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Inequalities in Healthcare Provision for People with Severe Mental Illness



There are many factors that contribute to the poor physical health of people with severe mental illness (SMI), including lifestyle factors and medication side effects. However, there is increasing evidence that disparities in healthcare provision contribute to poor physical health outcomes. These inequalities have been attributed to a combination of factors including systemic issues, such as the separation of mental health services from other medical services, healthcare provider issues including the pervasive stigma associated with mental illness, and consequences of mental illness and side effects of its treatment. A number of solutions have been proposed. To tackle systemic barriers to healthcare provision integrated care models could be employed including co-location of physical and mental health services or the use of case managers or other staff to undertake a co-ordination or liaison role between services. The health care sector could be targeted for programmes aimed at reducing the stigma of mental illness. The cognitive deficits and other consequences of SMI could be addressed through the provision of healthcare skills training to people with SMI or by the use of peer supporters. Population health and health promotion approaches could be developed and targeted at this population, by integrating health promotion activities across domains of interest. To date there have only been small-scale trials to evaluate these ideas suggesting that a range of models may have benefit. More work is needed to build the evidence base in this area.
Inequalities in healthcare provision for
people with severe mental illness
David Lawrence
and Stephen Kisely
There are many factors that contribute to the poor physical health of people with severe mental illness (SMI), including lifestyle factors and medication
side effects. However, there is increasing evidence that disparities in healthcare provision contribute to poor physical health outcomes. These
inequalities have been attributed to a combination of factors including systemic issues, such as the separation of mental health services from
other medical services, healthcare provider issues including the pervasive stigma associated with mental illness, and consequences of mental illness
and side effects of its treatment. A number of solutions have been proposed. To tackle systemic barriers to healthcare provision integrated care models
could be employed including co-location of physical and mental health services or the use of case managers or other staff to undertake a co-ordination
or liaison role between services. The health care sector could be targeted for programmes aimed at reducing the stigma of mental illness. The cognitive
deficits and other consequences of SMI could be addressed through the provision of healthcare skills training to people with SMI or by the use of peer
supporters. Population health and health promotion approaches could be developed and targeted at this population, by integrating health promotion
activities across domains of interest. To date there have only been small-scale trials to evaluate these ideas suggesting that a range of models may have
benefit. More work is needed to build the evidence base in this area.
Bipolar disorder, co-morbidity, health status, quality of care, schizophrenia, severe mental illness
The excess mortality associated with severe mental illness
(SMI) is well known and has long been documented
(Brown, 1997; Harris and Barraclough, 1998; Saha et al.,
2007). While much attention has been focused on suicide
and homicide which are associated with higher rate ratios,
the public health burden associated with major chronic dis-
eases is much higher in people with SMI. The majority of
excess deaths in this population are due to physical illnesses,
in particular cardiovascular disease, respiratory illness and
cancer (Kisely et al., 2005; Lawrence et al., 2001; Leucht
et al., 2007). Both incidence rates and mortality rates are ele-
vated for cardiovascular disease and respiratory illness, but
mortality is higher than expected based on incidence alone so
higher incidence of disease and worse outcomes both contrib-
ute to the excess mortality (Laursen et al., 2009; Lawrence
et al., 2001). For cancers there is little evidence of excess inci-
dence, but worse case fatality has been reported (Kisely et al.,
2008; Lawrence et al., 2000), suggesting that factors associ-
ated with diagnosis, progression and treatment of disease play
a role.
Although substance use, unhealthy lifestyles, and the side
effects of medications increase the risk of physical illness in
people with SMI, there is a growing body of evidence that
unequal healthcare provision also plays a role in this dispar-
ity. In some cases, unequal quality of healthcare provision
seemed to explain much of the subsequent excess mortality
(Druss et al., 2001a). Although the highest number of excess
deaths in schizophrenia is associated with cardiovascular dis-
ease, people with schizophrenia have low rates of surgical
interventions such as stenting and bypass grafting (Druss
et al., 2000; Kisely et al., 2007; Lawrence et al., 2003;
Laursen et al.,2009). People with psychosis are less likely to
receive cerebrovascular arteriography or warfarin following
stroke (Kisely et al., 2009). The quality of medical care con-
tributes to excess mortality in older people with mental dis-
orders after heart failure (Rathore et al., 2008). Diabetes
patients with mental health conditions are less likely to
receive standard levels of diabetes care (Desai et al., 2002;
Frayne et al., 2005; Nasrallah et al., 2006). People with
SMI are less likely to receive routine cancer screening
(Carney and Jones, 2006; Xiong et al., 2008). Schizophrenia
patients with appendicitis have been found to be more likely
Centre for Developmental Health, Curtin Health Innovation Research
Institute, Telethon Institute for Child Health Research, Perth, Western
Australia, Australia.
The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia.
Corresponding author:
David Lawrence, Centre for Developmental Health, Curtin Health
Innovation Research Institute, Telethon Institute for Child Health
Research, Perth, Western Australia
Journal of Psychopharmacology
24(11) Supplement 4. 61–68
!The Author(s) 2010
Reprints and permissions:
DOI: 10.1177/1359786810382058
to present late, have more complications such as gangrene or
perforation of the appendix, and have worse outcomes from
surgery (Cooke et al., 2007). Patients with psychotic disorders
are less likely to receive medical treatments for arthritis
(Redelmeier et al., 1998). Mitchell et al. (2009), in a recent
meta-analysis of quality of medical care for people with co-
morbid mental illness, reported that the majority of studies
demonstrate significant inequalities in receipt or uptake of
medical care for people with SMI. McIntyre et al. (2007)
reviewed medical co-morbidity in bipolar disorder and
found that chronic health problems are very common in
patients with bipolar disorder, and tend to be under-recog-
nised and sub-optimally treated. Patients with SMI are more
likely to have physical co-morbidities, more likely to have
physical health problems that are not being treated, and
more physical co-morbidities are associated with worse
mental health (Dixon et al., 1999).
The aim of this review was to consider the evidence in
relation to healthcare provision for people with SMI, identify
gaps in knowledge and provide an overview of the field.
Owing to the large number of physical conditions indexed, the
lack of standardized keywords in the area of inequalities in
healthcare provision and the very large number of papers that
would need to be searched in a broad-based search strategy,
this is an overview rather than a systematic review. Papers
were initially selected by undertaking a search of Medline
(1966–December 2009). We identified papers relevant to
SMI by searching for ‘schizophrenia’, ‘psychotic disorders’,
‘mood disorders’, ‘affective disorders’ and ‘depressive disor-
der’. We then selected papers that overlapped with any of the
following search terms ‘health status’, ‘quality of health care’,
‘cardiovascular disease’, ‘neoplasms’, ‘stroke’ or ‘diabetes’.
We supplemented this search with reviews of the bibliogra-
phies of relevant articles. As most of the relevant papers
found related to describing the excess of physical health prob-
lems in people with SMI, we have focused on articles that
discuss levels and standards of healthcare provision, factors
influencing access and use of healthcare services and the small
number of trials that have investigated ways of improving
physical healthcare outcomes for people with SMI.
Healthcare provision for people with SMI
Barriers to effective healthcare provision for the mentally ill
can be split into system-level issues, provider issues and
patient-related factors (Druss, 2007; Lambert et al., 2003).
Systemic issues include the geographic, managerial and
resource separation of physical and mental healthcare facili-
ties, lack of clarity as to who takes responsibility for the phys-
ical health of patients with SMI, fragmentation of care across
providers, lack of integration between medicine and psychia-
try, lack of continuity of care, and under-resourcing of mental
healthcare that provides little opportunity for specialists to
focus on issues outside their core specialty (Druss, 2007). At
the provider level there are the effects of stigma, time and
resource constraints, and the possibility of regarding physical
complaints as psychosomatic symptoms (Leucht et al., 2007).
Patient-related factors include health risk factors and lifestyle
factors such as substance use, diet, lack of exercise and obe-
sity (Brown et al., 1999; Kendrick, 1996), side effects of med-
ications (Mitchell and Malone, 2006) and the effects of mental
illness including cognitive impairment, social isolation and
lack of family support, higher pain threshold or reduced sen-
sitivity to pain, suspiciousness or fear, self-neglect, lack of
motivation, socio-economic factors and difficulties in commu-
nicating health needs (Dworkin, 1994; Sokal et al.,2004).
It has been suggested that not only do patients with schizo-
phrenia have less access to medical care, and consume less
medical care, they are also less compliant with medical care
(Brugha et al., 1989; Hennekens, 2007). This lack of compli-
ance with follow-up care has been suggested as a reason why
patients with schizophrenia may be less likely to receive inva-
sive cardiac procedures (Shander, 2000). People with schizo-
phrenia also have higher rates of adverse events during
medical and surgical care (Daumit et al., 2006). More aggres-
sive or high-risk treatments such as more complex surgeries or
chemotherapy may be contra-indicated if the patient has mul-
tiple co-morbidities. There can also be ethical and consent
issues in undertaking high-risk procedures. Mateen et al.
(2008) undertook a small study of lung cancer care for
patients with schizophrenia. They described a small number
of cases where non-optimal cancer care was provided. In
some cases the patient declined chemotherapy treatment or
was considered unable to consent to it, while in others the
presence of co-morbid physical conditions was considered a
contra-indication for chemotherapy.
Who should provide primary healthcare for
physical problems?
There has long been concern as to whether psychiatrists
should provide primary healthcare assessments for people
with SMI, or whether people with SMI have access to, and
utilize appropriately, primary care physicians. McIntyre and
Romano (1977) reported that most psychiatrists acknowledge
the importance of physical examination of their patients, but
that few routinely undertake these assessments, either because
they believe the patient’s physical health is being assessed by
another physician or they do not feel competent to perform
such an examination. Psychiatrists often delegate the respon-
sibility for physical examination of their patients (Patterson,
1978). Not all psychiatrists keep up to date on the manage-
ment of chronic medical conditions (Cradock-O’Leary et al.,
At the same time, there are barriers to people with SMI
accessing primary care. Some primary care physicians see
patients with SMI as being disruptive to their practices or
feel uncomfortable treating them (Goodwin et al., 1979;
Karasu et al., 1980). The likeability of patients has also
been linked to the amount of attention they receive in primary
care (Gerbert, 1984; Hall et al., 1993). However, problems in
access to primary care are not the entire explanation. For
instance, in the Australian Study of Low Prevalence
Disorders, 81% of people with psychosis had been seen by
a general practitioner in the year prior to the survey
(Jablensky et al., 2000). It is possible that primary care
62 Journal of Psychopharmacology 24(11)
physicians feel that they have insufficient time to provide both
physical and mental healthcare for patients with SMI, limit-
ing opportunities for health screening (Jaen et al., 1994). Both
primary care settings and psychiatric settings regularly fail to
diagnose physical illnesses in patients with mental illness
(Koranyi, 1979, 1982; Koran et al., 1989).
Because patients with SMI fare poorly in primary care,
there have been calls for psychiatrists to take primary respon-
sibility for the overall health of their patients (Lancet, 1979;
Lamb, 1989; Shore, 1996). However, these calls have had little
impact (Daumit et al., 2002). As the treating psychiatrist may
only see the patient infrequently, it has also been suggested
that this responsibility needs to be shared with the mental
healthcare team. Two consensus conferences have called on
mental healthcare providers to take responsibility for the
physical health of their patients (Fleischhacker et al., 2008;
Marder et al., 2004). As the burden of physical illness is so
high in this population the risk of over-servicing is considered
to be minimal even if patients are also seen in primary care,
and more frequent monitoring would increase the likelihood
of early detection of medical conditions. To address the con-
cern that mental healthcare professionals do not feel compe-
tent to take on this responsibility, these calls have been
accompanied by calls for better and more comprehensive
training in primary healthcare for mental health profes-
sionals. With appropriate medical support, psychiatrists
have been considered as appropriate treatment providers for
many physical conditions (Golomb et al., 2000). However, it
should be recognized that mental healthcare facilities in many
countries are under-resourced compared with other health-
care facilities, and that many mental healthcare providers
are already stretched in attempting to manage the mental
health of their patients (Sartorius, 2007a). It is unlikely that
calls such as these will be successful in improving the primary
healthcare of people with SMI unless they are accompanied
by investments and resourcing models that recognize the time
requirement associated with this expanded role, as well as
addressing the logistical and cultural barriers to their
This issue has been compounded by a long tradition of sep-
aration of mental healthcare facilities from general healthcare,
both in the physical location of facilities and in the resourcing
and management models employed. Patients do not necessarily
perceive this separation, and do not always appreciate that they
should seek the help of multiple care providers.
In recent years, some jurisdictions have issued guidelines
on healthcare for people with SMI that have included mini-
mum standards of physical healthcare. For instance, the
European Psychiatric Association has recently issued a posi-
tion statement on cardiovascular disease and diabetes man-
agement that sets out standards for monitoring body weight,
blood lipids, blood glucose and smoking status on a regular
basis (de Hert et al., 2009). Responsibility for coordinating
assessment and management is assigned to psychiatrists, ide-
ally as part of a shared care arrangement. The Spanish
Societies of Psychiatry and Biological Psychiatry call for
six-monthly monitoring of blood pressure, blood lipids,
blood glucose, height, weight, and medication reviews for
schizophrenia patients in outpatient treatment (Sa
´iz Ruiz
et al., 2008).
In recognition of the metabolic effects of antipsychotic
medications, both the US and the UK have guidelines
for the monitoring of metabolic risk factors in schizophrenia
patients on antipsychotic medications (National Institute for
Clinical Excellence, 2002; American Diabetes Association,
American Psychiatric Association, American Association of
Clinical Endocrinologists and North American Association
for the Study of Obesity, 2004). Where applied these guide-
lines may be cost-effective, as screening costs are more than
offset by savings in chronic disease management and care
(Bruggeman et al., 2008). However, while these guidelines
are helpful in setting expectations for standards of care, com-
pliance is often low (Citrome and Yeomans, 2005; Haupt
et al., 2009), and health of people with SMI may not have
improved (Mackin et al., 2007). Work is required to develop
and fund systems that allow these standards of care to be
routinely applied. To date, the development of standards
has mainly been in response to the metabolic effects of anti-
psychotics, and focus on these risk factors. More general
guidelines for physical healthcare of people with SMI, regard-
less of medication, remain to be developed.
Integrated care trials
To address the systemic separation of mental healthcare and
physical healthcare, a range of integrated care models have
been proposed (Vreeland, 2007). These include co-location
of services, having staff from one service visit another on a
regular basis, or appointing case managers to liase between
services and co-ordinate the overall care for the patient.
Some small-scale trials have been conducted which show
benefits associated with various types of integrated care
models. Griswold et al. (2005, 2008) found that nurse case
managers were effective in increasing the percentage of
patients with SMI who were successfully linked to primary
care services. A randomized trial of an integrated care model
within a Veterans Administration mental health clinic found a
significant improvement in overall health status after 1 year,
and increased likelihood of patients receiving a range of pre-
ventive health measures (Druss et al., 2001b).
Shared care with primary care physicians is another
approach that has several advantages. These include accessi-
bility, reduction in stigma, and potential for long-term conti-
nuity of care, and integration with management of medical
problems. In the United States, the use of care managers for
liaison with primary care physicians was associated with sig-
nificant improvements in the quality and outcomes of primary
care (Druss et al., 2010a). The Consultation and Liaison in
Primary Care Psychiatry (CLIPP) project in Victoria,
Australia (Meadows, 1998) provides a protocol to support
primary care physicians in managing people with SMI as
they reintegrate into the community. This includes a manage-
ment plan with support to the primary care physician after
the transfer. Involvement of the primary care physician is
encouraged early with an increasing degree of shared care
in transition towards discharge. The development of ‘super-
clinics’ affords the opportunity to develop ‘one stop shops’
that increase the opportunity and capacity to promote access,
early intervention with respect to mental and physical health-
care while also enabling engagement with specialized medical
Lawrence and Kisely 63
services (Crompton et al., 2010). Larger-scale and longer-term
trials are required to determine whether these models of care
can improve morbidity and mortality of people with SMI.
Addressing patient-level factors
People with SMI may be naturally disadvantaged in their
ability to maintain good physical health and attend to their
physical health needs due to the range of patient-level factors
that commonly accompany SMI including cognitive impair-
ment, social isolation and lack of family support, self-neglect,
lack of motivation and socio-economic factors. Countering
these factors may help to address the inequality in health
outcomes for people with SMI. It is widely recognized that
additional investments and infrastructures are entirely appro-
priate to compensate for physical disabilities to allow people
with disabilities to participate more fully in life. Steps that
actively redress the negative consequences of mental illness
may also be appropriate for people with SMI.
There is an extensive literature relating adverse socio-
economic factors to poor health outcomes in the general
population (Marmot and Wilkinson, 2006). Socio-economic
disadvantage is more common in people with SMI, and
adversely affects the course of their mental illness
(Muntaner et al., 2004; Saraceno et al., 2005). Socio-economic
disadvantage is associated with unhealthy lifestyles and
reduced access to healthcare. While these factors would be
expected to have an impact on the physical health of people
with SMI, they do not fully explain the differential in health
outcomes between people with SMI and the general popula-
tion. Studies that have adjusted for socio-economic status still
find significantly worse morbidity and mortality for people
with SMI (Kisely et al., 2007, 2009).
The cognitive impairment associated with schizophrenia
has been estimated as a reduction of around one standard
deviation of IQ across a range of domains (Fioravanti
et al., 2005), and often persists after remission of other symp-
toms (Szo
¨ke et al., 2008). Impairment may be particularly
severe in the area of social cognition (van Os and Kapur,
2009) which affects the ability to understand and interact
with our surroundings which may impair the ability to distin-
guish between health promotional and advertising messages,
and to understand and prioritize various sources of health
information or misinformation.
Folsom (2009) suggested that one possible approach to
addressing the sequelae of SMI is to provide healthcare
skills training for patients. This approach aims to develop
skills in accessing and understanding health information
and the healthcare system. There have been a couple of
specific trials of this type of approach. McKibben et al.
(2006) trialled a skills training intervention aimed at older
schizophrenia patients with diabetes which achieved a
significant reduction in weight gain at 6 months. Wu et al.
(2008) undertook a lifestyle intervention aimed at reducing
antipsychotic-induced weight gain, which achieved significant
benefits at 12 weeks. Further trials are needed to assess
longer-term benefits and applicability of the approach to
broader health needs than just weight control.
Another approach to this problem has been the use of peer
supporters. In this model, former patients provide support
services which may take the form of peer-led training, facili-
tation of access to or liaison with healthcare providers, or the
provision of support services such as case management
(Davidson et al., 2006). Peer support is more established in
areas such as addiction and cancer, and is a relatively recent
innovation in mental healthcare. As yet there is little evidence
base to support long-term benefits because of the lack of trials
in the area (Kemp et al., 2009), although a trial of a peer-
support service in Western Australia has shown initial prom-
ising results (Bates et al., 2008). In addition, Druss et al.
(2010b) have reported the results of a trial of a peer-led med-
ical self-management program, in which mental health peer
leaders deliver a six-session programme. After 6 months there
was a significantly elevated rate of access to primary care.
The stigma of mental illness pervades all aspects of society,
including the healthcare system. Severe mental illness too
often robs people of the characteristics that otherwise we
find most endearing. If there is one sector of society that
should be able to recognize that the behaviours that are oth-
erwise seen as signs of a difficult or negative person are actu-
ally symptoms of illness, it would be expected to be the
healthcare sector. Sartorius (2007b) has suggested that, as
part of the overall goal of reducing the stigma of mental ill-
ness, the healthcare sector should be particularly targeted.
As noted previously, one issue in the reduced access to
primary care for people with SMI is the way that some
practitioners regard people with SMI as being difficult or dis-
ruptive, attributing abnormal behaviour as an individual
characteristic rather than one of the symptoms of an illness.
Sartorius (2007b) has suggested that a campaign to reduce
stigma and discrimination within the healthcare sector
should be a high priority in efforts to reduce the stigma asso-
ciated with mental illness in the population at large.
Population healthcare and health promotion
Population health programmes have been credited with
improvements in health risk factor profiles and improved
life expectancy in developed countries. Common chronic dis-
eases such as cardiovascular disease, cancers and diabetes
have been major targets for these strategies which combine
a range of legislative and promotional approaches to reduce
exposure to known health risk factors. Probably the biggest
success in this regard is the reduction in smoking rates, but
major programmes have also been developed to address other
substance misuse including alcohol, diet and exercise, and
sun exposure.
As inpatient treatment for psychiatric illness has been
reduced and community-based care has become the norm in
most Western countries, preventive healthcare measures are
becoming more important for improving the health of people
with SMI (Salokangas, 2007). The need to integrate general
medical and mental healthcare and to treat the person rather
than specific diseases has been recognized for some time.
However, population health has been significantly slower to
respond to this trend, with most population health initiatives
targeted at single diseases or risk factors. Agencies taking
64 Journal of Psychopharmacology 24(11)
responsibility for population health initiatives are often orga-
nized around specific diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes
or cancer, with mental illness seen as a separate group.
Population-health-based groups that address major chronic
diseases are reluctant to view people with mental illness as
an important target group. There is evidence that people with
SMI can quit smoking, become more physically active and
improve their diets but programmes should be tailored to
address the neurological, cognitive, behavioural and social
deficits associated with SMI (Addington et al., 1998;
Robson and Gray, 2007).
Despite the high rate of smoking in people with SMI
(de Leon and Diaz, 2005), it is rare to see population-
health-based anti-smoking measures targeted at people with
SMI. Where mental illness is identified as an important
target in smoking cessation, the suggested strategies are
almost always service-based, such as smoke-free units, with
often disappointing long-term results (Lawn and Pols, 2005;
Prochaska et al., 2006). For instance, of 100 patients admitted
to a smoke-free psychiatric unit, all resumed smoking within
about 5 weeks of discharge. The median time from discharge
to first cigarette was 5 minutes, and the range was a few
seconds to 36 days (Prochaska et al., 2006). While some
have argued that the entire population, including people
with SMI, respond to general smoking-cessation programmes
(Chapman, 2007), the persistent high rate of smoking in this
group would suggest these programmes are not equally effec-
tive in this group. People with SMI could well benefit from
targeted messages, as there are specific issues around smoking
in people with SMI that need to be addressed. The interac-
tions between nicotine and anti-psychotics and anti-depres-
sive medications mean that people with SMI may need to
have their medications or doses adjusted when quitting smok-
ing, and the possibility that nicotine withdrawal symptoms
can be mistaken for symptoms of mental illness are specific
areas where people with SMI could benefit from targeted
information (Ziedonis et al., 2008). Some of the general
anti-smoking messages are also less relevant in this group.
For instance, campaigns around the idea that an early smok-
ing-related death may mean you will not be around to see
your children and loved ones as they grow older may be
less relevant for people who do not have children or who
are estranged from their families, demographic groups over-
represented among people with SMI (Compton et al., 2006).
Similarly the attempt to stigmatise smoking behaviour
(Chapman and Freeman, 2008) may have less of an impact
on a population already facing the stigma of mental illness,
and a strategy that may be effective in those without mental
illness may cause harm to those with SMI (Bayer and
Stuber, 2006).
People with SMI have higher rates of mortality and reduced
life expectancy, with deaths from common physical illnesses
such as cardiovascular disease, cancers and respiratory ill-
nesses representing the largest number of excess deaths.
There is a range of contributing factors that may be respon-
sible for this excess mortality, and while we do not know how
much these various factors contribute to the overall excess
mortality, inequalities in healthcare access and delivery have
been repeatedly documented and are likely to be a contribut-
ing cause. These inequalities can be attributed to a combina-
tion of factors including systemic issues, such as the common
separation of mental health services from other medical
services, healthcare provider issues including the pervasive
stigma associated with mental illness, and consequences of
mental illness and side effects of its treatment.
Fleishhacker et al. (2008) have suggested that parity in
healthcare for people with mental illness should be regarded
as a basic human right. This raises the question of whether we
would regard equality in health as meaning equality in access
to healthcare, equality in the use of healthcare, use of health-
care in proportion to need or equality in health outcomes.
A human rights argument could be made that people with a
higher burden of physical illness, such as people with SMI,
should be entitled to higher use of healthcare given the higher
level of health need.
There have been some small-scale trials examining ways to
address these issues which have shown promise (Druss and
von Esenwein, 2006), however there is a need to build the
evidence base on which to formulate programmes to address
the inequities in healthcare provision in this population. To
build this evidence base, it is important to include a trial and
evaluation component in policy and programme changes, to
determine which strategies are effective and aid in their refine-
ment. With the increasing availability of administrative data
in electronic form, evaluations can be carried out at minimal
cost using record linkage methodologies.
The complex and multifactorial nature of the problems
underlying the inequalities in healthcare provision for
people with SMI will require multifaceted solutions. It is unli-
kely that any one of the initiatives mentioned above will com-
pletely resolve the problem. The growing literature in the field
including some trials suggests that there is building momen-
tum to address health inequalities in people with SMI. The
health system has long been better at treating people with
single problems. While recognizing that treating multiple
health problems concurrently is more difficult, it may well
be the case that this approach would have substantial bene-
fits including possible long-term cost savings, as treating the
physical health problems of people with SMI may improve
their mental health as well as their physical health and vice
This research received no specific grant from any funding
agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
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68 Journal of Psychopharmacology 24(11)
... Concerningly, between 2000 and 2014 the mortality gap widened for patients with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia in the UK [6]. Potentially contributing to this is suboptimal diagnosis and treatment of physical diseases for patients with SMI [7], which has been linked to healthcare provider stigma around mental illness, systemic issues, limited appointment time, a lack of training, and fragmentation between primary and secondary care [5,8] , [9] , [10,11]. ...
... Short appointment times and lack of continuous care are common barriers to SMI patients receiving appropriate physical healthcare [8]. Primrose-A addressed these barriers by providing longer regular appointments, which has previously been suggested to aid in building positive therapeutic relationships [32]. ...
... Extensive literature documents how SMI diagnoses prevent access and engagement with healthcare [8], and in the Primrose study, low patient attendance of inperson appointments was reported [16]. This was not reported with Primrose-A, which may indicate that telephone appointments may better suit the needs of some patients. ...
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Background Cardiovascular disease among patients with severe mental illness in England is a major preventable contributor to premature mortality. To address this, a nurse and peer-coach delivered service (Primrose-A) was implemented in three London general practices from 2019 (implementation continued during COVID-19). This study aimed to conduct interviews with patient and staff to determine the acceptability of, and experiences with, Primrose-A. Methods Semi-structured audio-recorded interviews with eight patients who had received Primrose-A, and 3 nurses, 1 GP, and 1 peer-coach who had delivered Primrose-A in three London-based GP surgeries were conducted. Reflexive thematic analysis was used to identify themes from the transcribed interviews. Findings Overall, Primrose-A was viewed positively by patients and staff, with participants describing success in improving patients’ mental health, isolation, motivation, and physical health. Therapeutic relationships between staff and patients, and long regular appointments were important facilitators of patient engagement and acceptance of the intervention. Several barriers to the implementation of Primrose-A were identified, including training, administrative and communication issues, burden of time and resources, and COVID-19. Conclusions Intervention acceptability could be enhanced by providing longer-term continuity of care paired with more peer-coaching sessions to build positive relationships and facilitate sustained health behaviour change. Future implementation of Primrose-A or similar interventions should consider: (1) training sufficiency (covering physical and mental health, including addiction), (2) adequate staffing to deliver the intervention, (3) facilitation of clear communication pathways between staff, and (4) supporting administrative processes.
... 18 The fragmentation of mental health services and other medical services is another major factor worsening these disparities. 19 In addition, another cause of ill physical health may be genetic cosegregation. 20 Physical health disparities are further associated not only with diagnosed disorders, but psychiatric symptoms. ...
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Background Mental health disorders (MHDs) are associated with physical health disparities, but underlying excess risk and health burden have not yet been comprehensively assessed. Objective To assess the burden of comorbid physical health conditions (PHCs) across serious MHDs in Europe. Methods We estimated the relative prevalence risk of PHCs associated with alcohol use disorders (AUD), bipolar disorder (BD), depressive disorders (DD) and schizophrenia (SZ) across working-age populations of 32 European countries in 2019 based on a targeted literature review. Excess physical health burden was modelled using population-attributable fractions and country-level prevalence data. Findings We screened 10 960 studies, of which 41 were deemed eligible, with a total sample size of over 18 million persons. Relative prevalence of PHCs was reported in 54%, 20%, 15%, 5% and 7% of studies, respectively, for SZ, DD, BD, AUD or mixed. Significant relative risk estimates ranged from 1.44 to 3.66 for BD, from 1.43 to 2.21 for DD, from 0.81 to 1.97 for SZ and 3.31 for AUD. Excess physical health burden ranged between 27% and 67% of the total, corresponding to 84 million (AUD), 67 million (BD), 66 million (DD) and 5 million (SZ) PHC diagnoses in Europe. A 1% reduction in excess risk assuming causal inference could result in two million fewer PHCs across investigated MHDs. Conclusions This is the first comprehensive study of the physical health burden of serious MHDs in Europe. The methods allow for updates, refinement and extension to other MHDs or geographical areas. Clinical implications The results indicate potential population health benefits achievable through more integrated mental and physical healthcare and prevention approaches.
... Although we were unable to investigate the underlying reasons in the present study, lower vaccination uptake could have been due to particularly low levels of engagement with preventative healthcare in these groups. (28) Individuals with mental illness have been shown to have poor access to nonpsychiatric healthcare, including preventative services such as vaccination programmes, primarily due to barriers such as low levels of knowledge and awareness of such services, and accessibility issues. (29) However, pilot interventions aimed at increasing vaccination uptake among individuals with mental illness by addressing these barriers, for example through targeted education campaigns and the integration of psychiatric providers in vaccination programmes, have been shown to be effective. ...
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Background: Individuals with mental illness are at higher risk of severe COVID-19 outcomes. However, previous studies on the uptake of COVID-19 vaccination in this population have reported conflicting results. Therefore, we aimed to investigate the association between mental illness and COVID-19 vaccination uptake, using data from five countries. Methods: Data from seven cohort studies (N=325,298), and the Swedish registers (8,080,234), were used to identify mental illness and COVID-19 vaccination uptake. Multivariable modified Poisson regression models were conducted to calculate the prevalence ratio (PR) and 95% CIs of vaccination uptake among individuals with v.s. without mental illness. Results from the cohort studies were pooled using random effects meta-analyses. Findings: Most of the meta-analyses performed using the COVIDMENT study population showed no significant association between mental illness and vaccination uptake. In the Swedish register study population, we observed a very small reduction in the uptake of both the first (prevalence ratio [PR]: 0.98, 95% CI: 0.98-0.99, p<0.001) and second dose among individuals with mental illness; the reduction was however greater among those not using pyschiatric medication (PR: 0.91, 95% CI: 0.91-0.91, p<0.001). Conclusions: The high uptake of COVID-19 vaccination observed among individuals with most types of mental illness highlights the comprehensiveness of the vaccination campaign , however lower levels of vaccination uptake among subgroups of individuals with unmedicated mental illness warrants attention in future vaccination campaigns.
... More patients present with multimorbidity (� 2 chronic illnesses) and polypharmacy (� 5 medications) [25] and require co-ordination between specialities, professionals, stakeholders, and services to deliver optimum benefit, which is defined as 'integrated care' [26]. Patients with co-morbid physical and mental illnesses have poorer outcomes when care is fragmented [27]. A Cochrane review suggests outcomes are improved when collaborative care exists for management of depression and anxiety [28]. ...
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Introduction Antipsychotic medication is increasingly prescribed to patients with serious mental illness. Patients with serious mental illness often have cardiovascular and metabolic comorbidities, and antipsychotics independently increase the risk of cardiometabolic disease. Despite this, many patients prescribed antipsychotics are discharged to primary care without planned psychiatric review. We explore perceptions of healthcare professionals and managers/directors of policy regarding reasons for increasing prevalence and management of antipsychotics in primary care. Methods Qualitative study using semi-structured interviews with 11 general practitioners (GPs), 8 psychiatrists, and 11 managers/directors of policy in the United Kingdom. Data was analysed using thematic analysis. Results Respondents reported competency gaps that impaired ability to manage patients prescribed antipsychotic medications, arising from inadequate postgraduate training and professional development. GPs lacked confidence to manage antipsychotic medications alone; psychiatrists lacked skills to address cardiometabolic risks and did not perceive this as their role. Communication barriers, lack of integrated care records, limited psychology provision, lowered expectation towards patients with serious mental illness by professionals, and pressure to discharge from hospital resulted in patients in primary care becoming ‘trapped’ on antipsychotics, inhibiting opportunities to deprescribe. Organisational and contractual barriers between services exacerbate this risk, with socioeconomic deprivation and lack of access to non-pharmacological interventions driving overprescribing. Professionals voiced fears of censure if a catastrophic event occurred after stopping an antipsychotic. Facilitators to overcome these barriers were suggested. Conclusions People prescribed antipsychotics experience a fragmented health system and suboptimal care. Several interventions could be taken to improve care for this population, but inadequate availability of non-pharmacological interventions and socioeconomic factors increasing mental distress need policy change to improve outcomes. The role of professionals’ fear of medicolegal or regulatory censure inhibiting antipsychotic deprescribing was a new finding in this study.
... This is underscored by the fact that the men in Profile 2 were the majority and had the highest percentage of serious psychiatric disorders but were still triaged at lower priority [71]. Their high ED use with lower triage priority could also be explained by the fact that patients with serious psychiatric disorders are reported to receive less primary care than patients with common psychiatric disorders [72]. Primary care providers, most notably GPs, are said to be less comfortable in treating patients with serious psychiatric disorders [73]. ...
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Emergency department (ED) overcrowding is a growing problem worldwide. High ED users have been historically targeted to reduce ED overcrowding and associated high costs. Patients with psychiatric disorders, including substance-related disorders (SRDs), are among the largest contributors to high ED use. Since EDs are meant for urgent cases, they are not an appropriate setting for treating recurrent patients or replacing outpatient care. Identifying ED user profiles in terms of perceived barriers to care, service use, and sociodemographic and clinical characteristics is crucial to reduce ED use and unmet needs. Data were extracted from medical records and a survey was conducted among 299 ED patients from 2021 to 2022 in large Quebec networks. Cluster algorithms and comparison tests identified three profiles. Profile 1 had the most patients without barriers to care, with case managers, and received the best primary care. Profile 2 reported moderate barriers to care and low primary care use, best quality of life, and more serious psychiatric disorders. Profile 3 had the most barriers to care, high ED users, and lower service satisfaction and perceived mental/health conditions. Our findings and recommendations inform decision-makers on evidence-based strategies to address the unmet needs of these vulnerable populations.
... However, for people with psychiatric disorders, access to care is difficult not only because of the disorders themselves but also personal barriers related to internalised stigma (Milan & Varescon, 2021). Furthermore, the fragmentation between the organisation of physical care and psychiatric care is a source of a lack of communication, cooperation and continuity of care (Lawrence & Kisely, 2010). Stigma acts as a direct barrier to coordination between medical disciplines, and an indirect barrier by impacting the distribution of health resources (Schulze, 2007;Tyerman et al., 2021). ...
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Advanced practice nurses constitute a new professional group within the French health care system. Advanced practice nurses specialise in one of five disciplines including Psychiatry/Mental‐Health. This specific discipline is strongly marked by stigmatising representations by healthcare users and other health professionals (including other advanced practice nurses), whose consequences have a deleterious effect. The aim was to highlight all advanced practice nurses representation of Psychiatry/Mental‐Health advanced practice nurses. An observational descriptive survey, based on an anonymous online questionnaire was conducted in April 2022 among qualified and student advanced practice nurses from the five specialist disciplines. Overall, 356 advanced practice nurses completed the survey questionnaire. No significant difference in stigmatising representations of Psychiatry/Mental‐Health advanced practice nurses versus other advanced practice nurses was observed. Only 3.3% of other advanced practice nurses thought that Psychiatry/Mental‐Health advanced practice nurses are often ‘strange’. Psychiatry/Mental‐Health advanced practice nurses and other advanced practice nurses appeared to have similar representations of the professional roles of advanced practice nurses in general and of advanced practice nurses APN specifically. Unlike other professionals in the psychiatric field (e.g. medical interns, nurses), very little stigmatisation of Psychiatry/Mental‐Health advanced practice nurses by their colleagues (i.e. other advanced practice nurses) was observed. This could be partly due to the fact that advanced practice nurses professional identity appeared to be built collectively around the concept of advanced practice. Advanced practice nurses constitute a professional group that is fully involved in contemporary transformations in care and organisational innovation. The very low level of stigmatisation of Psychiatry/Mental‐Health advanced practice nurses by other advanced practice nurses in our study suggests that these new healthcare actors could play a crucial role in the improvement of professional health practices, particularly in terms of improved coordination between psychiatric‐care and physical‐care.
In this study, we explore the themes related to mental health considerations in HIV/AIDS research published in the South African Journal of Psychology (SAJP) from January 2008 to December 2018. Utilising an exploratory research design, we purposively sampled 35 empirical articles from the SAJP to represent general trends. We conducted a thematic content analysis to identify recurring constructs and themes, following established guidelines. Key themes identified include the intersection between stigma, mental health and access to healthcare; the impact of HIV on cognitive functioning and performance; behavioural vulnerabilities and power dynamics; and challenges in healthcare service utilisation. The cumulative evidence from the SAJP highlights the need for targeted, culturally sensitive interventions that deal with systemic inefficiencies and stigma in the healthcare system. Interventions should also consider broader socio-economic factors and promote equitable relationships. In addition, it is vital to ensure that healthcare providers receive ongoing education on legal and ethical matters to aid in sound ethical decision-making. An all-encompassing, coordinated strategy is key to improving the lives of people living with HIV/AIDS in South Africa.
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Objective The objective of this study is to determine demographic and diagnostic distributions of physical pain recorded in clinical notes of a mental health electronic health records database by using natural language processing and examine the overlap in recorded physical pain between primary and secondary care. Design, setting and participants The data were extracted from an anonymised version of the electronic health records of a large secondary mental healthcare provider serving a catchment of 1.3 million residents in south London. These included patients under active referral, aged 18+ at the index date of 1 July 2018 and having at least one clinical document (≥30 characters) between 1 July 2017 and 1 July 2019. This cohort was compared with linked primary care records from one of the four local government areas. Outcome The primary outcome of interest was the presence of recorded physical pain within the clinical notes of the patients, not including psychological or metaphorical pain. Results A total of 27 211 patients were retrieved. Of these, 52% (14,202) had narrative text containing relevant mentions of physical pain. Older patients (OR 1.17, 95% CI 1.15 to 1.19), females (OR 1.42, 95% CI 1.35 to 1.49), Asians (OR 1.30, 95% CI 1.16 to 1.45) or black (OR 1.49, 95% CI 1.40 to 1.59) ethnicities, living in deprived neighbourhoods (OR 1.64, 95% CI 1.55 to 1.73) showed higher odds of recorded pain. Patients with severe mental illnesses were found to be less likely to report pain (OR 0.43, 95% CI 0.41 to 0.46, p<0.001). 17% of the cohort from secondary care also had records from primary care. Conclusion The findings of this study show sociodemographic and diagnostic differences in recorded pain. Specifically, lower documentation across certain groups indicates the need for better screening protocols and training on recognising varied pain presentations. Additionally, targeting improved detection of pain for minority and disadvantaged groups by care providers can promote health equity.
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Background: Individuals with mental illness are at higher risk of severe COVID-19 outcomes. However, previous studies on the uptake of COVID-19 vaccination in this population have reported conflicting results. Therefore, we aimed to investigate the association between mental illness and COVID-19 vaccination uptake, using data from five countries. Methods: Data from seven cohort studies (N=325,298), and the Swedish registers (8,080,234), were used to identify mental illness and COVID-19 vaccination uptake. Multivariable modified Poisson regression models were conducted to calculate the prevalence ratio (PR) and 95% CIs of vaccination uptake among individuals with v.s. without mental illness. Results from the cohort studies were pooled using random effects meta-analyses. Findings: Most of the meta-analyses performed using the COVIDMENT study population showed no significant association between mental illness and vaccination uptake. In the Swedish register study population, we observed a very small reduction in the uptake of both the first (prevalence ratio [PR]: 0.98, 95% CI: 0.98-0.99, p<0.001) and second dose among individuals with mental illness; the reduction was however greater among those not using pyschiatric medication (PR: 0.91, 95% CI: 0.91-0.91, p<0.001). Conclusions: The high uptake of COVID-19 vaccination observed among individuals with most types of mental illness highlights the comprehensiveness of the vaccination campaign , however lower levels of vaccination uptake among subgroups of individuals with unmedicated mental illness warrants attention in future vaccination campaigns.
Background People with severe mental health illness die prematurely, often due to preventable cardiometabolic disease, which can be exacerbated by antipsychotic medicines that are effective for treating mental illness. Literature demonstrates that physical health monitoring, as recommended in guidelines, for people receiving antipsychotics is substandard. Therefore, we aimed to scope the potential of a general practice clinical pharmacist (GPCP)-led multidisciplinary intervention optimising adherence to cardiometabolic monitoring guidelines and delivering polypharmacy reviews. Method Prospective intervention scoping study in three urban general practices; one usual care, two intervention. Patients 18–65 years old prescribed oral antipsychotics were identified from records, and invited for cardiometabolic monitoring and GPCP medication review, from January to December 2022. Interventions and onward referrals were recorded and collated. Anonymised pre- and post-review data were analysed, and actions were graded for clinical importance. Results In total 1.5% (210/14,159) of patients aged 18–65 years met inclusion criteria; usual care practice (n = 58); and intervention practices (n = 152). From baseline, the usual care practice achieved an absolute 7% increase in the cardiometabolic monitoring care bundle (glucose/glycosylated haemoglobin, lipids, blood pressure plus body mass index) versus 19–58% in the intervention practices. Two-thirds (92/152) of patients participated in medication reviews, requiring pharmacological and/or non-pharmacological clinical actions. The majority of actions were graded as moderate importance. Seven percentage of patients were identified as new pre-diabetic/diabetic and 6% were at high risk of cardiovascular disease requiring statin initiation. Conclusion A pharmacist-led multidisciplinary general practice-based approach may be effective at optimising cardiometabolic monitoring; identifying and treating diabetic and cardiovascular risk factors.
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The physical health of individuals with long-term mental illnesses has long been of concern. In Western Australia, the overall mortality rate from preventable causes of people living with mental illness was reported to be 2.5 times greater than that of the general population. A trial peer support service was initiated to assist people with mental illness to attend to their physical health needs. This paper presents the planning, implementation, and results of this collaborative initiative involving nongovernment agencies, the public mental health service, consumers of mental health services, and the University of Western Australia.
Background: An increasing body of evidence suggests that, in comparison to the general population. patients with severe mental illnesses such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder have worse physical health and a far shorter life expectancy in developed countries, due primarily to premature cardiovascular disease. Participants: This article is based on presentations and discussion on somatic comorbidity in psychiatric illnesses by a group of 37 international experts during 2 meetings held in 2006. Consensus Process: At the preparatory meeting in Paris, France, the group determined key topics for presentations and group discussions. During the meeting in Vienna, Austria, on day 1, each set of presentations was followed by discussions in small groups with the meeting participants. On day 2, conclusions reached by each discussion group were presented and used as a platform for a consensus view adopted by the meeting participants. The presentations and discussions were collated into a draft that was revised and approved by each of the bylined authors. Evidence: General health care needs are commonly neglected in patients with severe mental illness, with suboptimal integration of general somatic and psychiatric care services, current lack of consensus as to which health care professionals should be responsible for the prevention and management of comorbid somatic illnesses in patients with severe mental disorders, and, at least in some countries, a paucity of funding for general somatic care for patients with severe mental disorders, especially those in long-term psychiatric treatment. Conclusions: The somatic health of patients with severe medical illnesses is too often neglected, thus contributing to an egregious health disparity. The reintegration of psychiatry and medicine, with an ultimate goal of providing optimal services to this vulnerable patient population, represents the most important challenge for psychiatry today, requiring urgent and comprehensive action from the profession toward achieving an optimal solution.
• Thorough medical evaluation of 529 patients drawn from eight program categories in California's public mental health system revealed active, important physical disease in 200 patients who had 291 diseases. Fourteen percent of the patients had diseases known to themselves but not to the mental health system, and 12% of the patients had diseases newly detected by the study team. We estimate that of the more than 300 000 patients treated in the California public mental health system in fiscal year 1983 to 1984, 45% had an active, important physical disease. The mental health system had recognized only 47% of study patients' physical diseases, including 32 of 38 diseases causing a mental disorder and 23 of 51 diseases exacerbating a mental disorder. Patients treated in public sector mental health facilities should receive careful medical evaluations.
Correlates of physicians' liking for their patients were examined among 17 internists at a health maintenance organization and 530 of their patients 70 years of age and older. Analyses were conducted for the entire sample as well as for individual physicians, whose results were combined by meta-analysis. Both kinds of analysis showed that patients were more liked when they were in better health (based on psychometric measures of social, emotional, functional, and overall self-rated health) and when they were more satisfied with their care. In addition, male patients were liked more than female patients, and physicians who were female and less experienced liked their patients more.
Twenty-two patients seen in a clinic for systemic lupus erythematosus were tested for organicity, depression, anxiety, and hostility. Four of the clinic's physicians ranked these patients from most liked to least liked. In three of the four physicians, dislike was significantly correlated with the patient's degree of organicity. Ten of the patients were ranked among the three most disliked patients by one or more of the ranking physicians. This group of most disliked patients contained all patients with signs of organic brain damage and all suicidal patients. Dislike of a patient by the physician may be a clue to serious psychiatric impairment. (JAMA 241:1117-1120, 1979)