
By Homing to the Kidney, Activated Macrophages Potently Exacerbate Renal Injury

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Macrophages are important mediators of injury in most types of human kidney diseases; however, the pathogenic importance of both macrophage number and activation status is unknown. To examine this question, severe-combined immunodeficient mice with adriamycin nephrosis, an experimental model of human focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, were treated intravenously with either resting (1 x 10(6) to 5 x 10(6)) or activated (1 x 10(3) to 1 x 10(6)) macrophages on day 6 postadriamycin administration, and the effects on kidney injury were examined. On day 28, renal injury was worse in the group that received activated macrophages at doses as low as 1 x 10(4) macrophages per mouse compared with control adriamycin nephrotic mice. However, treatment with resting macrophages at doses as high as 5 x 10(6) macrophages per mouse had no significant effect on either renal histology or function. The transferred activated macrophages homed to inflamed kidneys during the middle-to-late stages of the disease, but such homing was not observed for resting macrophages. This study of in vivo cell adoptive transfer supports the importance of macrophage activation status over macrophage number in causing renal injury. These data suggest that therapeutic strategies for treating progressive kidney diseases should target activated macrophages.

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... Macrophage infiltration into glomeruli in PAN-NS coincides with acute renal insufficiency, and is greatest during the peak of proteinuria [5]. The number and activation state of infiltrated macrophages has also been shown to correlate with the severity of renal damage and disease progression [6]. These results suggest that the macrophage infiltration observed during the late acute phase of PAN-NS may have an important role in the glomerular injury induced by PAN, and may also contribute to glomerulosclerosis in the later, chronic phase of PAN-NS and in human glomerular disease. ...
... The injurious effect of infiltrating macrophages was also dependent on their state of activation, as the infiltrating macrophages we observed in Wistar rats expressed activation markers such as inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and sialoadhesin (CD169), but not CD163, a marker for alternatively activated M2 macrophages [36]. This is consistent with studies that showed that activated but not resting macrophages could increase renal injury in murine adriamycin-induced nephrosis [6], and that macrophages isolated from normal glomeruli behave like uncommitted, undifferentiated macrophages, while those from nephritic glomeruli have the characteristics of IFN-γ-primed, TNF-α-activated macrophages [37]. Thus, the increased IFN-γ and TNF-α during PAN-NS in Wistar rats is likely to be required for both the production of CXCL10, that induces monocyte infiltration (see below), and for the activation of macrophages to render them injurious. ...
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The mechanism responsible for trafficking of monocyte-derived macrophages into kidney in the puromycin aminonucleoside model of nephrotic syndrome in rats (PAN-NS), and the significance of this infiltration, remain largely unknown. CXCL10, a chemokine secreted in many Th1-type inflammatory diseases, exhibits important roles in trafficking of monocytes and activated T-cells. We hypothesized that induction of circulating IFN-γ and glomerular TNF-α during PAN-NS would stimulate release of CXCL10 by podocytes, leading to infiltration of activated immune cells and greater glomerular injury. We found that serum IFN-γ, glomerular Cxcl10 mRNA, and intra- and peri-glomerular macrophage infiltration were strongly induced during the late acute phase of PAN-NS in Wistar rats, but not in nude (Foxn1rnu/rnu) rats lacking functional effector T-lymphocytes. Wistar rats also developed significantly greater proteinuria than nude rats, which could be abolished by macrophage depletion. Stimulation of cultured podocytes with both IFN-γ and TNF-α markedly induced the expression of Cxcl10 mRNA and CXCL10 secretion. Together, these data support our hypothesis that increased circulating IFN-γ and glomerular TNF-α synergistically induce the production and secretion of CXCL10 by podocytes, attracting activated macrophages into kidney tissue. The study also suggests that IFN-γ, secreted from Th1 lymphocytes, may prime pro-inflammatory macrophages that consequently aggravate renal injury.
... For instance, macrophages play an important role in inducing renal injuries through potent cytokines such as MCP-1 (18,40,44), TNF-␣ (42), and IL-1 (43). Furthermore, macrophage repletion can induce kidney dysfunction such as proteinuria and mesangial cell proliferation (25,45). In contrast, macrophage abrogation attenuates renal dysfunction in rodent non-DN disease models using different approaches to deplete macrophages in the kidney (20,21,23). ...
... Taken together, our data indicate that MCP-1 may be a triggering mechanism for both macrophage infiltration and podocyte permeability (28). These findings are consistent with previous reports (45,46) in which M1 macrophage infusion resulted in increased kidney damage. Classically activated M1 macrophages have been shown to cause injury in other organs (29,33). ...
Monocyte/macrophage recruitment correlates strongly with the progression of renal impairment in diabetic nephropathy (DN), yet their direct role is not clear. We hypothesize that macrophages contribute to direct podocyte injury and/or an abnormal podocyte niche leading to DN. Experiments were conducted in CD11b-DTR mice treated with diphtheria toxin (DT) to deplete macrophages following streptozotocin (STZ) induced diabetes. Additional experiments were conducted in bone marrow chimeric (CD11b-DTR→ C57BL6/J) mice. Diabetes was associated with an increase in the M1/M2 ratio by 6 weeks following induction of diabetes. Macrophage depletion in diabetic CD11b-DTR mice significantly attenuated albuminuria, kidney macrophage recruitment, glomerular histologic changes and preserved kidney nephrin and podocin expression compared with diabetic CD11b-DTR mice treated with mutant DT. These data were confirmed in chimeric mice indicating a direct role of bone marrow-derived macrophages in DN. In vitro, podocytes grown in high glucose media significantly increased macrophage migration compared to podocytes grown in normal glucose media. In addition, classically activated M1 macrophages; but not M2 macrophages; induced podocyte permeability. These findings provide evidence that macrophages directly contribute to kidney injury in DN; perhaps by altering podocyte integrity through the pro-inflammatory M1 subset of macrophages. Attenuating the deleterious effects of macrophages on podocytes could provide a new therapeutic approach to the treatment of DN.
... PLOS In experimental and human DN, macrophages are key inflammatory cells medicating renal injury through a variety of mechanisms, including production of reactive oxygen species, cytokines and proteases [4]. Previously, the degree of macrophage accumulation was thought to correlate with the severity of renal injury and be predictive of disease progression [5]. However, macrophages are heterogeneous and plastic cells. ...
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This study aimed to examine the macrophage phenotype and its relationship to renal function and histological changes in human DN and the effect of TREM-1 on high-glucose-induced macrophage activation. We observed that in renal tissue biopsies, the expression of CD68 and M1 was apparent in the glomeruli and interstitium, while accumulation of M2 and TREM-1 was primarily observed in the interstitium. The numbers of CD68, M1, and M2 macrophages infiltrating in the DN group were increased in a process-dependent manner compared with the control group, and the intensities of the infiltrates were proportional to the rate of subsequent decline in renal function. M1 macrophages were recruited into the kidney at an early stage (I+IIa) of DN. The M1-to-M2 macrophage ratio peaked at this time, whereas M2 macrophages predominated at later time points (III) when the percentage of M1/M2 macrophages was at its lowest level. In an in vitro study, we showed that under high glucose conditions, macrophages began to up-regulate their expression of TREM-1, M1, and marker iNOS and decreased the M2 marker MR. However, the above effects of high-glucose were abolished when TREM-1 expression was inhibited by TREM-1 siRNA. In conclusion, our study demonstrated that there was a positive correlation between the M1/M2 activation state and the progress of DN, and TREM-1 played an important role in high-glucose-induced macrophage phenotype transformation.
... Damage associated molecular pattern (DAMP) and chemokines released from sterile kidney injury mostly drive the inflammation process with the earliest influx of cells of the innate immune system including predominantly neutrophils, monocytes/macrophages and natural killer (NK) T cells 44 , later-on followed by T-cells 45 . These cells have been shown to secrete IFNγ and TNFα that contribute to renal injury in a positive feedback loop 46 . Treatment with IL233 hybrid cytokine resulted in significant attenuation of the production of the pro-inflammatory cytokines IFNγ and TNFα and increase in production of anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 by many cell types including Tregs, and has been shown to be important in restricting inflammation associated with renal injury 2,47 . ...
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Kidney injury, whether due to ischemic insults or chemotherapeutic agents, is exacerbated by inflammation, whereas Tregs are protective. We recently showed that IL-2 and IL-33, especially as a hybrid cytokine (IL233 - bearing IL-2 and IL-33 activities in one molecule), potentiated Tregs and group 2 innate lymphoid cells (ILC2) to prevent renal injury. Recent studies have indicated a reparative function for Tregs and ILC2. Here, using doxorubicin-induced nephrotoxic renal injury model, we investigated whether IL233 administration either before, late or very late after renal injury can restore kidney structure and function. We found that IL233 treatment even 2-weeks post-doxorubicin completely restored kidney function accompanied with an increase Treg and ILC2 in lymphoid and renal compartments, augmented anti-inflammatory cytokines and attenuated proinflammatory cytokine levels. IL233 treated mice had reduced inflammation, kidney injury (Score values - saline: 3.34 ± 0.334; IL233 pre: 0.42 ± 0.162; IL233 24 hrs: 1.34 ± 0.43; IL233 1 week: 1.2 ± 0.41; IL233 2 week: 0.47 ± 0.37; IL233 24 hrs + PC61: 3.5 ± 0.74) and fibrosis in all treatment regimen as compared to saline controls. Importantly, mice treated with IL233 displayed a reparative program in the kidneys, as evidenced by increased expression of genes for renal progenitor-cells and nephron segments. Our findings present the first evidence of an immunoregulatory cytokine, IL233, which could be a potent therapeutic strategy that augments Treg and ILC2 to not only inhibit renal injury, but also promote regeneration.
... Subsequently, we found that the CM from such high glucose-activated macrophages rather than inactivated macrophages promoted podocytes apoptosis via a panel of soluble molecules. Indeed, the requirement for macrophage activation to induce podocytes injury is consistent with other studies in which whether adoptively transferred macrophages could cause renal injury is dependent on their activation status [25]. Herein, we provided direct evidence of the pathogenic effect of high glucose-activated macrophages on podocytes apoptosis and loss in diabetic nephropathy. ...
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Macrophage infiltration has been linked to the pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy (DN). However, how infiltrating macrophages affect the progression of DN is unknown. Although infiltrating macrophages produce pro-inflammatory mediators and induce apoptosis in a variety of target cells, there are no studies in podocytes. Therefore, we tested the contribution of macrophages to podocytes apoptosis in DN. in vivo experiments showed that apoptosis in podocytes was increased in streptozocin (STZ)-induced diabetic rats compared with control rats and that this apoptosis was accompanied by increased macrophages infiltration in the kidney. Then, we established a co-culture system to study the interaction between macrophages and podocytes in the absence or presence of high glucose. Macrophages did not trigger podocytes apoptosis when they were co-cultured in the absence of high glucose in a transwell co-culture system. Additionally, although podocyte apoptosis was increased after high glucose stimulation, there was a further enhancement of podocyte apoptosis when podocytes were co-cultured with macrophages in the presence of high glucose compared with podocytes cultured alone in high glucose. Mechanistically, we found that macrophages were activated when they were exposed to high glucose, displaying pro-inflammatory M1 polarization. Furthermore, conditioned media (CM) from such high glucose-activated M1 macrophages (HG-CM) trigged podocytes apoptosis in a reactive oxygen species (ROS)-p38mitogen-activated protein kinases (p38MAPK) dependent manner, which was abolished by either a ROS inhibitor (Tempo) or a p38MAPK inhibitor (SB203580). Finally, we identified tumor necrosis factor (TNF-α) as a key mediator of high glucose-activated macrophages to induce podocytes apoptosis because an anti-TNF-α neutralizing antibody blunted the apoptotic response, excess ROS generation and p38MPAK activation in podocytes induced by HG-CM. Moreover, addition of recombinant TNF-α similarly resulted in podocytes apoptosis. In summary, the TNF-α that was released by high glucose-activated macrophages promoted podocytes apoptosis via ROS-p38MAPK pathway. Blockade of TNF-α secretion from high glucose activated macrophages and ROS-p38MAPK pathway might be effective therapeutic options to limit podocytes apoptosis and delay the progression of diabetic nephropathy.
... 11,12 In our previous studies, adoptive transfer of M1 M^, but not resting M^, increased renal injury and fibrosis in murine adriamycin nephropathy (AN), highlighting the importance of M^activation status in causing renal injury. 13 In contrast, M2a M^protected against renal structural and functional injury in immunodeficient (severe combined immunodeficiency) mice with AN. 14 Recently, we compared the effectiveness of different subsets of M2 M^in protecting against renal injury in AN mice (Table 1). 15,16 Both transfused M2a and M2c M^significantly reduced glomerulosclerosis, tubular atrophy, interstitial expansion, and renal fibrosis in AN mice. ...
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Macrophages (M Phi) are highly heterogeneous cells that exhibit distinct phenotypic and functional characteristics depending on their microenvironment and the disease type and stage. M Phi are distributed throughout normal and diseased kidney tissue, where they have been recognized as key factors in renal fibrosis. Recent studies have identified switch of phenotype and diverse roles for M Phi in several murine models of kidney disease. In this review, we discuss macrophage heterogeneity and their involvement in renal fibrosis.
... Macrophages are pivotal mediators of glomerular and tubulointerstitial inflammation and fibrosis due to their production of proinflammatory and profibrotic cytokines [2,6,7]. In the past years, the severity of renal inflammation and injury was thought to be correlated with the number of infiltrating macrophages [8]. However, macrophages are a heterogeneous population of cells that may undergo classical M1 activation or alternative M2 activation in response to various signals [9]. ...
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Macrophages, especially their activation state, are closely related to the progression of diabetic nephropathy. Classically activated macrophages (M1) are proinflammatory effectors, while alternatively activated macrophages (M2) exhibit anti-inflammatory properties. 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 has renoprotective roles that extend beyond the regulation of mineral metabolism, and PPARγ, a nuclear receptor, is essential for macrophage polarization. The present study investigates the effect of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 on macrophage activation state and its underlying mechanism in RAW264.7 cells. We find that, under high glucose conditions, RAW264.7 macrophages tend to switch to the M1 phenotype, expressing higher iNOS and proinflammatory cytokines, including TNFα and IL-12. While 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 significantly inhibited M1 activation, it enhanced M2 macrophage activation; namely, it upregulated the expression of MR, Arg-1, and the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 but downregulated the M1 markers. However, the above effects of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 were abolished when the expression of VDR and PPARγ was inhibited by VDR siRNA and a PPARγ antagonist. In addition, PPARγ was also decreased upon treatment with VDR siRNA. The above results demonstrate that active vitamin D promoted M1 phenotype switching to M2 via the VDR-PPARγ pathway.
... To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first to report that renal mRNA levels of IL-1β, TNF-α and IL-6 were significantly increased after silica intratracheal instillation (Fig. 5). IL-1β, TNF-α and IL-6 are classical inflammatory cytokines, and TNF-α has been reported to directly cause renal injury (Wang et al. 2008). Gui et al. (2011) observed similar changes in these cytokines in renal tissues when the mice were intragastrically administered with nano-titanium dioxide. ...
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Current epidemiological studies suggest that crystalline silica exposure is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular and renal disease; however, the potential pathological damage of the heart and kidney and its underlying mechanisms have not been completely elucidated. This study tried to investigate the silica-induced inflammatory and fibrotic changes in the heart and kidney and evaluate the role of interleukin (IL)-1 beta (β) in silica-induced cardiac and renal damage. In this study, a silica-exposed model was generated by intratracheally instilling silica dust in mice. The anti-IL-1β monoclonal antibody (mAb) was used to neutralise IL-1β in the pulmonary alveolus and serum. The real-time PCR studies showed that (1) inhalational silica induced inflammatory responses in the heart and kidney by elevated mRNA levels of TNF-α, IL-6 and MCP-1; (2) early fibrotic responses in the heart were observed as elevated mRNA levels of collagen I and fibronectin. What is more, fibrosis of the kidney was demonstrated by pathological results and significantly increased mRNA levels of TGF-β, collagen I, collagen III and fibronectin. Further studies showed that usage of anti-IL-1β mAb decreased the inflammatory response of the heart and kidney induced by inhalational silica and also attenuated fibrosis in the mouse kidney. In conclusion, this study found that inhaled silica induced inflammatory and early fibrotic responses in the mouse heart and inflammatory response and fibrosis in the mouse kidney. Neutralisation of IL-1β attenuated the silica-induced inflammatory response of the heart and kidney and decreased fibrosis in the mouse kidney.
... Renal mononuclear leukocyte infiltration is seen in renal tissues of FSGS mice [16,17,[50][51][52]. As shown in Figure 6A, although significantly increased renal peri-glomerular infiltration of T cells (CD3 + ) was seen at days 14 and 28 in FSGS+vehicle mice compared to normal control mice (both p < 0.005), this effect was markedly inhibited in FSGS+Citral mice (both p < 0.05). ...
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The pathogenesis of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) is considered to be associated with oxidative stress, mononuclear leukocyte recruitment and infiltration, and matrix production and/or matrix degradation, although the exact etiology and pathogenic pathways remain to be determined. Establishment of a pathogenesis-based therapeutic strategy for the disease is clinically warranted. Citral (3,7-dimethyl-2,6-octadienal), a major active compound in Litseacubeba, a traditional Chinese herbal medicine, can inhibit oxidant activity, macrophage and NF-κB activation. In the present study, first, we used a mouse model of FSGS with the features of glomerular epithelial hyperplasia lesions (EPHLs), a key histopathology index of progression of FSGS, peri-glomerular inflammation, and progressive glomerular hyalinosis/sclerosis. When treated with citral for 28 consecutive days at a daily dose of 200 mg/kg of body weight by gavage, the FSGS mice showed greatly reduced EPHLs, glomerular hyalinosis/sclerosis and peri-glomerular mononuclear leukocyte infiltration, suggesting that citral may be renoprotective for FSGS and act by inhibiting oxidative stress and apoptosis and early activating the Nrf2 pathway. Meanwhile, a macrophage model involved in anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory activities was employed and confirmed the beneficial effects of citral on the FSGS model.
... Further studies have investigated the role of M⌽ in AN by using adoptive transfer. Adoptive transfer of CpG DNA activated M⌽ (M1), but not resting M⌽ (M0), exacerbated kidney injury in AN mice (86). Recently, targeting IL-18 derived from infiltrating M⌽ by a neutralizing binding protein protected against the development of AN, with less proteinuria, glomerulosclerosis, and interstitial inflammation (95). ...
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Macrophages (Mф) are located throughout kidney tissue, where they play important roles in homeostasis, surveillance, tolerance and cytoprotection. Mф are highly heterogeneous cells and exhibit distinct phenotypic and functional characteristics depending on their microenvironment and the disease type and stage. Recent studies have identified a dual role for Mф in several murine models of kidney disease. In this review, we discuss the pathogenic and protective roles of the various Mф subsets in experimental and human kidney diseases and summarize current progress towards the therapeutic use of Mф in kidney diseases.
... The histological analysis of the degree of renal tubular injury (epithelial necrosis) also suggests that BV can effectively prevent the structural damage of renal tissues. The degree of macrophage infiltration into the kidney is a major parameter used to predict the progression of renal disease, and activated macrophages express several inflammatory mediators [20], including TNF-and IL-6, which play important roles in the pathogenesis of cisplatininduced renal injury [21,22]. Our data showed that BV treatment in cisplatin-injected mice decreased the expression of proinflammatory cytokines as well as macrophage infiltration in the kidney. ...
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Cisplatin is used as a potent anticancer drug, but it often causes nephrotoxicity. Bee venom (BV) has been used for the treatment of various inflammatory diseases, and its renoprotective action was shown in NZB/W mice. However, little is known about whether BV has beneficial effects on cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity and how such effects might be mediated. In the present study, the BV-injected group showed a significant increase in the population of Tregs in spleen. Although there was no significant difference in the numbers of Tregs 3 days after cisplatin injection between the BV- and PBS-injected groups, more migration of Tregs into the kidney was observed 6 hours after cisplatin administration in BV group than in PBS group. In addition, BV-injected mice showed reduced levels of serum creatinine, blood urea nitrogen, renal tissue damage, proinflammatory cytokines, and macrophage infiltration into the kidney 3 days after cisplatin administration. These renoprotective effects were abolished by the depletion of Tregs. The anticancer effect of repeated administrations of cisplatin was not affected by BV injection. These results suggest that BV has protective effects on cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity in mice, at least in part, through the regulation of Tregs without a big influence on the antitumor effects of cisplatin.
... The infusion of toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9) agonist-activated macrophages exaggerated disease progression in doxorubicin-induced nephropathy in mice, whereas resting macrophages did not induce disease progression (Wang et al., 2008). ...
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Kidney disease associated with diabetes mellitus is a major health problem worldwide. Although established therapeutic strategies, such as appropriate blood glucose control, blood pressure control with renin-angiotensin system blockade, and lipid lowering with statins, are used to treat diabetes, the contribution of diabetic end-stage kidney disease to the total number of cases requiring hemodialysis has increased tremendously in the past two decades. Once renal function starts declining, it can result in a higher frequency of renal and extra-renal events, including cardiovascular events. Therefore, slowing renal function decline is one of the main areas of focus in diabetic nephropathy research, and novel strategies are urgently needed to prevent diabetic kidney disease progression. Regardless of the type of injury and etiology, kidney fibrosis is the commonly the final outcome of progressive kidney diseases, and it results in significant destruction of normal kidney structure and accompanying functional deterioration. Kidney fibrosis is caused by prolonged injury and dysregulation of the normal wound-healing process in association with excess extracellular matrix deposition. Kidney fibroblasts play an important role in the fibrotic process, but the origin of the fibroblasts remains elusive. In addition to the activation of residential fibroblasts, other important sources of fibroblasts have been proposed, such as pericytes, fibrocytes, and fibroblasts originating from epithelial-to-mesenchymal and endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition. Inflammatory cells and cytokines play a vital role In the process of fibroblast activation. In this review, we will analyze the contribution of inflammation to the process of tissue fibrosis, the type of fibroblast activation and the therapeutic strategies targeting the inflammatory pathways in an effort to slow the progression of diabetic kidney disease.
... However, both the experimental and clinical use of regulatory macrophages (M2) for treating central nervous system injury relied on generation of macrophages from peripheral blood. Previously we have demonstrated the therapeutic efficacy of M2 macrophages derived from spleen, but not bone marrow, to resolve inflammation and repair the kidney injury34353637. We have shown a similar efficacy of M2 macrophages derived from peritoneum as from spleen (unpublished data). This demonstrates the importance of the origin of macrophages used for treating disease. ...
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Background Macrophages have heterogeneous phenotypes and complex functions within both innate and adaptive immune responses. To date, most experimental studies have been performed on macrophages derived from bone marrow, spleen and peritoneum. However, differences among macrophages from these particular sources remain unclear. In this study, the features of murine macrophages from bone marrow, spleen and peritoneum were compared. Results We found that peritoneal macrophages (PMs) appear to be more mature than bone marrow derived macrophages (BMs) and splenic macrophages (SPMs) based on their morphology and surface molecular characteristics. BMs showed the strongest capacity for both proliferation and phagocytosis among the three populations of macrophage. Under resting conditions, SPMs maintained high levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines expression (IL-6, IL-12 and TNF-α), whereas BMs produced high levels of suppressive cytokines (IL-10 and TGF-β). However, SPMs activated with LPS not only maintained higher levels of (IL-6, IL-12 and TNF-α) than BMs or PMs, but also maintained higher levels of IL-10 and TGF-β. Conclusions Our results show that BMs, SPMs and PMs are distinct populations with different biological functions, providing clues to guide their further experimental or therapeutic use.
... A persistent pro-inflammatory macrophage phenotype is sufficient to turn acute into chronic tissue inflammation and progressive loss of tissue [60]. Classically-activated pro-inflammatory macrophages amplify inflammation and loss of parenchymal cells also in a variety of kidney diseases such as in anti-glomerular basement membrane glomerulonephritis [61], lupus nephritis [62][63][64][65][66][67], antigen-induced immune complex glomerulonephritis [68], renal allograft injury [69], ischemia reperfusion injury [70][71][72][73], and adriamycin nephropathy [74]. Blocking the recruitment and activation of M1 macrophages reduces immunopathology in a number of inflammatory kidney disease models [75][76][77]. ...
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Certain macrophages phenotypes contribute to tissue fibrosis, but why? Tissues host resident mononuclear phagocytes for their support to maintain homeostasis. Upon injury the changing tissue microenvironment alters their phenotype and primes infiltrating monocytes towards pro-inflammatory macrophages. Several mechanisms contribute to their deactivation and macrophage priming towards anti-inflammatory and pro-regenerative macrophages that produce multiple cytokines that display immunosuppressive as well as pro-regeneratory effects, such as IL-10 and TGF-beta1. Insufficient parenchymal repair creates a tissue microenvironment that becomes dominated by multiple growth factors that promote the pro-fibrotic macrophage phenotype that itself produces large amounts of such growth factors that further support fibrogenesis. However, the contribution of resident mononuclear phagocytes to physiological extracellular matrix turnover implies also their fibrolytic effects in the late stage of tissue scaring. Fibrolytic macrophages break down fibrous tissue, but their phenotypic characteristics remain to be described in more detail. Together, macrophages contribute to tissue fibrosis because the changing tissue environments prime them to assist and orchestrate all phases of tissue injury and repair. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Fibrosis: Translation of basic research to human disease.
... Thus, blocking the recruitment or the activation of proinflammatory macrophages drastically reduces tissue damage and dysfunction in such sterile injuries. For example, a classically activated proinflammatory macrophage phenotype amplifies inflammation and loss of parenchymal cells in a variety of kidney diseases such as in anti-glomerular basement membrane glomerulonephritis [40] , lupus nephritis [41][42][43][44][45][46] , antigen-induced immune complex glomerulonephritis [47] , renal allograft injury [48] , ischemia reperfusion injury [33,[49][50][51] and adriamycin nephropathy [52] . The impact of in vivo macrophage reprogramming on disease outcomes has been demonstrated [53] . ...
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Current macrophage phenotype classifications are based on distinct in vitro culture conditions that do not adequately mirror complex tissue environments. In vivo monocyte progenitors populate all tissues for immune surveillance which supports the maintenance of homeostasis as well as regaining homeostasis after injury. Here we propose to classify macrophage phenotypes according to prototypical tissue environments, e.g. as they occur during homeostasis as well as during the different phases of (dermal) wound healing. In tissue necrosis and/or infection, damage- and/or pathogen-associated molecular patterns induce proinflammatory macrophages by Toll-like receptors or inflammasomes. Such classically activated macrophages contribute to further tissue inflammation and damage. Apoptotic cells and an- tiinflammatory cytokines dominate in postinflammatory tissues which induce macrophages to produce more anti-inflammatory mediators. Similarly, tumor-associated macrophages also confer immunosuppression in tumor stroma. Insufficient parenchymal healing despite abundant growth factors pushes macrophages to gain a profibrotic phenotype and promote fibrocyte recruitment which both enforce tissue scarring. Ischemic scars are largely devoid of cytokines and growth factors so that fibrolytic macrophages that predominantly secrete proteases digest the excess extracellular matrix. Together, macrophages stabilize their surrounding tissue microenvironments by adapting different phenotypes as feed-forward mechanisms to maintain tissue homeostasis or regain it following injury. Furthermore, macrophage heterogeneity in healthy or injured tissues mirrors spatial and temporal differences in microenvironments during the various stages of tissue injury and repair.
It has been found that CD226 plays an important role in regulating macrophage function, but its expression and function in macrophages during renal fibrogenesis have not been studied. Our data demonstrated that CD226 expression in macrophages was obviously upregulated in the unilateral ureteral obstruction model, while CD226 deficiency attenuated collagen deposition in renal interstitium along with fewer M1 within renal cortex and renal medulla and a lower level of proinflammatory factors compared to that of control littermates. Further studies demonstrated that Cd226−/− bone marrow–derived macrophages transferring could significantly reduce the tubular injury, collagen deposition, and proinflammatory cytokine secretion compared with that of Cd226+/+ bone marrow–derived macrophages transferring in the unilateral ureteral obstruction model. Mechanistic investigations revealed that CD226 promoted proinflammatory M1 macrophage accumulation in the kidney via suppressing KLF4 expression in macrophages. Therefore, our results uncovered a pathogenic role of CD226 during the development of chronic kidney disease by promoting monocyte infiltration from peripheral blood into the kidney and enhancing macrophage activation toward the inflammatory phenotype by suppressing KLF4 expression.
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An important role in restoration of damaged organs and tissues is played by mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and microvesicular particles (MV) produced by them. They can be a source of cytokines, anti- apoptotic and growth stimulating factors. In addition, MVs carry out transport of mRNA, miRNA, and signal proteins into damaged tissues. This increases the ability of cells to regenerate and to inhibit apoptosis, promote to angiogenesis and stimulate cell proliferation. The aim of our research was to study the immunoregulatory and pro-regenerative properties of mesenchymal stem cell microvesicles (MSC-MV) in a model of glycerol- induced acute renal failure (ARF) in mice. The experiments were carried out on CBA mice aged 3-4 months. AKI was induced by a single intramuscular injection of 50% glycerol. MSCs were obtained from the bone marrow of healthy animals and cultivated under standard conditions. Microvesicles were obtained by centrifugation at 12000g of MSC supernatant after induction of their apoptosis by culturing under oxygen deprivation conditions and in serum-free medium. MSC-MV was injected intravenously into the retroorbital sinus one day after induction of ARF. The MV dose was calculated as equivalent to (derived from) 1 million MSCs, which was 100 mL per mouse. Animals were taken out of the experiment on days 4 and 11 after MSC-MV injection. Blood plasma was taken to determine the level of creatinine, urine – for albumin analysis, kidneys – for histological examination. It has been shown that MVs induced by MSCs dose-dependently stimulated splenocyte proliferation in both spontaneous and Con-A induced tests. The addition of MV caused a decrease in doxorubicin-induced apoptosis of splenic lymphocytes in mice. Probably, in this case, MV produced by MSCs had an immunostimulatory and antiapoptotic effect. Also, MVs had a positive impact on the restoration of structure and function kidneys in a model of ARF in mice. The use of MSC-MV in treatment of acute renal failure induced by a single injection of 50% glycerol contributed to decrease albumin level urine and restoration of creatinine level in blood serum of animals. Morphological studies have shown decrease in the height cell and collecting duct diameter in the medulla and a decrease in the largest transverse diameter of superficial glomeruli in the renal cortex of sick mice. Thus, the obtained results indicate significant therapeutic and pro-regenerative properties of MSC-MV, which require further study.
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Artemisinin has immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, and antifibrotic effects. Some studies have demonstrated that artemisinins have a protective effect on the kidney. DHA is a derivative of artemisinin and has effects similar to those of artemisinin. Human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs) accelerate renal repair following acute injury. In the study, we investigated the effects of combination therapy with DHA and BMSCs on membranous nephropathy (MN) mice. The 24-h urinary protein, serum total cholesterol (TC) and triglyceride (TG) levels, and renal histopathology, were measured to evaluate kidney damage. Anti-PLA2R, IgG, and complement 3 (C3) were detected by ELISA. The expression levels of the podocyte injury-related proteins were analyzed by immunohistochemistry. The protein expression levels of α-SMA, ED-1, TGF-β1, p-Smad2, and p-Smad3 were detected by western blot to analyze renal fibrosis and its regulatory mechanism. Results showed that combination therapy with DHA and BMSCs significantly ameliorated kidney damage in MN model mice by decreasing the levels of 24 h urinary protein, TC and TG. This combination therapy also improved renal histology and reduced the expression of IgG and C3 in the glomerulus. In addition, this combination therapy decreased the expression of podocin and nephrin and relieved renal fibrosis by downregulating α-SMA and ED-1. Furthermore, this combination therapy suppressed TGF-β1 expression and Smad2/3 phosphorylation. This result (i.e., this combination therapy inhibited the TGF-β1/Smad pathway) was also supported in vitro. Taken together, combination therapy with DHA and BMSCs ameliorated podocyte injury and renal fibrosis in MN mice by downregulating the TGFβ1/Smad pathway.
Glomerulonephritis is a key factor in leading to end-stage renal disease. Mesangial cell proliferation and macrophage infiltration are two prominent features linked in a vicious circle mechanism for glomerulonephritis progression. Herein, a novel biomimetic pH-sensitive nanomicelle (MM/HA-DXM) was constructed to synergize hyaluronic acid (HA)-activated macrophage phenotypic remodeling and dexamethasone (DXM)-mediated mesangial cell killing for precise treatment of glomerulonephritis. Owing to the camouflaged coating with endogenous macrophage membrane (MM), MM/HA-DXM could escape from RES phagocytosis and then be recruited to inflammatory glomerulus by active homing effect. Afterwards, HA-DXM nanomicelles ruptured in response to the weakly acidic glomerulonephritis microenvironment, to locally release HA and DXM. On the one hand, DXM can inhibit the abnormal proliferation of mesangial cells. On the other hand, HA transformed pro-inflammatory M1 macrophages into anti-inflammatory M2 phenotype to improve the glomerular inflammatory microenvironment. In doxorubicin-induced glomerulonephritis models, results revealed that MM/HA-DXM could specifically “homing” to inflammatory renal tissue with 4.33-fold improvement in targeting performance. In addition, in vivo pharmacodynamic results proved that after treatment with MM/HA-DXM, the proteinuria level decreased to 2.33 times, as compared with that of control group, demonstrating a superior therapeutic effect on glomerulonephritis via this collaborative two-pronged anti-inflammatory therapy strategy.
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Acute and chronic kidney diseases are major contributors to morbidity and mortality in the global population. Many nephropathies are considered to be immune-mediated with dysregulated immune responses playing an important role in the pathogenesis. At present, targeted approaches for many kidney diseases are still lacking, as the underlying mechanisms remain insufficiently understood. With the recent development of organoids—a three-dimensional, multicellular culture system, which recapitulates important aspects of human tissues—new opportunities to investigate interactions between renal cells and immune cells in the pathogenesis of kidney diseases arise. To date, kidney organoid systems, which reflect the structure and closer resemble critical aspects of the organ, have been established. Here, we highlight the recent advances in the development of kidney organoid models, including pluripotent stem cell-derived kidney organoids and primary epithelial cell-based tubuloids. The employment and further required advances of current organoid models are discussed to investigate the role of the immune system in renal tissue development, regeneration, and inflammation to identify targets for the development of novel therapeutic approaches of immune-mediated kidney diseases.
As life expectancy increases, frailty and cognitive impairment have become major factors influencing healthy aging in elderly individuals. Frailty is a complicated clinical condition characterized by decreased physiological reserve and multisystem abnormalities. Cognitive frailty is a subtype of frailty that has aroused widespread concern among the scientific community and public health organizations. We herein review the pathogenesis of cognitive frailty, such as chronic inflammatory response, immunological hypofunction, imbalanced oxidative stress, reduced regenerative function, endocrine dysfunction, and energy metabolism disorder. Although existing interventions show some therapeutic effects, they do not meet the current clinical needs. To date, studies using stem cell technology for treating age-related diseases have achieved remarkable success. This suggests the possibility of applying stem cell treatment to cognitive frailty. We analyzed stem cell-based strategies for targeting anti-inflammation, antioxidation, regeneration, and immunoregulation using mesenchymal stem cells, as well as potential therapeutic targets for cognitive frailty. Based on this investigation, we propose a highly effective and low-cost stem cell-based replacement strategy. However, there is a lack of comprehensive research on the prospect of stem cell transplantation for improving cognitive frailty. In this review, we aim to provide the scientific background and a theoretical basis for testing cell therapy in future research.
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Toll-like receptor-9 (TLR-9) is a potent proinflammatory receptor that mediates renal injury. However, the reported effects of TLR-9 are contradictory. Here, using a traditional mouse AKI→CKD transition model, the roles of TLR-9 during the transition from acute kidney injury (AKI) to chronic kidney disease (CKD) were further explored. Using a TLR-9–/– mouse, the effects and mechanisms of TLR-9 were investigated. Loss of TLR-9 elicited no obvious effects as regards renal function or histology during AKI in the early phases (24–48 h), while TLR-9 KO attenuated renal fibrosis (as shown using fibronectin and collagen III) and epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) [E-cadherin (E-Cad) and α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA)] on the long-term after AKI through the inhibition of macrophages infiltration, especially M2 macrophages. The roles of TLR-9 on macrophages were also explored using Raw264.7 macrophage cell line, and results indicated that the inhibition of TLR-9 on Raw 264.7 macrophages decreased the induction of M2 type macrophage in a dose-dependent manner. The roles of TLR-9 on renal tubular epithelial (RTE) cells were also explored. Conversely, TLR-9 depletion did not contribute to the improvement of fibrosis and EMT in vitro. Therefore, TLR-9 plays a critical role in the AKI→CKD transition. Attenuation of CKD post-AKI in the TLR-9 KO group mainly relies on the effects of TLR-9 on macrophages. These results also suggest that TLR-9 could be a therapeutic target for CKD.
Aim: This paper aims to investigate a doxorubicin (DOX) chronic kidney disease rat model using magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) associated with the alternate current biosusceptometry (ACB) to analyze its different perfusion profiles in both healthy and DOX-injured kidneys. Materials & methods: We used the ACB to detect the MNP kidney perfusion in vivo. Furthermore, we performed biochemical and histological analyses, which sustained results obtained from the ACB system. We also studied the MNP biodistribution. Results: We found that DOX kidney injury alters the MNPs' kidney perfusion. These changes became more intense as the disease progressed. Moreover, DOX has an important effect on MNP biodistribution as the disease evolved. Conclusion: This study provides new applications of MNPs in nephrology, instrumentation, pharmacology, physiology and nanomedicine.
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Macrophages contribute to a continuous increase in blood pressure and kidney damage in hypertension, but their polarization status and the underlying mechanisms have not been clarified. This study revealed an important role for M2 macrophages and the YM1/Chi3l3 protein in hypertensive nephropathy in a mouse model of hypertension. Bone marrow cells were isolated from the femurs and tibia of male FVB/N (control) and transgenic hypertensive animals that overexpressed the rat form of angiotensinogen (TGM(rAOGEN)123, TGM123-FVB/N). The cells were treated with murine M-CSF and subsequently with LPS+IFN- γ to promote their polarization into M1 macrophages and IL-4+IL-13 to trigger the M2 phenotype. We examined the kidneys of TGM123-FVB/N animals to assess macrophage polarization and end-organ damage. mRNA expression was evaluated using real-time PCR, and protein levels were assessed through ELISA, CBA, Western blot, and immunofluorescence. Histology confirmed high levels of renal collagen. Cells stimulated with LPS+IFN- γ in vitro showed no significant difference in the expression of CD86, an M1 marker, compared to cells from the controls or the hypertensive mice. When stimulated with IL-4+IL-13, however, macrophages of the hypertensive group showed a significant increase in CD206 expression, an M2 marker. The M2/M1 ratio reached 288%. Our results indicate that when stimulated in vitro , macrophages from hypertensive mice are predisposed toward polarization to an M2 phenotype. These data support results from the kidneys where we found an increased infiltration of macrophages predominantly polarized to M2 associated with high levels of YM1/Chi3l3 (91,89%), suggesting that YM1/Chi3l3 may be a biomarker of hypertensive nephropathy.
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Cell-based regenerative medicine therapies require robust preclinical safety, efficacy, biodistribution, and engraftment data prior to clinical testing. To address these challenges, we have developed an imaging toolbox comprising multispectral optoacoustic tomography and ultrasonography, which allows the degree of kidney, liver, and cardiac injury and the extent of functional recovery to be assessed noninvasively in a mouse model of multiorgan dysfunction. This toolbox allowed us to determine the therapeutic effects of adoptively transferred macrophages. Using bioluminescence imaging, we could then investigate the association between amelioration and biodistribution. Macrophage therapy provided limited improvement of kidney and liver function, although not significantly so, without amelioration of histological damage. No improvement in cardiac function was observed. Biodistribution analysis showed that macrophages homed and persisted in the injured kidneys and liver but did not populate the heart. Our data suggest that the limited improvement observed in kidney and liver function could be mediated by M2 macrophages. More importantly, we demonstrate here the utility of the imaging toolbox for assessing the efficacy of potential regenerative medicine therapies in multiple organs.
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Henoch-Schönlein purpura (HSP) is the most common systemic vasculitis in children, and renal involvement (HSP nephritis, HSPN) is a severe manifestation. HSPN is histologically classified by the International Study of Kidney Disease in Children (ISKDC) based on mesangial hypercellularity and the extent of glomerular crescents. Macrophages, categorized as M1 or M2, frequently infiltrate in various glomerular and tubulointerstitial diseases and infiltration of specific subtypes is associated with disease progression. Therefore, to identify whether infiltration of M1 or M2 macrophages has clinical significance, we quantified the subtypes of macrophages in 49 HSPN specimens and correlated the counts with histologic features and clinical parameters. Higher tubulointerstitial M2 counts were associated with chronic renal failure (CRF), ISKDC classes III-IV, and crescents ( P <0.001, 0.002, 0.001). Glomerular M2 counts were significantly related to ISKDC classes III-IV and crescents (area under curve, AUC 0.804, 0.833). Tubulointerstitial M2 counts were associated with CRF, ISKDC classes III-IV, and crescents (AUC 0.872, 0.778, 0.830). Tubulointerstitial M2 counts also revealed higher AUC than tubulointerstitial M1 counts for CRF ( P =0.036) and ISKDC classes III-IV ( P =0.047). Glomerular M2 counts revealed higher AUC than glomerular M1 counts for ISKDC classes III–IV ( P =0.024). Tubulointerstitial M2 counts were the most powerful parameter for CRF (AUC 0.872) and revealed even higher AUC than ISKDC classification (AUC 0.716) with borderline significance ( P =0.086) for CRF. In summary, tubulointerstitial M2 counts were a superior parameter to tubulointerstitial M1 counts and even to ISKDC classification indicating the presence of CRF.
Acute kidney injury induced by ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI) is a high risk factor in the progression towards chronic kidney disease, which is featured by renal interstitial fibrosis. Interleukin (IL)-18 is produced by T cells and macrophages and has been involved in the pathophysiology of IRI. However, the role of IL-18 in IRI-induced renal fibrosis is poorly understood. In the present study, we showed that interleukin (IL)-18 was significantly up-regulated after IRI stress. Mice treated with IL-18 Bp, a natural inhibitor of IL-18, presented less severe fibrotic response in the kidneys following IRI compared with vehicle-treated mice. Inhibition of IL-18 decreased myofibroblasts formation in the kidneys in response to IRI, which was associated with reduction of fibronectin and collagenⅠproteins. Moreover, inhibition of IL-18 impaired infiltration of CD3+ T cells and F4/80+ macrophages in the kidneys of mice after IRI. Treatment with IL-18 Bp reduces the levels of profibrotic molecules in the kidneys of mice following IRI. Finally, administration of IL-18 Bp impedes the transition of M2 macrophages to myofibroblasts and suppressed the accumulation of bone marrow-derived M2 macrophages. Adoptive transfer of M2 macrophages abolished the anti-fibrotic effect of IL-18 Bp. In summary, our results suggest that IL-18 plays an important role in the progression of IRI-induced renal fibrosis via modulating inflammation cells infiltration, the expression of inflammatory cytokines and chemokines, and the transition of bone marrow-derived M2 macrophages to myofibroblasts.
Renal fibrosis is the final pathological process common to any ongoing, chronic kidney injury or maladaptive repair. It is considered as the underlying pathological process of chronic kidney disease (CKD), which affects more than 10% of world population and for which treatment options are limited. Renal fibrosis is defined by excessive deposition of extracellular matrix, which disrupts and replaces the functional parenchyma that leads to organ failure. Kidney's histological structure can be divided into three main compartments, all of which can be affected by fibrosis, specifically termed glomerulosclerosis in glomeruli, interstitial fibrosis in tubulointerstitium and arteriosclerosis and perivascular fibrosis in vasculature. In this review, we summarized the different appearance, cellular origin and major emerging processes and mediators of fibrosis in each compartment. We also depicted and discussed the challenges in translation of anti-fibrotic treatment to clinical practice and discuss possible solutions and future directions.
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MicroRNA-132 (miR-132) is correlated with inflammatory response regulation, although its effect on acute kidney injury to provide protection against hemorrhagic shock remains currently unknown. AChE in macrophages of the kidney subjected under hemorrhagic shock is presumed to be regulated by miR-132 after its transcription to alleviate the inflammatory response accordingly. Antagonists such as acetylcholine (Ach) (concentration 10⁻⁴mol/L) and galanthamine (Gal) (concentration 10μmol/L) were added into separate groups 1 hour after the macrophages in the kidney were isolated and cultured to induce injury under oxygen and glucose deprivation (OGD) and then cultured for 24 hours. To analyze the effect of miR-132, we placed the renal epithelial cells transfected with miR-132 plasmids with stable expression over the renal macrophages to create a double cell culture system. The expression levels of inflammatory factors and apoptosis under OGD were significantly higher in renal macrophages than in other experimental groups. Moreover, the expression of miR-132 in macrophages of the double cell culture system showing stable expression of miR-132 increased, whereas that of several inflammatory factors was significantly inhibited. The expression levels of AChE mRNA and protein in the macrophages significantly decreased. The cholinergic antiinflammatory pathway in renal macrophages is regulated by miR-132 via inhibition of the hydrolytic activity of cholinesterase to alleviate inflammatory response, which may play a role in the prevention and treatment of kidney injury caused by hemorrhagic shock.
The nephrotoxicity of various drugs, natural products, environmental, and biologic substances are common etiologies of acute and chronic kidney injury. Whereas direct injury to glomerular or tubular renal cells via toxicants initiates a sequence of events that reduces renal function, numerous immunological cells and proteins can have dramatically negative or positive effects on outcomes and renal injury severity. Most of what we know of the immune system's role in nephrotoxicity is based on pre-clinical investigations but human data regarding with toxic kidney injury also underscores the importance of the immune system in renal health. Thus, here we will describe the influence of immune cells and soluble mediators in the promotion and inhibition of nephrotoxic renal injury.
Aim: This study aimed to evaluate the molecular mechanism mitigating progress of chronic nephropathy by mesenchymal stem cells. Methods: Rats were divided into normal control (Normal), ADR + vehicle (CON), and ADR + MSC (MSC) groups. Nephropathy was induced by ADR (4 mg/kg) and MSCs (2 × 10(6) ) were injected. Rats were sacrificed 1 or 6 weeks after ADR injection. NF-kB, MAPKs, inflammation, oxidative stress, profibrotic molecules, and nephrin expression were evaluated. Electron and light microscopy were used for structural analysis. MSCs were co-cultured with renal tubular epithelial cells or splenocytes to evaluate relation with oxidative stress and inflammatory molecules RESULTS: ADR treatment upregulated inflammation, oxidative stress, and profibrotic molecules; this was mitigated by MSCs. Glomerulosclerosis and interstitial fibrosis were observed in ADR-treated groups, and were more prominent in the CON group than in the MSC group. Fusion of foot processes and loss of slit diaphragms were also more prominent in the CON group than in the MSC group. In vitro, MSCs reduced oxidative stress related molecules, inflammatory cytokines, and NF-kB transcription. MSC- or ADR-induced regulation of NF-kB transcriptional activity was confirmed by a luciferase reporter assay. Conclusions: MSCs attenuate ADR-induced nephropathy by diminishing oxidative stress and inflammation via downregulation of NF-kB.
Macrophages are multifunctional immune cells that may either drive or modulate disease pathogenesis, depending on the activated phenotype. In this study, we investigated the protective effects of CD206(+) M2 macrophages against nephrotoxic serum nephritis in mice. We found that these immunosuppressive macrophages, derived from bone marrow and stimulated with IL-4/IL-13 [CD206(+) M2 bone marrow-derived macrophages (M2BMMs)], protected against renal injury, decreased proteinuria, and diminished the infiltration of CD68(+) macrophages, neutrophils, and T cells into glomerular tissue. Comparable therapeutic results were obtained with CD206(+) M2 cells derived from induced pluripotent stem cells. Notably, CD206(+) M2BMMs, which retained an M2 signature, could elicit a switch of M1 to M2 phenotype in co-cultured macrophages. Moreover, these cells were found to induce the production of regulatory T cells in the spleen and renal draining lymph node. Accordingly, mRNA expression of the T helper 1 cytokines tumor necrosis factor-α, interferon-β, interferon-γ, and IL-12 was significantly reduced in kidneys from mice treated with CD206(+) M2BMMs. Taken together, the data suggest that CD206(+) M2 may have therapeutic potential against antibody-mediated glomerular injury and presents its therapeutic value for the treatment of crescentic nephritis in humans.
Chronic diseases are often associated with altered inflammatory response, leading to increased host vulnerability to new inflammatory challenges. Employing streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetes as a model, we further investigate mechanisms leading to enhanced neutrophil (polymorphonuclear leukocytes [PMN]) responses under hyperglycemia and compare them with those under chronic colitis. We show that, different from colitis under which the PMN response is significantly potentiated, the existence of a proinflammatory state associated with broad increases in macrophages in various organs plays a dominant role in promoting the PMN inflammatory response in diabetic mice. Studies of PMN infiltration during zymosan-induced peritonitis reveal that hyperglycemia enhances PMN recruitment not through inducing a high level of IL-17, which is the case in colitis, but through increasing F4/80(+) macrophages in the peritoneal cavity, resulting in elevations of IL-6, IL-1β, TNF-α, and CXCL1 production. Insulin reversal of hyperglycemia, but not the neutralization of IL-17, reduces peritoneal macrophage numbers and ameliorates PMN infiltration during peritonitis. Significantly increased macrophages are also observed in the liver, kidneys, and intestines under hyperglycemia, and they are attributable to exacerbated nephropathy and colitis when inflammatory conditions are induced by doxorubicin and dextran sulfate sodium, respectively. Furthermore, analyses of monocyte production and macrophage proliferation in tissues suggest that significant monocytosis of inflammatory F4/80(+)Gr-1(+) monocytes from the spleen and macrophage proliferation in situ synergistically contribute to the increased macrophage population under hyperglycemia. In conclusion, our results demonstrate that STZ-induced hyperglycemic mice develop a systemic proinflammatory state mediated by broad infiltration of macrophages.
Macrophage accumulation associates closely with the degree of renal structural injury and renal dysfunction in human kidney diseases. Depletion of macrophages reduces while adoptive transfer of macrophages worsens inflammation in animal models of the renal injury. However, emerging evidence support that macrophage polarization plays a critical role in the progression of a number of kidney diseases including obstructive nephropathy, ischemia-reperfusion injury, glomerulonephritis, diabetic nephropathy, and other kidney diseases. In this mini-review, we briefly summarize the macrophage infiltration and polarization in these inflammatory and fibrotic kidney diseases, discussing the results mostly from studies in animal models. In view of the critical role of macrophage in the progression of these diseases, manipulating macrophage phenotype may be a potential effective strategy to treat various kidney diseases.
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Macrophages are found in normal kidney and in increased numbers in diseased kidney, where they act as key players in renal injury, inflammation, and fibrosis. Macrophages are highly heterogeneous cells and exhibit distinct phenotypic and functional characteristics in response to various stimuli in the local microenvironment in different types of kidney disease. In kidney tissue necrosis and/or infection, damage- and/or pathogen-associated molecular patterns induce pro-inflammatory macrophages, which contribute to further tissue injury, inflammation, and subsequent fibrosis. Apoptotic cells and anti-inflammatory factors in post-inflammatory tissues induced anti-inflammatory macrophages, which can mediate kidney repair and regeneration. This review summarizes the role of macrophages with different phenotypes in kidney injury, inflammation, and fibrosis in various acute and chronic kidney diseases. Understanding alterations of kidney microenvironment and the factors that control the phenotype and functions of macrophages may offer an avenue for the development of new cellular and cytokine/growth factor-based therapies as alternative treatment options for patients with kidney disease. ©2015 Int. Union Physiol. Sci./Am. Physiol. Soc.
Renal tubulointerstitial fibrosis is the final common pathway of progressive renal diseases. In allografts, it is assessed with tubular atrophy as interstitial fibrosis/tubular atrophy (IF/TA). IF/TA occurs in about 40% of kidney allografts at 3-6 months after transplantation, increasing to 65% at 2 years. The origin of renal fibrosis in the allograft is complex and includes donor-related factors, in particular in case of expanded criteria donors, ischemia-reperfusion injury, immune-mediated damage, recurrence of underlying diseases, hypertensive damage, nephrotoxicity of immunosuppressants, recurrent graft infections, postrenal obstruction, etc. Based largely on studies in the non-transplant setting, there is a large body of literature on the role of different cell types, be it intrinsic to the kidney or bone marrow derived, in mediating renal fibrosis, and the number of mediator systems contributing to fibrotic changes is growing steadily. Here we review the most important cellular processes and mediators involved in the progress of renal fibrosis, with a focus on the allograft situation, and discuss some of the challenges in translating experimental insights into clinical trials, in particular fibrosis biomarkers or imaging modalities. © Copyright 2015 The American Society of Transplantation and the American Society of Transplant Surgeons.
Aim: SM934 is a novel water-soluble artemisinin derivative with immunoregulatory activities that has been used to treat murine lupus nephritis. In the current study, we investigated the effects of SM934 on rat experimental membranous nephropathy. Methods: Passive Heymann nephritis (PHN) was induced in SD rats by intraperitoneal injection of anti-Fx1A serum. The rats were orally administered SM934 (12.5 and 25 mg·kg−1·d−1) or prednisolone (5 mg·kg−1·d−1) for 28 d. Blood and urine sample, and kidney tissue were collected for analyses. Human complement C3a-induced injury of HK-2 cells was used for in vitro experiments. Results: Treatment of PHN rats with SM934 or prednisolone attenuated the progression of glomerulonephritis and renal fibrosis, as evidenced by the reduced level of proteinuria and circulating antibodies, as well as by the reduced immune complex deposition, reversed podocyte injuries, and attenuated tubulointerstitial fibrosis in the kidneys. Furthermore, the two drugs suppressed TGF-β1 expression and Smad2/3 phosphorylation, and increased Smad7 expression in the kidneys. The two doses of SM934 produced almost identical therapeutic effects on PHN rats. Pretreatment with SM934 or a C3a receptor antagonist blocked the C3a-induced epithelial-mesenchymal transition in HK-2 cells in vitro. Conclusion: SM934 ameliorates kidney injury and attenuates the tubulointerstitial fibrosis in PHN rats by down-regulation of the TGF-β1/Smad signaling pathway.
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The mononuclear phagocytes (dendritic cells and macrophages) are closely related immune cells with central roles in anti-infectious defense and maintenance of organ integrity. The canonical function of dendritic cells is the activation of T cells, whereas macrophages remove apoptotic cells and microbes by phagocytosis. In the kidney, these cell types form an intricate system of mononuclear phagocytes that surveys against injury and infection and contributes to organ homeostasis and tissue repair but may also promote progression of CKD. This review summarizes the general functions and classification of dendritic cells and macrophages in the immune system and recapitulates why overlapping definitions and historically separate research have created controversy about their tasks. Their roles in acute kidney disease, CKD, and renal transplantation are described, and therapeutic strategy to modify these cells for therapeutic purposes is discussed. Copyright © 2015 by the American Society of Nephrology.
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Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is an emerging worldwide public health problem. Inflammatory cell infiltration and activation during the early stages in injured kidneys is a common pathologic feature of CKD. Here, we determined whether an important inflammatory regulator, triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells (TREM)-1, is upregulated in renal tissues collected from mouse ureteral obstruction-induced nephritis. TREM-1 is crucial for modulating macrophage polarization, and has a pivotal role in mediating tubular injury and interstitial collagen deposition in obstructive nephritis. Lysates from nephritic kidneys triggered a TREM-1-dependent M1 polarization ex vivo, consistent with the observation that granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF)-derived M1 macrophages express higher levels of TREM-1 in comparison with M-CSF-derived cells. Moreover, agonistic TREM-1 cross-link significantly strengthens the inductions of iNOS and GM-CSF in M1 cells. These observations are validated by a strong clinical correlation between infiltrating TREM-1-expressing/iNOS-positive macrophages and renal injury in human obstructive nephropathy. Thus, TREM-1 may be a potential diagnostic and therapeutic target in human kidney disease.Kidney International advance online publication, 11 June 2014; doi:10.1038/ki.2014.205.
Infusing ex vivo-generated alternatively activated macrophages (AAM) has shown promise in experimental systems as a therapeutic strategy for inflammatory kidney disease. In the mouse Adriamycin nephropathy model, however, Cao et al. report that AAM derived from bone marrow precursors fail to ameliorate disease severity. Absence of the anticipated protective effect resulted from a loss of macrophage anti-inflammatory (M2) phenotype following trafficking to injured kidney-an effect that was mediated by localized colony-stimulating factor-1-dependent macrophage proliferation.
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Alternatively activated macrophages (M2) regulate immune responses and ex vivo polarized splenic M2 are able to ameliorate renal injury including models of renal disease, such as adriamycin nephropathy. Whether M2 derived from other organs have similar protective efficacy is unknown. Here, we report adoptively transferred bone marrow M2 macrophages did not improve renal function or reduce renal injury in adriamycin nephropathy, whereas splenic M2 macrophages were protective. Bone marrow and splenic M2 macrophages showed similar regulatory phenotypes and suppressive functions in vitro. Within the inflamed kidney, suppressive phenotypes in bone marrow but not in splenic M2 macrophages, were dramatically reduced. Loss of the suppressive phenotype in bone marrow M2 was related to strong proliferation of bone marrow M2. Bone marrow M2 proliferation in vivo correlated with M-CSF expression by tubular cells in the inflamed kidney. Inhibition of M-CSF in vitro limited bone marrow M2 proliferation and prevented switch of phenotype. Proliferating cells derived from transfused bone marrow M2 were inflammatory rather than regulatory in their phenotype and function. Thus bone marrow in contrast to splenic M2 macrophages do not protect against renal structural and functional injury in murine adriamycin nephropathy. The failed renoprotection of bone marrow M2 is due to the switch of transfused M2 macrophages from a regulatory to an inflammatory phenotype.Kidney International advance online publication, 18 September 2013; doi:10.1038/ki.2013.341.
The growing number of patients suffering from chronic renal disease is a challenge for the development of innovative therapies. Benefits of cell therapy in acute renal diseases in animal models have been reported but seldom for chronic lesions. We present evidence for the improvement of renal morphology in a model of tubulointerstitial fibrosis. Wistar rats were submitted to unilateral ureteral obstruction (UUO), treated with bone-marrow mononuclear cells (UUO+BMMC) infused via the cava vein, and killed on day 14. Labeled BMMC were seen in renal tissue after 7 days in the group UUO+BMMC. UUO+BMMC also showed a reduction in ED1 + cells and tubular apoptotic cells together with enhanced tubular proliferation. Myofibroblasts were also reduced after BMMC which is consistent with a decrease in collagen deposition (picro Sirius staining) and RT-PCR data showing lower levels of procollagen-I mRNA. Simultaneously, nestin + cells increased in the interstitium and decreased in the tubules. Double stained nestin + /α-SMA + cells were present only in the interstitium, and their levels did not change after BMMC infusion. These data indicate a renoprotective effect of BMMC through increased tubular cell regeneration, inhibition of tubular cell apoptosis and partially blocking of the inflammatory and fibrotic events that occur after unilateral ureteral obstruction.
The growing number of patients suffering from chronic renal disease is a challenge for the development of innovative therapies. Benefits of cell therapy in acute renal diseases in animal models have been reported but seldom for chronic lesions. We present evidence for the improvement of renal morphology in a model of tubulointerstitial fibrosis. Wistar rats were submitted to unilateral ureteral obstruction (UUO), treated with bone-marrow mononuclear cells (UUO+BMMC) infused via the cava vein, and killed on day 14. Labeled BMMC were seen in renal tissue after 7 days in the group UUO+BMMC. UUO+BMMC also showed a reduction in ED1 + cells and tubular apoptotic cells together with enhanced tubular proliferation. Myofibroblasts were also reduced after BMMC which is consistent with a decrease in collagen deposition (picro Sirius staining) and RT-PCR data showing lower levels of procollagen-I mRNA. Simultaneously, nestin + cells increased in the interstitium and decreased in the tubules. Double stained nestin + /α-SMA + cells were present only in the interstitium, and their levels did not change after BMMC infusion. These data indicate a renoprotective effect of BMMC through increased tubular cell regeneration, inhibition of tubular cell apoptosis and partially blocking of the inflammatory and fibrotic events that occur after unilateral ureteral obstruction.
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Most tissues harbor resident mononuclear phagocytes, that is, dendritic cells and macrophages. A classification that sufficiently covers their phenotypic heterogeneity and plasticity during homeostasis and disease does not yet exist because cell culture-based phenotypes often do not match those found in vivo . The plasticity of mononuclear phagocytes becomes obvious during dynamic or complex disease processes. Different data interpretation also originates from different conceptual perspectives. An immune-centric view assumes that a particular priming of phagocytes then causes a particular type of pathology in target tissues, conceptually similar to antigen-specific T-cell priming. A tissue-centric view assumes that changing tissue microenvironments shape the phenotypes of their resident and infiltrating mononuclear phagocytes to fulfill the tissue's need to maintain or regain homeostasis. Here we discuss the latter concept, for example, why different organs host different types of mononuclear phagocytes during homeostasis. We further discuss how injuries alter tissue environments and how this primes mononuclear phagocytes to enforce this particular environment, for example, to support host defense and pathogen clearance, to support the resolution of inflammation, to support epithelial and mesenchymal healing, and to support the resolution of fibrosis to the smallest possible scar. Thus, organ- and disease phase-specific microenvironments determine macrophage and dendritic cell heterogeneity in a temporal and spatial manner, which assures their support to maintain and regain homeostasis in whatever condition. Mononuclear phagocytes contributions to tissue pathologies relate to their central roles in orchestrating all stages of host defense and wound healing, which often become maladaptive processes, especially in sterile and/or diffuse tissue injuries.
Epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) is a key cellular event in the early stage of tubulointerstitial fibrosis (TIF). Monocyte infiltration plays an important role in the progression of TIF. We have previously demonstrated that monocytes can directly induce HK-2 cell transition by direct contact. Dexamethasone, an important anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressant agent, has been widely used in renal disease for decades. Whether it could influence the monocyte and HK-2 cell interaction and prevent EMT is still uncertain. In this study we found that the typical epithelial cell morphology of HK-2 cells disappeared 24 hours after co-culture with monocytes, and dexamethasone significantly prevented this change in a dose-dependent manner. In addition, we found that dexamethasone prevented monocytes from binding to HK-2 cells by inhibiting ICAM-1 expression on HK-2 cells. Further analysis demonstrated that there was increased E-cadherin expression and decreased α-SMA and fibronectin expression after co-culture with dexamethasone, suggesting that dexamethasone prevents monocyte-induced HK-2 cell transition. The nuclear transcription factor κB (NF-κB) pathway played an important role in this process. These findings suggest a novel mechanism by which corticosteroids may delay the progression of TIF via preventing EMT. J. Cell. Biochem. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
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In this chapter we present methods for the isolation and characterization of mononuclear phagocytes from the kidneys of mice with SLE. Activation of these cells is associated with the onset of clinical disease in mice and infiltration with these cells is associated with poor prognosis in humans. Using magnetic beads followed by flow cytometric sorting, pure populations of cells are obtained that are functional in a variety of assays. Sufficient numbers of cells are obtained for genomic characterization. An analysis of the function of these cells should lead to a better understanding of the inflammatory processes that cause renal impairment in SLE and other renal inflammatory diseases.
Macrophages play an important role in many aspects of tissue injury, inflammation, and repair. Macrophage accumulation is found in most forms of renal disease and depletion studies have shown that they contribute to injury. However, it is also clear that monocytes and macrophages can develop reparative properties that are critical to disease resolution. A number of studies have now shown that macrophages can be transduced or stimulated ex vivo, injected after the initiation of disease, and localize preferentially to the site of renal inflammation. Such macrophage cell therapy can result in reduced inflammation and fibrosis and lead to improved renal function and attenuation of proteinuria. These studies provide a platform for future translational approaches in human renal disease.
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Macrophages are intimately involved in the development of immune-mediated inflammation, including glomerulonephritis. We have transduced primary cultures of macrophages to express IL-10 and tested the ability of these cells to control rat nephrotoxic nephritis (NTN), a model of human glomerulonephritis. Ad-IL-10-transduced bone-marrow-derived macrophages (BMDM) produced large amounts of IL-10 in culture, and their TNF- production was decreased in response to interferon- and LPS. Transduced macrophages were injected into the renal artery of rats, 6 h after the induction of NTN, where they localized efficiently to inflamed rat glomeruli. Delivery of IL-10-expressing macrophages to nephritic rats produced a marked reduction in albuminuria compared with unmodified NTN or injection of Ad-null-transduced BMDM. IL-10 treatment decreased the number of glomerular ED1- and ED3-positive cells, MHC class II expression, and the number of fibrinoid lesions. Interestingly, anti-inflammatory changes in the Ad-IL-10-injected kidney were mirrored by changes in the contralateral kidney. These results highlight that Ad-IL-10-transduced macrophages infiltrate inflamed glomeruli and reduce the severity of glomerular inflammation, emphasizing the value of local delivery of genetically modified macrophages in the manipulation of inflammatory disease.
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Macrophages infiltrating glomeruli in telescoped nephrotoxic nephritis are programmed. The purpose of this study was to assess whether macrophages infiltrating glomeruli of rats with passively induced injury become similarly programmed, and to determine whether macrophage commitment is an early event. Glomerular macrophages isolated from rats with resolving and proliferative anti-Thy-1 nephritis were examined for nitric oxide (NO) generation and expression of lysosomal hydrolases. After a single injection of Thy-1 antibody the cells generated large amounts of NO that was attenuated ex vivo by transforming growth factor-beta and other anti-inflammatory cytokines. In contrast macrophages infiltrating glomeruli immediately after a second injection of Thy-1 antibody generated NO spontaneously and were unresponsive to alternative activation. beta-Glucuronidase expression was used as a second independent assay for macrophage activation and the results confirmed the observations made for NO. Furthermore, macrophages infiltrating the glomerulus after the second antibody injection exhibited a striking dichotomy in that 70% of the cells behave as programmed by interferon-gamma and 30% by transforming growth factor-beta. The results show that macrophage commitment occurs very early after monocyte migration and that infiltration itself does not invariably induce macrophage programming. It demonstrates that macrophages infiltrating inflamed glomeruli at the same time do not respond uniformly, but are capable of engaging different activation programs. This emphasizes the critical importance of the underlying disease process for macrophage functional development in an inflamed environment.
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Chronic renal disease (CRD) is generally thought to be incurable, except through renal transplantation, and the number of patients with CRD is on the increase. Glomerulosclerosis and tubulointerstitial fibrosis represent the morphological equivalent of end-stage CRD. In this study, we demonstrated the preventive effect of hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) on the progression of renal dysfunction and fibrosis, using a spontaneous mouse model for CRD (ICGN strain). The mice progressively developed glomerular sclerotic injury, tubular atrophy, and renal dysfunction until they were 17 wk of age. When recombinant HGF was injected into these mice during a 4-wk-period (from weeks 14-17 after birth), DNA synthesis of tubular epithelial cells was found to be 4.4-fold higher than in mice without HGF injection, thereby suggesting tubular parenchymal expansion promoted by HGF. Notably, HGF suppressed the expression of transforming growth factor-beta and of platelet-derived growth factor as well as myofibroblast formation in the affected kidney. Consequently, the onset of tubulointerstitial fibrosis was almost completely inhibited by HGF, while HGF attenuated the progression of glomerulosclerosis, both leading to preventing manifestation of renal dysfunction. From our results, supplement therapy with HGF may be taken into consideration as a novel option for prevention and treatment of CRD.
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We have shown previously that the inactivation of macrophages in nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice results in the prevention of diabetes; however, the mechanisms involved remain unknown. In this study, we found that T cells in a macrophage-depleted environment lost their ability to differentiate into beta cell-cytotoxic T cells, resulting in the prevention of autoimmune diabetes, but these T cells regained their beta cell-cytotoxic potential when returned to a macrophage-containing environment. To learn why T cells in a macrophage-depleted environment lose their ability to kill beta cells, we examined the islet antigen-specific immune response and T cell activation in macrophage-depleted NOD mice. There was a shift in the immune balance, a decrease in the T helper cell type 1 (Th1) immune response, and an increase in the Th2 immune response, due to the reduced expression of the macrophage-derived cytokine IL-12. As well, there was a deficit in T cell activation, evidenced by significant decreases in the expression of Fas ligand and perforin. The administration of IL-12 substantially reversed the prevention of diabetes in NOD mice conferred by macrophage depletion. We conclude that macrophages play an essential role in the development and activation of beta cell-cytotoxic T cells that cause beta cell destruction, resulting in autoimmune diabetes in NOD mice.
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This study examined the properties and responsiveness to cytokines of macrophages purified from normal and nephritic glomeruli to ascertain whether macrophages activated in vivo develop programmed unresponsiveness to cytokines as do bone marrow-derived macrophages in vitro when activated by interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma), tumor necrosis factor (TNF), interleukin-4 (IL-4), or transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta). Macrophages from normal glomeruli did not generate nitric oxide (NO) spontaneously but only after treatment with IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha. NO generation by these macrophages was abrogated by administering IL-4, TGF-beta, or TNF-alpha before but not after IFN-gamma treatment. Glomerular macrophages also expressed beta-glucuronidase, which was increased by TGF-beta and decreased by IFN-gamma and TNF. By contrast, glomerular macrophages from rats with nephrotoxic nephritis did not express beta-glucuronidase even after exposure to TGF-beta. Furthermore, they generated NO spontaneously, and this spontaneous generation of NO was not suppressed by IL-4, TGF-beta, or TNF-alpha. Systemic treatment of nephritic rats with IL-4 reduced NO generation by 40% but did not prevent activation, which is similar to the effect of IL-4 on bone marrow-derived macrophages in vitro when given simultaneously with IFN-gamma. We conclude that macrophages infiltrating inflamed glomeruli have developed programmed unresponsiveness to activating cytokines. This may enable them to function appropriately in the complex conditions within an inflammatory focus.
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Nephrotoxic nephritis (NTN) is characterized by acute macrophage-dependent inflammation and serves as a model of human glomerulonephritis. In this study we have transfected rat macrophages with recombinant adenovirus expressing IL-4 (Ad-IL4) and demonstrated that these transfected macrophages develop fixed properties as a result of transfection, as shown by reduced NO production in response to IFN-gamma and TNF. Ad-IL4-transfected macrophages localized with enhanced efficiency to inflamed glomeruli after renal artery injection in rats with NTN compared with adenovirus expressing beta-galactosidase (Ad-beta gal)-transfected macrophages and produced elevated levels of the cytokine in glomeruli in vivo for up to 4 days. The delivery of IL-4-expressing macrophages produced a marked reduction in the severity of albuminuria (day 2 albuminuria, 61 +/- 15 mg/24 h) compared with unmodified NTN (day 2 albuminuria, 286 +/- 40 mg/24 h; p < 0.01), and this was matched by a reduction in the number of ED1-positive macrophages infiltrating the glomeruli. Interestingly, the injection of IL-4-expressing macrophages into single kidney produced a marked reduction in the numbers of ED1-positive macrophages in the contralateral noninjected kidney, an effect that could not be mimicked by systemic delivery of IL-4-expressing macrophages. This implies that the presence of IL-4-expressing macrophages in a single kidney can alter the systemic development of the inflammatory response. Macrophage transfection and delivery provide a valuable system to study and modulate inflammatory disease and highlight the feasibility of macrophage-based gene therapy.
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We examined the in vivo function of the angiotensin II type 1 receptor (Agtr1) on macrophages in renal fibrosis. Fourteen days after the induction of unilateral ureteral obstruction (UUO), wild-type mice reconstituted with marrow lacking the Agtr1 gene (Agtr1(-/-)) developed more severe interstitial fibrosis with fewer interstitial macrophages than those in mice reconstituted with Agtr1(+/+) marrow. These differences were not observed at day 5 of UUO. The expression of profibrotic genes - including TGF-beta1, alpha1(I) collagen, and alpha1(III) collagen - was substantially higher in the obstructed kidneys of mice with Agtr1(-/-) marrow than in those with Agtr1(+/+) marrow at day 14 but not at day 5 of UUO. Mice with Agtr1(-/-) marrow were characterized by reduced numbers of peripheral-blood monocytes and macrophage progenitors in bone marrow. In vivo assays revealed a significantly impaired phagocytic capability in Agtr1(-/-) macrophages. In vivo treatment of Agtr1(+/+) mice with losartan reduced phagocytic capability of Agtr1(+/+) macrophages to a level comparable to that of Agtr1(-/-) macrophages. Thus, during urinary tract obstruction, the Agtr1 on bone marrow-derived macrophages functions to preserve the renal parenchymal architecture, and this function depends in part on its modulatory effect on phagocytosis.
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Macrophages are intimately involved in the development of immune-mediated inflammation, including glomerulonephritis. We have transduced primary cultures of macrophages to express IL-10 and tested the ability of these cells to control rat nephrotoxic nephritis (NTN), a model of human glomerulonephritis. Ad-IL-10-transduced bone-marrow-derived macrophages (BMDM) produced large amounts of IL-10 in culture, and their TNF-alpha production was decreased in response to interferon-gamma and LPS. Transduced macrophages were injected into the renal artery of rats, 6 h after the induction of NTN, where they localized efficiently to inflamed rat glomeruli. Delivery of IL-10-expressing macrophages to nephritic rats produced a marked reduction in albuminuria compared with unmodified NTN or injection of Ad-null-transduced BMDM. IL-10 treatment decreased the number of glomerular ED1- and ED3-positive cells, MHC class II expression, and the number of fibrinoid lesions. Interestingly, anti-inflammatory changes in the Ad-IL-10-injected kidney were mirrored by changes in the contralateral kidney. These results highlight that Ad-IL-10-transduced macrophages infiltrate inflamed glomeruli and reduce the severity of glomerular inflammation, emphasizing the value of local delivery of genetically modified macrophages in the manipulation of inflammatory disease.
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Kidney tubular epithelial cell (TEC) death may be dependent on the number and activation state of macrophages (M phi) during inflammation. Our prior studies indicate that activated M phi release soluble mediators that incite TEC death, and reducing intrarenal M phi during kidney disease diminishes TEC apoptosis. CSF-1 is required for M phi proliferation and survival. We hypothesized that in the absence of CSF-1, M phi-mediated TEC apoptosis would be prevented during renal inflammation. To test this hypothesis, we evaluated renal inflammation during unilateral ureter obstruction in CSF-1-deficient (Csf1(op)/Csf1(op)) mice. We detected fewer M phi and T cells and less apoptotic TEC in the obstructed kidneys of Csf1(op)/Csf1(op) mice compared with wild-type (WT) mice. The decrease in intrarenal M phi resulted from diminished recruitment and proliferation, not enhanced apoptosis. CSF-1 enhanced M phi activation. There were far fewer activated (CD69, CD23, Ia, surface expression) M phi in obstructed CSF-1-deficient compared with WT obstructed kidneys. Similarly, bone marrow M phi preincubated with anti-CSF-1 receptor Ab or anti-CSF-1 neutralizing Ab were resistant to LPS- and IFN-gamma-induced activation. We detected fewer apoptotic-inducing molecules (reactive oxygen species, TNF-alpha, inducible NO synthase) in 1) M phi propagated from obstructed Csf1(op)/Csf1(op) compared with WT kidneys, and 2) WT bone marrow M phi blocked with anti-CSF-1 receptor or anti-CSF-1 Ab compared with the isotype control. Furthermore, blocking CSF-1 or the CSF-1 receptor induced less TEC apoptosis than the isotype control. We suggest that during renal inflammation, CSF-1 mediates M phi recruitment, proliferation, activation, and, in turn, TEC apoptosis.
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Loss of glomerular endothelial cells has been suggested to contribute to the progression of glomerular injury. Although therapeutic angiogenesis induced by administration of bone marrow-derived endothelial progenitor cells has been observed in disease models of endothelial injury, the effects on renal disease have not been clarified. Whether administration of culture-modified bone marrow mononuclear cells would mitigate the glomerular endothelial injury in anti-Thy1.1 nephritis was investigated. After cultivation under conditions that promote endothelial progenitor cell growth, bone marrow mononuclear cells were labeled with CM-DiI, a fluorescence marker, and injected into the left renal artery of Lewis rats with anti-Thy1.1 glomerulonephritis. The decrease in glomerular endothelial cells was significantly attenuated in the left kidney, as compared with the right, in nephritic rats that received the cell infusion. Glomerular injury score, the area positive for mesangial alpha-smooth muscle actin, and infiltration of macrophages were significantly decreased in the left kidney. CM-DiI-positive cells were distributed in glomeruli of the left kidney but not in those of the right kidney. Among CM-DiI-labeled cells incorporated into glomeruli, 16.5 +/- 1.2% of cells were stained with an endothelial marker, rat endothelial cell antigen-1. Culture-modified mononuclear cells secreted 281.2 +/- 85.0 pg of vascular endothelial growth factor per 10(5) cells per day. In conclusion, intra-arterial administration of culture-modified bone marrow mononuclear cells reduced endothelial injury and mesangial activation in anti-Thy1.1 glomerulonephritis. Incorporation into the glomerular endothelial lining and production of angiogenic factor(s) are likely to contribute to the protective effects of culture-modified mononuclear cells against glomerular injury.
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We have previously shown that monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) and regulated upon activation, normal T-cell expressed and secreted (RANTES) are significantly increased in renal cortex in adriamycin nephropathy. In this study, we tested the effect of DNA vaccination encoding the C-C chemokines MCP-1 and RANTES in a rat model of adriamycin nephropathy. Both reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) products of MCP-1 and RANTES used as constructs were cloned into a pTarget vector for naked DNA vaccination. Two hundred micrograms of DNA was injected into the tibialis anterior muscle four times at weekly intervals. One week after the last DNA vaccination, rats received adriamycin. All animals were sacrificed 4 weeks after adriamycin administration. Changes in renal function and histologic features were assessed. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and Western blot were used for autoantibody determination. Antibody specificity was assessed in in vitro transmigration assays. Chemokine DNA vaccination significantly reduced proteinuria (P < 0.05) and ameliorated creatinine clearance (P < 0.05) at 2, 3, and 4 weeks after adriamycin administration. Morphometric analysis showed less glomerular sclerosis (P < 0.001) and interstitial infiltrates (P < 0.005) in chemokine DNA vaccination group compared with control groups. Anti-MCP-1 and RANTES autoantibodies were detected in higher concentrations in chemokine DNA vaccinated rats than in control rats (P < 0.001) and serum from vaccinated rats blocked T-cell transmigration to MCP-1 and RANTES. In this study, we have shown that naked DNA vaccination against MCP-1 and RANTES ameliorates the progression of renal disease in the rat adriamycin nephropathy model of chronic proteinuric renal disease. The protective mechanism may involve the production of autoantibodies against MCP-1 and RANTES.
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It is proposed that CCR2+ monocytes are specifically recruited to inflammatory sites, whereas CCR2- monocytes are recruited to normal tissue to become resident macrophages. Whether these subsets represent separate lineages, how differential trafficking is regulated and whether monocytes undergo further differentiation is uncertain. Using a mouse model of autoimmune uveoretinitis we examined monocyte trafficking to the inflamed retina in vivo. We show that bone marrow-derived CD11b+ F4/80- monocytes require 24 to 48 h within the circulation and lymphoid system before acquiring the CCR2+ phenotype and trafficking to the inflamed retina is enabled. This phenotype, and the capacity to traffic were lost by 72 h. Monocyte CCR2 expression followed a similar time course in normal mice indicating that differentiation to an inflammatory phenotype is a constitutive, time-limited property, independent of local inflammatory mediators. Phenotypic analysis of adoptively transferred cells indicated that circulating inflammatory monocytes also differentiate into CD11c+ and B220+ dendritic cells and F4/80+ tissue macrophages in vivo. Our data supports the hypothesis of continuous extravasation and progressive differentiation over time of inflammatory monocytes in the circulation rather than replication within the actively inflamed tissue, and supports the concept of myeloid dendritic cell differentiation from trafficking monocytes under physiological conditions in vivo.
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CC-chemokine-encoding DNA vaccine has been reported to be capable of inducing immunologic memory to corresponding pathogenic self CC-chemokines in animal models of autoimmune disease. This study investigated whether introduction of a foreign T helper epitope into monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 (CCL2) DNA vaccine could boost its immunogenicity by inducing strong neutralizing autoantibody against the pathogenic chemokine CCL2 sufficiently to be protective in a classically nonimmune model of disease, Adriamycin nephropathy (AN). Modification of the CCL2 DNA vaccine by replacing a surface loop region of CCL2 sequence with tetanus toxoid T helper epitope P30 elicited a strong self-specific CCL2 autoantibody production, as well as an IFN-gamma-producing T cell cellular response. The increased immunogenicity of modified CCL2 DNA vaccination but not unmodified CCL2 DNA vaccination was protective against functional and structural renal injury in rat AN. The protective effect of the modified CCL2 DNA vaccine was associated with blockade of glomerular and interstitial macrophage recruitment by neutralizing autoantibody against CCL2, which plays a critical role in eliciting renal injury in AN. Therefore, modification with a foreign T helper epitope breaks self-tolerance by inducing a cellular and humoral response against self-protein and provides a strategy to increase the potency of DNA vaccination sufficiently to afford protection in toxin-induced chronic renal disease.
TUDIES in my laboratory 20 years ago using video time-lapse photography identified for the first time macrophages in cultured glomeruli isolated from animals and patients with crescentic glomerulonephritis. The significance of these findings was later proven by a number of studies in which different macrophage-depletion strategies were shown to inhibit renal injury in animal models of glomerulonephritis. Our application of monoclonal antibody-based immunostaining demonstrated the presence of macrophage infiltration in human and experimental glomerulonephritis, leading to two important findings. First, macrophages were identified as a major component of cellular crescents. In addition, focal accumulation of activated macrophages and T cells in the periglomerular area can cause rupture of Bowman’s capsule (a crucial step in the entry of fibroblasts into Bowman’s space), even in the absence of crescent formation. Second, interstitial macrophage infiltration was identified in virtually all forms of human and experimental glomerulonephritis. The highly significant correlation between the number of interstitial macrophages and renal function impairment has refocused attention on the importance of the interstitium in progressive renal injury. Having established the importance of macrophages in mediating renal injury in human and experimental glomerulonephritis, the next question was to identify the mechanisms by which macrophages infiltrate the kidney. Antibodyblocking studies have demonstrated a functional role for the adhesion molecules ICAM-1 (intercellular adhesion molecule-1) and VCAM-1 (vascular cell adhesion molecule-1) in monocyte recruitment in rat antiglomerular basement membrane glomerulonephritis. Immunoelectron microscopy studies have identified ICAM-1/CD11a ligand-receptor interactions at sites of monocyteendothelial cell adhesion in the process of monocyte extravasation in this disease model. In addition, we have identified a dramatic upregulation of CD44 on the surface of mononuclear cells adherent to interstitial capillaries in rat glomerulonephritis, suggesting that this leukocyte adhesion molecule also participates in monocyte
Macrophages were shown by the use of glomerular cell culture and morphologic techniques to be present in large numbers within the glomeruli of rabbits with acute serum sickness (AcSS) and in a passive model of the autologous phase of antiglomerular basement membrane (GBM) antibody-induced glomerulonephritis (PAGBMN). To determine the part played by these cells in the glomerular injury, animals were treated with a sheep anti-rabbit macrophage serum (AMS) or normal sheep serum (NSS). NSS administration had no effect on the development of either model of glomerulonephritis. The use of AMS reduced the number of circulating monocytes and prevented the accumulation of macrophages within glomeruli in both models (AcSS/NSS, mean 126/glomerulus, range 40-251; AcSS/AMS, mean 8, range 1-44; PAGBMN/NSS, mean 52, range 27-69; PAGBMN/AMS, mean 5, range 2-7). The AMS-treated rabbits had only minor histologic lesion and profound reduction in proteinuria (AcSS/NSS, mean 516 mg/24 h, range 200-991; AcSS/AMS, mean 41, range 3-161; PAGBMN/NSS, mean 335, range 55-975; PAGBMN/AMS, mean 10, range 2-24). Similar studies in the heterologous phase of glomerular injury induced by the same anti-GBM antibody revealed no effect of the AMS on this polymorphonuclear leukocyte-related phase of injury, demonstrating the selectivity of the antisera. Complement depletion, with cobra venom factor, did not affect the development of glomerulonephritis nor the accumulation of macrophages in either model. Inhibition of macrophage accumulation can largely prevent these forms of experimental glomerulonephritis, thereby implicating macrophages as mediators of glomerular injury and consequent proteinuria. Images
Leukocyte trafficking from peripheral blood into affected tissues is an essential component of the inflammatory reaction to virtually all forms of injury and is an important factor in the development of many kidney diseases. Advances in the past few years have highlighted the central role of a family of chemotactic cytokines called chemokines in this process. Chemokines help to control the selective migration and activation of inflammatory cells into injured renal tissue. Chemokines and their receptors are expressed by intrinsic renal cells as well as by infiltrating cells during renal inflammation. This study summarizes the in vitro and in vivo data on chemokines and chemokine receptors in renal diseases with a special focus on potential therapeutic effects on inflammatory processes.
Renal biopsy specimens from 343 patients with primary or secondary glomerulonephritis (GN) were examined for monocytes by the non-specific esterase reaction. Large numbers of monocytes per glomerulus (M/G) were found in essential cryoglobulinemia GN (29 pts, M/G 30.6 +/- 22.4), in acute post-infectious GN (27 pts, M/G 9.1 +/- 8.3), in rapidly progressive crescentic GN (20 pts, M/G 5.6 +/- 2.7), in systemic lupus GN (61 pts, M/G 5.0 +/- 5.6), and in IgA-GN associated with chronic liver disease (5 pts, M/G 6.4 +/- 5.9) or Schönlein-Henoch purpura (15 pts, M/G 3.3 +/- 6.4). Clinico-histological correlation showed that monocyte infiltration was correlated with the extent of proteinuria (all groups), with the presence of endoluminal "thrombi" (cryoglobulinemia GN), of polymorphonuclear leukocyte infiltration (post-infectious GN), of cellular crescents (crescentic GN), of "active" lesions (lupus GN), and with the extension of lesions to the peripheral capillary walls (IgA-associated GN). The M/G index was negligible in renal amyloidosis (21 pts), in idiopathic membranoproliferative GN (10 pts), in idiopathic IgA mesangial GN (63 pts), in membranous GN (40 pts), in focal glomerulosclerosis (29 pts), in minimal change nephropathy (18 pts), and in diabetic glomerulosclerosis (5 pts). The results confirm the participation of cells of the monocyte-macrophage series in the genesis of proliferative lesions, both intracapillary and extracapillary, in immune-mediated human GN and suggest their direct involvement in glomerular injury.
The current studies were designed to assess the ability of mononuclear inflammatory cells to mediate glomerulonephritis (GN) by studying the effects of replacement of mononuclear inflammatory cells in rabbits depleted of all circulating leukocytes and in which an antibody-initiated, macrophage-dependent model of glomerular injury was induced. GN was initiated by the injection of passive autologous rabbit antisheep gamma-globulin serum following the injection of sheep antirabbit glomerular basement membrane antibody. A proliferative endocapillary GN regularly occurred in which macrophages were the predominant infiltrating cell (mean 48.4 +/- 16.1 SD macrophages/glomerulus) and heavy proteinuria developed (590 +/- 152 mg/24 hours). This lesion was shown to be dependent on the presence of circulating leukocytes as prior treatment with nitrogen mustard producing panleukopenia completely prevented macrophage accumulation (0.4 +/- 0.1 macrophages/glomerulus), abnormal proteinuria (5.1 +/- 1.6 mg/24 hours), and histologic evidence of injury. When peritoneal mononuclear inflammatory cells were given intravenously (10(8] to nitrogen mustard-treated rabbits that were given the GN-inducing antibodies, a proliferative GN developed with significant macrophage accumulation (14.2 +/- 4.8 macrophages/glomerulus), and some rabbits became proteinuric (38.8 +/- 15.3 mg/24 hours). Electron microscopy indicated that glomerular endothelial cells underwent swelling and separation from the basement membrane in relation to macrophage accumulation. Control nitrogen mustard-treated animals given 10(8) mononuclear inflammatory cells without the injection of disease-initiating antibodies did not have glomerular macrophage accumulation (0.8 +/- 0.3 macrophages/glomerulus), abnormal proteinuria (6.1 +/- 2.1 mg/24 hours), or any histologic abnormality. Thus, macrophages can accumulate in glomeruli in direct response to the deposition of antibody and produce a proliferative GN by both their own accumulation and their effects on intrinsic glomerular endothelial cells.
Macrophages were shown by the use of glomerular cell culture and morphologic techniques to be present in large numbers within the glomeruli of rabbits with acute serum sickness (AcSS) and in a passive model of the autologous phase of antiglomerular basement membrane (GBM) antibody-induced glomerulonephritis (PAGBMN). To determine the part played by these cells in the glomerular injury, animals were treated with a sheep anti-rabbit macrophage serum (AMS) or normal sheep serum (NSS). NSS administration had no effect on the development of either model of glomerulonephritis. The use of AMS reduced the number of circulating monocytes and prevented the accumulation of macrophages within glomeruli in both models (AcSS/NSS, mean 126/glomerulus, range 40-251; AcSS/AMS, mean 8, range 1-44; PAGBMN/NSS, mean 52, range 27-69; PAGBMN/AMS, mean 5, range 2-7). The AMS-treated rabbits had only minor histologic lesion and profound reduction in proteinuria (AcSS/NSS, mean 516 mg/24 h, range 200-991; AcSS/AMS, mean 41, range 3-161; PAGBMN/NSS, mean 335, range 55-975; PAGBMN/AMS, mean 10, range 2-24). Similar studies in the heterologous phase of glomerular injury induced by the same anti-GBM antibody revealed no effect of the AMS on this polymorphonuclear leukocyte-related phase of injury, demonstrating the selectivity of the antisera. Complement depletion, with cobra venom factor, did not affect the development of glomerulonephritis nor the accumulation of macrophages in either model. Inhibition of macrophage accumulation can largely prevent these forms of experimental glomerulonephritis, thereby implicating macrophages as mediators of glomerular injury and consequent proteinuria.
Many recent clinical and experimental studies have clearly demonstrated that one of the initial events taking place in the process of progressive renal injury is monocytic infiltration of the glomerular and tubulointerstitial compartments. In this report, experimental data supporting the role of the infiltrating renal macrophage (M phi) as a mediator of interstitial fibrosis during the course of obstructive nephropathy will be reviewed as it pertains to the unilateral ureteral obstruction model in the rat. The central pathobiologic theme drawn on data from this model is that fibrogenic cytokines, especially transforming growth factor-beta, are, in part, M phi-derived and represent pivotal links between the initial postobstructive renal inflammation and the late development of renal scarring. The tubular epithelium, as a consequence of the mechanical disturbance produced by ureteral obstruction, may elaborate a host of M phi chemoattractant moieties. Many substances can be released by these infiltrating M phi; however, our studies have focused on transforming growth factor-beta 1. Transforming growth factor-beta is an important regulator of extracellular matrix, through its direct effects and modulation of other growth factors to maintain matrix homeostasis. We propose that the markedly increased expression of transforming growth factor-beta 1 following ureteral ligation, as detected by a number of laboratories, induces a profibrogenic state and initiates a cascade of dysregulatory events, including the upregulation of tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinase. Transforming growth factor-beta 1 also may serve as a potent stimulus for the modulation of quiescent interstitial fibroblasts into myofibroblasts. From a therapeutic standpoint, targeting these early cellular and molecular events may be extremely important in interrupting the interstitial fibrotic response to long-term obstructive uropathy.
Macrophage generation of reactive nitrogen intermediates (RNI) represents a major effector mechanism in anti-microbial immunity and non-septic inflammatory reactions. The induction of macrophage RNI production has been demonstrated to require at least two signals which in microbial infections can be provided by interferon (IFN)-gamma and lipopolysaccharide (LPS). The current study demonstrates that, in the absence of LPS, T lymphocytes can provide cognate signal(s) which synergize with IFN-gamma in stimulating macrophage RNI production, as evidenced by the ability of plasma membranes from T cell clones to activate IFN-gamma-primed macrophages. Although viable resting T cells can activate IFN-gamma-primed macrophages by an interaction that is antigen specific, plasma membranes from resting T cells do not active macrophages. Plasma membranes from T cells activated by immobilized anti-CD3 were able to effectively induce RNI production in IFN-gamma-primed macrophages. However, in contrast to the antigen-specific interaction of macrophages with viable resting T cells, the activation of IFN-gamma-primed macrophages by membranes from activated T cells does not display antigen specificity. Plasma membranes from activated T helper TH2 and from activated TH1 cells were equally effective in activating IFN-gamma-primed macrophages, suggesting that the dominance of TH1 over TH2 cells in cell-mediated responses involving macrophage effectors is not a reflection of differences in their ability to interact with macrophages but rather is a reflection of their different pattern of cytokine production. These results suggest that the T cell-macrophage interaction involves reciprocal activation of both cells--an antigen-specific activation of the T cells which results in the acquisition of T cell membrane components involved in antigen-nonspecific stimulation of the macrophages.
TGF-beta has several anti-inflammatory properties which may be relevant to prevention of or recovery from acute glomerular inflammation. Using genetically modified mesangial cells and a technique for in vivo macrophage transfer, this article provides evidence for TGF-beta-mediated 'self-defence' of the glomerulus against macrophages. Rat mesangial cells stably transfected with TGF-beta1 showed a blunted response to the macrophage-derived, proinflammatory cytokine IL-1beta. In contrast, mesangial cells expressing the dominant-interfering TGF-beta receptor showed an enhanced response to IL-1. Similarly, externally added TGF-beta1 inhibited the cytokine response of normal glomeruli, and isolated nephritic glomeruli producing active TGF-beta1 showed a depressed response to IL-1beta, compared to normal glomeruli. Consistent with these in vitro results, in vivo transfer of activated macrophages revealed that the TGF-beta-producing glomeruli are insensitive to the effector action of macrophages. These results indicate that TGF-beta1 functions as an endogenous 'defender' that counteracts local action of activated macrophages in the glomerulus.
As an experimental analogue of human focal glomerular sclerosis (FGS), adriamycin (ADR)-induced nephropathy is well-characterized in rats. Previously, this model has not been fully established in mice. The extension of this model to the mouse would be useful in the application of genetic and monoclonal antibody technology to characterize mechanisms of progressive renal disease. Herein, we describe a stable and reproducible murine model of chronic proteinuria induced by ADR. Male BALB/c mice were intravenously injected with a single dose of ADR (10 to 11 mg/kg). Seven mice were sacrificed at weeks 1, 2, 4, and 6. Renal function, quantitative morphometric analysis, and electron microscopic studies were performed. Peripheral CD4+ and CD8+ T cells were evaluated using flow cytometric analysis of splenocytes. The leukocytic inflammatory pattern was analyzed by immunohistochemical examination. Overt proteinuria was observed from day 5 and remained significantly elevated throughout the study period. A focal increase in reabsorption droplets in tubular cells appeared at weeks 1 and 2, and numerous intraluminal casts were present after two weeks. Glomerular vacuolation and mild FGS appeared at week 4. At week 6, extensive focal and even global glomerular sclerosis, associated with moderate interstitial expansion and severe inflammation, were observed. A prominent macrophage infiltration appeared within both interstitium and glomeruli at week 2, followed by accumulation of both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells in interstitium but not glomeruli. There were almost no B lymphocytes seen at any time. This model should be useful in unraveling the pathogenesis of glomerular and interstitial inflammation and fibrosis in chronic proteinuric renal disease.
Monocytes and macrophages play a pathogenic role in a number of autoimmune inflammatory diseases. Recent studies in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), the animal model of multiple sclerosis, have identified a critical chemokine-mediated mechanism of monocyte homing to the central nervous system (CNS). Here, we summarize the current findings in EAE, develop a rationale for targeting the chemokine axis in order to treat CNS inflammatory disease, and review currently available molecule-specific therapeutics that inhibit monocyte trafficking to the CNS.
Glomerular macrophage accumulation is a feature of proliferative human and experimental glomerulonephritis. However, our understanding of the role of macrophages in the induction of renal injury is based upon indirect evidence from depletion studies, most of which lack specificity for this cell type. Therefore, an adoptive transfer approach was used to directly assess the potential of macrophages to induce renal injury. Accelerated anti-glomerular basement membrane (anti-GBM) disease was induced in rats by immunization with sheep IgG (day -5), followed by administration of sheep anti-rat GBM serum (day 0), with animals killed on day 2. To facilitate the adoptive transfer studies, immunized animals were made leukopenic by cyclophosphamide (CyPh) given on day -2. Bone marrow-derived (BM) or NR8383 macrophages were transferred by tail vein injection 24 hours after injection of anti-GBM serum, with animals killed 3 or 24 hours after transfer. Pretreatment with CyPh prevented glomerular leukocyte accumulation and completely inhibited proteinuria, glomerular cell proliferation and hypercellularity in accelerated anti-GBM disease. Adoptive transfer led to significant glomerular accumulation of BM or NR8383 macrophages within 3 hours of injection, and this was still evident 24 hours later. Adoptive transfer of BM or NR8383 macrophages induced proteinuria (63 +/- 16 BM vs. 5 +/- 2 mg/24 h CyPh control; P < 0.001), glomerular cell proliferation (5.1 +/- 1.2 BM vs. 0.5 +/- 0.1 PCNA+ cells/gcs CyPh; P < 0.001) and glomerular hypercellularity (51.2 +/- 2.0 BM vs. 41.9 +/- 0.9 nuclei/gcs CyPh; P < 0.001). The degree of renal injury correlated with the number of transferred glomerular macrophages. Two-color immunostaining demonstrated that most glomerular proliferative cell nuclear antigen+ (PCNA+) proliferating cells were OX-7+ mesangial cells. CyPh treatment did not prevent up-regulation of glomerular intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) and vascular cell adhesion molecule (VCAM-1) expression or an increase in urinary monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) excretion. This study provides the first direct evidence that macrophages can induce renal injury in terms of proteinuria and mesangial cell proliferation.
Macrophages have been implicated in causing renal injury in both human and experimental kidney disease. The aim of the current study was to determine whether modulating the state of macrophage activation directly affects the capacity of these cells to cause renal injury. This was investigated using an adoptive transfer model in which macrophage activation can be manipulated in vitro, using interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) or dexamethasone (Dex), and then macrophage-mediated renal injury determined in vivo. In this model, rats were made leukopenic by administration of cyclophosphamide (CyPh). Two days later (day 0), animals were injected with sheep anti-GBM serum followed by a single injection of rat NR8383 macrophages on day 1 and then killed 3 or 24 h after cell transfer. NR8383 macrophages were incubated IFN-gamma and/or Dex before adoptive transfer into animals. Induction of proteinuria and glomerular cell proliferation (PCNA+ cells) in this model was dependent on transfer of NR8383 macrophages. Exposure of macrophages to IFN-gamma for 18 h (but not 3 h) before transfer caused a twofold increase in the degree of proteinuria and glomerular cell proliferation compared with unstimulated cells (Nil versus IFN-gamma; P < 0.001). This was due to an increase in the number of transferred macrophages within the glomerulus and a significant increase in degree of renal injury per transferred glomerular macrophage. IFN-gamma increased iNOS and PDGF-B gene expression and upregulated adhesion molecule expression in NR8383 macrophages. In contrast, exposure of NR8383 cells to Dex for 18 h (but not 1 h) abrogated renal injury due to a failure of transferred macrophages to accumulate within the glomerulus. In addition, Dex abrogated renal injury caused by IFN-gamma-stimulated macrophages. In conclusion, activation of macrophages by IFN-gamma, independent of any effect on other leukocytes or renal cells, can substantially augment macrophage-mediated renal injury. This IFN-gamma augmentation of renal injury is sensitive to the action of glucocorticoids, which act directly on macrophages to prevent their recruitment to the inflamed glomerulus. This study provides the first evidence that it is possible to directly modulate macrophage-mediated renal injury.
Macrophage-mediated renal injury has been implicated in progressive forms of glomerulonephritis; however, a role for macrophages in type 2 diabetic nephropathy, the major cause of end-stage renal failure, has not been established. Therefore, we examined whether macrophages may promote the progression of type 2 diabetic nephropathy in db/db mice. The incidence of renal injury was examined in db/db mice with varying blood sugar and lipid levels at 8 months of age. The association of renal injury with the accumulation of kidney macrophages was analyzed in normal db/+ and diabetic db/db mice at 2, 4, 6, and 8 months of age. In db/db mice, albuminuria and increased plasma creatinine correlated with elevated blood glucose and hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) levels but not with obesity or hyperlipidemia. Progressive diabetic nephropathy in db/db mice was associated with increased kidney macrophages. Macrophage accumulation and macrophage activation in db/db mice correlated with hyperglycemia, HbA1c levels, albuminuria, elevated plasma creatinine, glomerular and tubular damage, renal fibrosis, and kidney expression of macrophage chemokines [monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1), osteopontin, migration inhibitory factor (MIF), monocyte-colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF)]. The accrual and activation of glomerular macrophages also correlated with increased glomerular IgG and C3 deposition, which was itself dependent on hyperglycemia. Kidney macrophage accumulation is associated with the progression of type 2 diabetic nephropathy in db/db mice. Macrophage accumulation and activation in diabetic db/db kidneys is associated with prolonged hyperglycemia, glomerular immune complex deposition, and increased kidney chemokine production, and raises the possibility of specific therapies for targeting macrophage-mediated injury in diabetic nephropathy.
Macrophage accumulation is a prominent feature in most forms of human glomerulonephritis and correlates with renal dysfunction. Macrophages can directly mediate acute renal injury in animal models, but the mechanisms of macrophage activation required for mediating renal injury are unknown. This study examined whether activation of the Jun amino terminal kinase (JNK) signaling pathway is necessary for macrophage-mediated renal injury. An adoptive transfer model was used in which rats were immunized with sheep IgG (day -5), made leukopenic by administration of cyclophosphamide (CyPh) (day -2), and then injected with sheep anti-glomerular basement membrane (GBM) serum (day 0). Animals were then given an intravenous injection of bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMM) (day 1) and killed 24 h later (day 2). The induction of proteinuria and glomerular cell proliferation (PCNA+ cells) in CyPh-treated anti-GBM disease was dependent on transfer of BMM. Exposure of BMM to the specific JNK inhibitor, SP600125, for 3 h before adoptive transfer had no effect on glomerular accumulation of BMM in CyPh-treated anti-GBM disease. However, SP600125 treatment of BMM caused a 75% reduction in proteinuria and a 70% reduction in glomerular cell proliferation (P < 0.01 versus vehicle or untreated BMM). In conclusion, this study has defined a critical role for the JNK signaling pathway in macrophage-mediated renal injury.
Infiltrating macrophages (mphi) can cause injury or facilitate repair, depending on how they are activated by the microenvironment. Studies in vitro have defined the roles of individual cytokines and signaling pathways in activation, but little is known about how macrophages integrate the multiple signals they receive in vivo. We inhibited nuclear factor-kappaB in bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMDMs) by using a recombinant adenovirus expressing dominant-negative IkappaB (Ad-IkappaB). This re-orientated macrophage activation so they became profoundly anti-inflammatory in settings where they would normally be classically activated. In vitro, the lipopolysaccharide-induced nitric oxide, interleukin-12, and tumor necrosis factor-alpha synthesis was abrogated while interleukin-10 synthesis increased. In vivo, fluorescently labeled BMDMs transduced with Ad-IkappaB and injected into the renal artery significantly reduced inducible nitric oxide synthase and MHC class II expression when activated naturally in glomeruli of rats with nephrotoxic nephritis. Furthermore, although they only comprised 15% of glomerular macrophages, their presence significantly reduced glomerular infiltration and activation of host macrophages. Injury in nephrotoxic nephritis was also decreased when assessed morphologically and by severity of albuminuria. The results demonstrate the power of Ad-IkappaB-transduced BMDMs to inhibit injury when activated by acute immune-mediated inflammation within the glomerulus.
Because macrophages are considered to be possible effectors of disease in Adriamycin (ADR) nephrosis, we hypothesized that depletion of macrophages might protect against the initiation of renal injury. In the present study, a monoclonal antibody (ED7) directed against CD11b/CD18 integrin, which is expressed by macrophages, was used to investigate the pathogenetic effects of macrophages in ADR nephropathy. Male Wistar rats were treated with ED7 antibody, starting 1 day prior to ADR (7.5 mg/kg) treatment, or 7 days post-ADR when overt proteinuria was established. Circulating ED7-positive cells were reduced by approximately 30% in rats with ADR nephrosis by the ED7 antibody, while the number of macrophages in the renal cortex of ADR rats was reduced by nearly 50% with the ED7 treatment, whether administered before or after ADR. Creatinine clearance was significantly ameliorated by ED7 when commenced pre-ADR (P < 0.05), but not when commenced post-ADR (P = NS) in comparison to untreated ADR rats. However, proteinuria was not alleviated by either ED7 treatment. Morphometric analysis showed less glomerular sclerosis when ED7 was commenced pre-ADR compared with ADR alone (P < 0.01), but not when commenced post-ADR (P = NS). Tubular atrophy was reduced by ED7 when it was commenced pre-ADR (tubular cell height and tubular diameter: P < 0.01 and P < 0.001, respectively), as was interstitial expansion (P < 0.01) compared with ADR alone. Cortical macrophage infiltration was reduced by 50% compared with ADR alone by the ED7 commenced before or after ADR. The number of cortical CD4+ T cells fell with ED7 starting pre-ADR, but not with the ED7 treatment commencing after ADR. Partial macrophage depletion starting before but not after ADR protected both renal function and structure in this model of chronic proteinuric renal disease.
The presence of macrophages in inflamed glomeruli of rat kidney correlates with proliferation and apoptosis of resident glomerular mesangial cells. We assessed the contribution of inflammatory macrophages to progressive renal injury in murine crescentic glomerulonephritis (GN). Using a novel transgenic mouse (CD11b-DTR) in which tissue macrophages can be specifically and selectively ablated by minute injections of diphtheria toxin, we depleted renal inflammatory macrophages through days 15 and 20 of progressive crescentic GN. Macrophage depletion reduced the number of glomerular crescents, improved renal function, and reduced proteinuria. Morphometric analysis of renal tubules and interstitium revealed a marked attenuation of tubular injury that was associated with reduced proliferation and apoptosis of tubular cells. The population of interstitial myofibroblasts decreased after macrophage depletion and interstitial fibrosis also decreased. In the presence of macrophages, interstitial myofibroblasts exhibited increased levels of both proliferation and apoptosis, suggesting that macrophages act to support a population of renal myofibroblasts in a high turnover state and in matrix deposition. Finally, deletion of macrophages reduced CD4 T cells in the diseased kidney. This study demonstrates that macrophages are key effectors of disease progression in crescentic GN, acting to regulate parenchymal cell populations by modulating both cell proliferation and apoptosis.
Tumor-associated macrophages play an important role in tumor progression, but whether they exert a tumor-progressive effect remains controversial. Here, we demonstrated that activated macrophage-conditioned medium (AMCM) obtained from RAW macrophages (RAW/AMCM) induced epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) and stimulated the migratory and invasive activities of HepG2 cells, whereas control conditioned media had no effect. Epithelial-cadherin (E-cadherin) and beta-catenin staining patterns were altered at the adherens junctions by RAW/AMCM treatment, with an approximately 50% decrease in E-cadherin and beta-catenin in the cell membrane. Importantly, levels of beta-catenin-associated E-cadherin were also decreased. Following RAW/AMCM treatment, enhanced activation of c-Src was seen prior to increased tyrosine phosphorylation of beta-catenin, and this led to the destabilization of adherens junctions. Pretreatment of HepG2 cells with the Src kinase inhibitor, PP2, completely abolished the effects of RAW/AMCM on the EMT, migration, invasion, and expression and association of E-cadherin and beta-catenin. AMCMs obtained from human THP-1 monocytes and mouse peritoneal macrophages also caused disassembly of the adherens junctions and migration of HepG2 cells. Furthermore, inhibition of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) with gefitinib partially prevented the downregulation of E-cadherin and beta-catenin at the adherens junctions and migration behavior induced by RAW/AMCM. Our results suggest that activated macrophages have a tumor-progressive effect on HepG2 cells which involves the c-Src- and EGFR-dependent signaling cascades.
Schlondorff D: Chemokines, chemokine recep-tors, and renal disease: from basic science to pathophysiologic and therapeutic studies
  • S Segerer
  • Nelson
  • Pj
Segerer S, Nelson PJ, Schlondorff D: Chemokines, chemokine recep-tors, and renal disease: from basic science to pathophysiologic and therapeutic studies. J Am Soc Nephrol 2000, 11:152–176
Absence of angiotensin II type 1 receptor in bone marrow-derived cells is detrimental in the evolution of renal fibrosis
  • Nishida