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Comparative study of the application fish apartments in Situbondo and Probolinggo, East Java, Indonesia


Abstract and Figures

Isroni W, Pramudia Z, Bahri AS, Risqiana MA, Maulida N, Irawandani TD. 2023. Comparative study of the application fish apartments in Situbondo and Probolinggo, East Java, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 24: 4034-4045. Fisheries resources which are common property in their utilization are vulnerable to overfishing conditions due to exploratory actions. In addition, the use of destructive fishing gear and habitat degradation has a great impact on fisheries productivity which continues to decrease. Fish apartments as alternative artificial habitat have been successfully applied in Probolinggo, especially for coral organisms. This study compares the application of fish apartments in two different locations, Karang Katon Probolinggo and Karang Mayit Beach Situbondo. Through descriptive and valuative approaches, the survey results showed that in Karang Katon there were 5 species, the highest composition level is Acanthurus achilles (51.56%).Karang Mayit Beach there were 3 species, the highest composition level is Chaetodon octofasciatus (60.56%). The highest abundance is Acanthurus achilles (34.4 ind/m2) in Karang Katon and Chaetodon octofasciatus (42.2 ind/m2) in Karang Mayit Beach. The diversity index in Karang Katon-1.280, while in Karang Mayit Beach-0.853. The dominance index in Karang Katon 0.343, while in Karang Mayit Beach 0.496. Based on this research, the analysis showed positive results for both different locations, indicating it can be used as new habitats for sustainability and increased productivity of fisheries resources.
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ISSN: 1412-033X
Volume 24, Number 7, July 2023 E-ISSN: 2085-4722
Pages: 4034-4045 DOI: 10.13057/biodiv/d240741
Comparative study of the application fish apartments in Situbondo and
Probolinggo, East Java, Indonesia
1Departement of Fish Health Management and Aquaculture, Fisheries and Marine Faculty, Universitas Airlangga. Jl. Dharmahusada Permai 330,
Surabaya 60115, East Java, Indonesia. Tel.: +62-31-5911541, email:
2Aquaculture Study Program, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya. Jl. Veteran, Malang 65145, East Java, Indonesia
3Coastal and Marine Research Center, Universitas Brawijaya. Jl. Veteran, Malang 65145 East Java, Indonesia
4Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Perikanan Malang. Jl. Cengger Ayam I/5, Malang 65145, East Java, Indonesia
5Graduate School of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries, Kagoshima University. Korimoto 1-21-24, Kagoshima 890-8580, Japan
6Departement of Biosystem Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Brawijaya. Jl. Veteran, Malang 65145, East Java, Indonesia
Manuscript received: 6 February 2023. Revision accepted: 23 July 2023
Abstract. Isroni W, Pramudia Z, Bahri AS, Risqiana MA, Maulida N, Irawandani TD. 2023. Comparative study of the application fish
apartments in Situbondo and Probolinggo, East Java, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 24: 4034-4045. Fisheries resources which are common
property in their utilization are vulnerable to overfishing conditions due to exploratory actions. In addition, the use of destructive fishing
gear and habitat degradation has a great impact on fisheries productivity which continues to decrease. Fish apartments as alternative
artificial habitat have been successfully applied in Probolinggo, especially for coral organisms. This study compares the application of
fish apartments in two different locations, Karang Katon Probolinggo and Karang Mayit Beach Situbondo. Through descriptive and
valuative approaches, the survey results showed that in Karang Katon there were 5 species, the highest composition level is Acanthurus
achilles (51.56%). Karang Mayit Beach there were 3 species, the highest composition level is Chaetodon octofasciatus (60.56%). The
highest abundance is Acanthurus achilles (34.4 ind/m2) in Karang Katon and Chaetodon octofasciatus (42.2 ind/m2) in Karang Mayit
Beach. The diversity index in Karang Katon -1.280, while in Karang Mayit Beach -0.853. The dominance index in Karang Katon 0.343,
while in Karang Mayit Beach 0.496. Based on this research, the analysis showed positive results for both different locations, indicating
it can be used as new habitats for sustainability and increased productivity of fisheries resources.
Keywords: Composition, diversity index, dominance index, fish apartment, Probolinggo, Situbondo
Indonesia is known as an archipelagic country consisting
of around 17,504 islands with a coastline of approximately
81,000 km, the land connected by the ocean (Kench and
Mann 2017; Djunarsjah and Putra 2021; Tranggono et al.
2021). Indonesia's sea area is 62% of the national area, not
including the EEZ of 2.7 million km2. Indonesia's oceans
are so wide with abundant fisheries resources that if
properly utilized for development (Pramoda et al. 2021).
Indonesia has more than 8500 species of fish, which are
categorized based on their habitat (Hasan et al. 2023). It is
predicted that development in Indonesia will advance
rapidly (Tranggono et al. 2021).
Fisheries resources in their utilization are common
property or open access representing a fundamentally
problematic situation (Primyastanto et al. 2013; Arthur
2020). Open access resources are available to all comers
(Acheson 2015). This condition has the potential to cause
inefficient levels of fishing effort because fishermen must
compete with one another for fish and cause overfishing if
the concept of environmental friendliness and sustainability
is not applied (Fuller et al. 2013). Its common property
always triggers exploitative actions in its utilization
(overfishing) due to unclear ownership rights (Acheson
2015; Sapriani et al. 2021). This can raise symptoms of
dissipated resource rent, namely the loss of the resource
chain that should be obtained from optimal resource
management (Homans and Willen 1997; Fauzi 2005).
The production of large pelagic fish has decreased
every year (Gomez-Campos et al. 2011). Based on the
Situbondo District Statistics Center (2018), the results from
fisheries catch have increased more than twofold in 2017
(13,83 tons) when compared to 2016 (5.5 tons), this can
mean two meanings, the number of fish that is more
abundant or the number of fish caught is higher. Because a
different case occurred in Probolinggo where there was a
decrease in catches in 2017 (19.26 tons) when compared to
2016 (19.74 tons). The decrease of fisheries resources is
not only due to exploitative actions that cause overfishing,
but the use of fishing gear that is not environmentally
friendly such as trawl bottom trawling, and decreased
carrying capacity of waters due to the degradation of
important fisheries habitat (Jia and Zhuang 2009; Wang et
al. 2010; Yu et al. 2015; Hasan et al. 2021). In ecology, the
habitat especially coral for some aquatic organisms
functions as a spawning ground (Mahendra et al. 2020;
Sektiana et al. 2022), nursery ground (Whitfield and
Pattrick 2015) and feeding ground (Brandl et al. 2020;
Higgins et al. 2022). Thus, the existence of an optimal
ISRONI et al. Comparative study of the application fish apartments
habitat is very important to support sustainable fisheries
resources (Yu et al. 2015).
One of the fast alternative innovations to making
habitat for aquatic organisms especially fish is the
application of fish apartments (Isroni 2019; Layman and
Allgeier 2020; Paxton et al. 2020; Brochier et al. 2021;
Vivier et al. 2021). The fish apartment is a means to
preserve the environment and increase fisheries resources
(Yu et al. 2015). Fish apartment consists of a building with
a hollow structure, consisting of solid matter and placed in
the water column (Isroni et al. 2019). The function as an
assembling place for aquatic organisms, especially fish
(Higgins et al. 2022). Fish apartments are manipulated to
increase the complexity of damaged coral reefs thereby
increasing natural productivity, by providing new artificial
for aquatic organisms (Gratwicke and Speight 2005) so that
they can contribute to the food chain process, including the
organisms that are target of production (Xu et al. 2017).
Other advantages, fish apartment can protect and restore
habitats for small or juvenile aquatic organisms as a
nursery ground (Hamel et al. 2021), and also protects
against waves, strong currents, and predators. The
existence of the fish apartments will also increase the
complexity of essential habitat, so the ecological functions
are similar to coral reef ecosystems (Isroni et al. 2019).
The application of fish apartment requires technical
considerations regarding the potential location also
monitoring of the existing condition of the surrounding fish
production. According to Bambang et al. (2011), the
placement or installation of fish apartments must have
several technical criteria that need to be considered in
relation to the conditions of the aquatic environment. In
addition, previous research on the application of fish
apartments has been successfully carried out in
Probolinggo (Isroni 2019). However, the application of fish
apartment Situbondo has not been evaluated. This study
will analyze the comparison of application fish apartments
based on different locations. This study will analyze the
oceanographic, accessibility, catch productivity and most
important is community through composition, diversity and
dominance of the fish in two different locations, namely
Situbondo and Probolinggo, East Java, Indonesia.
Furthermore, this study also analyzes the business
feasibility in Situbondo for additional consideration.
Study area
This research was conducted for one year, starting from
the application of the fish apartments. There are two
locations in East Java, Indonesia used for the application of
fish apartments, Karang Katon in Probolinggo District and
Karang Mayit Pasir Putih Beach in Situbondo District. The
details of location fish apartment application can be seen in
Table 1 and Figure 1.
Fish apartment
The main material for the construction of fish apartment
buildings is made of polypropylene or PP type plastic, as
can be seen in Figure 2. The choice of plastic as the main
material is due to the nature of the material which is easy to
shape, easy to ship, not easily damaged or rotted and easy
to assemble. According to Bambang et al. (2011), PP type
plastic is a transparent plastic that is not clear or cloudy,
and is stronger and lighter in nature with low vapor
permeability. Has good resistance to lipids, stable to high
temperatures and is quite shiny. Plastic is best when used
as food or beverage packaging. PP also has a fairly high
melting point (190-200°C) and a crystallization point (130-
135°C) and very high chemical resistance.
Table 1. Details of location fish apartment application
Water depth
Administrative area
Location description
Karang Katon
113°12’45.70” E, 7°41’23” S
15 m
Probolinggo District
Moderate water flow, sandy mud substrate,
gentle breeze wave
Karang Mayit Beach
113°49'46.31" E, 7°41'26.83" S
13 m
Situbondo District
Moderate water flow, sandy mud substrate,
gentle breeze wave
Figure 1. The location of fish apartments in East Java, Indonesia: A. Karang Katon (Probolinggo), B. Karang Mayit Beach (Situbondo)
24 (7): 4034-4045, July 2023
Figure 2. Fish apartment contruction has the main material of polypropylene; A. fish apartment partition, B. fish apartment design
(Isroni et al. 2019)
Figure 3. Fish apartment contruction design; A. partition, B. submodule, C. module, D. Colony
The construction of the fish apartment is a frame that is
arranged to form a cube called a partition, the parts
arranged vertically and horizontally have the same size, 35
cm x 35 cm. Partitions are arranged vertically with a height
of about 140-175 cm or consist of 4-5 partitions forming
submodules. The four submodules are combined to form a
module and are given concrete ballast with a weight of 3 kg
and a size of 1100 mm x 125 mm x 125 mm. Groups of 4-6
modules are strung together using poles and guidelines.
Connected using a strap and given a can filled with cast
cement with a weight of 50 kg, called a colony. Several
colonies (50-60 colonies) placed in a certain area are called
groups. The fish apartment construction design in more
detail can be seen in Figure 3.
Data collection
The data consist of primary and secondary data. The
primary data is the collection of data directly at the
research location using field observation techniques,
interviews and questionnaires. The types of interviews
conducted in this study were structured interviews by
providing closed questions and providing a choice of
answers, and unstructured interviews by providing open
questions and respondents being able to detail the answers.
Secondary data is a method of collecting data obtained
from agencies or literature studies. Secondary data include
the data collected from relevant references such as journals,
article reviews, books and other valid resources.
Data analysis
The analytical method used in this study is a descriptive
approach using the Underwater Visual Census (UVC) and a
valuative approach using community structure analysis of
catch productivity, scoring analysis, spatial maps and
business feasibility.
The Underwater Visual Census obtains data in the form
of photo or video documentation, recording species and
individual fish in and around the fish apartments, collecting
data on catches, monitoring the development and maintenance
of the fish apartments.
Community structure analysis included fish species
composition, abundance, diversity index, dominance index.
Fish species composition aims to determine the
percentage of the total species caught, the composition of
fish species is calculated by the following formula (Yang et
al. 2021):
Where: KJ: Composition of species, ni: Number of
individuals of each species, N: Number of individuals of all
Abundance is the number of individuals and the number
of species found in the area of observation. The abundance
of reef fish can be calculated using the formula (Odum 1971):
ISRONI et al. Comparative study of the application fish apartments
Where: X: Abundance of fish, Xi = Number of fish at
the location, n = Observation transect area (m2).
Diversity index is used to get a mathematical
description of the population of organisms (Odum 1971).
Diversity can be calculated by the following formula:
Where: H’: Shannon Wiener species diversity index, Pi:
The proportion of the ratio of the number of individuals
species i (ni) to the number of individuals (N), i: 1, 2, … n,
S: Number of fish species
Domination index can be seen from the uniformity and
diversity index values. Small uniformity and diversity
index values indicate a high dominance of a species over
other species. The dominance index formula is as follows
(Odum 1971):
Where: C: Shannon Weiner domination index, pi:
Proportion of the i species (n) to the total number of fish ,
(N): n/N, s: Number of fish species.
The index value is based on between 0-1 with the
following criteria: (i) 0 < C < 0.5: Low dominance, (ii) 0.5
< C = 0.75: Moderate dominance, (iii) 0.75 < C < 1.0: High
The productivity of the catch is obtained by comparing
the catch before and after the existence of the fish
apartment. Increases and decreases are expressed in
Scooring analysis was carried out to determine potential
points for placing fish apartements. Spatial map analysis is
carried out so that all GIS information or data in an area
can be stored, manipulated, and analyzed simultaneously
via a computer. According to Mulyanto (2011), there are 3
stages of spatial map analysis. The first stage, the required
input is the initial data or database, which is collected
during the survey and entered into the computer. The
second stage, process, GIS functions to call, manipulate
and analyze data stored on the computer. The last stage,
output, namely data that has been analyzed by GIS
provides information to users as a basis for decision
Business feasibility analysis is divided into short-term
and long-term analysis. Short-term analysis includes total
revenue, profit, revenue cost (R/C) ratio, payback period.
Total revenue is formulated as follows:
Where: TR: Total revenue (IDR), P: Product (kg), Q:
Product prize (IDR/kg).
Profit or net income/benefit is calculated by the
following formula:
Where: TR: Total revenue, TC: Total cost (fixed cost +
variable cost)
Revenue cost (R/C) ratio is the ratio between total
revenue and total costs incurred, calculated using the
following formula:
Where: TR: Total revenue, TC: Total cost (fixed cost +
variable cost)
Criteria: R/C > 1 means the business is feasible, R/C <
1 means the business is not feasible
Payback periode (PP) is the period of return on
investment capital that will be paid through profits earned
by a business. PP is a method of knowing how quickly
investment returns, calculated using the formula:
Long term analysis includes net present value, internal
rate of return, B/C (benefit cost) ratio.
Net present value NPV is the difference between
revenue and expenditure that has been presented in value,
formulated as follows:
Where: Bt: Benefit in year t, Ct: Cost in year t, n:
Economic life of a fishing business, i: Prevailing interest
Criteria: NPV > 0: business is selected, NPV < 0:
business is not selected/not feasible.
Internal rate of return (IRR) is the interest rate which
illustrates that the present value of benefits and costs is
equal to 0, formulated as follows:
Where: i’: the interest rate at the first inteIDRolation,
i”: the interest rate at the second inteIDRolation, NPV’: the
NPV value at the first discount rate, NPV”: the NPV value
at the second discount rate.
Criteria: IRR > interest rate: business is selected, NPV
< interest rate: business is not selected/not feasible.
B/C ratio is the ratio between total profit and total
expenditure the formulation is as follows:
24 (7): 4034-4045, July 2023
Criteria: B/C>0 then it is feasible, PI<0 is not feasible
Existing condition of fish apartment
Based on the survey results, physically the structure of
the fish apartments in two locations, namely Karang Katon
(Probolinggo) and Karang Mayit Beach (Situbondo), is still
solid with moss and algae growing, after 1 year of
application (Figure 4).
Community structure
The composition of fish species based on UVC survey
results, in Probolinggo found 5 species of fish namely
Caesio cuning (redbelly yellowtail fusilier), Acanthurus
achilles (achilles tang), Acanthurus albipectoralis (whitefin
surgeonfish), Sphyraena jello (banded barracuda), Apogon
novemfasciatus (seven striped cardinalfish). While the
composition of the fish on Situbondo, there were 3 species
of reef fish. These species include Acanturus nicricauda
(eye-line sturgeon), Chaetodon octofasciatus (butterfly
fishes), Lates calcarifer (Asian sea bass). Comparison of
fish composition can be seen in Figure 5. Picture of each
species can be seen in Table 2.
Abundance based on UVC survey results, in
Probolinggo the highest abundance was a A. achilles and
the lowest was A. novemfasciatus, while in Situbondo the
highest abundance was C. octofasciatus and the lowest by
L. calcalifer. Comparison of fish abundance can be seen in
Figure 6.
Figure 4. Primary photo of UVC results related to the physical condition of the existing fish apartment after one year of application. A.
Karang Katon (Probolinggo). B. Karang Mayit Beach (Situbondo)
Figure 5. Comparison of fish apartments composition in
Probolinggo and Situbondo
Figure 6. Comparison of the abundance of fish apartments in
Probolinggo and Situbondo
ISRONI et al. Comparative study of the application fish apartments
Table 2. Picture of each species in the different location
Caesio cuning (redbelly yellowtail fusilier)
Acanthurus achilles (achilles tang)
Acanthurus albipectoralis (whitefin surgeonfish)
Sphyraena jello (banded barracuda)
Apogon novemfasciatus (sevenstriped cardinalfish)
Acanturus nicricauda (eye-line sturgeon)
Chaetodon octofasciatus (butterfly fishes)
Lates calcarifer (Asian sea bass)
24 (7): 4034-4045, July 2023
The diversity index based on the results of the UVC
survey, in Probolinggo showed a value of-1.280, while in
Karang Mayit Situbondo Beach it was-0.853. Comparison
of fish diversity can be seen in Figure 7.
Catch productivity
The productivity of the catch can be known through the
response of reef fish to fish apartments in two locations, the
survey results show a positive pattern. The detail of
difference in catch productivity in two different locations
can be seen in Table 3.
Aspects of oceanographic parameters
The depth of the waters in Probolinggo was obtained
from bathymetric sonding data in the study area with
coordinate positions of 113°12’45.70” E and 7°41’23” S at
a depth of 15 m. Meanwhile, Situbondo, with the
coordinates of 112°40’40.80” E, 8°26’23.00” S at a depth
of 13 meters. Both are in the category of ideal waters
(Bambang et al. 2011). Bathymetry is used to understand
the character of the environment, bathymetry data after
being processed will produce a contour map and is used to
know the location of the seabed which tends to be
relatively flat so that it can be used for placing fish
The dominance index based on the results of the UVC
survey, in Probolinggo obtained a value of 0.343, while in
Situbondo it obtained a value 0.496. Comparison of fish
dominance can be seen in Figure 8.
The slope of Probolinggo in this study has a slope with
a percentage of 6-11%, while Situbondo has a slope of 4-
10%. Both are in the bottom category of sloping waters
suitable for placing fish apartments (Adiwijaya 2016). The
currents in this study were also measured, in Probolinggo
the results were 0.1-0.4 m/s classified as moderate currents,
while in Situbondo the results were the same 0.1-0.4 m/s,
also included in moderate currents (Yusuf et al. 2012).
Waves were measured using the ECMWF which resulted in
a maximum wave height of 1.2 m, a minimum wave of
0.05, and a significant wave of 0.569 m at Probolinggo.
Meanwhile, a maximum wave height of 1.1 m and a
minimum wave of 0.04 m were obtained at Situbondo.
Both of these locations have sea wave values belonging to
the Gentle Breeze on the Beaufort scale. Gentle Breeze is a
scale with a value of 4 and belongs to a low wave height
(Risanti and Marfai 2020).
Figure 7. Comparison of the diversity of fish apartments
Probolinggo and Situbondo
Figure 8. Comparison of the dominance of fish apartments
Probolinggo and Situbondo
Table 3. Difference in catch productivity in two different locations
Aspects analyzed
Percentage increase based on
fish category
Increasing the percentage of fish categories in
the area of herbivorous, omnivorous and
carnivorous fish apartments based on the age at
which the fish apartments were placed. The
percentage of the plankton feeder reef fish
category was dominated by juvenile fish with
the percentage of 63.90%, the other is large
Increasing the percentage of fish categories in the
area of herbivorous and carnivorous fish
apartments based on the age at which the fish
apartments were placed. The percentage of the
plankton feeder reef fish category was dominated
by juvenile fish with a percentage of 90.46%, the
other is large fish.
Fish dominance based on fish
Plankton feeder fish: family of Caesionidae
Plankton feeder fish species C. octofasciatus and
A. nicricauda
Herbivorous fish: family of Achanturidae
Herbivorous fish: species L. calcaliver
Carnivorous fish: family of Sphraenidae
ISRONI et al. Comparative study of the application fish apartments
Temperatures were measured in the afternoon and
evening which showed a range of 28-31.3°C at
Probolinggo, and a range of 28-32°C at Situbondo. Both
are included in the good category according to Messmer et
al. (2017), namely in the range of 28-31°C, also required
by Riegl et al. (2015), concerning water quality standards
for marine biota in coral reef areas is 28-32°C. The
brightness was measured using a Secchi disk, at
Probolinggo it showed 5-7 m or 50-70%, while at
Situbondo it was 7-9 m or 70-90%. The brightness for
marine life in good coral reef areas is >5 m (Kurnia 2019).
pH measurements at Probolinggo showed results of 7.8-8.1,
while those at Situbondo showed 7.4-7.8. The pH that
meets seawater quality standards for the survival of marine
biota is around 8.0 (Plaisance et al. 2021; Jha et al. 2023).
Salinity was also observed, at Probolinggo the results were
33.3-34 ppt, while at Situbondo the results were 31.1-33.4
ppt. Salinity that meets seawater quality standards for the
survival of marine biota is 33-38 ppt with average of 35 ppt
(Rugebregt and Nurhati 2020).
The bottom substrate was sampled to determine the
percentage of sediment fraction in the waters. Both
locations consist of the same fractions namely gravel, sand
and mud. This type of sandy sediment is suitable for fish
apartment substrate (Bambang et al. 2011). More details
regarding aspects of oceanographic parameters are
tabulated in Table 4, which can be seen below.
Aspect of determining other potential locations
Apart from oceanographic parameter aspects, there are
other technical aspects to determine potential locations for
fish apartments. The accessibility aspect of the two
locations seen from the distance of the fish apartment for
installation and monitoring shows that the points are
affordable, 4 m for Probolinggo and 320 m for Situbondo.
Community aspects through interviews to get input
regarding potential location points for fish apartments, as
well as positive support from the community.
Business feasibility analysis
Business feasibility analysis of fishing with handline
fishing gear in the fish apartment area, detailed in advance
the costs required. Costs consist of investment costs, fixed
costs and variable costs. More details can be seen in Table
5. Analysis of short-term business feasibility includes total
revenue or receipts obtained in the fishing unit business in
the fish apartment area with handline fishing gear, which
results from selling fish through grilled stalls and
collectors. Annual average revenue of IDR 110,250,000.00.
More details can be seen in Table 6.
Profit is the difference between the total revenue and
total cost. The average profit earned in one year is IDR
69,283,333.00. More details can be seen in Table 7.
R/C (revenue cost) ratio for the handline fishing gear
business in the fish apartment area in Situbondo District is
2.69. This means that the business can be said to be
feasible and profitable because the R/C value is greater
than 1 (R/C>1). The greater the R/C value, the more
feasible the business. In other words, the R/C Ratio value
of 2.69 means that for every IDR 10,000 spent, the
Handline fishing business earns IDR 269,000 in revenue.
Payback periods, the faster the payback time, the better
the business is to continue. Payback Periods calculation
results show that the time required to be able to return all
investment costs incurred for the handline fishing business
in the fish apartment area is 2 months and 3 days. This
shows that the business is feasible to run because
investment capital can be obtained in less than 1 year.
Analysis of short-term business feasibility, net present
value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR), B/C (benefit-
cost) ratio, the results of the analysis can be seen in Table
Table 4. Aspects of oceanographic parameters in two different locations for the criteria of habitat live
Measurement results
15 m
13 m
10-25 m (Bambang et al. 2011)
4-10% (Adiwijaya 2016)
0.1-0.4 m/s
0.1-0.4 m/s
<0.5 m/s (Yusuf et al. 2012)
Max: 1.1 m
Min: 0.04 m
Max: 1.2 m
Min: 0.05 m
Gentle breeze
Gentle breeze
Including scale 4 (Risanti and Marfai
28-31 °C (Messmer et al. 2017)
28-32 °C (Riegl et al. 2015)
5-7 m
7-9 m
>5m (Kurnia 2019)
Still ideal
Still ideal
Around 8.0 (Plaisance et al. 2021; Jha et
al. 2023)
33.3-34 ppt
31.1-33.4 ppt
33-38 ppt. average 35 ppt (Rugebregt
and Nurhati 2020)
Sandy mud
Sandy mud
Sandy mud (Bambang et al. 2011)
24 (7): 4034-4045, July 2023
Table 5. Cost requirements for handline business analysis around
fish apartments
Value (IDR)
Fiberglass boat
1 unit
Outboard engine size 15 PK
1 unit
Handline fishing gear
1 set
Ship deprecation costs
15 years
Engine deprecation costs
10 years
Ship maintenance costs
1 year
Engine maintenance costs
1 year
Fishing equipment maintenance costs
1 year
Bait (@50.000/day)
7 months
Supplies (Food, etc) (@50.000/day)
7 months
Fuel (@75.000/day)
7 months
Table 6. The average revenue of handline fishing gear in the fish
apartment area
Number of catch per day
Catch day
210 (7 months)
Table 7. The average profit of handline fishing gear in the fish
apartment area
Amount (IDR)
Total revenue
Fixed costs
Variable costs
Table 8. Summary of the long term feasibility of handline fishing
gear in the fish apartment area
IDR 302,373,601
B/C Ratio
Based on Table 8, the average NPV value of handline
fishing gear in the fish apartment area is IDR
302.373.601,67. The NPV of the business is positive, this
indicates that the business is feasible to continue. The
higher the NPV of the business, the better the business is.
The average IRR value for handline fishing gear in the
fish apartment area is 0.38%. The criterion is if the IRR >
the interest rate prevailing at that time then the project will
be selected, if the IRR < the interest rate prevailing at that
time then the project will not be selected.
The B/C (benefit cost) ratio value is 26.30. This shows
that the handline business around the fish apartment area is
feasible and profitable, because B/C>0. The greater the B/C
value, the more feasible the business will be.
Many studies related to coral damage have been carried
out, which is an important habitat for marine organisms,
coral damage can be due to natural factors such as climate
change, waves, floods and earthquakes, while other factors
are human factors, such as destructive activities on coral
reefs, the use of fishing gear that destroys coral reefs, coral
harvesting for calcium sources (Lamb et al. 2015; Isroni et
al. 2019; Takeshige et al. 2021). In the last half-century, the
degradation of coral reefs in Indonesia has increased from
10% to 50% (Burke et al. 2002). Case studies on coral
damage at several points around the Paiton Probolinggo
PLTU show that as much as 726 m2 of the total observed
area of 1.400 m2 experienced bleaching due to temperature
changes (Jaelani and Afifi 2016). Another case related to
coral taking, in the Situbondo area has reached a dangerous
level of more than 80% (Ainurohim et al. 2010). Damaged
corals result in reduced catches, smaller fish catches, and
the loss of several fish species in these waters (Edinger et
al. 1998; Ragnarsson et al. 2017).
Based on the research results, the existing condition of
the fish apartment physically for 1 year in Situbondo same
if compare with Probolinggo, which showed good and
sturdy condition, as well as overgrown with moss and
algae, which indicated that a new ecosystem was starting to
form. Fish apartments can be used for artificial corals,
which will engineer upwelling and carry nutrients, thereby
influencing phytoplankton growth (Yu et al. 2015). The
existence of nutrients will trigger and increase the growth
of phytoplankton, then zooplankton, as the basis for
forming a food chain (Araujo et al. 2022).
When compared with survey data related to catch
productivity which shows the presence of plankton feeder
fish in both locations. The existence of herbivorous fish in
two locations, shows that the initial organisms that make up
the ecosystem are producer organisms, namely algae
attached to the fish apartment, so herbivorous fish use the
fish apartment as a place to feed ground, besides the
presence of gastropods, mollusks and echinoderms live and
settle in fish apartment. So, in the future, it will certainly
stimulate higher consumer animals (carnivores) to come.
Artificial reefs not only provide spawning, nursery and
adult habitats but also increase fish abundance, many
research that artificial reefs have been proven to attract fish
and increase catch rates (McLean et al. 2015). This is
consistent with what happened to the fish apartment in
Probolinggo, namely from the Sphyraenidae family.
Although carnivorous fish have not been found in fish
apartments in Situbondo, according to the fish apartments
that were successfully implemented in Probolinggo, and in
terms of the pattern of ecosystem formation, fish
apartments in Situbondo should after this invite the
presence of more omnivorous or carnivorous fish.
ISRONI et al. Comparative study of the application fish apartments
Observation of community structure was carried out to
determine the effect on organisms, especially reef fish. The
composition of reef fish in both locations was divided into
two major groups, namely indicator fish and major fish. In
Probolinggo the dominating indicator fish were A. achilles,
A. albipectoralis, and A. novemfasciatus, followed by the
major fish, namely S. jello and C. cuning, while at
Situbondo the indicator fish were dominated by C.
octofasciatus and A. nicricauda, followed by the major
fish, namely L. calcalifer. Indicator fish are fish that
usually present healthy corals, it indicate the quality of the
waters is still good and not polluted (Hamel et al. 2021).
Major fish are small-sized fish, colorful fish species,
commonly called ornamental fish. The presence of major
fish whose characteristics are clustered will affect the
overall ecological index of reef fish (Kojansow et al. 2022).
Based on the survey, the composition of fish apartments in
Probolinggo is indeed higher when compared to fish
apartments in Situbondo. However, both represent indicator
fish and major fish. The presence of indicator and major
fish indicates that the fish apartment can carry out its
function as an assembling place for fish (Isroni et al. 2019).
The highest abundance of fish in the fish apartment of
Situbondo, is from the fish species C. octofasciatus. That
difference if compared with fish apartments in Probolinggo
were most abundant by A. achilles, besides that fish were
also found in the same genus, namely A. nicricauda, in
Situbondo. C. octofasciatus is an obligate collarivore or
obligate coral feeder so its abundance is closely related to
coral cover, especially hard corals (Madduppa et al. 2014).
Acanturus nicricauda was also found, the abundance in
Situbondo was found quite a lot after C. octofasciatus.
Sturgeon fish or Acanthurus indeed varied and belongs to
the circumtropical species that live in coral reef ecosystems,
this species plays a dominant ecological role as herbivores
(Marshell and Mumby 2015), and small number of these
species are also zooplankton eaters (Friedman et al. 2016;
Rowlett 2018). Acanthurus is a kind of planktivorous fish
(Goren et al. 2009). That is also different with fish
apartment in Probolinggo, C. cuning is the second of high
abundance fish after A. Achilles, including semi-pelagic
associated with corals (Ackiss et al. 2013). C. cuning is the
main catch of fishermen in Sulawesi Indonesia (Kojansow
et al. 2022). C. cuning consume phytoplankton and
zooplankton so that include plankton feeder (Valenzuela et
al. 2021). The two species above play an important role in
the formation of ecosystems. It means, the fish apartment
in Situbondo also can become an artificial reef for habitat
The lowest abundance of A. novemfasciatus in
Probolinggo is due to its habitat on a muddy bottom, and L.
calcarifer which is also the lowest in Situbondo does not
live coral, and only eats small fish (Isroni et al. 2019).
Correlating to the results of fisheries catch survey, in which
no carnivorous fish were found in Situbondo, because L.
calcarifer does not live at coral and the abundance is low,
from here it can be seen that the presence of fish in fish
apartments stimulates carnivorous fish. S. jello is found in
Probolinggo but not found in Situbondo, which has the
nickname sea wolf because of its cruelty and aggressive
behavior when preying. S. jello inhabits coral reefs as a
safe shelter for it (Hosseini et al. 2009).
Diversity is high if the diversity index value (H') is >3;
moderate 1<H'<3 and low if H'<1 (Magurran 1998). Fish
apartments in Probolinggo include to moderate, however,
fish apartments in Situbondo include to low index of
diversity, which might be influenced by many factors,
especially different aquatic environments, both locations
have different depths of fish apartments application,
although both have an ideal location seen from the survey
results of oceanographic parameters. However, both
locations do not have a high diversity it possible due to the
relatively short time spent on fish apartments, but it is not
impossible that the abundance of fish species in two
locations has the potential to stimulate and trigger more
complex and diverse food chain dynamics than before.
According to Rizwan et al. (2017), many factors is
threatened fish diversity, like human activity, but the most
significant factors are habitat modification, overharvest and
introduced species. The diversity index is influenced by
species richness and the evenness of the individuals that
make up a community. The higher the species richness, the
higher the diversity index and vice versa.
The dominance index of both locations is low, namely
in the range 0 < C < 0.5. High dominance if the dominance
index value (C) is 0.75 < C < 1.0 ; moderate 0.5 < C = 0.75
and low if 0 < C < 0.5 (Odum 1971). Dominance index
describes the size of the number of individuals between
species/genus in a community. The more even distribution
of individuals between species, the balance of the ecosystem
will increase (Rizwan et al. 2017).
Based on oceanographic data and accessibility, although
the application of a fish apartment in Situbondo is different
when compared to the application of a fish apartment in
Probolinggo, it is also included in the ideal category for
application of a fish apartment. Furthermore, regarding the
analysis aspect of the catch productivity of fisheries and the
community structure, the application of fish apartments in
Situbondo is successful and has a high potential to continue
to increase. However, further monitoring is needed to
determine the future existing condition of the fish apartment
in Situbondo. In addition, analysis of business feasibility
use handling fishing gear has good or profitable results.
This result also corroborates the fact that fish apartments
can become artificial habitats and serve similar ecological
functions as natural reefs, this is also in accordance with
other research about artificial reefs (Jones et al. 2020). So,
fish apartment can be a location for new food chain
dynamics and ecosystems, thereby spurring the sustainability
of fishery resources and increasing fishery productivity.
We thank all parties who collaborated to complete this
study, especially the Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Office
of East Java Province, Indonesia.
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Full-text available
Hasan V, Andraini NE, Isroni W, Sari LA, Nafisyah AL, Dewi NN, Putri DNA, Prasasti TAB, Ramadhani AA, Daniel K, South J, Vieira LO, Ottoni FP, Maftuch, Faqih AR, Wirabuana PYAP, Tamam MB, Valen FS. 2023. Fish diversity of the Bengawan Solo River estuary, East Java, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 24: 2207-2216. Bengawan Solo River is the longest river in Java which flows from Mount Lawu and empties into the North Coast of Java. The watershed is a hot spot for fish species diversity, especially in the estuary area. The purpose of this study was to initiate an inventory of fish species, their abundance, and biodiversity assessment based on the Shannon diversity index (H'), evenness index (E), and dominance index (C) in the Bengawan Solo River estuary. The research was conducted from September to November 2022 at three stations with different ecological types and environmental conditions. Fish sampling was carried out using a gill net attached to a boat. In this study, 44 fish species from 22 families were identified. The highest abundance of fish was obtained from the Ariidae family, namely the Spotted sea catfish Arius maculatus (Thunberg, 1792) and Sagor catfish Hexanematichthys sagor (Hamilton, 1822). The fish diversity index obtained was 1.2-3.01, the uniformity index obtained was 0.7-0.92, and the dominance index obtained was 0.07-0.33. The H', E, and C at Station 2 have higher values ??than the other stations. The diversity expressed in H' values ??at the three research stations indicates that the mangrove in the Bengawan Solo River estuary area has a high diversity of fish species.
Full-text available
Sektiana SP, Abdillah AA, Alam JM, Isroni W, Dewi NM, Kim HW, Androyono S. 2022. Diversity of the Tabuhan Island coral reef fish revealed by DNA barcoding and implication on conservation strategy in Banyuwangi, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 23: 4844-4851. Tabuhan Island, Banyuwangi, Indonesia, is one of the mainstays of coastal tourism with the charm of coral reefs and has a fairly high potential for reef fish diversity. Coral reef ecosystems provide suitable habitats for reef fish to spawning ground, feeding ground, and nursery ground which provide suitable nurturing areas. Here, studies have been carried out on the diversity of reef fish by molecular approaches. The molecular identification approach provides accuracy in identification to the species level. In this study, samples of reef fish species from Tabuhan Island waters were identified molecularly in the mitochondrial DNA region of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI). The identification results showed that 53 specimens had been identified, and some of the themes were registered in the GenBank database to strengthen the genetic information of reef fish in the tropical region of Indonesia. A total of 53 specimens were identified, spread over 49 species, 3 orders, and 17 families dominated by reef fish groups from Labridae (20 species). The phylogenetic tree reconstruction shows that the family collects several species, but some species are classified as paraphyletic. The results of this molecular identification have also succeeded in registering 35 COI sequences in the Genbank database. The mtDNA sequence data is very important and becomes the basis for the genetic conservation resources in coral reef ecosystems.
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Le requin lancette Glyphis glyphis se rencontre en Australie et Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée, et il n’avait jamais été signalé au-delà de cette aire d’extension. Le présent article fournit le premier signalement de cette espèce en-dehors de sa distribution connue. Nous avons identifié un spécimen de G. glyphis en 2018, à la rivière Digul dans le district de Mappi, Province de Papouasie, Indonésie. Cette découverte représente le premier signalement pour cette espèce en Indonésie, représentant une extension d’environ 250 km vers l’ouest de la distribution connue. Ce nouveau signalement est basé sur des photographies, l’information fournie par les pêcheurs locaux, des observations personnelles et les dossiers de l’expédition.
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Artificial reefs (ARs) have been used on coral reefs for ecological research, conservation, and socio-cultural purposes since the 1980s. We examined spatio-temporal patterns in AR deployment in tropical and subtropical coral reefs (up to 35° latitude) and evaluated their efficacy in meeting conservation objectives, using a systematic review of the scientific literature. Most deployments (136 studies) were in the North Atlantic and Central Indo-Pacific in 1980s – 2000s, with a pronounced shift to the Western Indo-Pacific in 2010s. Use of ARs in reef restoration or stressor mitigation increased markedly in response to accelerating coral decline over the last 2 decades. Studies that evaluated success in meeting conservation objectives (n = 51) commonly reported increasing fish abundance (55%), enhancing habitat quantity (31%) or coral cover (27%), and conserving target species (24%). Other objectives included stressor mitigation (22%), provision of coral nursery habitat (14%) or source populations (2%) and addressing socio-cultural and economic values (16%). Fish (55% of studies) and coral (53%) were the most commonly monitored taxa. Success in achieving conservation objectives was reported in 33 studies. Success rates were highest for provision of nursery habitat and increasing coral cover (each 71%). Increasing fish abundance or habitat quantity, mitigating environmental impacts, and attaining socio-cultural objectives were moderately successful (60–64%); conservation of target species was the least successful (42%). Failure in achieving objectives commonly was attributed to poor AR design or disruption by large-scale bleaching events. The scale of ARs generally was too small (m ² –10s m ² ) to address regional losses in coral cover, and study duration too short (< 5 years) to adequately assess ecologically relevant trends in coral cover and community composition. ARs are mostly likely to aid in reef conservation and restoration by providing nursery habitat for target species or recruitment substrate for corals and other organisms. Promoting local socio-cultural values also has potential for regional or global impact by increasing awareness of coral reef decline, if prioritized and properly monitored.
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Small cryptic invertebrates (the cryptofauna) are extremely abundant, ecologically important, and species rich on coral reefs. Ongoing ocean acidification is likely to have both direct effects on the biology of these organisms, as well as indirect effects through cascading impacts on their habitats and trophic relationships. Naturally acidified habitats have been important model systems for studying these complex interactions because entire communities that are adapted to these environmental conditions can be analyzed. However, few studies have examined the cryptofauna because they are difficult to census quantitatively in topographically complex habitats and are challenging to identify. We addressed these challenges by using Autonomous Reef Monitoring Structures (ARMS) for sampling reef-dwelling invertebrates >2 mm in size and by using DNA barcoding for taxonomic identifications. The study took place in Papua New Guinea at two reef localities, each with three sites at varying distances from carbon dioxide seeps, thereby sampling across a natural gradient in acidification. We observed sharp overall declines in both the abundance (34–56%) and diversity (42–45%) of organisms in ARMS under the lowest pH conditions sampled (7.64–7.75). However, the overall abundance of gastropods increased slightly in lower pH conditions, and crustacean and gastropod families exhibited varying patterns. There was also variability in response between the two localities, despite their close proximity, as one control pH site displayed unusually low diversity and abundances for all invertebrate groups. The data illustrate the complexity of responses of the reef fauna to pH conditions, and the role of additional factors that influence the diversity and abundance of cryptic reef invertebrates.
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The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS 1982) affirms that the government has sovereign rights, jurisdiction, and obligations in Indonesia’s EEZ. Indonesia has an interest in protecting sovereign rights and increasing state revenues in the waters of the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). That sovereign right is to use fishery resources responsibly for the benefit of the nation and society as a whole. The sole purpose of this qualitative research is to optimize fisheries utilization in the Rote Ndao Regency whose waters include the Fisheries Management Area of 573 (FMA-573) in the EEZ. The analysis had been carried out with a case study approach and then descriptively elaborated. The results showed that: 1) the use of fisheries in FMA-573 was carried out by traditional fishermen (using vessels ≤10 Gross Tonnage/GT) and fishermen using vessels >29 GT; 2) supervision is still needed for the improvement of ships and human resources; 3) there are still violations of territorial waters by traditional Indonesian fishermen. The policy recommendations that must be carried out by the government are: 1) encouraging local fishermen to catch fish in the FMA-573 area by providing stimulus for ships and fishing gear; 2) allocate budget to purchase a new fleet of ships and add supervisors; 3) increase the number of fishery instructors to foster and socialize the boundaries of Indonesia’s EEZ with Australia.
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Planktivorous reef-associated fishes provide a significant nutrient input to the reef, linking pelagic and reef environments. Highly mobile and relatively large body-sized fusiliers (Lutjanidae) often dominate reef fish biomass, but their role in ecosystem processes is poorly understood. We therefore combined fish counts and behavioural observations at Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef, to investigate: (1) the spatial distribution and biology of fusiliers on a lagoonal coral reef system, and (2) how does fusilier behaviour and size distribution change from exposed to sheltered locations. We found higher abundances of large-sized fusiliers (≥ 20 cm total length) on exposed reef sites. Sheltered sites had almost exclusively small individuals (< 20 cm total length). We interpret this pattern as indicative of an ontogenetic habitat shift. This shift was estimated to occur at about 11.15 cm total length; the size at which the likelihood of an individual being in exposed or sheltered locations was equal. The age corresponding to this length was 1.01 years, based on a von Bertalanffy growth model using size-at-age data from otolith rings of Caesio cuning, the most abundant fusilier species in this location. This suggested that the shift in distribution occurred prior to the onset of sexual maturity. This apparent ontogenetic shift to more exposed habitats with increasing size, especially in C. cuning, was also associated with a distinct behavioural profile: larger fish at the exposed sites travelled further off reef, occupied deeper habitats, and formed larger schools compared to smaller individuals. This study provides the first evidence of seascape-scale ontogenetic habitat shifts in a planktivorous reef fish, providing a foundation for future detailed analyses of the ecological roles of fusiliers.
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Artificial reefs (ARs) are one of the most popular means of supporting marine ecosystem conservation and coastal fisheries, particularly in developing countries. However, ARs generate complex socio-bio-economic interactions that require careful evaluation. This is particularly the case for ARs outside no-take zones, where fish might be subject to enhanced exploitation due to easier catchability. Here, we conducted an interdisciplinary study on how ARs impact fish and fishing yields, combining mathematical and sociological approaches. Both approaches converge to confirm that fishery yields decline when ARs are exploited as if they were open access areas. This situation typically occurs in areas with weak governance and/or high levels of illegal fishing activity, both of which are common in many developing countries. To avoid these adverse effects and their associated ecological consequences, we recommend prioritizing the onset of a long-term surveillance system against illegal fishing activities, and adapting design and location of the ARs based on both and local and academic knowledge, before the deployment of ARs.