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What drives the distribution of the bloom-forming cyanobacteria Planktothrix agardhii and Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii?


Abstract and Figures

The cyanobacteria Planktothrix agardhii and Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii are bloom-forming species common in eutrophic freshwaters. These filamentous species share certain physiological traits which imply that they might flourish under similar environmental conditions. We compared the distribution of the two species in a large database (940 samples) covering different climatic regions and the Northern and Southern hemispheres, and carried out laboratory experiments to compare their morphological and physiological responses. The environmental ranges of the two species overlapped with respect to temperature, light and total phosphorus (TP); however, they responded differently to environmental gradients; C. raciborskii biovolume changed gradually while P. agardhii shifted sharply from being highly dominated to a rare component of the phytoplankton. As expected, P. agardhii dominates the phytoplankton with high TP and low light availability conditions. Contrary to predictions, C. raciborskii succeeded in all climates and at temperatures as low as 11 °C. Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii had higher phenotypic plasticity than P. agardhii in terms of pigments, individual size and growth rates. We conclude that the phenotypic plasticity of C. raciborskii could explain its ongoing expansion to temperate latitudes and suggest its future predominance under predicted climate-change scenarios.
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What drives the distribution of the bloom-forming
cyanobacteria Planktothrix agardhii and Cylindrospermopsis
Sylvia Bonilla
, Luis Aubriot
, Maria Carolina S. Soares
, Mauricio Gonza
, Amelia Fabre
Vera L.M. Huszar
, Miquel Lu
, Dermot Antoniades
, Judit Padisa
& Carla Kruk
Grupo de Ecologı
´a y Fisiologı
´a de Fitoplancton, Seccio
´n Limnologı
´a, Instituto de Ecologı
´a y Ciencias Ambientales, Facultad de Ciencias,
Universidad de la Repu
´blica, Montevideo, Uruguay;
Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering, Universidade Federal de Juiz de
Fora, Luis de Fora, Brazil;
Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil;
Aquatic Ecology and Water Quality
Management Group, Department of Environmental Sciences, Wageningen University, Wageningen, The Netherlands;
Department of Aquatic
Ecology, Netherlands Institute of Ecology, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, Wageningen, The Netherlands; and
Department of
Limnology, Pannon University, Veszpre
´m, Hungary
Correspondence: Sylvia Bonilla, Seccio
´a, Facultad de Ciencias, Igua
11400-Montevideo, Uruguay. Tel.:
+598 25258618, ext. 7148; fax:
+598 25258617; e-mail:
Received 11 July 2011; revised 21 October
2011; accepted 28 October 2011.
Final version published online 28 November
DOI: 10.1111/j.1574-6941.2011.01242.x
Editor: Riks Laanbroek
eutrophication; shallow lakes; invasive
species; Nostocales; Oscillatoriales; climate
The cyanobacteria Planktothrix agardhii and Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii are
bloom-forming species common in eutrophic freshwaters. These filamentous
species share certain physiological traits which imply that they might flourish
under similar environmental conditions. We compared the distribution of the
two species in a large database (940 samples) covering different climatic regions
and the Northern and Southern hemispheres, and carried out laboratory exper-
iments to compare their morphological and physiological responses. The envi-
ronmental ranges of the two species overlapped with respect to temperature,
light and total phosphorus (TP); however, they responded differently to
environmental gradients; C. raciborskii biovolume changed gradually while
P. agardhii shifted sharply from being highly dominated to a rare component
of the phytoplankton. As expected, P. agardhii dominates the phytoplankton
with high TP and low light availability conditions. Contrary to predictions, C.
raciborskii succeeded in all climates and at temperatures as low as 11 °C. Cylin-
drospermopsis raciborskii had higher phenotypic plasticity than P. agardhii in
terms of pigments, individual size and growth rates. We conclude that the
phenotypic plasticity of C. raciborskii could explain its ongoing expansion to
temperate latitudes and suggest its future predominance under predicted
climate-change scenarios.
The excessive growth of planktonic cyanobacteria is
among the main threats endangering the use of water
resources in shallow lakes. Temperature increases in the
range of 0.2 °C per decade, and their effects on water
mixing regimes, are expected to increase the occurrence,
frequency and duration of cyanobacterial blooms in
several regions of the planet (Doney, 2006; Falkowski &
Oliver, 2007; Markensten et al., 2010). These future
changes in climate are also predicted to cause shifts in
the species composition of cyanobacterial blooms in
favour of invasive species (Mehnert et al., 2010). The
modern global distributions and environmental prefer-
ences of cyanobacterial species result from differences in
evolutionary adaptations and phenotypic traits (Whitton
& Potts, 2000). Understanding the characteristics that
allow cyanobacterial taxa to succeed in disparate environ-
ments is crucial for predicting future bloom-forming
behaviour in warming climates.
Filamentous cyanobacteria such as Planktothrix and
Cylindrospermopsis, as well as colonial genera at Microcys-
tis, are the most successful bloom-forming organisms in
shallow lakes (Padisa
´k & Reynolds, 1998; Nixdorf et al.,
2003; Paerl et al., 2011; Tomioka et al., 2011). In particu-
lar, Planktothrix agardhii (Order Oscillatoriales) and
ª2011 Federation of European Microbiological Societies FEMS Microbiol Ecol 79 (2012) 594–607
Published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved
Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii (Order Nostocales) can be
used as model species because of the extensive informa-
tion available about their distributions. Planktothrix agar-
dhii is a resilient, shade-tolerant species that can produce
microcystins and is one of the most common bloom-
forming species in temperate lakes (Scheffer et al., 1997).
Blooms of C. raciborskii are becoming more frequent in
tropical (Figueredo & Giani, 2009; Gemelgo et al., 2009),
subtropical (Vidal & Kruk, 2008; Everson et al., 2011)
and temperate lakes (Hamilton et al., 2005; Stu
¨ken et al.,
2006) because of the apparently invasive behaviour of the
species (Padisa
´k, 1997). The expansion of C. raciborskii
has generated widespread concern as a result of its poten-
tial for producing two toxin types, cylindrospermopsins
and saxitoxins (Chorus & Bartram, 1999). To date no
consensus exists regarding the main mechanisms that
have permitted the expansion of C. raciborskii into tem-
perate regions. Proposed hypotheses include climate
changeassociated water temperature increases (Wiedner
et al., 2007), an exceptionally good tolerance of transport
´k, 1997), the ecophysiological plasticity of the spe-
cies (Briand et al., 2004) and the existence of ecotypes
with different environmental preferences and tolerances
(Chonudomkul et al., 2004; Piccini et al., 2011).
Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii and P. agardhii have sim-
ilar phenotypic traits, including tolerance to continuous
mixing of the water column, high phosphorus storage
capacity, buoyancy regulation and shade tolerance (Rey-
nolds, 1993; Padisa
´k & Reynolds, 1998; Istva
´novics et al.,
2000; Padisa
´k, 2003). These similarities are also reflected
in their morphology, indicating that they may be func-
tionally equivalent and occupy a similar ecological niche
(Kruk et al., 2010). However, some studies show that
C. raciborskii has higher light requirements for growth
) than P. agardhii, suggesting differences in some
dimensions of their niches (Briand et al., 2004; Koko-
´ski et al., 2010; Mehnert et al., 2010). Moreover, these
two species differ in their capacities to incorporate nitro-
gen. Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii has the capacity to fix
atmospheric nitrogen (N
) through heterocytes, as do
other Nostocales, conferring a competitive advantage in
nitrogen-depleted environments relative to P. agardhii,
which cannot fix nitrogen (Whitton & Potts, 2000). The
advantages that explain the recent worldwide expansion
of Cylindrospermopsis, combined with predicted changes
because of global warming, may imply an impending shift
from P. agardhii to C. raciborskii at intermediate lati-
Although information about P. agardhii is extensive,
and data about C. raciborskii are increasingly available,
current knowledge derives either from experiments or
field sampling. Very few studies simultaneously compare
both species (Dokulil & Teubner, 2000; Wiedner et al.,
2007; Kokocin
´ski et al., 2010). Functional traits, including
morphological and physiological features, govern individ-
ual ecological performance and summarize organism
responses to the environment (McGill et al., 2006; Violle
et al., 2007; Kruk et al., 2010). A comparative approach
to studying the morphological and physiological traits
and distributions of P. agardhii and C. raciborskii can
provide insight into the behaviour of these key cyanobac-
terial species. Moreover, this approach can contribute to
more general ecological questions such as microorganism
invasions (McGill et al., 2006; MacDougall et al., 2009).
Our aim was to evaluate the global distribution and
ecological preferences of C. raciborskii and P. agardhii,
and to determine the implications for the geographical
expansion of C. raciborskii. We assembled a large database
spanning wide latitudinal gradients and different climatic
regions and carried out laboratory experiments to charac-
terize the morphological and physiological traits of the
two species.
Materials and methods
Field database
We constructed a database of 940 samples taken from 28
mesotrophic to hypereutrophic lakes where P. agardhii
and/or C. raciborskii were present in at least one sample.
In 125 samples neither species was present. Species data
were obtained from published (Padisa
´k, 1994; Aubriot
et al., 2000, 2011; Kruk et al., 2002, 2010; Marinho &
Huszar, 2002; Soares et al., 2009) and unpublished mate-
rial (kindly provided by F. Bressan, A. Ferreira and S. de
Melo). Three climate regions were represented in the lake
database: tropical (08°02′–22°33S), subtropical (34°33′–
34°55S) and temperate (35°30′–38°80S and 46°50′–52°
23N). Studied lakes in the temperate zone were from
Hungary (Balaton Lake), The Netherlands (Deest and
Ochten floodplain lakes: D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, O2, O3,
O4, O5, O6) and the Argentinean Pampas lakes AR19,
AR20, AR29, AR30, AR31 and AR32; in the subtropical
zone from Uruguay (Laguna Blanca, Canteras, Chica,
Javier, Rodo
´, Sauce and Ton-Ton); and in the tropical
zone from Brazil (Funil, Imboassica, Juturnaı
´ba, Tabocas
and Tapacura
´). All samples were used to determine the
distribution of each species in relation to selected envi-
ronmental variables, excluding observations with zero
biovolume. The environmental variables were lake area
(area, ha), maximum depth (Z
, m), mixing depth
, m), euphotic/mixing depth ratio (Z
), water
temperature (T, °C), pH, conductivity (K, lScm
alkalinity (Alk, mg CaCO
) and total phosphorus
(TP, lgL
). The Z
ratio was used as a proxy of
the light available in the environment for phytoplankton
FEMS Microbiol Ecol 79 (2012) 594–607 ª2011 Federation of European Microbiological Societies
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Distribution of P. agardhii and C. raciborskii 595
growth (Jensen et al., 1994). The largest number of obser-
vations (~61%) was from shallow lakes (Z
<4 m),
although several cases corresponded to deep lakes (93
data points, Z
>20 m, maximum: Funil Reservoir,
: 50 m). A wide range of lake areas were included
(0.57200 ha, plus Balaton Lake which is 59300 ha) but
only 19 lakes were smaller than 100 ha. Our data set had
an extensive range of TP (121653 lgL
) where few
observations (n=5) indicated mesotrophic status
(<30 lgL
TP) and 100 were from hypereutrophic
conditions (>200 lgL
Despite the diversity of lakes and locations, phyto-
plankton sampling always followed routine protocols, and
thus, the samples were representative of lake conditions.
Samples were obtained at different depths within the
mixed, illuminated zone, or in permanently mixed shal-
low lakes, the whole water column was integrated using
sample bottles or tubes. Phytoplankton samples were
fixed with Lugol’s solution and settled in counting cham-
bers (Utermo
¨hl, 1958); at least 100 individuals of the
most frequent species or 400 individuals in total were
counted in random fields in an inverted microscope as
described in (Kruk et al., 2010). Individual volume (V,
) was calculated for each taxon according to simple
volumetric formula, considering the organism as the unit,
and biovolume was expressed as mm
. The surface
are volume ratio (S/V, lm
) and filament maximum lin-
ear dimension (MLD, lm) were estimated as detailed in
Kruk et al. (2010). The community was analysed in terms
of species richness (expressed as the number of taxa per
sample, S),theabsolutebiovolumeofP. agardhii and
C. raciborskii, the relative contribution of each to total
biovolume, and their frequency of occurrence (number of
observations). Total biovolume was considered low when
, and a species was considered dominant
when it represented at least 30% of the total biovolume
in a particular sample. The frequency of occurrence, the
median and the range of the two species in terms of bio-
volume were analysed with all samples in the data set
(including zero data).
Experimental data
The physiological and morphological responses of the
two species were compared using Uruguayan isolates:
P. agardhii (MVCC11) and C. raciborskii (MVCC14). Iso-
late MVCC11 was collected from Lago Rodo
56°10W), a eutrophic to hypereutrophic shallow lake
used for recreation (Area: 1.5 ha, Z
: 2.5 m, TP: 70
565 lgL
) (Scasso et al., 2001). Isolate MVCC14 was
collected in Laguna Blanca (34°53S, 54°20W), a eutro-
phic shallow lagoon (Area: 40.5 ha, Z
: 2.6 m, TP:
86 lgL
) used as a drinking water supply (Vidal &
Kruk, 2008). Static cultures of the isolates were kept in
BG11 medium at 26 °C(±1°C), as described in the
study carried out by Piccini et al. (2011), which is the
normal summer water temperature in Uruguayan lakes
where the species were isolated (Vidal & Kruk, 2008;
Aubriot et al., 2011).
Two set of experiments were performed: light intensity
gradient and temperature experiments, and the growth
rates (physiological trait) of the two species were deter-
mined and compared. In addition, for the light intensity
gradient experiments, we evaluated the physiological
response of pigment structure change and the morpho-
logical trait changes of V, S/V and MLD.
To determine the effect of light intensity on growth
rates of P. agardhii, four growth curves under six light
intensity levels (from 5 to 180 lmol photons m
were repeated in 5-day experiments at 26 °C(±1°C).
Data for growth curves of C. raciborskii were obtained
from Piccini et al. (2011), who performed the experiment
under the same conditions. Before beginning the experi-
ments, cultures were acclimated to each light level for 10
15 days and replicated when the biomass was duplicated
(three replicates, except for 5 lmol photons m
one). The experiments were run in 100-ml bottles, filled
with 80 mL BG11 medium and inoculated with cyano-
bacterial culture in exponential growth phase. Optical
density (OD, absorbance at 750 nm) was used as an indi-
cator of biomass and the initial inoculum for all experi-
ments was 0.1 absorbance units. Absorbance at 440 nm
was used to determine the light extinction coefficient
(Kirk, 1996) in order to calculate the light intensity inside
the bottles. Absorbance measurements were taken in a
spectrophotometer (Thermo Evolution 60). The growth
rate (l,d
) of each isolate was calculated in 24-h inter-
vals during the exponential phase as:
l¼ðln ODfln ODiÞ
where OD
and OD
are the estimated biomasses at initial
) and final (t
) times, respectively. Maximum specific
growth rate, l
, the initial slope, a, and the irradiance
at the onset of light saturation, I
/a), were
derived from the fitted model of Jassby & Platt, (1976)
for photosynthesis.
Samples were taken at the end of two growth experi-
ments (i.e. 20 and 100 lmol photons m
) in order
to quantify several characteristics of the two taxa. To
compare morphological changes, V, S/V and MLD were
calculated for each isolate and replicate, based on micro-
scopic measurements of 60 organisms made under an
Olympus BX40 optical microscope at 10009magnification.
To compare changes in relative pigment concentration,
ª2011 Federation of European Microbiological Societies FEMS Microbiol Ecol 79 (2012) 594–607
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596 S. Bonilla et al.
in vivo relative concentrations of phycocyanin and Chl a
fluorescence were measured in a fluorometer (Turner,
Aquafluor), with phycocyanin relative concentration stan-
dardized against Chl a in vivo fluorescence. Finally, the
pigment structure of each taxon was characterized using
high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Sam-
ples from one replicate of each taxon were filtered onto
GF/C glass-fibre filters and kept frozen (80 °C) until
pigment extraction. HPLC methods and protocols
followed those described in Bonilla et al. (2005). Carote-
noids were detected by diode-array spectroscopy (350
750 nm), chromatograms were obtained at 450 nm (for
carotenoids), and Chl awas detected by a fluorescence
detector (excitation k=440 nm; emission k=650 nm).
The identification and quantification of the pigments
(Chl a, aphanizophyll, b,b-carotene, echinenone and zea-
xanthin) was based on commercial standards as detailed
in Bonilla et al. (2005). Unknown carotenoids were quan-
tified by applying the calibration curves used for b,b-car-
otene. The final concentration of each pigment is
expressed in nmol L
, and changes in carotenoids were
analysed using ratios to Chl a.
In order to determine the influence of low temperature
on growth rate, 4-day experiments were run for both iso-
lates at three temperatures: 15, 20 and 25 °C(±1°C) at
both 60 and 135 lmol photons m
, with four repli-
cates for each condition. The experimental setup and
growth conditions were the same as described earlier,
with cultures allowed to acclimate to each temperature
for 15 days (three times, except at 15 °C: once). Biomass
and growth rate were calculated as previously described
for light intensity experiments. The parameter Q
25 °C) for each light intensity (60 and 135 lmol pho-
tons m
) was calculated using the maximum average
growth rate (n=4) obtained at each temperature for
each species.
Statistical analysis
The annual coefficient of variation was calculated to
determine the variability of the biomass of the two spe-
cies in nature, based on temporal data series for 17 lakes
in the database, for temperate (11 lakes), subtropical (1)
and tropical (5) regions. As the objective of this particular
analysis was to determine the amplitude of biomass
change, all data, including observations with zero values,
were used.
To evaluate the success of the two species in relation to
key environmental variables, we examined the maximum
relative contribution of each species to total biovolume
distribution along gradients of temperature, Z
TP. For these analyses, data were segregated into groups
every one degree Celsius, 0.1 Z
unit, and 10 lgL
TP. We then performed linear and nonlinear regressions
between species biovolume and each environmental vari-
able. The simple functions with best fit were selected fol-
lowing parsimony criteria of maximum explained variance
with the minimum number of parameters and best signifi-
cance (F-test). Linear relationships with breakpoints, such
as those suggested for Planktothrix biovolume to Z
and to TP plots, can indicate ecological thresholds (Toms
& Lesperance, 2003). We therefore applied a simple piece-
wise linear regression to these data and breakpoints were
determined after 200 iterations. Data were tested for nor-
mality and homogeneity of variance prior to analyses and
transformed when necessary (P. agardhii biovolume
distribution on Zeu/Zmix gradient).
The three climatic regions were compared by examin-
ing data from winter and summer months for each lake
and year in the dataset (n=445) in terms of tempera-
ture, Z
, TP, and the biovolume of the two species.
Differences between environmental and biotic variables
were analysed with nonparametric KruskalWallis (KW)
tests, all pairwise multiple comparison tests (Dunn’s
Method) and MannWhitney tests (when P. agardhii was
present in only two regions).
Differences between physiological and morphological
experimental responses of the two species to light and
temperature gradients were compared using t-test analy-
sis and, when normality failed, with the nonparametric
MannWhitney (MW) test. All analyses were per-
formed with the programs STATISTICA 6.0 and SIGMA PLOT
Species distributions and their relation to
environmental factors
Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii was observed in a higher
number of samples than P. agardhii (306 and 199 sam-
ples, respectively), with the two species co-occurring on
34 occasions (all in Lake Balaton) in a wide range of
environmental conditions. We analysed lakes where one
of the two species was present on at least one sample.
Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii was absent in all samples of
subtropical (Lago Rodo
´) and small Dutch temperate
lakes, while P. agardhii was absent in most of the sub-
tropical Uruguayan lakes (except Lago Rodo
´) and all
tropical Brazilian lakes. Each species reached high biovo-
lume and had a high contribution to total biovolume in
several samples (Table 1, Fig. 1a and b). Cylindrospermop-
sis raciborskii was dominant (at least 30% of total biovo-
lume) more frequently than P. agardhii, in samples of
both high (>1mm
) and low (<1mm
) total
biovolume. In most cases, P. agardhii was a minor
FEMS Microbiol Ecol 79 (2012) 594–607 ª2011 Federation of European Microbiological Societies
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Distribution of P. agardhii and C. raciborskii 597
component of the phytoplankton, representing <10% of
total biovolume, but in several cases, it was strongly dom-
inant (>50% of total biovolume) and its maximum abso-
lute biovolume was one order of magnitude higher
than C. raciborskii (Table 1). Biovolume variability over
time also differed between species. Temporal data series
of 17 lakes showed that the annual variation of P. agar-
dhii biovolume was significantly higher (P<0.05) than
C. raciborskii, shifting from low to high values (Fig. 1c
and d). Phytoplankton species richness also differed when
the dominance of one or the other species occurred; in
general, the number of species was higher when C. raci-
borskii was dominant (Fig. 2a and b).
In the field, C. raciborskii and P. agardhii occurrences
differed significantly relative to temperature, lake area,
maximum depth, mixing depth, conductivity, alkalinity
and TP (Table 1). However, no significant differences
were found for pH and light availability (Z
(Table 1). In general, C. raciborskii was dominant at
higher temperatures than P. agardhii. Several occurrences
of P. agardhii were reported at temperatures below 15 °C,
and below 4 °C its contribution varied between 0.2% and
13% of total biovolume (0.11.4 mm
). Almost all
data for C. raciborskii appeared at temperatures higher
than 20 °C. However, it is notable that we observed C.
raciborskii with high biovolume at 11 °C (2.1 mm
95% of total biovolume) in a subtropical lake (Lago Ja-
vier, Uruguay). Both species were dominant in eutrophic
to hypereutrophic lakes. Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii
attained higher biomass under lower TP, and no occur-
rences of P. agardhii were found in samples with
<50 lgL
TP (Table 1).
Table 1. Community and environment characteristics (median, minimummaximum between brackets cursive numbers indicate the number of
cases) for Planktothrix agardhii and Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii, when present
Lakes with P. agardhii Lakes with C. raciborskii P
P.agardhii (mm
) 0.79 (0.11149)
C.raciborskii (mm
2.74 (<0.0171.79)
P.agardhii (% total BV) 6.56 (0.1998.8)
C.raciborskii (% total BV) 0 (077.80)
32.9 (0.0597.4)
Total BV (mm
) 14.6 (2.22302)
12.9 (0.07697)
S27 (3123)
18 (359)
Temperature (°C) 13.3 (1.7027.6)
26.7 (11.231.6)
Area (ha) 1.30 (1.306910
4300 (0.246910
pH 8.18 (6.899.25)
8.20 (5.499.91)
(m) 2.50 (1.406.00)
6 (0.345)
(m) 2.00 (0.665.16)
3.2 (0.330)
0.75 (0.173.42)
0.68 (0.093.78)
) 550 (3801141)
91.9 (25.63457)
Alk (mgL
) 160 (65.0546)
46.5 (0.01180)
TP (lgL
) 130 (50.05600)
74.9 (12.4658)
Significant differences (Mann Whitney, *P<0.05) between the measured variables for each species are indicated.
ns, not significant; BV, biovolume; S, species number; Z
, maximum depth; Z
, mixing zone; Z
, euphotic zone; K, conductivity; Alk, alkalinity;
TP, total phosphorus.
ª2011 Federation of European Microbiological Societies FEMS Microbiol Ecol 79 (2012) 594–607
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598 S. Bonilla et al.
Planktothrix agardhii biovolume shifted sharply from
high to low values across thresholds in the temperature,
and TP gradients (as identified by parameter c
in the logistic function and breakpoints in piecewise lin-
ear regressions in Fig. 3a, c and e). Planktothrix agardhii
biovolume decreased abruptly below 11 °C, above 1.62
and above 159 lgL
TP. Cylindrospermopsis
raciborskii biovolume was inversely related to TP, and no
significant relation was found with temperature or Z
(Fig. 3b, d and f). However, maximum C. raciborskii
biovolume was observed with Z
values 1. Also,
this species had higher biovolumes than P. agardhii in
fully illuminated water columns (Z
Comparison of the species among climates:
temperate, subtropical and tropical
There were significant differences (P<0.05) between
geographical regions in terms of temperature, light and
phosphorus. Water temperature was higher in the tropics,
more transparent waters were found in tropical systems,
and higher trophic states (TP) were found in subtropical
lakes (Table 2). Planktothrix agardhii occurred only in
temperate and subtropical water bodies, where it had a
significantly higher average contribution to total biovo-
lume than C. raciborskii.Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii
occurred in the three regions and, notably, had no signifi-
cant differences in its contribution to total biovolume
between tropical and temperate regions (Fig. 4).
Experimental data
Morphology, pigment structure and growth rate of
P. agardhii and C. raciborskii were compared under dif-
ferent light intensities and temperatures (Tables 3 and 4,
Fig. 5). Increments of light intensity from 20 to
100 lmol photons m
induced adaptive morpholog-
ical responses in C. raciborskii. A significant increase in
Annual biovolume
coeficient of variation
Annual biovolume
coeficient of variation
(c) (d)
(a) (b)
0 102030405060708090100
P. agardhii relative contribution
to total biovolume (%)
(number of observations)
0 102030405060708090100
C. raciborskii relative contribution
to total biovolume (%)
(number of observations)
Fig. 1. Frequency of the distribution of the relative biovolume of each species (percentage of total biovolume) for the data set (a: Planktothrix
agardhii, black bars and b: Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii, grey bars). Annual coefficient of variation of biovolume for 17 lakes with temporal data
(c: P. agardhii, black bars and d: C. raciborskii, grey bars). For c and d, the following lakes names are abbreviated: Balaton (Bala), Imboassica
(Imbo), Juturnaiba (Jutur), Tabocas (Tabo) and Tapacura
´(Tapa). The number after each lake name indicates the last two digits of the year.
FEMS Microbiol Ecol 79 (2012) 594–607 ª2011 Federation of European Microbiological Societies
Published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved
Distribution of P. agardhii and C. raciborskii 599
C. raciborskii MLD and individual V (MW, P<0.05)
occurred when cultures grew at high light intensity
(Table 3).
Lipid pigment composition and responses to light
intensity also differed between species. Typical cyanobac-
terial carotenoids were detected in both species. Plankto-
thrix agardhii had higher concentrations of zeaxanthin, b,
b-carotene, an undetermined glycosidic carotenoid similar
to 4-keto-myxol-2-methylpentoside (myxol-like) and an
unknown carotenoid (car 1), while C. raciborskii had
high concentrations of aphanizophyll and echinenone
(Table 3). In both species, protective and accessory pig-
ment concentrations changed in response to light inten-
sity, with notable differences. The phycocyanin/Chl a
ratio decreased with higher light intensity in P. agardhii
and increased in C. raciborskii. The magnitude of change
in carotenoids/Chl awas also higher in C. raciborskii
than in P. agardhii (Table 3). Total carotenoids increased
sixfold in C. raciborskii, largely because of aphanizophyll,
but also because of echinenone and b,b-carotene. Plankto-
thrix agardhii total carotenoids increased 1.5 times with
higher light, mainly because of myxol-like and carotenoid
1, whereas b,b-carotene, echinenone and zeaxanthin
Growth curve experiments performed along a light
intensity gradient (from 5 to 180 lmol photons m
indicated strong similarities between the two species
under light-limited conditions (indicated by aand I
although C. raciborskii reached significantly higher growth
rates (l
) than P. agardhii (Table 4, Fig. 5a and b).
Temperature growth experiments at two light intensities
demonstrated the different behaviour of the two species.
Planktothrix agardhii growth rates were significantly
higher than those of C. raciborskii at 15 and 20 °C at low
light intensity (60 lmol photons m
) (Fig. 5c),
although no differences were found at 25 °C. However,
C. raciborskii grew significantly faster than P. agardhii
(Fig. 5c) at high light intensity (135 lmol pho-
tons m
)at25°C. Q
values also showed that
C. raciborskii growth rate had a higher response to a tem-
perature increase at 135 lmol photons m
P. agardhii (Table 4).
Our extensive data set and laboratory experiments indi-
cated that although C. raciborskii and P. agardhii overlap
in their distribution relative to temperature, light and tro-
phic status, they differed in their biovolume distributions
along these gradients. Our results support the hypothesis
that Cylindrospermopsis is tolerant to a wide range of cli-
mates, from tropical to temperate (Briand et al., 2004).
Although many studies have suggested that the optimum
water temperature of the species is from 25 to 35 °C
(Saker & Eaglesham, 1999; Briand et al., 2004; Mehnert
et al., 2010), high biomass has been observed in
subtropical lakes at 19 °C (Everson et al., 2011), and
C. raciborskii was equally dominant throughout the year
in a tropical lake independent of water temperature varia-
tion (1724 °C) (Figueredo & Giani, 2009). Still other
studies found some strains to be capable of sustaining
biomass or growing at temperatures as low as 1417 °C
(Chonudomkul et al., 2004; Piccini et al., 2011). Fabre
et al. (2010) observed C. raciborskii occurrence during
winter in a subtropical lake (Lago Javier, Uruguay), and
in our database the biovolume of C. raciborskii in this
lake reached 95% of the total (i.e. 2.2 mm
) in win-
ter (water temperature: 11.2 °C). To our knowledge, this
is the lowest temperature at which C. raciborskii has been
observed to reach high biovolume and dominate the phy-
toplankton. The success of C. raciborskii in a wide range
P. agardhii percentage
of total biovolume (%)
C. raciborskii percentage
of total biovolume (%)
Fig. 2. Contribution of Planktothrix agardhii (a) and Cylindrospermopsis
raciborskii (b) to total biovolume, when each species was >0, in
relation to species number of the community (S). Median (square),
percentiles 25% and 75% (box) and range (vertical lines).
ª2011 Federation of European Microbiological Societies FEMS Microbiol Ecol 79 (2012) 594–607
Published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved
600 S. Bonilla et al.
of temperatures observed in our data set and other recent
studies (Vidal & Kruk, 2008; Kokocin
´ski et al., 2010; Ev-
erson et al., 2011) suggests that current concepts of C.
raciborskii as a tropical species may be due more to a lack
of information than to any physiological restriction.
We observed P. agardhii only in temperate and sub-
tropical lakes, but in a wide range of temperature condi-
tions. This species can reach high biomass in a range of
temperatures from <2°C (Toporowska et al., 2010) to
29 °C in tropical ecosystems (Crossetti & Bicudo, 2008;
Gemelgo et al., 2009). In our database, P. agardhii domi-
nated the phytoplankton of Lago Rodo
´(subtropical) in
all seasons at temperatures ranging from 10 to 31 °C,
indicating substantial tolerance to temperature variation.
Our Q
data indicated that C. raciborskii grows faster
than P. agardhii when temperatures shift towards warmer
conditions and thus may be favoured by climate warming.
Experimental studies showed that P. agardhii maximum
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
P.agardhii % of total biovolume, Log
TP (μg L
)TP (μg L
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 1600
P. agardhii % of total biovolume
Temperature (°C)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
P. agardhii % of total biovolume
= 0.57
P < 0.001
Temperature (°C)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
C. raciborskii % of total biovolume
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
C. raciborskii % of total biovolume
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(e) (f)
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
C. raciborskii % of total biovolume
= 0.49
P < 0.05
= 0.53
P < 0.05
= 0.63
P < 0.001
Fig. 3. Maximum values of the contribution to total biovolume of Planktothrix agardhii (left, black circles) and C. raciborskii (right, grey circles) in
relation to water temperature (a and b), Z
(c and d) and TP (e and f). Sigmoidal logistic regression (a, parameters, a: 18.2, b: 49.3, c: 11.1
and d: 99.2), linear piecewise regressions (c, breakpoint: 1.62 and e, breakpoint: 159.2 lgL
) and linear regression (f) were fitted. No
significant model was found for b and d. Coefficient (r
) and significance (P) is indicated in each plot.
FEMS Microbiol Ecol 79 (2012) 594–607 ª2011 Federation of European Microbiological Societies
Published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved
Distribution of P. agardhii and C. raciborskii 601
growth occurred between 20 and 25 °C (Post et al., 1985;
Sivonen, 1990), and its growth rate increased significantly
between 15 and 25 °C (Oberhaus et al., 2007). Cylindro-
spermopsis raciborskii has been shown to benefit more
than other cyanobacteria from high temperatures (Mehn-
ert et al., 2010) and also to have higher photosynthetic
activity and lower light requirements than other cyano-
bacterial species (Wu et al., 2009). Dominance of this
species, however, cannot be predicted from any single
factor. In this sense, our Q
values (at 60 and
135 lmol photons m
) suggest that C. raciborskii
could have a competitive advantage over P. agardhii at
conditions with both high light and high temperature.
These differences are attributable to the ability of C. raci-
borskii to increase light-harvesting capacity through
changes in shape and pigment composition and their
proportions as we demonstrated in our experiments.
Different photoprotective responses were also suggested
by pigment changes after light increases. In this sense, the
acclimation capacity of C. raciborskii is illustrative of its
phenotypic plasticity.
Planktothrix agardhii showed a higher competitive
capacity than C. raciborskii under low light and lower
temperatures, which agrees with its broad distribution in
turbid temperate lakes (Dokulil & Teubner, 2000; Nixdorf
et al., 2003). Based on the biovolume distribution and
growth of P. agardhii in our study, we suggest that this
species has limited plasticity, as its physiological response
to temperature increase under high light intensity was less
pronounced than that of C. raciborskii.
According to our I
values, both species are shade-tol-
erant, implying that they can succeed in turbid, eutrophic
lakes (Padisa
´k & Reynolds, 1998), as originally proposed
for Oscillatoriales (Scheffer et al., 1997). The I
that we obtained for both species were lower than those
reported in the literature (~20 lmol photons m
Table 2. Water temperature, light availability (Z
) and total phosphorus (TP) of studied lakes grouped by regions (temperate, subtropical
and tropical) and based on winter and summer data (median and minimum and maximum between brackets and number of samples in cursive)
Temperate (35°30′–38°80S, 46°50′–52°23N) Subtropical (34°33′–34°55S) Tropical (08°02′–22°33S)
Temperature (°C) 19.1 (0.5027.6)a
22.8 (10.026.4)b
26.9 (20.031.6)c
0.58 (0.174.15)a
0.84 (0.172.7)a
0.64 (0.093.0)b
TP (lgL
) 105 (501652)a
158 (46422)b
91.7 (12.4794)a
Significant differences (MannWhitney, P<0.05) between regions are indicated with different letters in the table.
ns, not significant; Z
, euphotic zone; Z
, mixing zone.
Table 3. Morphology (average ±standard deviation, n=60) and pigment structure (molar pigment ratios to Chl a)ofPlanktothrix agardhii and
Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii isolates grown under 20 and 100 lmol photons m
P. agardhii
C. raciborskii
Light intensity (lmol photons m
) 20 100 20 100
Size and shape
Volume (lm
) 3573 ±1771 6169 ±3968 414 ±150 1406 ±523
MLD (lm) 258 ±111 318 ±200 132 ±48 200 ±75
S/V (lm
) 0.98 ±0.09 0.82 ±0.04 2.02 ±0.01 1.35 ±0.03
Carotenoid ratios to Chl a
Myxo-like (497/522) 0.07 0.14 nd nd
Aphanizophyll nd 0.18 0.56 3.24
Car 1 (477/505) 0.45 0.67 nd nd
Zeaxanthin 0.33 0.29 nd 0.05
Lutein nd 0.24 nd 0.03
Echinenone 0.13 0.08 0.32 0.77
b,b-carotene 0.40 0.25 0.15 0.46
/Chl a1.53 2.28 1.09 6.74
Phy/Chl a48.9 11.4 77.7 49.4
The maximum absorbance peaks are indicated between brackets for the unknown carotenoids (Myxol-like and Car 1).
S / V, surface/volume ratio; Myxol-like, 4-keto-myxol-2-methylpentoside-like; T
, total carotenoids; Phy, phycocyanin; nd, not detected.
ª2011 Federation of European Microbiological Societies FEMS Microbiol Ecol 79 (2012) 594–607
Published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved
602 S. Bonilla et al.
(Talbot et al., 1991; Shafik et al., 2001; Briand et al.,
2004) which may support the existence of ecotypes sug-
gested by Piccini et al. (2011). The presence of ecotypes
with different environmental preferences confers a wide
intra-specific variability to C. raciborskii; ecotypes are
among the hypotheses advanced to explain the species’
expansion. The pigments we identified in both species
were typical for cyanobacteria (Millie et al., 1990),
although they were present in markedly different propor-
Planktothrix agardhii is favoured in continuously
mixed, shallow lakes (Scasso et al., 2001; Kruk et al.,
2002; Stu
¨ken et al., 2006). Similarly, blooms of C. raci-
borskii are commonly reported in mixed conditions (Bou-
vy et al., 1999; Huszar et al., 2000; Briand et al., 2002;
Figueredo & Giani, 2009) and rarely in stratified deep
reservoirs (Padisa
´ket al., 2003). This clearly indicates that
both species have a wide tolerance for mixing. While
in our study there was no clear relationship between
C. raciborskii biovolume and light availability (Z
P. agardhii biovolume was higher in turbid conditions
below the threshold value of 1.62 Z
ratio, suggest-
ing its dependence on turbidity.
The cyanobacterial contribution to total phytoplankton
biomass increases markedly above 30 lgL
TP in tem-
perate lakes (Watson et al., 1997; Dokulil & Teubner,
2000), and P. agardhii biovolume distribution in our data
set reflect this general pattern. However, the sudden
changes we observed in biovolume distribution in hype-
reutrophic conditions suggested a threshold near
160 lgL
TP, above which other factors affected biovo-
lume accumulation. In contrast, there was a negative rela-
tionship between trophic status and C. raciborskii
contribution to total biovolume, with increasing domi-
nance of the phytoplankton below 200 lgL
TP. Higher
ranges of phosphorus cell quota in C. raciborskii relative
to P. agardhii may permit C. raciborskii to better exploit
low P environments (Ducobu et al., 1998; Istva
et al., 2000). Some studies suggest that P. agardhii growth
is greatly dependent on high-frequency phosphate avail-
ability (Catherine et al., 2008; Crossetti & Bicudo, 2008;
´ski et al.,2010;Aubriotet al., 2011), while
C. raciborskii is able to dominate with small, low-
frequency phosphate inputs (Posselt & Burford, 2009). Phy-
toplankton from oligotrophic and mesotrophic ecosystems
may thus be sensitive to a replacement by C. raciborskii
as a dominant species under small nutrient enrichments.
According to our data, C. raciborskii can dominate the
phytoplankton at lower overall biovolume than P. agar-
dhii, giving insight into the ability of C. raciborskii to colo-
nize and rapidly succeed in new habitats. While variations
of C. raciborskii biovolume during the year were gradual,
Table 4. Growth parameters under different light intensities
(maximum growth rate: l, slope of the light-limited portion of the
curve: a, and subsaturating light: I
); Q
based on the maximum
growth average (n=4) at 15 and 25 °C for both isolates
P. agardhii
C. raciborskii
Light growth response
lmax (d
) 0.54 ±0.03*0.60 ±0.02*
lmol photons
s) 0.08 ±0.03 0.08 ±0.03
(lmol photons m
) 7.27 ±3.15 8.49 ±3.43
(1525 °C)
At 60 lmol photons m
2.50 3.80
At 135 lmol photons m
3.43 6.46
Mean ±standard deviation for light growth response.
*Significant differences between species (t-test, P<0.05).
Data from Piccini et al. (2011).
P. agardhii relative contribution
tototal biovolume(%)
C. raciborskii relative contribution
to total biovolume (%)
Fig. 4. Contribution of Planktothrix agardhii (a) and Cylindrospermopsis
raciborskii (b) to total biovolume, in relation to the three geographical
regions when each species was >0. Median (square), percentiles
25% and 75% (box) and range (vertical lines). T, temperate; ST,
subtropical and TR, tropical regions. Different letters indicate
significant differences (KW, P<0.001) between regions.
FEMS Microbiol Ecol 79 (2012) 594–607 ª2011 Federation of European Microbiological Societies
Published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved
Distribution of P. agardhii and C. raciborskii 603
P. agardhii was either dominant or scarce in phytoplank-
ton. Moreover, the dominance of P. agardhii in the
phytoplankton appears to occur in more eutrophic condi-
tions (i.e. higher phytoplankton biovolume). Scheffer
et al. (1997) observed similar behaviour in eutrophic tem-
perate shallow lakes and proposed hysteretic mechanisms
to explain the distribution and resilience of P. agardhii.
Our data indicated that higher diversity (as taxonomic
richness) is supported under dominance of C. raciborskii
than that of P. agardhii. This suggests a higher capacity
of C. raciborskii for co-existence with other species
´ski et al., 2010) and may support the hypothesis
of its greater plasticity. Sperfeld et al. (2010) demon-
strated experimentally that the invasion and success of
C. raciborskii was not affected by the diversity of the host
phytoplankton community. The relatively higher diversity
associated with C. raciborskii dominance also has implica-
tions for food webs, as some studies also found positive
correlations between the biomass of C. raciborskii and
zooplankton (Bouvy et al., 2001; Soares et al., 2009).
Conversely, the lower diversity of communities domi-
nated by P. agardhii may result from a capacity of this
species to generate limiting conditions (i.e. high turbidity)
for potential phytoplankton competitors.
The greater plasticity of C. raciborskii in response to
key environmental factors (temperature and light inten-
sity) may explain its gradual response to changing envi-
ronments. Conversely, the lower plasticity of P. agardhii
fits with its narrower distribution in nature. Aquatic envi-
ronments are highly variable habitats in terms of light
and nutrient resources at the time scale of phytoplankton
life spans. Reversible plastic phenotypes represent an
advantage for organisms in highly variable environments
(Piersma & Drent, 2003), allowing the adjustment of their
functional responses and increasing their invasive poten-
tial (Litchman, 2010). Ecotypes with differing environ-
mental tolerances such as those shown in C. raciborskii
(Piccini et al., 2011) further strengthen its aptitude for
invasive behaviour and success in different climates.
In summary, C. raciborskii and P. agardhii behaved dif-
ferently as a result of contrasting strategies for responding
to environmental constraints. Further research is required
to determine whether this pattern may represent differing
strategies in bloom-forming filamentous cyanobacteria of
the orders Oscillatoriales and Nostocales. Differences
between P. agardhii and C. raciborskii, as well as between
other organisms with comparable strategies, will likely
affect the future distribution of these species in projected
warming climates where blooms will be enhanced. The
high phenotypic plasticity of C. raciborskii, and its wide
tolerance ranges to key environmental factors, explains its
current expansion to temperate latitudes and forecasts its
further increase in the future.
We thank Marie-Jose
´e Martineau for technical assistance
and Warwick F. Vincent for kindly providing access to
laboratory facilities. This work was financed by ANII
FCE2007_353 and PEDECIBA. We also thank two
anonymous reviewers for their comments.
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Distribution of P. agardhii and C. raciborskii 607
... The presence of STXs in freshwater ecosystems is generally associated with the occurrence of diazotrophic cyanobacteria Raphidiopsis raciborskii (Woloszynska) Aguilera et al. (2018). This species has been globally expanding due to increased eutrophication, rising global temperatures, high phenotypic plasticity, allelopathy, and the ability to form large toxic blooms (Antunes et al., 2012;Bonilla et al., 2012;Burford et al., 2012;Burford et al., 2016). Only R. raciborskii strains from South America have been reported to produce STXs (Piccini et al., 2011;Antunes et al., 2015;Vico et al., 2020). ...
... Also, R. raciborskii's phenotypic plasticity equips it with multifaceted mechanisms to address phosphorus availability (Shi et al., 2022) and to endure phosphorus deficiency. This adaptation comprises the storage and breakdown of organic molecules for cell sustenance (Willis et al., 2015) and explains the species' presence across ecosystems with varying phosphorus concentrations (Bonilla et al., 2012). ...
... Similar findings have been reported in tropical reservoirs (Bouvy et al., 1999;Vanderley et al., 2021), potentially reflecting optimal temperature conditions rather than it being a limiting factor in these systems. Furthermore, the theory that eutrophication influences R. raciborskii's dominance by altering its response to environmental temperatures suggests that, at lower temperatures, this species could be more prevalent in nutrient-rich lakes (Bonilla et al., 2012;Thomas and Litchman, 2016). This concept is substantiated by observations that cyanobacterial blooms in the Americas are primarily governed by nutrient concentrations rather than temperature (Bonilla et al., 2023). ...
The proliferation of Raphidiopsis raciborskii blooms has sparked concerns regarding potential human exposure to heightened saxitoxins (STXs) levels. Thus, comprehending how environmental elements drive the proliferation of this STXs-producing species can aid in predicting human exposure risks. This study aimed to explore the link between cyanobacteria R. raciborskii, STXs cyanotoxins, and environmental factors in 37 public supply reservoirs in the tropical region and assess potential health hazards these toxins pose in the reservoir waters. A Structural Equation Model was used to assess the impact of environmental factors (water volume and physical and chemical variables) on R. raciborskii biomass and STXs levels. Furthermore, the potential risk of STXs exposure from consuming untreated reservoir water was evaluated. Lastly, the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of STXs across the reservoirs was computed. Our findings revealed a correlation between R. raciborskii biomass and STXs concentrations. Total phosphorus emerged as a critical environmental factor positively influencing species biomass and indirectly affecting STXs levels. pH significantly influenced STXs concentrations, indicating different factors influencing R. raciborskii biomass and STXs. Significantly, for the first time, the risk of STXs exposure was gauged using the risk quotient (HQ) for untreated water consumption from public supply reservoirs in Brazil's semi-arid region. Although the exposure risks were generally low to moderate, the CDF underscored the risk of chronic exposure due to low toxin concentrations in over 90% of samples. These outcomes emphasize the potential expansion of R. raciborskii in tropical settings due to increased phosphorus, amplifying waterborne STXs levels and associated intoxication risks. Thus, this study reinforces the importance of nutrient control, particularly phosphorus regulation, as a mitigation strategy against R. raciborskii blooms and reducing STXs intoxication hazards.
... Te highest representation (biomass) of P. agardhii is reportedly associated with autumn, when it tolerates low light intensity and lower temperatures, even in tropical latitude lakes [54][55][56][57][58]. However, this species can prevail in temperate climates or even fourish throughout the year in eutrophic systems [6]. ...
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The development of anthropic activities during recent years has led to an increase in nutrient fluxes in the Río Grande de Comitán and Montebello Lakes National Park, Mexico. In turn, this has modified the dynamics of the biotic community, specifically favoring the presence of cyanobacteria tolerant to contamination. The continual and massive presence of Planktothrix species (spp.) in the system suggests a potential detrimental impact for economic issues and human health. In this study, we identify the morphological and molecular characteristics of Planktothrix populations from seven tropical (1,380–1,740 masl, 23.0–25.5°C) and calcareous lakes and two ponds from a water treatment plant. We also assess the ecological drivers that could be related to the presence of cyanotoxins in the system. The ecological preferences, morphology, 16S rRNA structure, and 16S-23S rRNA internal transcribed spacer found evidence for three species: P. agardhii distributed in neutral to slightly basic water (pH = 7.7–8.7), and P. spiroides and Planktothrix sp. in alkaline waters (pH = 9.1). The presence of the mcyE gene and its validation by liquid chromatography confirmed the presence of two microcystin variants (MC-RR and MC-LR) in at least three populations of P. agardhii. These microcystins put the health of the ecosystem and its inhabitants at risk, a condition that should be addressed and resolved with a water management and detoxification strategy in the basin.
... R. raciborskii may use resources more efficiently than other cyanobacterial species under both limiting and non-limiting conditions and even under low-light conditions (Burford et al., 2006). The high phenotypic plasticity of R. raciborskii, shown by a high affinity for ammonia, nitrate (Burford et al., 2006) and phosphate (Wu et al., 2009), and a large phosphorus storage capacity (Isvánovics et al., 2000), has been suggested as the main reason behind its ongoing expansion and expected future predominance with climate change (Bonilla et al., 2012). Our findings suggest that the warmingpromoted loss of richness was compensated by the higher growth rate exhibited by cyanobacteria and particularly by the biomass increase of a highly efficient species. ...
... Raphidiopsis (formerly known as Cylindrospermopsis) can form blooms in extremely low-P water bodies, a phenomenon that has attracted substantial attention of many algal physio-ecologists (Chislock et al., 2014;Lu et al., 2021;Rzymski and Poniedziałek, 2014). The dominance of Raphidiopsis under low-P conditions can be attributed to its intrinsic characteristics, including: (1) its flexibility in utilizing diverse forms of P (Bonilla et al., 2012;Burford et al., 2016;Xiao et al., 2020); (2) its robust P-uptake capacity compared with that of other cyanobacteria (Willis et al., 2019), as evidenced by the higher abundance of the pst gene in Raphidiopsis than in other cyanobacteria; (3) its capacity for luxury P-uptake into a storage form polyphosphate, which extends the duration of its dominance and blooms under P-deficient conditions (Prentice et al., 2015;Xiao et al., 2020); and (4) its nitrogen-fixing capacity under low-P conditions (Moisander et al., 2012). Second, the competitive advantage of Raphidiopsis in low-P waters can be attributed to its ability to secrete the CYN toxin, which inhibits P-competitors and induces other microorganisms to release ALPs, thus mineralizing organic P and increasing inorganic P concentration in water bodies (Bar-Yosef et al., 2010;Lu et al., 2021). ...
... However, Cylindrospermum sp. and Raphidiopsis sp. (functional group SN) have an optimum water temperature of 30-35 °C (Bonilla et al. 2011). The study of Briand et al. (2002) also showed that Cylindrospermum sp. can form dormant bodies to germinate in spring (around 20 °C), so that showing a competitive advantage. ...
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Identifying factors affecting phytoplankton dynamics is crucial to the management of aquatic ecosystems. A lot of scholars have conducted intensive studies on phytoplankton in lake or reservoirs, but not many studies have been conducted on diversion reservoirs. To explore the seasonal and spatial variation of phytoplankton communities and their relationship with environmental factors in the context of water diversion, a case study was carried out at XiKeng (XK) reservoir in South China. In this study, month-by-month water samples and phytoplankton were collected from this reservoir from December, 2021, to July, 2022. The results showed that the phytoplankton community was characterized by significant spatial and temporal variations. There were significant differences in phytoplankton abundance and structure in the reservoirs in terms of time. The abundance of phytoplankton cells and the proportion of Cyanobacteria in the reservoir showed a trend of increasing from autumn to spring and then decreasing from spring to summer, while the functional group evolved from S1 in autumn to SN in spring and summer. The abundance of phytoplankton was influenced by the dynamic water division and the characteristics of the reservoir itself, resulting in a spatial distribution characteristic of AIII > AII > AI. Water temperature (WT) and nutrients were the key factors driving the changes in phytoplankton abundance and community structure in the reservoir. These findings will deepen our understanding of the spatial and temporal dynamics of phytoplankton community structure in diversion reservoirs and provide a basis for freshwater water ecological management strategies.
There is broad consensus that cyanobacterial blooms will increase in severity, frequency, and duration under future climate scenarios, particularly in the North African region, where there is a strong climatic influence from the Sahara Desert. These climate changes may potentially favor certain genera of cyanobacteria over others. This paper presents data on the dynamic changes of harmful cyanobacterial blooms (Microcystis, Planktothrix, Aphanizomenon, Dolichospermum, Pseudanabaena, and Cylindrospermum) and environmental factors sampled monthly during 3 years (2005, 2010, and 2015), in four stations of Lake Oubeira, which is the largest freshwater lake in Algeria (surface 23 km2, average depth 2 m). The results showed significant discrepancies among the three periods in both abundance and cyanobacteria community composition. The main genus of cyanobacteria was Microcystis, which usually formed a dense bloom from June to October. Various limnological variables, including pH, NH4-N, PO4-P, chlorophyll-a, and suspended solids, increased significantly over the study period, while water temperature, dissolved oxygen, and NO3-N maintained relatively stable. Surprisingly, although PO4-P and NH4-N concentrations increased, there was a clear downward trend in the abundance of Aphanizomenon and Planktothrix over time, while the opposite occurred with respect to Microcystis, Dolichospermum, Pseudanabaena, and Cylindrospermum. Suspended solids and pH were the main factors explaining the observed trend. The results of this study may help better understand the bloom cycle of cyanobacteria and how the cyanobacterial community responds to environmental changes in the Mediterranean region.
The need to mitigate the effects of climate change is accelerating the development of novel technologies such as floating photovoltaics (FPV). Despite FPV being identified as an emerging issue of concern for biodiversity conservation, it is fast spreading globally and our understanding of their potential ecological impacts is limited. We present an overview of the current knowledge and provide an ecological perspective on FPV potential impacts on lake biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. To date, published works have highlighted reductions in light arrival, wind speed and water temperature with increased FPV cover but the subsequent cascading effects on biological and ecological processes remain unknown. We suggest that modifications in light and water temperature can alter individual regulatory processes affecting, primary production and energy transfer within lake food webs. Additionally, FPV can modify the thermal functioning and oxygenation of the water column while providing artificial habitats for organisms. These modifications can affect individual behavior and life-story but also alter the composition of plant and animal communities, trophic interactions and greenhouse gas balances. We suggest that FPV can also modify socioecological activities related to lake use (e.g., angling, leisure) and pressures at the meta-ecosystem level. Overall, we argue that FPV impacts will be highly context-dependent, varying across ranges of environmental conditions and industrial characteristics (e.g., FPV cover and location). Given the ecological and socio-economic implications of FPV, empirical quantifications based on robust designs are urgently needed and we provide here a unique guideline to help developing research programs to monitor these potential impacts.
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Shallow coastal regions face heightened vulnerability due to human development, making them susceptible to substantial influxes of human-caused inputs alongside waters with low pH levels. This research delved into a microcosm pH alteration experiment to explore the impact of pH reduction on the generation of bioactive substances by marine phytoplankton in the eutrophic coastal waters of the Bay of Bengal. Initially, the prevalent compounds in the surface seawater were fucoxanthin at 75%, zeaxanthin at 10%, and other bioactive elements like diadinoxanthin, diatoxanthin, and β-carotene collectively contributing to around 15%. Notably, all bioactive compounds and Chl-a concentrations significantly favored the control container (ranging from 35–70%), while the least growth occurred in the more acidified experimental containers (15–40%). In alignment with the above findings, the nutrient uptake rates were comparably diminished in the acidified experimental containers compared to the control group. The ratio between protective bioactive compounds (Diato + Diadino + Zea + β-Car) and synthetic bioactive compounds (Fuco + Chl-a) varied from 0.03 to 0.8, with the control container exhibiting the lowest values, and the more acidified experimental containers displaying the highest values of significance. Similarly, the DT index (diatoxanthin / (diatoxanthin + diadinoxanthin)) ratios followed a parallel pattern, with the control container showing the lowest average ratios and the acidified experimental containers displaying the highest ratios. Furthermore, based on our current study, we postulated that acidified water stimulates the proliferation of carotenoid-based bioactive compounds in marine regions more prominently than their synthetic counterparts. Mainly, the production of bioactive compounds in these experiments could also be influenced by our acidification method.
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Deep layer cyanoprokaryota (Cyanobium, Planktothrix rubescens, Cilindrospermopsis raciborskii, mixed assemblage) maxima were observed in Lake Stechlin (Mecklenburger Lake District, Germany) and in Lake Dom Helvécio and Lake Carioca (Rio Doce Lake District, Brazil). All three of these lakes have trophic states between oligotrophic and mesotrophic and the euphotic depth exceeds the mixing depth in each case. In terms of density gradient stratification, tropical and temperate lakes are in a similar range and the position of the deep chlorophyll maximum (DCM) in upper hypolimnion. At the level of DCM light intensities of about 1% of subsurface irradiation are characteristic and can suffice the light demand of shade adapted species. Availability of phosphate-P was higher in the hypolimnia of the investigated lakes, therefore this can be a selective advantage for DCM populations. Although upper hypolimnia are rather stable habitats that, in theory, would allow the best adapted species to exclude all others, cyanoprokaryotic DCM can be bi- or multispecific. In multispecific DCM, weather-driven irregularities in the stability of the pycnocline might maintain a multispecific DCM assemblage. Co-dominance of Cyanobium and Planktothrix in Lake Stechlin probably exhibited a stable co-existence when one of the species was limited by light and the other by the availability of P. Occurrence of DCM by buoyant cyanoprokaryota is probably much more common in lakes of moderate (from ultra-oligortophy to moderate mesotrophy) trophic state independent of latitudinal differences and they may play a key role in matter and energy cycling of freshwater.
Phytoplankton species composition and abundance were recorded biweekly over a one-year period in a eutrophic drinking water supply reservoir together with physical and chemical variables. Based on the results of canonical correspondence analysis and variations on phytoplankton composition and biomass two distinct stages were recognised. The first was characterised by low phytoplankton biomass with dominance of Aulacoseira distans and cryptomonads (D and Y assemblages composed by C-strategists (invasive) small, relatively fast-growing species). In the second period Microcystis aeruginosa (M assemblage; an S-R strategist), Anabaena spiroides (H assemblage; R-strategist; ruderal) and Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii (H-Sn assemblage; R-strategist; ruderal) dominated with a high biomass. Abundances of A. distans and cryptomonads were positively associated with NO 3- and N/P ratio and negatively with temperature and light. Cyanobacteria abundance was negatively associated with NO 3- and N/P ratio, and positively associated with temperature and light. D and Y assemblages were selected by conditions of mixing and low light during the cold-dry season. The increasing daily stratification and decreasing nitrogen availability, mainly DIN, favoured the M assemblage, and M. aeruginosa bloomed when DIN concentrations were <5 μM. With severe nitrogen limitation, H and H-Sn assemblages of N-fixing species were favoured and dominated the community.
Beginning systematically with the fundamentals, the fully-updated third edition of this popular graduate textbook provides an understanding of all the essential elements of marine optics. It explains the key role of light as a major factor in determining the operation and biological composition of aquatic ecosystems, and its scope ranges from the physics of light transmission within water, through the biochemistry and physiology of aquatic photosynthesis, to the ecological relationships that depend on the underwater light climate. This book also provides a valuable introduction to the remote sensing of the ocean from space, which is now recognized to be of great environmental significance due to its direct relevance to global warming. An important resource for graduate courses on marine optics, aquatic photosynthesis, or ocean remote sensing; and for aquatic scientists, both oceanographers and limnologists.