, and the chin
tuck manoeuvre.
Key references
Shaker R, Easterling C, Kern M, et al. Rehabilitation of
swallowing by exercise in tube-fed patients with
pharyngeal dysphagia secondary to abnormal UES
opening. Gastroenterology 2002;122:1314–21.
Hamdy S, Aziz Q, Rothwell JC, et al. Explaining
oropharyngeal dysphagia after unilateral hemispheric
stroke. Lancet 1997;350:686–92.
Mann G, Hankey GJ, Cameron D. Swallowing function
after stroke: prognosis and prognostic factors at
6 months. Stroke 1999;30:744–8.
Dennis MS, Lewis SC, Warlow C. Effect of timing and
method of enteral tube feeding for dysphagic stroke
patients (FOOD): a multicentre randomised controlled
trial. Lancet 2005;365:764–72.
Fraser C, Power M, Hamdy S, et al. Driving plasticity in
human adult motor cortex is associated with improved
motor function after brain injury. Neuron
Nasogastric and percutaneous gastrostomy feeding have not
been shown to reduce the rate of chest infections but will
improve nutritional status.
388 Singh, Hamdy
critical to upper oesophageal sphincter opening.
A variety of oral stimulation techniques have been used
without clear evidence of efficacy. These include tactile and
thermal stimulation.
In contrast, pharyngeal electrical
stimulation may have a therapeutic role.
Fraser et al initially
investigated the effects of pharyngeal electrical stimulation in
healthy volunteers with TMS. They established that at
specific parameters, a sustained increase in swallowing
motor cortex excitability could be achieved. They then
applied the specified stimulation parameters to 10 of 16
dysphagic stroke patients while six patients received sham
stimulation. Standardised VFS was used before and one hour
after the stimulation/sham to assess any changes. Whereas
the sham group showed no change in aspiration, the
intervention group showed a 30% reduction in aspiration.
Although too early to make any strong recommendations,
these data show promise and a larger trial is underway to
establish for how long the effect might last and how often
this therapy needs to be repeated.
Limited numbers of drugs have been advocated to reduce
aspiration including nifedipine
and ACE inhibitors.
However, the trial data remain too limited to support their
use at present. Biofeedback for post-stroke dysphagia
rehabilitation has been pioneered over recent years
84 85
commercial systems becoming more widely available. As yet
no randomised controlled trial has been reported. Table 3
shows the levels of evidence for various treatment regimens.
Dysphagia affects up to half of acute stroke patients and
carries a threefold to sevenfold increased risk of aspiration
pneumonia. With the subsequent mortality associated with
pneumonia, dysphagia has been recognised as an indepen-
dent predictor of mortality after stroke. Fortunately, most
patients will make a functional recovery over a period of days
to weeks.
This incidence and remarkable recovery rate may be
accounted for by the bilateral distribution of control of
swallowing musculature in the motor cortex. After hemi-
spheric stroke, neuroplastic adaptation permits the control of
swallowing musculature to be reorganised to the unaffected
Identifying dysphagia can be done by bedside testing or
instrumental examination such as VFS and FEES but best
practice would combine both along with a global assessment
of the stroke patient.
Management should be aimed at facilitating safe swallow-
ing while spontaneous recovery takes place. Enteral feeding
tubes are commonly used when oral intake is not deemed
sufficient for nutrition and hydration purposes. However, this
approach has not been shown to reduce the incidence of
aspiration pneumonia in most of the studies published to
date although it does improve nutritional status. Manoeuvres
to aid safe swallowing can only be offered on an individual
basis by trained practitioners and are not universally
applicable to all dysphagic patients. Few of these techniques
have been tested in randomised controlled trials. Much more
work is required to investigate the true impact of current
dysphagia therapy and to work towards developing new
therapies of the future.
1. Regarding the incidence of dysphagia after an acute
(A) all patients with a clinical diagnosis of stroke should be
screened for dysphagia
(B) only 10% will be dysphagic on admission
(C) up to 50% will be dysphagic on admission
(D) up to 10% will be dysphagic at discharge
2. What is meant by the term ‘‘silent aspirator’’?
(A) The patient is not aware of any problems with
(B) The patient does not cough when swallowing
(C) There are no bedside signs of aspiration despite
aspiration seen on instrumental examination
(D) The patient has a normal instrumental swallowing
assessment but is still at risk of chest infections
3. Which of the following is an advantage of fibreoptic
endoscopic evaluation of swallowing?
(A) Can be undertaken at the bedside with normal food
(B) Can be performed by any ward staff
(C) Can detect anatomical as well as physiological abnorm-
(D) Has a very low complication rate
4. Which exercises or manoeuvres have been shown to
improve upper oesophageal sphincter opening?
(A) Head raising exercises
(B) Tongue protrusion
(C) Chin tuck
(D) Mendelsohn manoeuvre
5. Which of the following statements about artificial
enteral feeding in dysphagic stroke patients is true?
(A) Enteral feeding reduces the risk of chest infection
(B) Enteral feeding reduces the risk of malnutrition
(C) Recovery of swallowing is unlikely after gastrostomy
tube placement
(D) Gastrostomy feeding is superior to nasogastric feeding
even in the first few weeks after stroke
6. Which factors other than oropharyngeal motor function
should be taken into account during a swallowing
(A) Cognitive function
(B) Patient posture
(C) Dentition
(D) Respiratory status
Authors’ affiliations
S Singh, S Hamdy, Department of GI Sciences, Hope Hospital,
Manchester, UK
Specific exercises will improve opening of the upper
oesophageal sphincter in stroke patients with sphincter
Pharyngeal electrical stimulation has shown promising
results in preliminary studies and further trials are
There are insufficient data to support biofeedback or
drug therapy for post-stroke dysphagia.
Dysphagia in stroke patients 389
Competing interests: SS is a clinical research fellow employed by
Manchester University through grants from The Health Foundation and
the Medical Research Council. SH is a lecturer at Manchester University
and honorary consultant Gastroenterologist at Hope Hospital, Salford.
Neither author has any competing interests to declare.
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1. (A), (C), (D) are true. Royal College of Physician guidelines
reiterate that all stroke patients need screening for dysphagia.
Studies based on more objective instrumental assessments of
dysphagia have suggested an incidence of up to 50% after
stroke. 2. (C) is true. Most dysphagic patients will not
volunteer problems with swallowing but ‘‘silent aspirator’’
shows that the clinician cannot detect signs of aspiration at
the bedside. (B) and (D) would be true of non-dysphagic
patients. 3. (A), (C), and (D) are true. FEES is likely to
become more widely available as an alternative to video-
fluoroscopy. Training is required and commonly it is the
nurses, doctors, and speech and language therapists that take
on the role. 4. (A) Described by Shaker et al and (D) act on
upper oesophageal sphincter opening to facilitate bolus flow
through the pharynx. 5. (B) is the only true answer. There is
insufficient evidence for enteral feeding reducing pneumonia
and recovery of swallowing can take place months after a
stroke. The recent FOOD trial suggested no clear benefit of
gastrostomy ahead of nasogastric feeding in the short term. 6.
All of the answers are true.
Dysphagia in stroke patients 391
... Stroke is among the top three leading causes of mortality worldwide (Feigin et al., 2021). Acute stroke resulting in hospitalization is a serious health event with often life-long alteration of functional status (Singh and Hamdy, 2006). One of the most common serious complications of stroke is dysphagia, or swallowing dysfunction, which occurs in approximately 55% of acute stroke patients (Singh and Hamdy, 2006). ...
... Acute stroke resulting in hospitalization is a serious health event with often life-long alteration of functional status (Singh and Hamdy, 2006). One of the most common serious complications of stroke is dysphagia, or swallowing dysfunction, which occurs in approximately 55% of acute stroke patients (Singh and Hamdy, 2006). Dysphagia places patients at increased risk of aspiration pneumonia which can be fatal, thus screening of swallowing status and/or a formal speech language pathologist assessment are commonplace as part of the admission process to stroke centers. ...
... Dysphagia places patients at increased risk of aspiration pneumonia which can be fatal, thus screening of swallowing status and/or a formal speech language pathologist assessment are commonplace as part of the admission process to stroke centers. It is important to note the distinction between screening tests and formal assessments, which are deployed either in succession or independently depending on a local stroke center protocol (Singh and Hamdy, 2006;Cohen et al., 2016). Screening tests such as the Toronto Bedside Swallowing Screening Test (TOR-BSST©) (Martino et al., 2009) can be performed by course-trained operators of varying backgrounds, whereas formal assessment of dysphagia is performed by a speech language pathologist (SLP). ...
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Introduction Post-stroke dysphagia is common and associated with significant morbidity and mortality, rendering bedside screening of significant clinical importance. Using voice as a biomarker coupled with deep learning has the potential to improve patient access to screening and mitigate the subjectivity associated with detecting voice change, a component of several validated screening protocols. Methods In this single-center study, we developed a proof-of-concept model for automated dysphagia screening and evaluated the performance of this model on training and testing cohorts. Patients were admitted to a comprehensive stroke center, where primary English speakers could follow commands without significant aphasia and participated on a rolling basis. The primary outcome was classification either as a pass or fail equivalent using a dysphagia screening test as a label. Voice data was recorded from patients who spoke a standardized set of vowels, words, and sentences from the National Institute of Health Stroke Scale. Seventy patients were recruited and 68 were included in the analysis, with 40 in training and 28 in testing cohorts, respectively. Speech from patients was segmented into 1,579 audio clips, from which 6,655 Mel-spectrogram images were computed and used as inputs for deep-learning models (DenseNet and ConvNext, separately and together). Clip-level and participant-level swallowing status predictions were obtained through a voting method. Results The models demonstrated clip-level dysphagia screening sensitivity of 71% and specificity of 77% (F1 = 0.73, AUC = 0.80 [95% CI: 0.78–0.82]). At the participant level, the sensitivity and specificity were 89 and 79%, respectively (F1 = 0.81, AUC = 0.91 [95% CI: 0.77–1.05]). Discussion This study is the first to demonstrate the feasibility of applying deep learning to classify vocalizations to detect post-stroke dysphagia. Our findings suggest potential for enhancing dysphagia screening in clinical settings.
... The study concluded that TPRT effectively increased tongue muscle strength and improved swallowing function in these patients [35]. Tongue stretching exercises also enhanced tongue motility and oromotor function in stroke patients with dysphagia [36]. Isometric lingual exercises, which involved compressing an airfilled bulb between the tongue and the hard palate, effectively improved swallowing function [37]. ...
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This prospective observational study aimed to assess the impact of behavioral therapy on dysphagia in patients with acute ischemic stroke undergoing nasogastric tube feeding. The study was conducted between June 2020 and May 2022 at the Neurological Center of Bach Mai Hospital, Vietnam, with a sample size of 230 patients divided into two groups: a normal and a behavioral therapy group. The normal therapy group received routine care and treatment based on standard protocols, while the behavioral therapy group underwent daily swallowing exercises for approximately 60 minutes. The Gugging Swallowing Screen (GUSS) was utilized to screen individuals with dysphagia, and the difference-in-differences (DID) method was adopted to estimate the effect of behavioral therapy on dysphagia patients. The study concluded that behavioral therapy improved dysphagia in patients with acute ischemic stroke undergoing nasogastric tube feeding. This study highlights the potential of behavioral therapy as an effective intervention for dysphagia rehabilitation in stroke patients.
... The assessment and treatment of dysphagia cases in patients who had strokes represent an important part of the clinical speech therapy routine; however, it is not common that ambulatory stroke patients are assessed for risk of dysphagia (4) . Despite the importance of the cerebellar network for the control and modulation of swallowing, only a few clinical studies investigate the occurrence and prevalence of dysphagia in cerebellar strokes (5) , especially after hospital discharge or in the ambulatory phase. ...
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This case report aimed to evaluate the swallowing capacity and the severity of the risk of laryngotracheal aspiration of a 52-year-old female patient with atypical and rare stroke, with major injury in the cerebellar pathway. In order to measure swallowing capacity and risk of aspiration a routine clinical assessment used in the speech therapy clinic was performed and two valid clinical tests were used: Massey Bedside Swallowing Screen (MBSS) and Gugging Swallowing Screen (GUSS). After evaluation with the clinical tests, it was observed that the patient had reduced swallowing capacity, performance characterized as pathological, 100% dysfunction in the water swallowing test (MBSS), presence of choking, coughing, change in vocal quality and anterior escape. In the assessment of risk of aspiration with the GUSS, the patient presented moderate dysphagia and risk of laryngotracheal aspiration.This case report demonstrated that moderate dysphagia is found in a stroke patient with lesions that affect the cerebellum. Standardized and validated clinical tests such as GUSS and MBSS should also be used to assess the risk of dysphagia after stroke at ambulatory care. Keywords: Stroke; Cerebellum; Dysphagia; Deglutition Disorders; Diagnostic Tests; Case Report
... A avaliação e o tratamento dos casos de disfagia em pacientes com AVE representam uma importante parte da rotina clínica da fonoaudiologia, contudo, não é comum que casos de AVE na fase ambulatorial sejam avaliados para o risco de disfagia (4) . Apesar da importância da rede cerebelar no controle e na modulação da deglutição, são poucos os estudos clínicos que investigaram a incidência e prevalência da disfagia no AVE cerebelar (5) , especialmente após alta hospitalar ou na fase ambulatorial. ...
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This case report aimed to evaluate the swallowing capacity and the severity of the risk of laryngotracheal aspiration of a 52-year-old female patient with atypical and rare stroke, with major injury in the cerebellar pathway. In order to measure swallowing capacity and risk of aspiration a routine clinical assessment used in the speech therapy clinic was performed and two valid clinical tests were used: Massey Bedside Swallowing Screen (MBSS) and Gugging Swallowing Screen (GUSS). After evaluation with the clinical tests, it was observed that the patient had reduced swallowing capacity, performance characterized as pathological, 100% dysfunction in the water swallowing test (MBSS), presence of choking, coughing, change in vocal quality and anterior escape. In the assessment of risk of aspiration with the GUSS, the patient presented moderate dysphagia and risk of laryngotracheal aspiration.This case report demonstrated that moderate dysphagia is found in a stroke patient with lesions that affect the cerebellum. Standardized and validated clinical tests such as GUSS and MBSS should also be used to assess the risk of dysphagia after stroke at ambulatory care. Keywords: Stroke; Cerebellum; Dysphagia; Deglutition Disorders; Diagnostic Tests; Case Report
... Although it has generally decreased in recent years, mortality rates due to system and organ problems in the ICU are quite high [1,2]. One of the factors affecting this mortality rate is swallowing difficulties which is also known as dysphagia [3,4]. ...
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There is no study about all aspects of oropharyngoesophageal (OPE) dysphagia from diagnosis to follow-up in a multidisciplinary manner in the world. In order to close this gap, we aimed to create a recommendation study that can be used in clinical practice, addressing all aspects of dysphagia in the ICU in detail with the opinion of experienced multidisciplinary experts. This recommendation paper was generated by a multidisciplinary team, using the seven-step process and a three-modified Delphi round via e-mail. Firstly, 15 open-ended questions were created, and then detailed recommendations including general principles, management, diagnosis, rehabilitation, and follow-up were created with the answers from these questions, Each recommendation item was voted on by the experts as overall consensus (strong recommendation), approaching consensus (weak recommendation), and divergent consensus (not recommended).In the first Delphi round, a questionnaire consisting of 413 items evaluated with a scale of 0–10 was prepared from the opinions and suggestions given to 15 open-ended questions. In the second Delphi round, 55.4% were accepted and revised suggestions were created. At the end of the third Delphi round, the revised suggestion form was approved again and the final proposals containing 133 items were created. This study includes comprehensive and detailed recommendations, including a broad perspective from diagnosis to treatment and follow-up, as detailed as possible, for management of dysphagia in patients with both oropharyngeal- and esophageal-dysphagia in ICU.
... Dysphagia affects up to half of acute stroke patients and carries a threefold to sevenfold increased risk of aspiration pneumonia. With subsequent mortality associated with pneumonia, dysphagia has been recognized as an independent predictor of mortality after stroke (Singh & Hamdy, 2006). ...
Dysphagia is a complication that often occurs and triggers the occurrence of aspiration pneumonia and death from stroke. Neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) is a muscle strengthening therapy and sensorimotor recovery with electrical stimulation that can improve swallowing function. This study aims to find evidence of the effectiveness of NMES therapy on swallowing function in stroke patients with dysphagia. The method used in this research is a systematic review through online databases, namely: PubMed, ProQuest, Sciencedirect, and Wiley Online Library, on articles with full text criteria, using Indonesian or English, publications in the last 5 years, and a quasi-experimental research design and randomized controlled trials. Search articles using keywords "stroke", "cerebrovascular accident", "dysphagia", "neuromuscular electrical stimulation", "swallowing function", and "deglutitions function" combined using the boolean operator AND or OR. The search results found 10 articles that match the inclusion criteria. From 10 articles, there was 1 quasi-experimental article and 9 randomized controlled trial articles. The results showed that NMES could be an optional intervention to improve swallowing function after a stroke. Based on the reviews, NMES is effective in improving swallowing function in stroke patients with dysphagia; more high-quality evidence is needed to determine the proper procedure and other treatments that can be combined with NMES therapy.
... Gatto et al. [42,49,51] included patients with acute-phase stroke with an onset time of 1-30 days, while Nascimento et al. [54] included both patients with acute and chronic stroke. Compared with patients with chronic stroke, patients with acute stroke may recover from dysphagia upon the improvement of the stroke condition [59,60]. In addition, although the results of the included studies showed that gustatory stimuli improve swallowing function in older adults with dysphagia, the direct correlation between specific diseases and response to gustatory stimuli has not been further studied. ...
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Background Gustatory stimulus interventions have been shown to improve swallowing function in older adults with dysphagia. However, the optimal intervention strategies as well as their effects and safety remain unclear. Aims To explore current evidence regarding gustatory stimulus interventions for dysphagia in older adults. Methods Nine electronic databases (PubMed, Web of Science, Embase, CINAHL, Cochrane Library, China National Knowledge Infrastructure, Wanfang Database, China Science and Technology Journal Database, and Sinomed) were searched from their inception to August 2022. Results This review identified 263 articles, and 15 met the inclusion criteria. The types of gustatory stimulus interventions included spicy (n = 10), sour (n = 3), and mixed (sour–sweet) stimuli (n = 2), with most studies focusing on spicy stimuli. The most frequently reported spicy stimulus was capsaicin. Further, the most commonly reported intervention frequency was thrice a day before meals for 1–4 weeks. The stimuli concentrations and dosages could not be standardized due to the among-study heterogeneity. These studies reported 16 assessment tools and 42 outcomes, which mainly included videofluoroscopy and swallowing response time respectively. More than half of the included studies reported no adverse effects of gustatory stimulus interventions. Conclusion and discussions Gustatory stimulus interventions improved swallowing function in older adults with dysphagia. However, assessment tools and outcomes for dysphagia should be standardized in the future, and explore personalized interventions based on different diseases and their stages, to determine the most cost-effective interventions, and to prevent its complications.
The external carotid artery (ECA) plays a major role in supplying blood to the head and neck. Although impeded blood flow in the ECA is expected to affect orofacial functions, few studies have shown how blood flow obstruction in the ECA contributes to impairment of these functions, including chewing and swallowing. This study was performed to investigate the effects of ECA ligation (ECAL) on immediate and long-term changes in masticatory and swallowing functions as well as the jaw-opening reflex evoked in the digastric muscle. The experiments were carried out using male Sprague-Dawley rats. In the acute experiment, the digastric reflex evoked by low-threshold electrical stimulation of the inferior alveolar nerve and the swallow reflex, identified by digastric and thyrohyoid electromyographic (EMG) bursts, were compared between before and 1 hour after ECAL. The chronic experiment was conducted on freely moving rats. EMGs of the masseter, digastric, and thyrohyoid muscles were chronically recorded. The long-term effects of ECAL on behavior and muscle histology were compared between rats with an intact ECA and rats with ECAL. In the acute experiment, the peak amplitude of the digastric reflex on the ECAL side was significantly decreased 1 hour after ECAL. In the chronic experiment, although most parameters of the masticatory and swallowing EMGs were not significantly different between the groups, the results suggest wide variation of the effect of ECAL on the muscles. Blood supply compensation from collaterals of the internal carotid artery may be permanent in some animals.
Each cranial nerve (CN) nucleus has central innervation. The unique neuroanatomical patterns of central innervation of motor CNs have important clinical and functional implications. Voluntary horizontal eye movements, mediated by CNs III and VI, are yoked due to connections between the frontal eye fields, pontine paramedian reticular formation (PPRF), medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF), and their brainstem nuclei, resulting in different lateral eye deviation patterns depending on destructive versus stimulating processes affecting the frontal eye field, or destructive lesions of the pons or MLF. For facial movements mediated by CN VII, due to the pattern of bilateral corticobulbar projections from the motor cortex to the portions of the facial nucleus in the pons subserving movement of the upper part of the face and contralateral projections to the portion of the facial nucleus subserving movement to the lower part of the face, muscles of the forehead typically do not become weak in the setting of most central hemispheric lesions, such as stroke, while lesions of the facial nucleus or CN VII result in weakness of the entire ipsilateral face. The movement of the muscles of the palate and larynx that promote swallowing, mediated by CNs IX and X, receive input from bilateral motor cortices through corticobulbar projections to the contralateral and ipsilateral nucleus ambiguus of both nerves, making development of dysphagia from a unilateral hemispheric lesion unlikely. Similar to CNs IX and X, muscles promoting tongue movement mediated by CN XII receive input from bilateral motor cortices via corticobulbar projections to the hypoglossal nuclei in the medulla, making significant tongue weakness unlikely to develop from a unilateral hemispheric lesion. Functional implications of these motor CN patterns include difficulty voluntarily moving one eye, one side of the upper face, or one side of the larynx or palate independently.
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El estándar clínico basado en la evidencia: diagnóstico y tratamiento del paciente con disfagia orofaríngea en el Hospital Universitario Nacional de Colombia se enmarca en un proceso de estandarización de la atención en salud, teniendo en cuenta la mejor evidencia, los recursos disponibles y la interdisciplinariedad, con el propósito de generar un abordaje integral que mejore los desenlaces de los pacientes y optimice el uso de los recursos a nivel hospitalario. Se reconoce la importancia de la estandarización de la atención de los pacientes con esta condición, debido a su importancia para la institución y para la atención integral del paciente con esta condición.
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Dysphagia with aspiration is prevalent in acute stroke; however, noninvasive clinical screening assessments to identify patients at risk of developing aspiration are limited. This study was undertaken to determine whether risk factors detected in the clinical examination approximated the videofluoroscopic swallow study (VSS) in identification of dysphagia severity. Six clinical features - dysphonia, dysarthria, abnormal volitional cough, abnormal gag reflex, cough after swallow, and voice change after swallow - were assessed by means of an oropharyngeal evaluation and a clinical swallowing examination. Clinical assessments and VSS were completed on consecutive stroke patients (n = 59) within 5 days of hospital admission, the VSS was scored on a scale of 0 to 4 (0 = normal, 1 = mild, 2 = moderate, 3 = moderate-severe, 4 = severe dysphagia). Results showed that the presence of at least 2 of the 6 clinical features consistently distinguished patients with moderate to severe dysphagia from patients with mild dysphagia/normal swallowing. These data demonstrate that this clinical dysphagia screening tool can provide objective criteria for the need for VSS in acute stroke patients.
Pulse oximetry has recently received attention in the dysphagia literature on account of its possible contribution to the management of neurogenic dysphagia. The present study was devised to examine whether pulse oximetry could be exploited to determine episodes of aspiration in patients with known dysphagia of neurological origin. To this end, pulse oximetry was undertaken in six patients undergoing videofluoroscopic study of swallow. Normal controls also underwent pulse oximetry during feeding. The results indicate that there is no clear-cut relationship between changes in arterial oxygenation and aspiration. Some support, however, is found for altered arterial oxygenation being associated with oral feeding in dysphagic individuals. Further research in both normal subjects and compromised individuals is required.
Background Undernutrition is common inpatients admitted with stroke. We aimed to establish whether the timing and route of enteral tube feeding after stroke affected patients' outcomes at 6 months. Methods The FOOD trials consist of three pragmatic multicentre randomised controlled trials, two of which included dysphagic stroke patients. In one trial, patients enrolled within 7 days of admission were randomly allocated to early enteral tube feeding or no tube feeding for more than 7 days (early versus avoid). In the other, patients were allocated percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) or nasogastric feeding. The primary outcome was death or poor outcome at 6 months. Analysis was by intention to treat. Findings Between Nov 1, 1996, and July 31, 2003, 859 patients were enrolled by 83 hospitals in 15 countries into the early versus avoid trial. Early tube feeding was associated with an absolute reduction in risk of death of 5 . 8% (95% CI -0 . 8 to 12 . 5, p=0.09) and a reduction in death or poor outcome of 1 . 2% (-4.2 to 6.6, p=0.7). In the PEG versus nasogastric tube trial, 321 patients were enrolled by 47 hospitals in 11 countries. PEG feeding was associated with an absolute increase in risk of death of 1 . 0% (-10 . 0 to 11 . 9, p=0 . 9) and an increased risk of death or poor outcome of 7.8% (0 . 0 to 15 . 5, p=0 . 05). Interpretation Early tube feeding might reduce case fatality, but at the expense of increasing the proportion surviving with poor outcome. Our data do not support a policy of early initiation of PEG feeding in dysphagic stroke patients.
Background and Purpose— Previous studies suggest that undernourished patients with acute stroke do badly. The data, however, are not robust. We aimed to reliably assess the importance of baseline nutritional status as an independent predictor of long-term outcome after stroke in a large prospective cohort enrolled in the Feed Or Ordinary Diet (FOOD) trial, a multicenter randomized trial evaluating various feeding policies. Methods— Patients admitted to hospital with a recent stroke were enrolled in the FOOD trial. Data on nutritional status and other clinical predictors of outcome were collected at trial entry. At 6 months, the coordinating center collected data on survival and functional status (modified Rankin Scale). Outcome assessment was done by researchers blinded to baseline assessments and treatment allocation. Results— Between November 1996 and November 2001, 3012 patients were enrolled, and 2955 (98%) were followed up. Of the 275 undernourished patients, 102 (37%) were dead by final follow-up compared with only 445 (20%) of 2194 patients of normal nutritional status (odds ratio [OR], 2.32; 95% CI, 1.78 to 3.02). After adjustment for age, prestroke functional state, and stroke severity, this relationship, although weakened, still held (OR, 1.82; 95% CI, 1.34 to 2.47). Undernourished patients were more likely to develop pneumonia, other infections, and gastrointestinal bleeding during their hospital admission than other patients. Conclusions— These data provide reliable evidence that nutritional status early after stroke is independently associated with long-term outcome. It supports the rationale for the FOOD trial, which continues to recruit and aims to estimate the effect of different feeding regimes on outcome after stroke and thus determine whether the association observed in this study is likely to be causal.
Background: dysphagia is common in acute stroke. Accurate detection of the presence or absence of aspiration by bedside swallowing assessment is difficult without objective methods, tending to over‐diagnose aspiration. As a result, some patients suffer restricted oral intake unnecessarily. Objective: we examined the predictive values of pulse oximetry and speech and language therapy bedside swallowing assessment in the detection of aspiration compared with videofluoroscopy. Design: a double‐blind observational study. Setting: two university teaching hospitals. Subjects: we studied 53 patients whose acute strokes were confirmed by computed tomography scan. Methods: Each subject had initial standard bedside swallowing assessment, closely followed by simultaneous and mutually blinded pulse oximetry, swallowing assessment and videofluoroscopy. Results: 15 of 53 subjects aspirated. Bedside swallowing assessment and saturation assessment at ⩾2% desaturation gave good sensitivity (80% and 87% respectively), but low positive predictive values (50% and 36% respectively). Both assessments mistook laryngeal penetration for aspiration. Re‐analysis with aspiration±penetration as a new endpoint improved bedside swallowing assessment positive predictive values to 83% (χ²=3.59, P=0.032). Sensitivity of saturation assessment was maintained at 86%, positive predictive values of saturation assessment improved to 69% (χ²=6.74, P=0.009). The combination of bedside swallowing assessment and saturation assessment versus aspiration±penetration gave a positive predictive value of 95%. Conclusions: screening by saturation assessments detects 86% of aspirators/penetrators and should be followed immediately by bedside swallowing assessment, as the combination of the two assessments gives the best positive predictive value. For patients with acute stroke, we advocate a 10 ml water‐swallow screening test with simultaneous pulse oximetry by suitably trained medical and nursing staff. Use of this screening test would improve dysphagia detection whilst minimizing unnecessary restriction of oral intake in stroke patients.
The published data on the relationship between dysphagia and both outcome and complications after acute stroke have been inconclusive. We examined the relationship between these, using bedside assessment and videofluoroscopic examination. We prospectively studied 121 consecutive patients admitted with acute stroke. A standardized bedside assessment was performed by a physician. We performed videofluoroscopy blinded to this assessment within 3 days of stroke onset and within a median time of 24 hours of the bedside evaluations. The presence of aspiration was recorded. Mortality, functional outcome, lengthy of stay, place of discharge, occurrence of chest infection, nutritional status, and hydration were the main outcome measures. Patients with an abnormal swallow (dysphagia) on bedside assessment had a higher risk of chest infection (P=.05) and a poor nutritional state (P=.001). The presence of dysphagia was associated with an increased risk of death (P=.001), disability (P=.02), length of hospital stay (P<.001), and institutional care (P<.05). When other factors were taken into account, dysphagia remained as an independent predictor of outcome only with regard to mortality. The use of videofluoroscopy in detecting aspiration did not add to the value of bedside assessment. Bedside assessment of swallowing is of use in identifying patients at risk of developing complications. The value of routine screening with videofluoroscopy to detect aspiration is questioned.
The effects of laryngotracheoesophageal cleft, rheumatoid arthritis, gastroesophageal reflux disease, supracricoid partial laryngectomy with cricohyoidopexy, and postsurgical unilateral recurrent nerve paralysis on swallowing function are examined. Procedures for screening patients for symptoms of swallowing problems and diagnostic techniques that define swallowing anatomy and physiology are compared and contrasted. Surgical and behavioral treatments for swallowing disorders are described.
Unfortunately, stroke is an extremely common disease. Around 100 000 people suffer a first-ever stroke each year. Stroke is the third commonest cause of death in the western world and is a major cause of long-term disability. Many patients admitted acutely to hospital after stroke will have a transient or persistent problem with their swallowing. Impaired swallowing results in a failure to maintain nutritional status and hydration, a break-down of vital organs, increasing susceptibility to infection and an increased likelihood of dying.